A community for lazy dungeon masters
3296 adventures found
Cover of Temple of the Mad Dragon Priestess
Temple of the Mad Dragon Priestess
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Blackstone Cave was once a smugglers’ lair, but it was cleared out decades ago. Now there are strange noises coming from the cave, and local authorities are afraid smugglers and bandits have taken up operations again. What will the adventurers find? More importantly, will they be able to survive the machinations of the Mad Dragon Priestess? A straightforward dungeon crawl with combat and opportunities for role-playing. The party is tasked with investigating strange noises coming from Blackstone Cave, an abandoned smuggler's lair. They find kobold cultists have moved in, but they're not the average dragon cultists.

Cover of CCC-GLIP-01-02 Beneath Glip Dak
CCC-GLIP-01-02 Beneath Glip Dak
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
39 pages

A series of unusual heists has both the thieves’ guild and city guard scrambling to uncover the culprits before the burglaries destabilize the thriving trade within the city, threatening the budding kingdom the Kroth Magg have fought and died to forge.

Cover of HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon
HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon
Level 1
248 pages

A new megadungeon from Three Castles Award Winner (2018) and Barrowmaze author Dr. Greg Gillespie! HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon is a 246-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing games/clone. The pages of HighFell are crammed full with new material, maps, and art, including a colour cover by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus (that matches Barrowmaze Complete and The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia as sister-books). HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. HighFell is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).

Cover of A2 The Cursed House
A2 The Cursed House
Levels 1–3
24 pages

“A curse has hit Baron Ananias Galvan, the result of his son Philipe’s bad deeds. The young nobleman dishonored the beautiful daughter of Lady Josefa, the beautiful Joana, and did not commit to the girl. The Lady Josefa, a woman of knowledge of magic and necromancy, cursed the nobleman’s son and all his servants. Philipe was turned into an undead, and his property cursed. Baron Ananias hires heroes to invade the place and break the spell to bring the nobleman’s son back to his normal condition. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to face a horde of Zombies and unknown dangers. There are rumors that the property where Philipe lives is the secret to breaking this spell, but it is said that Lady Josefa didn’t only place Zombies on the site. Skeletons of dead people attack the unwary and there is a rumor that even a lich is present on such a property. Is this true, or is it the exaggeration of scared peasants?” Cursed House is a “One Shot” style adventure, one that you can play in an afternoon or fit into your larger campaign. This adventure is designed for up to 4 players from level 1 to 3. We recommend using the DCC, OSE, BX books or the old D&D books. Have Fun!

Cover of The Low Crater
The Low Crater
5th Edition
Level 6
16 pages

Will You Venture Into the Low Crater? When the party stumbles across a ragged, battle-scarred band of knights they are amazed to hear that the hardy veterans were soundly beaten by mere kobolds. The crafty little fiends have set up in the rubble of a fallen Earthmote thought to be home to a long-dead dragon and - more importantly - its horde. When the Sable Spears charged in to drive them out, however, they were confronted with ambushes, traps and a whole lot of pain. Dare you venture where the Sable Spears failed, and explore the Low Crater in search of treasure, glory and adventure? Or will you join the sheepish ranks of adventurers turned aside by the prospect of tangling with Kobolds? Take your party through an adventure that will teach them that CR isn't everything, and that even the weakest foe can prove dangerous when they're cornered (though having the power to animate long-dead dragon bones helps too, of course).

Cover of Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
95 pages

There have been disturbing signs over the last few months, signalling that something is wrong in Humblewood. The troubles appear to originate from activity in the Scorched Grove, an ashen plain that was ravaged many centuries ago by a destructive fire. Whatever caused the fire has scarred the land with elemental magic, making it inhospitable to all but strange fire-based creatures. Of late, the Grove has begun to expand. At first, it was hard to notice the slow expansion, but those in tune with nature (especially the Tenders) could see the imbalance in the elemental forces of Humblewood. For many common folk, this imbalance has been experienced as unseasonal dryness, which has led to crop failure and an increased frequency of forest fires. There have also been a number of unusually aggressive emberbat clouds reported far outside of their natural ranges. The true nature of the danger still remains hidden from the people of the Wood. A corvum necromancer named Odwald Ebonhart has stirred the elemental aspect of fire, which has lain dormant beneath the Scorched Grove since its first burning. The aspect’s energies have begun to empower fire-based creatures within the Wood. The increased range of emberbat swarms have brought fires that have expanded the Grove. Many forest-dwellers, who have been left without homes, have turned to banditry to survive. Soon the elemental incarnation will break free, and players must find a way to stop the aspect of fire before it reduces the Wood to ashes.

Cover of Oddities & Odysseys: The Night Fiend of Ravenloft
Oddities & Odysseys: The Night Fiend of Ravenloft
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
15 pages

Village children are disappearing in the dead of night. Are the characters willing to risk their very souls to stop the Night Fiend? This adventure is a short side quest designed for the Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft setting and easily merged into Curse of Strahd by Wizards of the Coast. It features a powerful ghostly villain who brings the heroes to the brink of death. The only way to defeat this ethereal foe is to battle him on equal terms, spirit against spirit.

Cover of F12 - Bastion of the Giants
F12 - Bastion of the Giants
Levels 6–10
19 pages

For years the Verbeeg clan on Clover Island has lived peacefully with the human settlement of Corsair Bay. A peace treaty has remained in effect that both groups attested to and have lived by. Recently the annual tribute that is to be paid to the giants has not come and now the giants are preparing for battle. Can your party go and act as an envoy to the giants or will they choose to go to war against them?

Cover of CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

A group of dwarves in the Hulburg region are in need of help. Strange lights have been seen at night and a deadly terror has struck their mining camp. Venture into the ancient ruins and discover the source of this terror before it's too late.

Cover of Seekers of the Ashen Crown
Seekers of the Ashen Crown
4th Edition
Levels 2–5
96 pages

Will the adventurers be able to thwart the machinations of a mad dragon in the hopes of saving the city of Sharn from certain destruction? Is the slinky elven maiden really in trouble or working for the enemy? Is the body in the morgue really the center of this whole puzzle or merely one piece? This adventure, in the style of a Dashiell Hammett novel, will certainly test their skill and resolve. This is the first full adventure for Eberron with the 4th edition D&D(R) rules. This adventure builds on the sample adventure provided in the Eberron Campaign Guide but is also playable as a stand-alone adventure.

Cover of Stonefast
Low Level
11 pages

Introductory adventure included with the 1991 "Black Box" edition of D&D

Cover of Floating Rock
Floating Rock
Levels 5–9
3 pages

While travelling across the ocean by ship, the party is attacked at night by by the infamous Floating Rock bugbears. What makes this band of pirates unique is their lair: they live on the shell of a gargantuan sleeping sea turtle as it drifts around in the ocean current. Pgs. 24-26

Cover of Tower of the Pale Lady
Tower of the Pale Lady
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

"A hundred-year curse caused by a group of adventurers slowly turned a tower and the hills around it into a region touched by the very finger of death, where life is incapable of thriving. As the curse grows in power and reach, on its way lie the town of Beregost, whose population now suffer, sicken and die every day under these nefarious powers. The government and local clerics infrutiferously attempt to remedy the situation, while desperately seeking any who could help them." Tower of the Pale Lady is a 4-hour adventure for a group of 1st-4th level characters. It is set in the town of Beregost, at the southern edge of the Sword Coast, in Faerûn, in Toril, in the Forgotten Realms. However, with little modifications, you can run this adventure in whatever world you wish. This adventure includes NPCs related to the story and to the Forgotten Realms, which might bring your players to other different plots as they play through. New ways of using old spells and items, presented as introduction to reinforce creative possibilities throughout play.

Cover of The Distraction
The Distraction
3.5 Edition
Level 3
12 pages

A bad of settlers awaits certain death upon the vicious blades of massing gnoll hordes. Can the PCs distract the ravenous army of savage humanoids long enough for reinforcements to arrive? A D&D adventure for 3rd-level characters.

Cover of Under Our Noses
Under Our Noses
5th Edition
Level 4
8 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has learned of a construct that would make an ideal guardian or soldier. Unfortunately the constructs creator is looking to sell this to The Crown. It is in Ebonclad's best interest to intercept this construct before its abilities can be demonstrated. The party plays the role of a group of saboteurs, required to sabotage or destroy a construct named Marx before it can be demonstrated to The Crown in less than a day’s time. The mission’s primary objective is to locate the construct Marx and destroy or sabotage it. If Marx is destroyed outright, the party will need a patsy to pin the crime on. If possible, the party should steal Eva Dalphane’s schematics for Marx, as well as investigate how the artificer brought the construct into the city undetected.

Cover of Shadows of Lastwatch Keep
Shadows of Lastwatch Keep
5th Edition
Level 4
14 pages

A fast-paced one-shot from the bestselling author of The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse! A shadowy force gathers inside the abandoned halls of Lastwatch Keep. Can the players defeat the drow invaders before they escape to the underworld with sinister intelligence about the surface? Shadows of Lastwatch Keep is a one-shot adventure for four or five 4th-level characters. It takes about 3-4 hours to complete and includes: -A drow strike team desperate to escape the keep’s surprise foe -A new monster, the drow commando -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -A beautiful, hand-drawn map by Jake from Beware the Wizard

Cover of Wedding Day
Wedding Day
Levels 1–2
8 pages

For better or for worse. It's up to you to make sure this is the happiest day of their lives - not the most embarrassing! A wedding and a jealous lover what could go wrong. A small and light hearted adventure perfect for kicking off a campaign in a city. Pgs. 50-57

Cover of Caves of Shadow
Caves of Shadow
3rd Edition
Level 1
15 pages

A "Fast Play" introductory adventure to Dungeons & Dragons. Rather than requiring a d20, it is written for 3d6, and is meants specifically to teach new players how to play the game. The story is a simple dungeon crawl: players enter a small cave system to investigate an orc attack. After defeating a few orcs, they find an ogre's den, and must fight the ogre.

Cover of The Trial of Heroes
The Trial of Heroes
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
6 pages

Players must prove their worth in this series of trials. Face the minotaur in his own maze, resist the allure of a crafty nymph, put on a show for the crowd as you face down an incubus / succubus duo in the arena, crawl through the muck and sneak past the demons that lie in wait, and finally use all of your creativity to navigate a glass golem through a gauntlet of traps. Another exciting blend of combat and puzzle-solving.

Cover of Crypts of Azarumme
Crypts of Azarumme
5th Edition
Level 3
17 pages

A beloved priest has gone missing, and sinister trouble stirs beneath the Church of St. Terragnis. Can the heroes rescue the victims of an age-old evil before it claims more innocent lives?