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3288 adventures found
Cover of The Temple Between
The Temple Between
4th Edition
Level 9
68 pages

“The Temple Between” is an adventure for 9th level characters, and it is challenging enough to take them to 11th level by the time all is said and done. Although intended as the final chapter of the heroic tier portion of the Scales of War Adventure Path, it can be run as a standalone adventure, or as an adventure in a campaign of your own making, with a small degree of modification. It contains elements of urban investigation, dungeon delving, and even wartime conflict, making it a suitable adventure to players of many tastes and preferences. The western end of Elsir Vale has been greatly troubled in recent days. The threat of the orc hordes from beyond the Stonehome Mountains, though turned back at Bordrin’s Watch, still lingers in the people’s minds. Peculiar and hostile creatures of shadow lurk in the caverns and caves below. Political squabbling grows among the city’s powerful dwarf clans. All this makes the city particularly vulnerable to an enemy nobody saw coming - that nobody even imagined. This enemy has goals and objectives far beyond the ultimately unimportant Elsir Vale, but the first step is the utter subjugation of Overlook. An enemy who, at least in part, is already here. In this adventure the player characters start by investigating the strange behavior of the city's clergy. They swiftly discover hints of a conspiracy worming its way through the city hierarchy - some members are possessed while others have been replaced by dopplegangers. After trailing this conspiracy to its source they discover a portal that leads to an ancient temple in the mountains. Using the portal, the PCs go to the abandoned ancient temple where they must confront both a cadre of fey and a band of mercenaries, from whom they learn there is a plot for a full-scale invasion of the region! The PCs must them rush back to Overlook and cement their place as heroes as they face off against the invading forces. Pgs. 4-71

Cover of The Priest, the Witch, and the Lost Temple
The Priest, the Witch, and the Lost Temple
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
40 pages

The town of Whitehaven is beset with undead. The townsfolk are quick to blame the Witch of Whitehaven, who lives nearby with her partner in the Surbrin Hills. Yet a more insidious evil lurks in the midst of town, cloaked in a holy man’s robes. And far underground, an ancient evil artifact stirs. The town is in need of heroes. Will you answer the call?

Cover of Quoth the Raven
Quoth the Raven
3.5 Edition
Level 8
20 pages

Terror grips the city of Sharn. A serial killer stalks the streets and catalogues his slaughter in the annals of the city’s newspaper, to the delight and horror of its readers. To catch this elusive criminal, the PCs must match wits with an old adversary. Even beaten, scarred, and imprisoned, Viktor Saint-Demain is determined to have the final word. This is a sequel to Dungeon Magazine issue #133’s adventure “Chimes at Midnight”.

Cover of The Dreaming Caldera
The Dreaming Caldera
Levels 5–6
23 pages

The Dreaming Caldera involves the players infiltrating a volcano teeming with monsters that are intent on constructing a chaos god. The players must navigate through the hostile environment, disrupt the monstrous activities, and ultimately prevent a catastrophic event. 27 keyed locations Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of A Chase Through The Planes
A Chase Through The Planes
5th Edition
Levels 9–10
36 pages

“Traversing the planes of existence is no easy task. Only extremely talented and knowledgeable people could manage it.” A mysterious thief stole a dangerous artifact, called the Tome of The Stilled Tongue from the tower of Lady Blackstaff of Waterdeep, Vajra Safahr herself, leaving the tower by opening a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The archmage immediately calls the band of adventurers who are staying in town to chase down the thief and return the dangerous book to its place. This adventure can be used to kick-off a planar campaign or as a standalone one-shot. A Chase Through The Planes features: - An exciting journey across the multiple planes of existence: Elemental Plane of Fire, Shadowfell, Feywild, and Ysgard - Exploration of morkoth island and lair in the Astral Sea full of weird creatures, strange phenomenons, and dangerous encounters - Heavy use of Supernatural Regions from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything - High-quality battle maps, available in printer-friendlier and universal vtt format

Cover of Forgotten on the Isle of Mnemos
Forgotten on the Isle of Mnemos
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
98 pages

A band of shipwrecked adventurers awake to twilight on an uncharted jungle island to the Northwest of the Nalanthars with amnesia, little do they know the amnesia is recurrent at the completion of each long rest until an ancient curse powered by an incomplete Mythallar is lifted.

Cover of The Rise of Tiamat
The Rise of Tiamat
5th Edition
Levels 8–15
94 pages

The Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy crusade to bring Tiamat back to the Realms, and the situation grows more perilous for good people with each passing moment. The battle becomes increasingly political as opportunities to gather allies and gain advantage present themselves, all centered in Waterdeep. Continuation of Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

Cover of Madness in Freeport
Madness in Freeport
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–6
72 pages

Madness in Freeport, the final part of the Freeport Trilogy, details the final confrontation between the PCs, the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, and Sea Lord Milton Drac. In Part One, the Drac invites the PCs to the Grand Lighthouse Ball. Careful investigation can reveal the secret purpose of the lighthouse. In Parts Two and Three, the PCs must recover a powerful artifact to thwart the Brotherhood's plans. They must pass through an infamous pirate's hidden caves, then search a sunken temple of the serpent god Yig. In Part Four, the heroes must enter the Grand Lighthouse, AKA Milton's Folly, in a race against time to stop the Brotherhood's world-shaking master plan from coming to fruition. (Bibliographic note: This adventure was originally written for v.3.0, and later updated to the v.3.5 rules. The revised versions of Death, Terror, and Madness in Freeport were reprinted in an omnibus edition, along with two shorter filler adventures, as The Freeport Edition: Five Year Anniversary Edition.)

Cover of I11 Needle
I11 Needle
Levels 8–10
48 pages

The king's notice asked for adventurers to undertake a mission to a far land. It was marked with the rune for "high danger, high reward" so of course you volunteered. The king has heard of a great obelisk that towers over a ruined city in a far country. He wants to know more about the obelisk and its strange powers. Your job is to find the obelisk and bring back a report to the king. The mission seems absurdly easy...until you reach the jungle. Don't think the king is through with you if you get back to the capital city alive. You haven't seen the last of that jungle yet. Is a share in the spoils of an ancient civilization worth the risk? Don't forget to pack you bug repellent! TSR 9187

Cover of The Forgotten Temple
The Forgotten Temple
5th Edition
Level 9
25 pages

In the fortified city of Port Nyanzaru the situation grows volatile. Reports of mysterious strangers from unknown lands, that are trespassing forbidden holy grounds far within the jungle, have caused great turmoil in the city’s foreign relations with the local tribes. The players must travel through the deadly jungles of Chult towards the ruins of ancient Mezro, and confront an ancient religious sect of gruesome practices, charged with keeping imprisoned the right-hand servant of a Primordial evil- Dendar the Night Serpent. Will the ancient evil be unleashed once more in the world, or will the heroes be victorious? The fate of the world lies on their hands.

Cover of Don't Leave the Path
Don't Leave the Path
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
13 pages

The companions find adventure outside Lake-town and are given the chance to discover why even the hardiest of adventurers shun the forest of Mirkwood and its depths. In the process, they go and see Elves, meet a crazed hermit, and stumble into a wood of ancient and angry trees. Published by Cubicle7

Cover of In the Dwarven King's Court
In the Dwarven King's Court
Levels 3–5
17 pages

The game is afoot in the royal palace. A thief prowls the dwarven palace, but even more goes on than meets the eye. Set in in a dwarven kingdom, a peace treaty with an aggressive rival kingdom is to be signed with ceremonial gifts exchanged to mark the occasion. However the treaty is put in jeopardy when the ceremonial sword that was gifted to the kingdom is stolen before the signing. The adventure begins when the characters receive a vision that directs them to help the kingdom. They must investigate the mystery of the missing sword, navigating a diverse cast of palace dwarves in order to preserve peace in the kingdom. A tale of intrigue, can the heroes find the sword before it is too late? Pgs. 16-32

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King
Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–3
36 pages

Remember the golden days of role-playing, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Well, those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics feature bloody combat, intriguing dungeons, and no NPCs who aren’t meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know must be there somewhere. In Idylls of the Rat King, goblin bandits are once again attacking the silver caravans, killing innocent miners and stealing cargo. The goblins have taken up residence in an abandoned mine northwest of Silverton. Someone must get rid of them. But this is no ordinary abandoned mine. It was deliberately barricaded generations ago when the Gannu family, founders of Silverton, discovered an unspeakable evil on its lowest levels. And these are no ordinary goblins, for the curse of the Gannu family courses through their veins…

Cover of The Desecrated Church
The Desecrated Church
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

This is a short adventure than can be completed in a single session, for 4-5 players of 1st level. The old church at the edge of town has long been abandoned, but a week ago several robed figures arrived in town and have taken up residence in the old church. Since then, the townsfolk claim to have seen a strange mist around the building, and several folks have gone missing. Little do they know, these cultists have awoken a long dead necromancer, who seeks to bind a dark power to its will.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Quest #2: Unforgiving Fire
Pathfinder Society Quest #2: Unforgiving Fire
Pathfinder 2e
Levels 1–4
20 pages

Venture-Captain Rashmivati Melipdra has called for a group of Pathfinders to travel to Jalmeray and assist her in retrieving a stolen relic. A former member of the Monastery of Unblinking Flame, Melipdra was in the process of negotiating with the monastery for custody of some of their most ancient and historically significant training devices. Before the deal could be completed, a rogue monk stole one of the relics and fled the monastery for the island of Veedesha. There, the monk seeks to use her training and the stolen devices to create a new competing monastery. As the PCs travel to a lawless island controlled by bandits and martial artists, they must find a way to retrieve the stolen goods from the new master of the Monastery of Unforgiving Fire.

Cover of ASE1: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
ASE1: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
Levels 1–2
87 pages

"Put those dark elves back in their box and get your gonzo on! Riches, glory, and super-science await the bold and the clever in the deep places under the ground. This module describes the dinosaur- and wizard-infested future of the Earth, the city of Denethix, and the first level of the megadungeon that beckons from below: the Anomalous Subsurface Environment." Set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth's remains are explored through dungeons filled with ancient tech, magic, and bizarre ecosystems, inhabited by various factions with their own agendas. This setting blends sci-fi and fantasy with a touch of the absurd, offering a playground for imaginative gameplay and storytelling. The module includes a gatehouse and the first level of the Anomalous Subsurface Environment, each designed with multiple pathways. Unique twists on monsters and magic items. Written for Labyrinth Lord

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #4: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
Levels 1–5
16 pages

Skelg the Ripper, envoy from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, lies wasting in his villa on the outskirts of Absalom. A frigid curse followed Skelg from his northern homeland and grips his bearish heart in its frosty embrace. As the bizarre freezing ailment pushes Skelg to the brink of death, the Society dispatches you and your fellow Pathfinders to uncover the secrets of the freezing curse before Absalom falls to its icy grip.

Cover of Dreams of Dissension
Dreams of Dissension
5th Edition
Level 4
26 pages

The people of the hill have brought Cinderstorm’s wrath upon them. If you want to save them, find me beyond the stepping stones in the Whispering Woods. Dreams of Dissension is a 5E adventure filled with mystery, conflict, and spirits set on the edge of a frigid forest. The adventure is designed for characters of 4th level, and should provide enough content for two or three game sessions. These 25 pages are filled with marvelous art and reveal 4 new magic items and 6 original creatures. The supplement includes 4 fully-printable battlemapsmade specifically for the encounters in this adventure (VTT versions are also available for download). Published by Beyond the Screen

Cover of AT3.5 A Wall Beyond Fury
AT3.5 A Wall Beyond Fury
Levels 5–7
5 pages

A Wall Beyond Fury is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in the Folio #13 (AT3 Playing Down the Dawn). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their fight against House Vash. The blood fued with the Vash is almost at an end, but the abduction of a former ally and a last cog in the Vash machine must be taken care of. Now, the heroes must enter the Ebon Swamp in search of answers and revenge if they hope to finally put an end to all that has befallen them since they first entered the great city of Taux. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–6
128 pages

An ancient gate to the abyss lies undisturbed in the Valley of Obelisks. Sinister forces seek to reactivate the gate for their own ends, can the heroes stop them in time?