A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
5th Edition
10 pages

After a series of successful exploits you and your associates decide it is time for a nice vacation. You pull into the large city of Breckengarden to take a few weeks off when you are approached by a courier. After a clandestine meeting you are informed that several well-known adventurers have been disappearing and the party has been asked to resolve the issue. The bigger problem is the likely source of the kidnappings is the master of the Cloud Giant kingdom that floats above the ground!

Cover of NQ18 - Mystery of Conifestatia
NQ18 - Mystery of Conifestatia
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
21 pages

Your fame has garnered you more attention than you can handle but a specific job opportunity is one that you cannot pass up on. Two nations have had a peaceful and lucrative trading agreement for years along with the city of Conifestatia. That has recently changed with the appearance of a Green Dragon taking up residence in the area. With your fame on the line, looks like you guys are going Dragon huntin'!

Cover of FV5 - Xodus Isle
FV5 - Xodus Isle
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
21 pages

While strolling through the streets of Kak you notice a pair of men laying in the alley. Upon closer inspection you notice that one of the dead men has a unique tattoo. Peering closer you notice that this man, dressed as a pirate, has a tattoo of an island with an “x” on it! Once this tattoo is discovered the PCs will need to locate a ship to head off on a treasure hunt. Finding a ship captain that is familiar with Xodus Isle will not be difficult but trusting the captain…well that’s a different story entirely.

Cover of FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
17 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 5 takes a single PC and DM back to a popular ‘haunt’. With the normal group taking a little time off your PC hears of a gambling tourney in Penchant which coincides with the annual Reaping Festival. Give your player a chance to “howl at the moon” in this quick but dangerous adventure! Remember, Penchant is not for the faint of heart…but have no fear, the adventure is free so no risk in that regard.

Cover of TW3 - Attack on the Andall Mines
TW3 - Attack on the Andall Mines
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
22 pages

As your experience is beginning to get noticed, a new problem has come to Lakedale. Reports of the profitable Andall Mine to the south is under attack by humanoids. Gather your cohorts…looks like it is time to go back to work and see if you can boost your fame!

Cover of FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
Levels 5–8
18 pages

For those seeking high level adventure in the dead lands of the Adurite Empire the trail leads through Qualtorian’s Gap. This area was once a breadbasket of agricultural success that fed a great deal of the empire. Qualtorian, a retired general, knew that the best friend to an army was its filled stomach. After leaving the military he set to creating vast wheat fields and arbors for food and drink needs. Decades after his death and the fall of the empire this land is teaming with humanoids and other creatures to challenge your PCs!

Cover of FO4 - Morian Curse
FO4 - Morian Curse
Levels 2–4
25 pages

After a few adventures you decide to find safety in a city setting. Along the way to Morristown you discover a few abandoned villages causing to wonder what is going on. With further investigation you quickly discover that something sinister is afoot and begin to uncover an evil cult! Can your party rescue the citizens and put an end to the nefarious religion?

Cover of TS1 - Heart of Darkness
TS1 - Heart of Darkness
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
32 pages

With your last adventure complete you head to town to sell off loot, replenish supplies and to find a bard to tell your tale to so that your fame can increase. As the group goes their separate ways you are wandering through the muddy streets when a shriek is heard. You see a man stab a merchant and attempt to escape. With no time to gather your associates you call for your mount (or borrow one) and give pursuit! This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats.

Cover of OP6 - Haunted Hill
OP6 - Haunted Hill
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

Haunted Hill is a special, Halloween release for Adventures in Filbar™! It was created to give a single, first level player an opportunity to prove themselves to their mentor. After years of study you decide you are ready to get on with your adventuring career but your trainer wants you to prove yourself. After a courier goes missing, you have been tasked to go to the region of Haunted Hill. This area is well known as an old cemetery and haven for miscreants. Your task – go to the area and search for the missing courier and recover the package he was set to deliver!

Cover of FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
Levels 6–9
28 pages

Nestled high in the mountains of the Holdfists is Karnack, known for a millennium as the ‘city of the gods’. Known for its multitude of shrines, one in particular has caught the attention of the party. Annwyn is the legendary Plane of Magic for Filbar and can be used to recharge magical weapons that ‘lose their edge’. This adventure was used to help the party recharge one of their weapons they had, but this setting can be used for a variety of different purposes including a visit with a rather nasty neighbor beyond the city borders….it ain’t easy being green!

Cover of FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

This series of singular adventures center around the small town of Penchant. The area in question is home to a variety of challenges depending on the level of the PC. This adventure begins with the new PCs mentor sending them to a religious coronation that they cannot attend. The PC is to travel, via burro, to the Bu-San Monastery and extend salutations to the new head of the order. In this case the journey IS the adventure!

Cover of HOF2 - Putting a Krampus in the Holiday
HOF2 - Putting a Krampus in the Holiday
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
11 pages

Putting a Krampus in the Holiday is a tongue in cheek adventure for a group of low level PCs. This scenario takes place during the Filbar holiday of “Giftus” a ten day celebration that culminates in a gift exchange. This year’s holiday is threatened when a jolly Gnome finds a few items that turn a happy holiday into a potential nightmare! A short little adventure that can be played after your own holiday celebration!

Cover of Far12 – Necropolis at Manheim
Far12 – Necropolis at Manheim
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
14 pages

After a string of successful adventures, you find yourselves reequipping gear in the small community of Tarten. After an unusual currency exchange in the mercantile, the party learns that a group of adventurers had encountered some Goblins possessing old currency belonging to the Co-Tai people. Well, it ain’t grave robbin’ if someone else did for you!

Cover of FT - Earldom of Curwood
FT - Earldom of Curwood
Levels 1–6
15 pages

FT – Earldom of Curwood is a companion to Filbar offering FQ8 – Uprising of the Undead! This supplement gives an overview of one of the major cities in the Duchy of Bast and is the starting place for FQ8. The community is known for its diverse economic structure and makes for a nice respite for weary adventures!

Cover of FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
5th Edition
Level 3
20 pages

This adventure begins with a message delivery to the post commander in Penchant. Sadly for your PC Lt. Kateryn Hawtrey is gone and the PC will need to wait until her return. While wandering through town yelling is heard and someone is in trouble. Investigation reveals that a small child has fallen into one of the town’s wells and needs help getting out. While forming a rescue plan the child, CeCe, screams and disappears from sight. Is your player brave enough to venture into the darkness alone? As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!

Cover of SD1 - Bugbear Manor
SD1 - Bugbear Manor
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

As you begin your adventuring career you find that your stomach rules your initial steps. After finding the small community of Morgesh where word of a haunted/cursed/dangerous manor house is gained. As you find a few new associates, you opt to clear out this blight on the area. Hopefully the drunkards won’t cause you too much of a headache…

Cover of FC3 - Golem of the Adurites
FC3 - Golem of the Adurites
Levels 6–8
29 pages

Frequent visitors know that the Adurite culture once ruled a large portion of the known world but has now all but disappeared. In this adventure a relic Golem that guards a shrine has been duped and gone on a rampage. This adventure was originally created for a “filler” adventure on a day when the entire party could not adventure. Spoiler alert the Golem is not the worst thing the party will face! At 29 pages this adventure has a little bit of everything.

Cover of TW1 - Workshop of the Alchemist
TW1 - Workshop of the Alchemist
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
27 pages

An initial level adventure, this scenario has allowed for each PC to have an encounter as they get to the community of Lakedale (offered earlier) to prepare for their career. After successfully getting to the town the new PCs quickly discover a job opportunity pertaining to an overdue shipment from a Gnome Alchemist. Gelbo Green, alchemist, has an agreement with one of the merchants in town and is late on a delivery. Lettice Beauson runs the Purloined Purse and is looking for a group of adventurers to check on him. Time to start your careers!

Cover of FP10 - Church of Scakla
FP10 - Church of Scakla
Levels 5–8
13 pages

The Holdfist Mountain range hosted many battles during the Troll Wars and during the dark years many villages, shrines, and castles were destroyed. When the fighting was over the villages were rebuilt so that farmers could resupply the duchy and the former strongholds were lost to the sands of time. One of these forgotten areas is the Church of Scakla and is said to be home to lost magical items...

Cover of FT - Barony of Civille
FT - Barony of Civille
Levels 1–5
21 pages

Sitting at the mouth of the Saint Torgoth’s Causeway leading to the Newmack Sea is the port city of Civille and home to the baron of the land. This former fishing settlement has grown in the last century to be a stronghold for the Baron Philostratos de Civille as well as a financial boon for the entire area. In growing itself into a small seaport this city has been able to increase income by a factor of five. While the port itself brings in a significant amount of goods it also acts as a travel point for the Caravan Masters. This location is one of the main areas for the FD series and can be used as a base of operations