A community for lazy dungeon masters
3288 adventures found
Cover of DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
DDAL08-04 A Wrinkle in the Weave
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

The Blackstaff has discovered an oddity in the Weave that surrounds Waterdeep. The enigma may have been there all along or it might be new and the Blackstaff intends to figure it out using an ancient artifact from the reign of Emperor Shoon III. Part One of the Folded Time Trilogy. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters (Bonus objectives are provided to stretch to 4 hours). Optimized for APL 3.

Cover of Katha - the City of Potential
Katha - the City of Potential
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
15 pages

Katha is a fully built city with nearly a hundred NPCs, dozens of shops, and many different factions all vying for power over this growing city. Katha is a growing city-state that can expand (or regress) in any direction depending on the choices of your group. It can easily suit any party of any size or level but is designed for mid-level parties with money to spend. The city will grow (or shrink) and change at the party's every move, making it a city full of potential. The document also includes a map and key for the city, four stat blocks for two major NPCs, a new monster, a boss fight, and a dungeon map. Katha is designed to be placed into any setting with only minor alterations. Advice for how to fit Katha into your setting is provided throughout the document. Included is also a plotline that can span anywhere between four and ten sessions. The Cult of the Storm, a mysterious and millenarian cult, hopes to bring about the end of the world so that it may be reborn. Several of the groups and NPCs in Katha are secretly working for the Cult. Will your party realize that they are accidentally helping them in time to stop the Cult from assembling the four parts of the weather control artifact and starting The Storm? The plot will also develop the city and reward your party not with wealth, but with property and the ability to build what they want and invest their time and energy into growing Katha.

Cover of ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
Levels 10–12
32 pages

The final fate of Roslof Keep and the Company of the Ivory Scimitar hangs in the balance. With five levels conquered, the party must finally face the ultimate challenge of the sixth and final floor. Can the stalward adventures overcome the last defense of the Infernal Machine? Will Roslof Keep be freed from the violet corruption? What unforeseen plot twists still await those willing to brave the challenges presented in The Realms of Madness and Despair? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Night on Devil's Peak
Night on Devil's Peak
5th Edition
Level 6
25 pages

On the night of the rare Witch Moon, a binding spell placed over the mighty devil Tchernabog finally breaks. Will the characters be able to survive the night of boiling hellfire, furious undead, and diabolical mayhem Tchernabog orchestrates from atop Devil's Peak? Night on Devil's Peak is an apocalyptic, events-based survival adventure for 6th-level characters. It takes about 5-6 hours to complete and includes: -The awakening of a CR 24 devil, mighty Tchernabog! -A powerful holy relic the characters can wield in battle -Two diabolical new monsters: Tchernabog and giant flaming skeletons -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous digital maps (with and without grid) for virtual table tops

Cover of Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path (Pathfinder)
Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path (Pathfinder)
Levels 4–5
57 pages

Sometimes its better not to know... Citizens are turning up in the city in catatonic states, alive but devoid of personality. Are they the victims of an illness or disease, or is there something more sinister at work? Encountering one of these poor souls, the characters are drawn into an investigation of politics and treachery, seedy underworld dealings and rooftop chases, culminating in a fiery conclusion. Can they discover the cause of this epidemic before it’s too late?

Cover of The Race to Doomspace
The Race to Doomspace
5th Edition
Levels 15–16
25 pages

Wildspace is rife with tension as various factions seek to gain the upperhand against their rivals. When a highly advanced spelljamming ship is uncovered within the Doomspace system, the player characters are asked to claim it before other groups can take it for themselves. However, the party may soon come to realize that their greatest adversary might be the ship itself. What's included: 1 high-octane adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 4 fully-colored reference maps with unlabeled battlemap versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 4+ ending variations based on the player characters' decisions Content Warnings: Death, entrapment, mental manipulation, violence may soon come to realize that their greatest adversary might be the ship itself.

Cover of Trouble at the Twin Temple
Trouble at the Twin Temple
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
17 pages

A short plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. The Twin Temple was once a place where the people of the city can come to and get help and guidance, but change has come to the Twin Temple now. The characters seek to find what poisons this well and how they can get to the bottom of it and who is responsible. This adventure is ideal for for 3-4 tier I and II characters. Playable as a one shot or the start of a larger campaign. The characters are sent to investigate the Twin Temple and see if they can find the root cause of trouble with various clues and encounters in most rooms this adventure is customizable and adaptable to fit into most campaigns as needed.

Cover of All the Treasure, None of the Traps
All the Treasure, None of the Traps
3rd Edition
Levels 5–8
3 pages

All of the Treasure, None of the Traps is an adventure that includes a single gauntlet of traps that contains twelve traps; meaning that it has either one or twelve encounters. The adventure consists of a long, twisting corridor with all of the traps set off, but these traps are reset by the PCs when they reach the center of the area. Pgs. 32-34

A Cog in the Wheel
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

CORE 1-2 With the identity of a murderer confirmed, heroes are needed to track it down to its home. As it turns out, it might be a longer journey than first imagined. Part Two of The Chaos in Melvaunt. The characters enter Mechanus via a portal in Melvaunt with the aim to infiltrate a modron army encampment. They must then flee the camp in a chase scene.

Cover of F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Near the Southern end of the Border Hills between Gortelburg and Havendale is an area rumored to be the home of a Minotaur. Recent reports have begun to surface in Havendale of the surrounding farms and villages that a huge Minotaur has begun to disrupt life in the area. The governing board of Havendale has offered a bounty on the beast to anyone who can track it, kill it, and return proof of its demise. Quite a few parties of adventurers have taken up the task but none have returned for the reward.

Cover of Arcane Moon
Arcane Moon
5th Edition
Level 3
11 pages

Arcane Moon is an introductory adventure inspired by 90s Magical Girl anime: drawing on Magic Knight Rayearth, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon it's a story of love, friendship, treason and big villains. Arcane Moon is Magical Girl on Fantasy Land. It has been three months since the Arcane Scouts came together as a team. In that time they have managed to stay one step ahead of The Major Arcana, the personal guard of The Empress. However, unknown to them, one of her generals, The Hermit has infiltrated the city of Shealin and, posing as a merchant, has located two of the five shards needed to forge the Ioun Crystal. Jealous of his success The Priestess and The Hierophant are plotting against him, expecting to prove themselves to the dark mistress. The adventure takes place across two or three in-game days going from the latest fashion show on town to a mysterious tower hidden south of the city. Expect to fight several bad guys just to find out there was a bigger badder guy behind them.

Cover of The Gauntlet (Pathfinder)
The Gauntlet (Pathfinder)
Level 8
16 pages

While the lives of most Pathfinder Society field agents is brutal and short, some rise to prominence, drawing the attention of the Decemvirate. These lucky agents are invited to a little known siege castle outside Absalom where they are asked to test their mettle. Those who succeed get their choice of prestigious missions, whereas those who fail are rarely heard from again. The players are run through an arena-style dungeon, faced with monsters, traps, and puzzles.

Cover of The Whale
The Whale
Levels 1–3
3 pages

What would Greenpeace say about this problem? Last night the Vikings were your hosts. Now, you're in the middle of their feud. A beached whale is claimed by two Viking houses, and is necessary to the survival of both. Player characters are caught in the middle. Roleplaying, politics, negotiation. Set in generic Viking fantasy setting. Pgs. 36-38

Cover of In The Black Midwinter
In The Black Midwinter
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
44 pages

In The Black Midwinter is a Festive adventure, designed to be played in one session. The PCs battle an ancient evil threatening a remote village in the subarctic north. Very much the same as most D&D adventures, only this time, it’s Christmas themed! The adventure includes a new Legendary Item, The Deck of Merry Things (with full printable art to create a prop deck), five new monsters including Krampus (obviously) and The Yule Lads (not so obviously, unless you're really into Finnish Christmas Folklore), ten additional magic items and four new alignments (really!). This adventure is ideal for a one off, not entirely serious game separate from your regular campaign. Mulled wine, stupid hats and holiday cheer not included, but very highly recommended.

Cover of Red Witch Doomsday
Red Witch Doomsday
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
11 pages

“...when the floor trembled and the whole town shook, the people knew Mario had been found a couple of minutes later the dust settled again on the buildings and streets. Silence. The people’s wait to see who came out of the sewers, who would emerge victoriously was agonizing. The fate of the town swung on the outcome of the battle…” Extracts from The Witch Doomsday in Master Bard Blue Barry’s Tales of Silver. This adventure is designed for four to six 2nd- to 3rd level characters and is optimized for five characters. Designed to be a one-shot to play between four and six hours. A band of deep goblins settled in the sewers of Red Witch Cove and took the towns as hostages. They take what they want when they want it without regard for the people around them and their acts are bringing the doom of the town that the merchants were holding back. The package contains: -Color version. -Black and White version. -Maps and battle maps.

Cover of Shadows on the Long Road
Shadows on the Long Road
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
17 pages

Travellers are going missing on the Long Road, on the 100 mile stretch between Triboar and Longsaddle. Our heroes investigate and discover a haunted mansion with a dark history and a gruesome secret. Their quest brings them to the very gates of hell itself, where an infernal abomination presents them with their greatest challenge yet... Inspired by a Clark Ashton Smith story.

Cover of The Big Man
The Big Man
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
8 pages

A group of orcs has decided to start ambushing travellers on a forest road between two prosperous towns. Led by the enigmatic "Big Man" these orcs focus on robbing people, but tend to avoid violence. When the characters stumble upon this band of orcs robbing a halfling, do they give up their money to save him? Or risk the halfling's life to attack these bandits?

Frozen Sick
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Something is killing people in Palebank Village, and if the party does not stop it they could be next.

Cover of Curse of the Shrine Goddess
Curse of the Shrine Goddess
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A man built a temple to a woman who died. It became a shrine for those who lost a spouse too soon. Later. Much later. A young couple came. Their tribes warred so they could only marry in death. It was poison. Which angered HER. They walk the temple ever since, cursed by a shrine spirit. She has a hatred of suicide only dead widows can know.

Cover of Uzaglu of the Underdark
Uzaglu of the Underdark
Levels 5–10
4 pages

"The module takes place in a large cavern that is part of an extensive underground cave network. It can be used as a side-trek encounter in the Undermountain or Night Below campaign." -- from the adventure. Includes a small keyed map of the cavern.