A community for lazy dungeon masters
3288 adventures found
Cover of Trouble in Waterdeep
Trouble in Waterdeep
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
21 pages

The plague-stricken Copper District of Waterdeep's Southern Ward needs your help. What is causing the plague? Can it be stopped? Are you the right person for the job? Published by Arcana Games.

Cover of Curse of the Maggot God
Curse of the Maggot God
Levels 2–3
10 pages

A level 2–3 sewer adventure by Glynn Seal. PCs plumb fetid sewers and recently-revealed secret halls, in search of a lost worker. In these forsaken chambers, they may find answers and treasures, but may also come face-to-face with a bloated monstrosity and its depraved followers. For Old-School Essentials (OSE) Included as one of four adventures in "Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1"

Cover of FN4 - Recovery of the Intrepid
FN4 - Recovery of the Intrepid
Levels 3–6
24 pages

"Yea I knows of a job for the likes of you" the bartender says as he wipes off the table. "This wizard who lives near the shore about two or three days ride lost somethin' he was expected on the ship The Intrepid. I hear he wants the cargo back and is willing to pay good coin for it to any who'd chance going into the Lake of Chaos." A grizzled old man in the corner gasps and says “any would want to go into that sea gots to be crazy. Aye, that wizard is lookin' for some crazy people. That waters haunted by dead sailors". "Oh come on” Telkall the bartender continues "you know that’s just an old story to keep kids away from the water. I'm sure it’s going to be an easy job for the likes you. You all appear to be quite able to take care of yourself. Go down the coast road for about two days if yer on horses and you'll see a stone tower. Ask for Kresellus ... he's the one you'll be lookin' for. Oh, and tell him Wolfgar sent ya ... if you could." Well things were getting boring at the Dead Orc Inn anyway.

Cover of Encounters in Icewind Dale
Encounters in Icewind Dale
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
52 pages

Encounters in Icewind Dale is a 5e supplement that consists of 24 encounters ranging from short to long one, some even could be considered micro-adventures! The supplement is meant to enrich your game, whether it passes in Icewind Dale or in any other arctic setting! The encounters are based on exploration, social interaction and combat!

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #80: Intrigue at the Court of Chaos
Dungeon Crawl Classics #80: Intrigue at the Court of Chaos
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
28 pages

At the mercy of Chaos! Abducted by the Court of Chaos, the adventurers face hard choices if they want to return home. The Host of Chaos desires a legendary artifact held by the Scions of Law and need patsies to retrieve it. Faced with an eternity of servitude, the party must sneak into the Plane of Law and steal the Yokeless Egg from under its guardians’ watch. But not all is what it appears when the Court of Chaos is concerned and serving the Host may destroy the party from within. Can they survive the Intrigue At the Court of Chaos?

Cover of The Horn of Plenty
The Horn of Plenty
5th Edition
Level 4
6 pages

Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons without spending a penny! This fourth-level adventure is designed to work with the free basic rules offered by Wizards of the Coast. You and your friends can explore, battle and roleplay without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some pizza for the DM! Will You Right a Wrong? When a powerful magic item is stolen from a wealthy farming association, the leaders turn to a band of reliable and - most importantly - discrete adventurers to retrieve it. Their journey takes them into a cave system filled with sickness and rot, and thrusts them into a debate over applying magical solutions to practical problems. Where will their loyalties fall when forced to make a tough choice? Includes: Hi-res copy of dungeon map Print-friendly version Continue the path to adventure!

Cover of Blood Throne of Maglubiyet
Blood Throne of Maglubiyet
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
14 pages

Urban Uprising and Oldschool Dungeon Crawling. A hobgoblin horde has subjugated the city for Freystand, searching for a relic of their god. Will the heroes save the town from the tyrannical hobgoblins? Will they discover the true purpose of the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet? Work with the rebels of Freystand to sabotage the hobgoblin's by completing objectives in the city. Crawl the warrens to find and destroy the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet. Discover the true purpose of the throne and cosmic horror that threatens the world. Designed like an old-school dungeon crawl but with modern sensibilites.

Cover of AC10 Bestiary of Dragons and Giants
AC10 Bestiary of Dragons and Giants
Levels 1–30
75 pages

Red dragons. Storm giants. Dragon rulers. Frost giants. They're all here, in this book, in complete, ready-to-play mini-adventures. No matter what level your characters are, there is something here for you (and them). Need a diversion? Want to spice up a long-running campaign? Want to play, but don't have more than an hour or so? This is the book for your gaming group. As DM, you have everything you'll need to play right at your fingertips. As players, you'll have challenges worthy of your characters. This book has something for everyone. This product includes a random spell generator for dragons, complete with instructions. Contains 14 adventures. TSR 9211

Cover of FN3 - Warrens of the Trog King
FN3 - Warrens of the Trog King
Levels 3–5
11 pages

Local farmers have been coming into Feastelburg recently recounting harrowing stories of a growing number of attacks upon the land. Farmers and travelers have decidedly noted that the creatures causing the problems are troglodytes. The creatures seem to be becoming bolder in their attacks as initially they were at night under cover of darkness. The last several attacks have occurred during daylight and the recent reports have included chasing down and murdering farmers and pilgrims alike. Several farms have been put to the torch and it has the town on edge.

Cover of The Singing Stones
The Singing Stones
Levels 3–5
26 pages

"Investigate a mystical valley where stones can speak and monsters roam." "The Singing Stones" is a wilderness, point-crawl adventure for characters levels 3-5. It is set in a mystical valley known as Opera Valley, which is filled with sentient, speaking stones. It emphasizes exploration, interaction with unique environmental features, and solving mysteries through dialogue and puzzle-solving rather than straightforward combat. 23 keyed locations Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
Levels 1–6
20 pages

Why Go to the Ruinous Palace? 1. Old Gold to be Stolen from Old Places 2. Rumors of Supernatural Fecundity and Ruination. What wizard would not wish to study such? 3. Nearby communities are hemorrhaging Livestock. The Dragon learns to hunt and gather. 4. A forest Unmolested for centuries… could become a fortune in Timber. Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos is a new adventure from In Search of Games for your standard dungeon fantasy game. It's easily inserted into any campaign, requiring little modification to adapt to any of a number of dungeon fantasy systems (we recommend Lamentations of the Flame Princess). While written for levels 1-3, the adventure works well with parties level 4-6 as well.

Cover of A Miner Problem
A Miner Problem
5th Edition
Level 2
? pages

You are hired by a mine operator to retrieve the mine's gnomish engineer who has barricaded himself in the mine's lower reaches. But there's more going on than just a crazy gnome and his robots sabotaging the mine. You'll need to explore the forest, build alliances, and brave a rollercoaster ride on a mine cart to get to the bottom of this adventure (pun intended). This is a gamebook-style solo adventure that you can play in your browser. You make a 2nd level character sheet, roll your own dice, keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and are on your honor to be honest. It's all text-based with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice.

Cover of The Broken Tower
The Broken Tower
4th Edition
Level 2
6 pages

Ages ago, the tower stood as a bastion against banditry and marauders. But civilization has long since retreated from this area, and a band of goblin thieves has taken up residence in the ruined tower. Local woodsfolk beg the PCs to rid the place of the bandits before they are victimized again by the goblins of the Broken Tower. Pgs. 18-23

Cover of White Dragon Mountain
White Dragon Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
20 pages

A 20th level one-shot "An ancient white dragon guards a mystical portal. Its power grows and threatens the world with eternal winter. Can the adventurers close the portal and defeat the dragon? Or will they end up just another frozen snack?" Not sure of what to throw at your epic level players? Try this! This 20-page, 4-6 hour adventure is sure to give them a chance to prove their worth. It includes... - An arctic location adaptable for any campaign - Three large battle maps - Action-oriented stat blocks for all monsters - Snow weirds! - ...and other stuff! Perfect as a high-level one-shot or a campaign finale.

Cover of Smashing Pumpkins!
Smashing Pumpkins!
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
80 pages

Reeve Dunder Chorley has an offer you can’t refuse - perform at his village fete in exchange for a small fortune! Visit picturesque Brindlebury and dive into country life! Judge pumpkins, show off your skills, fight Elder gods… Smashing Pumpkins is a 5e Folk Horror adventure for a level 3-5 party. The adventure has five parts, four of which are set in a rural, sand-box locale. Total playing time is around 12 hours or 4 sessions, based on a party of 4 adventurers playing at Level 3. It can be played as a one-shot or part of a larger campaign. Included within the 80-page booklet: Over 12+ hours of gaming in an immersive sandbox environment full of interesting locales and encounters. Catchy narrative hooks, side-quests and minigames to draw your players in with hours of atmospheric play. 7 intricately detailed, full-colour maps (also included as jpegs for digital play) and over 15 interactive and eccentric NPCS. GRAB A CIDER AND JOIN THE REAP!

Cover of Demonheart
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–8
96 pages

Demonheart is a D20 adventure campaign for 4-5 characters. As it is a long and fairly involved story, characters should be level 6-8 when they begin and will earn enough experience to rise to levels 10-12. Demonheart includes many opportunities for both combat and roleplaying. At least one fighter-type is required, and given the wild, frontier nature of the campaign, a ranger’s skills would be especially useful. Stealth and intrigue also favor rogue characters, while a cleric, particularly from a martial order who can fight well would find plenty of opportunity to use his or her powers against the undead and evil outsiders. Demonheart also takes place in a wilderness setting where ancient magic abounds, and the special nature skills of a druid will help the party to make friends with some of the land’s fey or wild elvish inhabitants. Sorcerers and wizards will likewise find use for their talents, but those who understand divine or druidic magic may be more important than arcanists. As this adventure involves the struggle against evil, both ancient and resurgent, the party’s overall alignment should be good, though individuals of other alignments may be tempted to use the ancient magic of the forest for their own ends, or even join with the forces of evil!

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #76.5: Well of the Worm
Dungeon Crawl Classics #76.5: Well of the Worm
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
16 pages

In ages long past and best forgotten, the world was ruled by worms. Deep within dreaming jungles, and high atop monolithic temples, fell priests sacrificed the blood of man and his kith to the mammoth war-worms. One wizard would return the world to the rule of the worm. From deep within the blood-soaked earth, calling upon the spirits of the slain and blood of the dying, rising from the moldering bones of fallen warriors, the war-worms have returned. Their foul Mother – last of her kin – births more crawling horrors with every passing hour. The age of the worm is once more upon us. The call is sounded: Who will rise to purge the darkness?

Cover of The Vault of Iptiz
The Vault of Iptiz
5th Edition
Level 5
9 pages

There is the well-known regional legend of Iptiz, a spirit naga whose greed was remarkable even among its own kind. Murderous raids and relentless pillaging yielded a hoard so valuable that the creature needed some place to store and protect it. Thus was the Vault conceived: an underground complex custom built to destroy anyone who is not its creator. Years ago, Iptiz's campaign of terror suddenly ended without precursor or cause. The location of the Vault was never discovered. Until now. The ring-city of Sulindal, built upon the shores of a mile-wide desert oasis, has come under martial law by an invading army of yuan-ti. They intend to exploit the resources in this renowned city of knowledge to locate the third and final Beacon of Selune. ...but for what purpose? A four to six hour adventure for four 5th level players.

Cover of N2 The Forest Oracle
N2 The Forest Oracle
Levels 2–4
32 pages

Crops wilt, leaves wither on the trees, and animals must leave the once-fertile Downs valley or die. All who dwell there must abandon their homes or perish-- unless your party can lift the curse TSR 9084

Cover of FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
5th Edition
Level 3
20 pages

This adventure begins with a message delivery to the post commander in Penchant. Sadly for your PC Lt. Kateryn Hawtrey is gone and the PC will need to wait until her return. While wandering through town yelling is heard and someone is in trouble. Investigation reveals that a small child has fallen into one of the town’s wells and needs help getting out. While forming a rescue plan the child, CeCe, screams and disappears from sight. Is your player brave enough to venture into the darkness alone? As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!