When old ruins are discovered, rumors swirl about the lost owner's magical blade. This scenario involves an overland crossing and a dungeon delve and none of it will be easy for the players.
The player characters are part of a local militia that is investigating a series of werewolf attacks on local villages. Forced by a winter storm to seek refuge in the village of Moondale, the PCs find themselves trapped with the murderous beast, and must determine the werewolf's true identity before they become its next victims. TSR 9336
Below the streets of Waterdeep a new gang of goblins have moved in and have started stealing anything and everything. It now has become incumbent on the characters to go into their lair and deal with this rogue band of goblins.
Not so deep in Lake Marione an amulet sinks. This adventure is set in the town of Marione where PCs will be asked to retrieve a lost amulet. I hope you enjoy the adventure! A D&D 5e One-Shot Adventure
A short plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for Tier II or III characters. The Forest Forge is a secret dwarven forge under the protection of the Grey company of Dwarves. A secret organization that have sworn their lives to the protection of Moradin's blessed flame. However, through some trickery they have been exposed. Now the characters either because they need something crafted or because they are chasing the perpetrators find the forge's flame extinguished and only they can stop the fiends that are responsible. This adventure is ideal for for tier II and III characters. Playable as a one shot or the start of a larger campaign. The adventure comes with various maps, encounters and enemies that make this customizable for all parties based on your characters power and level as needed. The adventure comes complete with the following: - Full 13 page PDF adventure file. - 8 Parchment style DM and Player maps ready for VTT use. - 8 Printer friendly DM and Player maps ready for VTT well as printer friendly DM and Player maps that are VTT ready. - 1” diameter tokens ready to be cut out for use in person as well as files for use in a VTT
Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The adventure takes place in a buried temple crypt, which has been sealed for centuries. Dungeon Masters can adjust it for higher-level characters by expanding the dead magic areas and increasing the number and power of constructs and undead that inhabit the complex. Some things are best left untouched, and some secrets are best left untold. One such secret is the location of the resting place of the traitor Ellowyn Blacktree. Her body has lain undisturbed for centuries, undead but immobile, in the prison the elves created for her. The elven histories tell that Ellowyn was a powerful wizard back in a time beyond human reckoning. While others worked diligently to learn magic, Ellowyn's arcane powers came to her quickly. In her youth, she called this a blessing from Corellon Larethian, and she worked diligently to serve him for the good of all elvenkind. In time, she became one of seven female elves entrusted with the care of a mythal, or elven place of power, devoted to preserving the balance of magic and nature. But Ellowyn, it is said, kept a terrible secret of her own: She had fallen in love with a drow whom history knows as Orith To'rellen. One dark winter night she betrayed her sisters, Corellon, and all of elvenkind by allowing Orith and the followers of Lolth to overrun and defile the mythal. Ellowyn herself was then betrayed by the drow, who abandoned her on the surface near a vampire's lair as they returned to their home in the Underdark, leaving her to face certain death and elven justice alone. In the depths of their grief and anger, the elves sentenced Ellowyn, perhaps unwisely, to dwell forever in the darkness that she had chosen, thus ensuring that she never followed the normal path of life and death that most elves take. Many elves died at her hands before they could restrain her. With terrible spells rarely seen even in that ancient time, they bound her in an underground crypt far away from any living thing. There, the legends say, she waits, nursing a terrible hatred against elves, drow, Corellon, Lolth, and especially Orith To'rellen.
The Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path begins with "The Hellfire Compact," an exciting new adventure in which the players take the roles of evil characters in the diabolical empire of Cheliax! A paladin of Iomedae and knight-errant of the Glorious Reclamation comes to the town of Longacre, inspiring the citizens to join the uprising against the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. First as amoral mercenaries, then as retainers of the wicked archbaron of Longacre, the evil adventurers must move quickly to put down the insurgency and keep the town from falling to the knight's rebellion.
An Epic Adventure They're some of the greatest heroes the world has ever seen, but when they are plucked from their own time and tasked with saving the world - and possibly much more besides - one last time, will they be up to the challenge? Taking D&D to the Limit Epic-level D&D is something that every gamer should get to play around with at least once. However, this is something that most groups struggle to achieve. Most committed players have some sort of idealized character hanging round in the back of their head, designed to take advantage of all the abilities on offer when you get 20 levels under your belt, but they rarely get to use them. Which is where To the End of Time comes in. What is This Adventure? This one-shot is designed to give players a taste of epic level adventuring without the need for two years of campaigning first. It can be completed in a single long session, or two or three shorter ones and should be relatively straightforward to run. The players get to pick from pre-generated epic-level heroes (downloadable free from winghornpress.com) or create their own, complete with backstories of valor and adventure. At the very moment of their death, these titanic heroes are plucked from their own time by a powerful angel and tasked with saving the world - and possibly much more besides - one last time. Over the course of their adventure the party will encounter all manner of powerful creatures far beyond the reach of regular adventurers, and face tasks that would leave even stout-hearted heroes dumbstruck. So sit down and grab some dice… it’s going to be a long night.
The Search and Locate Treasure Consortium funded an ill-fated mission into the wastes of Thar. They are unsure if faction infighting or monsters got the best of their expedition team as they followed a map to locate a supposed lost tomb. What dangers and treasures await the party as they go seeking rumors of riches?
Five exciting short adventures to make your Basic campaign come alive! The Clearing of Castle Caldwell - A local merchant has recently purchased a small castle... but when he tried to move in, he discovered that the castle was already inhabited! Dungeons of Terror - A strange trapdoor in the floor of Castle Caldwell leads to a terrifying challenge! The Abduction of Princess Sylvia - On the eve of her wedding, the beautiful princess has been kidnapped! Can you save her in time? The Great Escape - Imprisoned in an enemy fortress, without armor or weapons, your situation seems hopeless. Yet there may be a way to freedom... The Sanctuary of Elwyn the Ardent - A mystical chime of great power has been stolen - but by whom? In the wrong hands, the chime can cause untold harm! But can you find and defeat this mysterious and powerful creature? TSR 9143
Soburin’s human nobility are not the only rulers that are in need of outside agents since the corrupting fogs reappeared; even oni warlords have found the Mists of Akuma to bring challenges, obstacles, and threats beyond their ken. Yona, the undisputed master of the secret city of Tsukisasu, lost control of her throne only a few weeks ago to a strange creature that capered out of a storm intermingled with the supernatural haze, and her agent Xiqzoxix is keen to remove the usurper as soon as possible. The PCs are the group ze has chosen for this momentous task and should they accept the oni bengoshi’s offer, a deadly set of trials await them on top of the mountain—though the longer they dally, the more powerful their adversary grows. To defeat Obiemashita the party will have to first find Tsukisasu, covertly investigate the town, and then disrupt the yai sovereign of storm’s rituals and slay it before all hell breaks loose, spilling untold violence down onto the already embattled lands of the prefectures below! Will you conquer Tsukisasu or be subsumed by the storm? In The Yai Sovereign of Storms you’ll find… A monstrous adventure set in Mists of Akuma, an eastern fantasy noir steampunk campaign setting for the latest edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game The secret monstrous city of Tsukisasu and a collection of its oni citizens 2 maps by cartographer Mike Myler: the hidden settlement of Tsukisasu as well as Yona’s Fortress The Mists of Akuma themselves and the new misted condition 2 new attributes to posit the unique aspects of the campaign setting in the minds of your players: Dignity and Haitoku The adeddo-oni template and 10 new monsters: adeddo-oni hunchlings, adeddo-oni samurai, adeddo-oni ninja, gaki, hebikontorra, monsuthant, tikbalang, Xiqzoxix the oni bengoshi, the Katana of Rizushi Kantaro, and the Yai Sovereign of Storms Obiemashita
This dungeon is suitable as a one-shot or drop-in for characters between levels 12 and 17. Taken from the Against the Idol of the Sun high-level hexcrawl campaign, the Death Knight's Tomb is a location-based exploration adventure. It features increasing localized time distortions that ultimately pit the party in a fight against an ogre Death Knight and his minions who just destroyed an elven time lab over ten millenia ago, which is just a few seconds ago in relative terms at the bottom level. There are six distinct sections to the dungeon containing four combat encounters of increasing difficulty. As written, the party enters the structure to rescue an overly adventurous Scorpionfolk couple and their rescuers, but they can be omitted or rewritten to any other species.
It's only a flesh wound. This roadkill isn't as harmless as it looks. Reports abound of brigands and hobgoblins attacking travelers in the area. Though there were brigands, the attacks are the work of a Thoul (magical combination of a hobgoblin, ghoul, and troll). The Thoul is playing dead in the road to attract prey. It has been doing this successfully for a number of days now with the help of its mate, a second Thoul hiding nearby. The PCs must defeat the Thouls to keep the road safe for travelers between the local towns. Pgs. 26-27
A museum of the Mad Archmage, it contains curiosities and treasures from all over the multiverse, and the challenges of the Watery Caves, which are a series of living caves connected by an underground river. This adventure can be used as an expansion to the Castle of the Mad Archmage mega-dungeon adventure, or as a stand-alone adventure. Published by BRW Games
By any other name A jewel rose has been stole and its up to the PCs to recover it in this arabain themed adventure. Pgs. 28-47 & 65
Ruins of the Grendleroot is a book of ten easy-to-prep and easy-to-run adventures for the fifth edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game. Designed for characters of 1st to 5th level, these adventures take place in the caverns, chambers, tunnels, and ruins of Blackclaw Mountain, within which lurks a strange otherworldly sentience known as the Grendleroot. Ruins of the Grendleroot focuses on the sense of mystery and wonder that comes from exploring ancient ruins and lost chambers. The central hub of these adventures, Deepdelver's Enclave, is a frontier outpost overlooking the ruined city of Shadowreach, set deep within the mountain. In Deepdelver's Enclave, adventurers and explorers recount tales of their explorations, trade treasure and artifacts, and enjoy their shared love of uncovering the mysteries of the mountain.
The Necropolis of Nuromen is a modular quest designed to let the referee introduce a group of 1st level characters to the thrills of Underworld exploration as they attempt to unravel they secrets of the evil necromancer’s lair and deal with some bandits, too. The Necropolis of Nuromen is set in a fantasy realm, beginning near the small town of Camlann Castle and leading adventurers to explore the sinister Necropolis of Nuromen. The narrative unfolds around Nuromen the Necromancer, who fell to ruin by dabbling in forbidden magic, leading to the downfall of his tower and the town known as Law's End. The adventure includes exploration of a haunted forest, encounters with various creatures, and a quest for lost treasures and magical artifacts hidden within the depths of the necropolis. To play this adventure you also require the BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules or the BLUEHOLME™ Journeymanne Rules. This is an updated Version of "Maze of Nuromen" from 2013.
We’ve been running these fights since before my granddaddy helped drive them gnolls out. We have a proud history of taking care of the animals, too—we get ’em as pups from the dwarves up in Granitehold. Sure it’s bloody, but you’re not in the sot lands of kings and queens anymore, are you. Say, did you hear that?
Of all the inhospitable domains in the RAVENLOFT@ campaign world, Bluetspur is the cruelest and most gruesome. Nothing grows in the endless night, and lightning periodically falls like rain. The only place to escape those storms is inside the mind flayers' complex under Mt. Makab, but that is the last place where any sane person would want to go. The High Master Illithid has been hatching black plots by hatching vampiric mind flayers in his laboratories! His prodigies are horribly insane, but if he can complete his plans, he will achieve a new level of dark immortality. A pair of heroes has stolen the key to his success, but they have paid a heavy price for their bravery and are in desperate need of aid unlooked for. Meanwhile, the Lord of the Realm watches over the proceedings and plays havoc with the wits of both sides, sapping strength and will with all-powerful thoughts of darkness. A party of adventurers will need all of their skills to escape this black domain without the loss of life, power, or sanity! Enter now the perpetual twilight realm of Bluetspur, home to mind flayers, a land of relentless nightmares. There's no rest for the wicked or the good in this domain. Once caught within the borders of this desolate land, the characters must complete their mission without delay or lose their minds and become slaves of the Lord of Bluetspur. TSR 9264, from 1992
Order of the Goat is an introductory adventure that is 1/3 of a mini campaign designed to take a group of PCs on the road to 6th level. The Kingdom of Neville is an aging monarchy that is currently being attacked from all sides. The current threat that the PCs will be dealing with is a group of brigands known as “The Triad”. This group is coming out of the wastelands and are attempting to cut the kingdom in half so that they can take it as their own. This adventure offers a wide area to be investigate with multiple encounters of varying difficulty. While best used in conjunction with the other adventures, it can easily be dissected as one-shots or as a quick scenario in your own campaign!