A community for lazy dungeon masters
377 adventures found
Cover of One on One Adventures Compendium
One on One Adventures Compendium
244 pages

This collection of eleven 1 on 1 Adventures is now available in 1 tome-now powered by Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest 1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills 1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier 1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher 1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon 1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor

Cover of Dwarrowdeep
Level 1
336 pages

Dwarrowdeep is a new megadungeon from Three Castles Award Winner (2018) and Barrowmaze author Dr. Greg Gillespie. Gundgathol lies in ruin. Over 250 years ago, an evil host rose from the underdark and pushed the dwarves out of their ancestral mountains. Since that time, orcs and worse have defiled their sacred halls. In recent days, the high dwarven clerics cast their runestones and read the portents: the time has come to retake Gundgathol. Are you brave (or fooloish) enough to enter Dwarrowdeep? Dwarrowdeep will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. Dwarrowdeep is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole). This project was created through a group of awesome backers from Kickstarter. Without them, this project wouldn't have happened. Thank you for your support! Check my drivethrurpg profile for all sorts of additional Barrowmaze material. This megadungeon adventure includes an all-star cast of Ex-TSR artists including Darlene, Larry Elmore, Tim Truman, Jeff Dee, and Diesel. It features 150 unique zipitomes (art that tells a story of iconic adventurers along the bottom of the page) illustrated by Peter Pagano. Dwarrowdeep is the single largest dwarven themed adventure in the history of role-playing games.

Cover of The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
Level 1
295 pages

The lost city of Archaia - an ancient ruin sunken into the earth - lies deep in the badlands. In recent years, caravans from Eastdale have come under attack from orcs, goblins, and worse. Some say these blood-thirsty warbands have made lairs in the deep caves and ruins. Sill others say the ancient halls are filled with magnificent treasures left by the Archaians. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to delve The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia? The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia (FCoA) is a 296-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing game. The pages of Forbidden Caverns are crammed full with new material, maps, amazing art (including special surprizes by former TSR artists), as well as an amazing colour cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus that matches Barrowmaze Complete as a sister-book. The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. FCoA is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #107: Scourge of the Godclaw (Hell's Vengeance 5 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #107: Scourge of the Godclaw (Hell's Vengeance 5 of 6)
Level 13
96 pages

Now bound to Queen Abrogail by infernal contracts, the villainous adventurers are tasked with destroying the Glorious Reclamation's headquarters in the former citadel of the Hellknight Order of the Godclaw, where they face a gold dragon ally of Iomedae herself! Only if they can survive the terrible onslaught of this fearsome foe and secure the citadel from the revolutionaries can the vile characters succeed at their quest—to perform an evil ritual, using the dragon's head to craft a legendary weapon capable of defeating the Glorious Reclamation's army of valorous knights once and for all.

Cover of CM9 Legacy of Blood
CM9 Legacy of Blood
Levels 15–19
32 pages

Your cousin Rolph is dead - and while there is cause for sadness, there is also cause for celebration. As his heir, you were willed his dominion: Fenhold. Of course, the Deep Swamp is threatening to engulf all of your new holding. People are seeing ghosts and disappearing mysteriously. Animals die without reason, and crops are suddenly blighted. The farmers don't like the swampdwellers, the swampdwellers don't like the farmers, and no one likes the halflings. The entire civil service of the dominion seems to have either worked for the failure of the dominion or resigned due to actions of the others. It's going to be tough task to make all this ship-shape once again, but you're 15th level now. Isn't it about time you settled down? TSR 9210

Cover of GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King
GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King
3.5 Edition
Levels 2–3
36 pages

The crown of the kobold king will be anointed in blood. Five children from the town of Falcon’s Hollow have gone missing, dragged off into ruins underneath a cursed dwarven monastery. Soon they will be sacrificed to the crown, all to the glory of the twisted King of the Kobolds. If they are to be saved from this gruesome fate, brave heroes must follow their trail to the monastery and plumb the depths of its trap-laden and monster-infested halls.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
Levels 2–4
24 pages

Something is amiss in the town of Rhiannon. Recently raided by a band of vile creatures, the citizens of Rhiannon were shocked to find their lord at the root of the incident. And now Lord Kent is holding a competition for “all walks of life with a propensity for the gambling arts.” Will the PC aid the citizens of Rhiannon and uncover the truth about the mysterious Lord Kent? Or will the PC take this opportunity to line her own pockets? Either way, the answers lie inside the walls of Lord Kent’s keep and the gamblers within.

Cover of CM1 Test of the Warlords
CM1 Test of the Warlords
Levels 15–36
32 pages

The king requests your presence in the honorable kingdom of Norwold. If you're worthy, you may be appointed lord of a dominion filled with friendly villages, sturdy fortresses, and raging band of monsters. Raging bands of monsters? Well, yes, and you may have to lead your forces into a war or two. But you'll be ready for the challenge. You'll be ready for treacherous spies who conspire to steal you land. You'll be ready for a foul band of giants that raids your dominions. And you'll be ready for the inevitable clash of empires, the outcome of which may alter the fate of millions. You'll be ready! Won't you? Test of the Warlords includes a complete campaign setting, several new NPCs, and dungeon and wilderness encounters, and guidelines for running a war between empires. TSR 9117

Cover of Master of the Fallen Fortress
Master of the Fallen Fortress
Level 1
16 pages

The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. But the tower's empty halls once more echo with living footfalls, and a new master has claimed the Fallen Fortress as his own.

Cover of The Oni That Ruined Jinglemas
The Oni That Ruined Jinglemas
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
20 pages

Barric Jingle promised the whole region he would deliver all kids presents in a single night! How he intends to do that, no one knows. It was no long before the promise reached an oni, who took hold of the warehouse Barric works in and kidnapped him! It's up to you adventurers to go through a fully industrial cabin full of weird toys and conveyor belts to save Barric. The adventure features widely different encounters with tons of surprises and environment to interact with. Aventura completamente traducida al ESPAÑOL This adventure was created for the RPG Writer Workshop 2020 with accessibility in mind.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #26: The Sixfold Trial (Council of Thieves 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #26: The Sixfold Trial (Council of Thieves 2 of 6)
Levels 3–5
93 pages

To banish the monstrous shadows that stalk Westcrown by night, the PCs go undercover, joining the city’s chaotic theatrical community in an elaborate plot to infiltrate the estate of the decadent lord-mayor. Yet theater life turns deadly when they become players in a spectacle no actor has ever survived. Can the PCs endure their debut performance in a city where an actor’s first big hit is often his last? This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Council of Thieves Adventure Path, and includes: "The Sixfold Trial," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 3rd-level characters, by Richard Pett The Six Trials of Larazod, the complete and unabridged text of that infamously deadly play, by Nicolas Logue An exploration of the faith of Iomedae the Inheritor, goddess of valor, by Sean K Reynolds Pathfinder Varian Jeggare investigating death among the aristocracy in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Dave Gross Six new monsters by Darrin Drader, David Eitelbach, Sean K Reynolds, and F. Wesley Schneider

Cover of We B4 Goblins!
We B4 Goblins!
Level 1
16 pages

As whelps of the Licktoad tribe just out of their swaddling cages, the goblins Chuffy, Mogmurch, Poog, and Reta must prove themselves by undergoing a series of challenges, from tying a string to a large spider and shouting insults with hot rocks in their mouths to facing off against a goblin bully and his dimwitted minions. As a final test of their mettle, they must make a dangerous (and smelly) trek to claim a toad from the nearby swamp and present it to the terrifying presence that lurks within the Cave of Darkfear, only after which can they truly call themselves goblins! Part 4 of We be Goblins series

Cover of U3 The Final Enemy
U3 The Final Enemy
Levels 3–5
48 pages

At last- an opportunity to avert the threat to the little town of Saltmarsh! The real enemies have been identified-- evil, cruel creatures, massed in force and viciously organized. Can the brave adventurers thwart this evil and ensure the safety of Saltmarsh? The Final Enemy is the final part in the series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom for beginning adventures with AD&D rules. Its plot follows directly from those of the first two parts (U1 - The Sinister Secrets of Saltmarsh, and Module U2 - Danger at Dunwater.) TSR 9076

Cover of Goblin Heist
Goblin Heist
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
16 pages

Ever feel like you just want to snatch all the blankets and pillows you can find and hide in your own warm little nest? Goblin Heist is a chaotic Tier 1 adventure where 1-6 players take control of goblin characters on a mission to steal as many cozy things as they can from the sleepy winter village of Little Humbleton. But be wary... the town has hired an adventurer to stop you! Can you and your goblin gang survive the cold, sneak into houses, steal the cozies, and escape before daybreak all without being caught? Goblin Heist is highly replayable, and features: - A choice of four adventurers protecting the town, each adding their own difficulty and flavour to the game - Variable weather conditions - Pursuit mechanics - Randomly generated challenges - Cozies - Stuffing sweets in your face

Cover of X6 Quagmire!
X6 Quagmire!
Levels 4–10
32 pages

Swamp creatures! They surround you now as you move slowly through the gurgling muck. How will you reach Quagmire now? Each day, the hungry sea swallows more of the ancient port city. A fierce fever ravages its people, and now - these foul monsters! Their beady eyes glimmer from deep within the tangled vines. Are these the creatures that have blockaded the city, turning away the ships that are the city's lifeline? Are these the scum that are starving the people of Quagmire, threatening an entire race with extinction? These creeps? Let's clean this jungle out! Quagmire includes a large-scale map that expands the D&D world and introduces new areas to explore. The adventure also includes new magic items and a special, expanded monsters section. Hurry! Hoist your colors, saddle your horse - go, before the city by the sea becomes the city beneath the sea! TSR 9081

Cover of DS1 Freedom
DS1 Freedom
Level 3
120 pages

Enter the ancient and corrupt city of Tyr, whose tyrannical sorcerer king has ruled for a millennium. As you wander the city, from the wreck of the Elven warrens to the sanguine splendor of the arena, you realize that the citizens of Tyr thirst less for water than they do for freedom. Now, after a century of slave labor, sorcerer king Kalak's great ziggurat nears completion. He has promised the city a grand celebration when the monument is done, complete with the most brutal arena spectacle in Tyr's long history. Rumors abound as to the nature of the spectacle: some believe it will bring with it the longed for manumission of countless slaves: others fear the annihilation of Tyr and her people as a sacrifice to Kalak's hunger for power; and a secret few believe it will be a day of revolution - a day of freedom. The adventure that introduces the Dark Sun setting as well as part of its metaplot. The adventure starts with the PCs being enslaved and forced to work on Tyr's ziggurat, where they make various connections that can affect things both in this adventure and the next in the series (Road to Urik). The finale takes place simultaneously with the finale of the Verdant Passage novel, and has something of a disaster movie feel - major events are happening, and the PCs are trying to survive in their shadow and (hopefully) save some people as well. Like many other Dark Sun modules, this adventure comes with a flip-book full of handouts as well as a few pre-generated starting-level characters. TSR 2401

Cover of I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
Levels 1–15
64 pages

Ravening armies sweep across the land! Vast hordes of foul monsters lay siege to mighty cities! Tremendous battles are fought to decide the fate of entire lands - and you are in command! Swords of the Iron Legion is an anthology of adventures set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting for large-scale battle using the BATTLESYSTEM rules for mass combat. The adventures, written by a group of talented designers, range from simple skirmishes to all-out wars! Flying creatures, war machines, fortifications, and plenty of other twists ensure that each scenario is more than a simple bash-'em-up. Some adventures also include role-playing oppurtunities for characters, who get a chance to perform individual heroics to lead their armies to victory! These adventures are suitable for one-time play, or they can be inserted with ease into an existing campaign. Complete descriptions of the armies, special characters, terrain, and other interesting features to guarantee you hours of fun on a grand scale are included in each adventure. TSR 9226

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast (Rise of the Runelords 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast (Rise of the Runelords 6 of 6)
Level 15
68 pages

A Runelord Rises! The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path concludes! The Runelord of Greed, Karzoug the Claimer, stirs in the legendary city of Xin-Shalast. There are more forces than an ancient evil wizard at work in this remote corner of Golarion, a place where the boundaries between reality and nightmare are unnaturally thin. Karzoug's minions have awakened as well, among them giants and dragons and devils and worse. Could there be an even deeper evil poised to emerge from the darkness at the dawn of time? Can the Rise of the Runelords be stopped?

Cover of Tegel Manor
Tegel Manor
Levels 1–20
44 pages

Haunted House Fun House Dungeon. Tegel Manor, a great manor-fortress on the seacoast, is rumored to be left over from ancient days when a charm was placed over it protecting it from most of the ravages of time and human occupation. The hereditary owners, whos family name is Rump, have been amiss in their traditional duty of providing protection for the market village to the west. Some have said tha this failing and their bizarre eccentricities have led to their corruption. Many have found the manor and area to be a dangerous place to visit! A huge haunted house with a 17"x22" Judges map and a 11"x17 Players map, printed on both sides, brown on high-quality tan stock. Each map has the manor printed on one side and the surrounding wildernes on the other. Enclosed in the product is a 32-page booklet with room and monster descriptions. Over 240 rooms and chambers include a hall of magic portraits and four secret dungeon levels beneatht the manor. The booklet also has tables to create magic statues, ghostly encounters, resurrection results, and more. Tegal Manor has always been one of our more popular playing aids, and has been a lot of fun for Judges and players all over the country. This is an officially approved playing aid for use with D&D. This edition was published by Gamescience.

Cover of MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
Levels 4–6
8 pages

As darkness presses into the narrow, muddy alleys of Goldstar, silent shadows slip out of hiding. Now is the hour for cutpurses and cutthroats to creep into the night to do their work. Would-be victims bar their doors and lie sleepless in their dingy hovels waiting for dawn. Your task sends you into this dismal, dangerous place after sundown. No moon lights your steps as you scurry past yowling cats in smoke, fog-filled alleys. Above you and beneath you lurk unseen encounters. Somewhere ahead in the despairing gloom lies your goal, if you can survive Midnight on Dagger Alley. TSR 9104