A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of FVC4 - Carnage at Keldor Keep
FVC4 - Carnage at Keldor Keep
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
21 pages

This week’s Filbar offering is a mid-level adventure with the party headed out towards the frontier. As they move towards high adventure, adventure finds them first! Keldor Keep is the last bastion of civilization on the frontier but has recently come under attack. With its defenders scattered it falls to the party to save the fortress and protect the border! A hit at Who’s Yer Con 2016, this adventure is more than enough challenge for a group of 4-6 level characters!

Cover of FS7 - A Paladin's Warhorse
FS7 - A Paladin's Warhorse
Levels 1–4
12 pages

Playing a Paladin can be an enjoyable experience especially with their vast array of powers and special abilities. One of their most overlooked abilities is their calling for a bonded mount at 4th level. Several scenarios are available for this "calling" including dreams, quests, etc. in the books but I have yet to run across any published adventures for it. This adventure provides one such option for gaining the mount and utilizing the Paladin's recent ability to turn undead as well. While this is a short adventure, it gives the DM an option to go one on one with a Paladin PC and challenge him/her in order to win their steed and a little glory as well.

Cover of OP8 - Channel of Hagar
OP8 - Channel of Hagar
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
2 pages

You and your associates were planning on making it big as adventurers...you just didn't think it would happen so soon! This one page offering takes the players through the wilderness with an opportunity to swing by for some healing as well!

Cover of OP6 - Haunted Hill
OP6 - Haunted Hill
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

Haunted Hill is a special, Halloween release for Adventures in Filbar™! It was created to give a single, first level player an opportunity to prove themselves to their mentor. After years of study you decide you are ready to get on with your adventuring career but your trainer wants you to prove yourself. After a courier goes missing, you have been tasked to go to the region of Haunted Hill. This area is well known as an old cemetery and haven for miscreants. Your task – go to the area and search for the missing courier and recover the package he was set to deliver!

Cover of MHI - 3 Syndicate Saturation
MHI - 3 Syndicate Saturation
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

As first level PCs, your quartet begins to run low on funds and needs a job. A consultation with the local Alderman uncovers the city of Marshall is current in the grip of a crime syndicate. The ‘voice of the people’ points out that treasure and accolades would go to the group able to rid the city of this scourge. Eager to prove your mettle, you and your associates offer to help!

Cover of FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
Levels 1–3
35 pages

SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE! The Tabernacle of Ka-Sik-Fal is a 2 in 1 adventure including a TRUE SOLO adventure. This double adventure is actually the same adventure in two formats, one DM & PC, and the other a true do it yourself adventure. This adventure is for a PC of 1-3 level . It follows the Filbar Campaign setting but can be placed in any campaign setting. This adventure takes a single PC into a deserted shrine to discover the whereabouts of missing villagers. At 35 pages this adventure will keep your PC busy. Did I mention a true 1 person solo adventure?

Cover of TS2 - Doughty Princess
TS2 - Doughty Princess
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
19 pages

After visiting a friend in a nearby town you head to the tavern to get some food. A recent storm has wreaked havoc and the residents are busy making repairs. Despite your offer to help the citizens politely refuse. After sitting down for your meal you quickly learned that some children found a ship that has run aground. The father tells you that the children are prone to exaggerate but you obtain directions to the supposed site anyway. Sure you’re alone, but you’ve got tons of experience already…

Cover of OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
2 pages

Your time at the Riverside Cafe is cut short as you witness the wanted criminal Jessy Jane tearing through the area. As the guards fumble the pursuit you recall a hefty reward for this nefarious woman. What the hell, the Etharia Tea was too hot anyway. Rising from your seat, you head off after the woman!

Cover of PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
24 pages

After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!

Cover of SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!

Cover of Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Par1 – Opportunity to Shine brings your new group of PCs to Jayneville in the country of Pardor. A civil war is raging with neither side able to gain an upper hand. To make matters worse a third faction, “Green skins” has been running around the countryside taking advantage of the chaos. As your party is about to discover, these individuals need to be dealt with, severely!

Cover of FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

This dual offering is a true solo (no DM needed), as well as, the same dungeon for a PC/DM setting. The adventure is for new players at the lowest level of experience. It is centered on a recent discovery of an old dungeon that belonged to an arcane wizard. With no one to rely on, is your PC ready for a dangerous delve?

Cover of MHI - 15 Pride of Glittergold
MHI - 15 Pride of Glittergold
5th Edition
Level 2
15 pages

Your quartet of 2nd level adventurers are headed to the city to get a nice paying job when they miss the ferry. Thinking quickly, the group opts to take the long way around, on foot, and stumbles upon a "deserted" Gnome pleasure craft? This offering was a fantastic time for the Murder Hobo Inc. podcast show on Twitch. The series features a rotating cast for a two hour game every week. They also offer a "talk show" format every Tuesday. We urge you to check us out: twitch.com/mhoboinc and don't forget to follow!

Cover of FV8 - Phasing Abbey of Dora Sin
FV8 - Phasing Abbey of Dora Sin
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
23 pages

You have traveled to the westernmost point in the Duchy of Starryshade as you make your way to the borderlands. Your final stop in the duchy is a small roadside inn called the Shepherd’s Spear Inn. While stopping for a respite you hear a few tales including a mysterious abbey nearby. This structure is said to only appear for a short time every three years. Magic and wealth are said to be lost within the walls of this structure and with little else to do this might be a final hurrah for your stay in Starryshade!

Cover of FA8 - Numb Island
FA8 - Numb Island
Levels 3–6
39 pages

Numb Island sits in the north seas and is home to Miles Away a struggling settlement with a variety of problems. This adventure setting has a variety of different side adventures that can be used in a continuing campaign or as individual scenarios. Each of the scenario has a level recommendation so that you, the DM, can pick and choose what the party may be ready for and what adventures are better to pass over. In the Filbar campaign the adventurers found themselves on Numb Island several times during their adventuring career and were not strangers in Miles Away!

Cover of FP9 - Onyx Spire
FP9 - Onyx Spire
Levels 5–8
16 pages

The Plains of Dorack are generally controlled by the evil mage Faltor the Demented who resides in his magically created fortress. The Onyx Spire rises in the middle of the Great Plains and the land around it has been cleared for miles so that its owner can keep an eye on his domain. He employs a large number of humanoids as well as humans, and rules out of fear and intimidation. While the powerful mage does not need it personally he finds that having so many minions allows him time for personal research. Those who have met the secretive mage know immediately they are in the presence of great evil.

Cover of NC6 - Uncharted Territory
NC6 - Uncharted Territory
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
21 pages

Your time on the mainland of Calentria has come to an end and with an appropriated ship you find yourself approaching a collection of island in the middle of the ocean. Some of the sailors that have ventured into this area before report there may be a language barrier. As you approach a large land mass a dark shape in the sky seems to take notice of you…

Cover of OP23 - Treehouse Troubles
OP23 - Treehouse Troubles
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

A message delivery? That's your first "adventure"? Oh well, a quick trip to the woods and drop off a missive to an Elven Bard and you can do real hero stuff! Upon your arrival problems present themselves because, well you are in Filbar afterall!

Cover of FN8 - Codic Keep
FN8 - Codic Keep
Levels 4–7
15 pages

While the name Codic Keep used to have prestige associated with it in the past, it is now a crumbling fortress blasted years ago by a large tornado. Now the ruin sits next to a swamp and is pretty much left ignored. Recently word has reached Feastelburg that strange lights have been noticed near the keep and many have wondered if the wanted criminal relative has returned to reclaim the property. Wanted posters of “Si” Codic have been circulating for quite some time with a reward of 1500 gp for his capture. Who’s up for a swamp trip?

Cover of Far1 - Underbelly of Phoenix
Far1 - Underbelly of Phoenix
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
21 pages

Far1 – Underbelly of Phoenix is an adventure based in the city of Phoenix in Fartook. The offering takes a group of would-be adventurers and has them start their adventuring career in the sewers below the city. Dangerous monsters and wanted men all inhabit the urban tunnels. Is your group ready to start their road to legend?