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3288 adventures found
Cover of Twisted Night
Twisted Night
3.5 Edition
Level 10
12 pages

The coastal village of Caer Garrion has mysteriously depopulated, and the only survivior, a lone prisoner in the local jail, has gone mad. What does this village's sinister fate portend for the Moonshae Isles?

Cover of CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
Levels 10–14
32 pages

"Taking an iron grip on his nerves, he strode confidently into the dark portal, naked steel in hand, and vanished within." (The Castle of Terror) Conan of Cimmeria Thoth-Amon, the greatest living sorcerer of the Hyborian Age, threatens the peace of Aquilonia. His tragic mistake is that he threatens Conan also, for Conan is now King of this mighty land. Conan and his companions, Pelias, Prospero, and Nzinga journey across the plains of Shem and Stygia to test their will and power against this wicked sorcerer. Battle with them to conquer the evil forces that endanger their land! TSR 9124

Cover of Jackal's Rift
Jackal's Rift
Levels 1–10
1 pages

A unique skill-challenge focused adventure on a perilous cliff wall! A rift descending adventure where certain doom is mere inches away at any given moment.

Cover of Encounters in Icewind Dale
Encounters in Icewind Dale
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
52 pages

Encounters in Icewind Dale is a 5e supplement that consists of 24 encounters ranging from short to long one, some even could be considered micro-adventures! The supplement is meant to enrich your game, whether it passes in Icewind Dale or in any other arctic setting! The encounters are based on exploration, social interaction and combat!

Cover of At the Heart of Corruption
At the Heart of Corruption
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

Bring a party of adventurers to a bustling city, where mysteries and dangers lurk around every turn. Just when you think you have the answers, a whole set of new questions arise. No matter which leads you follow, you will find yourselves... "At the Heart of Corruption" - one-shot murder mystery and fantasy horror adventure.

Cover of The Carver's Cave
The Carver's Cave
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
14 pages

While searching for a series of missing people in the Galago Hills, the party comes across a cave decorated with disturbingly life-like statues. What lurks in the cave isn’t anything as simple as a monstrous basilisk, however. After all, what evil could possibly be as dark and dangerous as that which lurks in the heart of mortal men?

Cover of Palace of Sweet Dreams
Palace of Sweet Dreams
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
23 pages

Drawn by greed or curiosity the adventurers enter the strange ruins of castle of madmen. Terrible monsters stalk the hallways, but the greatest challenge is not merely to survive but escape with their sanity intact. The Palace of Sweet Dreams sends the adventurers on a different and challenging dungeon exploration, where wits and smarts will be key to survival. Those who the masks may seem harmless ... The adventure contains new monsters and magical items to keep your players on their toes and let them discover how magical items can present their own adventures. Originally from the Danish convention Fastaval as part of the living campaign, Hinterlandet. Now presented here for the first time in English. It is an adventure with emphasis on exploration and meeting the unknown.

Cover of River Rats
River Rats
Levels 4–6
6 pages

Player's pickup the quest from the Greyhawk Adventurer's Guild to escort a barge down the Nyr Dyv.

Cover of Blood and Fire
Blood and Fire
Levels 7–9
21 pages

A bad heir day. The Land of Fate is known for its hot sands and fiery passions. You must survive both to restore order to the city. An evil order of wizards is terrorizing local towns. It is up to the party to find their secret lair and put an end to their nefarious plots. Pgs. 34-53 & 57

Cover of FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
17 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 5 takes a single PC and DM back to a popular ‘haunt’. With the normal group taking a little time off your PC hears of a gambling tourney in Penchant which coincides with the annual Reaping Festival. Give your player a chance to “howl at the moon” in this quick but dangerous adventure! Remember, Penchant is not for the faint of heart…but have no fear, the adventure is free so no risk in that regard.

Cover of Palace of Dread
Palace of Dread
Low Level
16 pages

Agents for the Mayor of Kleine have discovered the stronghold of the Red Hand goblins deep within the Burning Hills. They have also discovered that the goblins are forming an alliance with local hobgoblin and bugbear tribes to sweep the humans out of Thunder Rift forever. The PCs must reach the lair before the hobgoblin and bugbear agents return to their own tribes. if the envoys do not return, the tribes will assume that the goblins murdered them and attack the goblins instead of the human settlements. In this way, the humans of Thunder Rift gain some unexpected allies against the Red Hand goblins. This is the most dangerous and demanding of the three adventures in this set. It is recommended that you play it after Red Hand Trail and Trouble Below. However, it can stand alone as an adventure in its own right if you wish. Part of TSR 1076 The Goblin's Lair

Cover of Wheel of Evil
Wheel of Evil
Levels 3–5
15 pages

It’s up to your brave heroes to fight off the invading kobolds and save… the cheese?? Well, a job’s a job, and things underground are seldom what they seem. Wheel of Evil is a 16-page adventure for old-school characters of levels 3 to 5, plus a full-color cover, classic maps, and handouts. Compatible with Labyrinth Lord™ and similar games, including the Advanced Edition Companion. "Wheel of Evil" is part of the Eastern Valnwall setting, based on the Known Lands in Labyrinth Lord™! This adventure blends traditional dungeon crawling with unique elements of horror and intrigue, set against the backdrop of a seemingly mundane task turned deadly by the influence of a hidden evil.

Cover of Dark Night at the Odeum
Dark Night at the Odeum
5th Edition
Levels 7–8
3 pages

A powerful evil plots to corrupt the fey audience attending a theatrical performance. Her priests pose as convincing performers who set the stage for their master’s arrival in the final act. While staying in the fey community and perhaps as partial reward for some previous accomplishment, the party is invited to the performance. In this dramatic and deadly adventure, the party witnesses a strange performance and the corruption of the fey audience before defeating a herald of darkness and her priests.

Cover of DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege
DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
46 pages

Despite the adventurers’ best efforts, more creatures joined under Bad Fruul’s banner. No longer content to simply attack caravans or isolated homesteads, the hill giant warlord descends upon Parnast at the head of a great force of humanoids. SEER warns the adventurers (directly now) in time to rally the town and prepare defenses, but a heroic effort is required to break the siege.

Cover of All the Treasure, None of the Traps
All the Treasure, None of the Traps
3rd Edition
Levels 5–8
3 pages

All of the Treasure, None of the Traps is an adventure that includes a single gauntlet of traps that contains twelve traps; meaning that it has either one or twelve encounters. The adventure consists of a long, twisting corridor with all of the traps set off, but these traps are reset by the PCs when they reach the center of the area. Pgs. 32-34

Cover of A Zib For Your Thoughts
A Zib For Your Thoughts
5th Edition
Level 2
17 pages

One person's trash is sometimes another's treasure. In this case, it’s also an opportunity for you to go on an excursion across the Tenth District, tracking down a client's very specific request… in thoughts. A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure for 2nd-level characters, set in Ravnica. Pre-generated characters are also included.

Cover of The Terror of Screeching Hill
The Terror of Screeching Hill
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

The Terror of Screeching Hill is an adventure designed for a party of four level 1-3 characters. Introduce your friends to Dungeons & Dragons or take a break from your current campaign and save the town of Stonehollow in this early level one-shot! To the villagers of Stonehollow, the flight of bats warns of an impending disaster. Earthquakes, which riddle the small mining town, often follow this omen causing cave-ins and trapping miners underground. Thankfully, the ground hasn't shaken in weeks. However, every night at sunset, a colony of bats fly over the town as a haunting cry echoes over Screeching Hill, a mound on the southern outskirts of the village. Villagers have begun to go missing, including the town's doctors Simon and Kirk Bartok, and some have suffered terrible wounds after being attacked by a relentless creature out of the darkness. With no doctors to treat the wounded and the expectation of more attacks, the villagers of Stonehollow turn to you for help. Will you investigate the terror of Screeching Hill and save the town from its reoccurring nightmare? Included: - A 16 page one-shot designed for level 1-3 characters - Unique maps - Two player handouts - A simplified document compatible with screenreaders

Cover of CB1 Conan Unchained!
CB1 Conan Unchained!
Levels 10–14
32 pages

His name is Conan, and no man can stand before him in battle." "Conan the Conqueror" by Robert E. Howard In an age long ago, there existed a hero - Conan. With fiery will, he slashed his name across the ancient lands of Hyboria. It was a time when bravery, trickery, and magic decided men's fates, and a steel sword could make the difference between life and death. For the daring, strong, and clever, there were fortunes to find and lands to rule. Travel back to this with Conan and his companions, Juma, Valeria, and Nestor. Travel back to defeat the dark horrors of his land! TSR 9123

Cover of Bane of the Shadowborn
Bane of the Shadowborn
Levels 6–9
21 pages

A good deed never goes unpunished in Ravenloft. Evil feeds upon itself - but it also feeds upon the good. Pgs. 54-74

Cover of The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
Level 11
32 pages

Once every 10 years, the cosmopolitan city of Goka on the western coastline of Tian Xia hosts the Ruby Phoenix Tournament on an island off the coast. Infamous for its strange spectacles and exciting mix of fighting styles, the contest draws combatants and spectators from all over the world. The tournament’s winner gets his choice of a single item from the legendary treasury of an ancient spellcaster and earns a reputation beyond imagining. But this year, not all who have come to compete do so out of respect for the traditions of battle or even out of greed for the reward. They seek instead nothing so much as red revenge and political domination!