A community for lazy dungeon masters
776 adventures found
Cover of Guts, Gods, & Glory In That Order
Guts, Gods, & Glory In That Order
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
34 pages

This quest takes the player characters through a harrowing journey of dangerous adversity! The characters are informed that some unknown adversary has disrupted an ancient tree called Wise Willow. This sends them first on a subterranean excursion into ancient tunnels infested with curiously ravenous Thri-Kreen! Then, they are introduced more formally with Wise Willow, who requires their services to cure her terrible plague! The players must then navigate the wild maze of her surface roots, purge it of grotesque creatures, and then find the cause of her ailment. Doing so excites the interest of the deities, Lathander and Sylvanus, who descend from the heavens in a glorious show of light and mysticism! The two divine beings then graciously bestow their gifts upon the party to reward their deeds. The player characters embark on a perilous journey that will test their resourcefulness and wits in a building arc of intensity. The environments are deeply detailed by the boxed text and should provide you and your characters a sturdy foundation for your creativity to launch from. There is a compelling story full of lamentations as well as laughs. The robust exposition sets up hours of challenging, combat-heavy “dungeon delving” throughout the quest. The aim is to maintain a versatile balance between “hack-and-slash” and “immersive storytelling” play styles, so that everyone can enjoy it in their own way. The numerous optional components allow you to scale the difficulty to your liking, and there is plenty of space for you to use your own creativity to enhance the content. Guts, Gods & Glory is a Dungeons & Dragons module using the 5e rules. It is designed to be played by three to six players of sixth to eighth level. It takes place in the Sword Coast setting of the Forgotten Realms, specifically the Elturgard region. Changes can be made to make it playable in a nondescript setting.

Cover of CCC-UK-1 Call of the Elvenflow
CCC-UK-1 Call of the Elvenflow
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

Folk tales warn of strange noises from the Cormanthor Forest when winter fogs are thickest and the black of night has no shadows to cast. When such noises are heard on a late summer’s afternoon, perhaps it’s time to turn once again to the old stories? Part 1 of the Evenflow Saga

Cover of Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

TENTACLES. VERY DANGEROUS. YOU GO FIRST. Adventure in the Underdark, Part Two The colony of svirfneblin, while grateful for the adventurers’ deeds, is still in need of a reliable source of drinking water. The kuo-toa hold the lake, and there is the matter of the tentacled menace the party faced previously… This adventure is a continuation of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?, but can be run by itself as well. It is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. A 4-hour adventure for 6th-8th level characters

Cover of Valachan: Hunter’s Moon
Valachan: Hunter’s Moon
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
39 pages

Valachan: Hunter’s Moon is a slasher/gothic horror adventure for 4-5 level characters of 8-9th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours and should roughly take one playing session, if the party is quick, or two if the party is progressing slowly. This is the fourth and final part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign, which can also be played as a standalone adventure. Valachan: Hunter’s Moon features: Fully fleshed out Trial of Hearts with dangerous encounters along the journey Rules for sabotaging rival parties before the Trial New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Check out the previous adventures in the series: Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts, Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil and Kalakeri: The Forbidden Temple! And look out for the special Campaign Guide, which will explain in detail how to best set up and play the campaign. However, if you want to start your campaign right now, don’t worry - we have included a short appendix at the end of each adventure that will explain the basics! Disclaimer: We are a team of writers from Ukraine, so the unprovoked war and senseless aggression of the terrorist state of russia influenced our initial timelines significantly. However, we are now as safe as we can ever be under the constant threat of missile strikes, and determined to finish the whole series! And after that - who knows, maybe even more cool adventures will follow ;)

Cover of Blackwater Redux
Blackwater Redux
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
77 pages

Blackwater Redux is an Eberron adventure designed for a group of five characters starting on 1st level. It brings the group to the backwater of Khorvaire, aptly named the Shadow Marches. By the end of the adventure, the characters should reach 5th level or higher. To run this adventure, you need the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and Eberron: Rising from the Last War (RFTLW). Blackwater Redux is a dark, hopeless adventure with strong horror notes. It is inspired by Apocalypse Now by John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft. Consuming these before running the adventure is highly recommended. The adventure’s themes loosely touch on current and past real-world conflicts. If one or more of the players are former or active soldiers, make sure to discuss the campaign’s content beforehand.

Cover of Strike Back
Strike Back
5th Edition
Level 4
24 pages

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚. An orcish emissary is travelling the lands south of the dwarven stronghold of Nirzumbil, attempting to keep the tribes in line and focused upon harassing the dwarves. If the PCs can defeat the emissary before he can complete his rounds, they might be able to splinter a part of the orcish alliance. A sandbox-style adventure for a party of 4th level player characters. Includes 5th edition writeups of the giant stag beetle and the krenshar.

Cover of Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror
Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror
5th Edition
Levels 3–6
31 pages

A tenday ago, the human settlers of Olostin’s Hold started hearing strange noises coming from the distant White Stag Hills. Noises of battle. Incessant sounds of thundering hooves, clashing steel, flying arrows, and screams of agony heard from miles away. Could those be the awakened spirits of the past? And if so, what could be done to lay them to rest? The answers are found in Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror, a Feywild dungeon that only appears once every 777 years...

Cover of Hunted!
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
26 pages

The people of Northwood’s Rest need help. Winter is coming, and something’s been slaughtering the livestock. Surely it must be the orcs of the Northwood! Heroes are needed to hunt them down. Will you answer the call? Welcome to Hunted! The latest adventure from the critically acclaimed platinum best-selling author Tony Petrecca. Hey, that’s me! I’ll stop with the 3rd person talk now. My last release, Killer Kobolds, was all about unadulterated, non-stop run and gun action, and quite purposefully contained absolutely no moral quandaries. Its theme was simple - Kidnapping Kobolds needed killing… now go! The result was an absolute blast, but with Hunted! I wanted to explore notably different themes. With Hunted! Exploration, investigation, and role play go hand in hand with unexpected twists and turns to present an adventure I’m quite proud of. Worry not, action hounds, as there’s plenty of combat to be had, but with Hunted! mindless murder hobo’s need not apply. Set in the frontier town of Northwood's Rest, a simple thorpe on the edge of a forest, Hunted! lends itself to easy insertion into any campaign setting and would make an excellent side quest for Storm King's Thunder. With direct tie ins to Acererak, Hunted! fits naturally within any Tales of the Yawning Portal campaign. Scaled for a party of 4-6 adventurers of levels 5-7, Hunted! can be easily tweaked to accommodate parties of lesser or greater strength. Featuring gorgeous cartography by Ennie award winner Elven Tower Cartography, beautiful art, a bevy of new creatures, new locations, several potential plot twists and a fun new magic item, Hunted! should provide six to ten hours of outstanding Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventuring fun.

Cover of The Laureate Trials
The Laureate Trials
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
22 pages

The player characters have been invited to compete in the infamous Laureate Trials. The Laureates are a well-known adventuring guild. Once a year, they allow a select group of known adventurers to take part in the Laureate Trials. The prize is becoming an official member of the Laureates, with all the perks and responsibilities that awards. Rumour has it that new initiates will be awarded a coveted Laureate Pin, with special powers of communication. This adventure is a starting module, designed for new players and Game Masters. It should take 1 - 2 hours with a standard group of 4 players. Everything you need to know is contained inside or in the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules. It is ideal for helping a beginning group of heroes get started and giving them a motivation for further adventures. Inside, there are Trials to test Agility, Wits and Combat, plus a special encounter at the end which will determine the fate of a forgotten individual.

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-03 Tiddy Mun and the Legends of Fennebog
WBW-DC-FEN-03 Tiddy Mun and the Legends of Fennebog
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

The Final Installment of the Tiddy Mun Trilogy Warning: This adventure is not for the most hardcore of grimdark enjoyers. Do NOT play this adventure if you do not like: Happiness, Joy, Fun, Dancing, Mischief, Maybe a little bit of mayhem, general naughtiness In the third and final installment of the Fennebog trilogy of adventures, the characters will have to brave the land of Fennebog once again. They must defeat violent darklings, negotiate with manipulative pixies and most importantly, meet the demands of a melodramatic archfey. The village of Berribury is in trouble. The characters must deliver an object called the Stranger Stone to the village so they archfey Tiddy Mun can perform a ritual to reverse the flood. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. CONTENT WARNING: Flooding, Manipulation, Deceit, Denial, Entrapment, Alcohol

Cover of Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon
Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
21 pages

Centuries ago, a beholder named Yeryl fled from the place of his birth and wandered the countryside in search for a place to call home. After many sleepless nights spent carving out a safe nook for himself in the wilderness, he at last slipped into slumber. In his dreams, he found an ideal place for his lair: long-abandoned ruins hidden amidst a dull and barren valley. Yeryl spent years transforming the place to suit his paranoid designs. Visitors were rare enough, and the few that made it to Yeryl’s lair were quickly destroyed or forced into the beholder’s service, building the lair ever deeper and more magnificent. As time went on, Yeryl finally completed his task. Safe at last, but with nothing to occupy his mind, Yeryl was struck by melancholy; was this lonely and empty life truly what he had chosen for himself? On that day, Yeryl made a decision: next time an adventurer came to his lair, he would welcome them in. With this resolution in mind, Yeryl began to dismantle his traps and replace them with ones he considered to be more fun. Unfortunately, for all his good intents, Yeryl has not yet realised that killing people is a bad way of getting them to like him. Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon is a highly obnoxious and mildly ridiculous collection of traps, combat and puzzles designed to test your players' wits and patience. It is optimised for a group of four to five 3rd level players, but the text also contains a guide for level adjustments for different sized groups.

Cover of After Lost Mine III: Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor
After Lost Mine III: Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
22 pages

The Ghost Tribe of Orcs were driven from their home under Wyvern Tor by some terrible evil. They marched to Phandalin and attacked, only to be defeated. Now the heroes will go beneath Wyvern Tor to discover the terror that chased out the orcs and perhaps find the source of the orc’ssardonyx. Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor is the third of four parts in the After Lost Mine series. It will play out the journey to the orc’s former cave settlement and then into the darkness beneath. Part IV will have the party deal with the terror from the Underdark that drove out the orcs.

Cover of The Mirror's Shard
The Mirror's Shard
5th Edition
Level 5
22 pages

A tale of dreadful draconic sibling rivalry, this adventure is designed with ease of Dungeon Mastering in mind. Inspired by products such as The Lost Mines of Phandelver and 1991 Easy to Master Introductory Black Box it aims to provide a compelling story which will engage players while making that story easy to tell. It has prompts and advice on how to run each encounter making it ideal for beginning Dungeon Masters or Dungeon Master's ready to move on to the next tier of play.

Cover of Bale's Outfitting Outpost & 20 New Magic Items
Bale's Outfitting Outpost & 20 New Magic Items
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
18 pages

Bale's Outfitting Outpost can easily be placed in any campaign setting, but it feels right at home in the Forgotten Realms, especially somewhere within The Savage Frontier. The included adventure could also be broken up into several random encounters to be used in your Storm King's Thunder campaign.

Cover of Lost Lovers of Sharn
Lost Lovers of Sharn
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
20 pages

It was the kind of night when the moon hides behind a veil of clouds as if it knew better than to cast light on the dirty secrets of the City of Towers. I was drinking in the empty office and thinking that I should quit—leave the city behind and settle on a farm, as far away from here as possible. But then, there was a knock on the door. A letter came. One more job, huh? What can possibly go wrong... Let's gather a crew. In this adventure, the characters need to scout the Noble Mansion during the Silvertide ball, infiltrate it at night, and bring their target to a safe house. But, as with most things in the City of Towers, it is not as straightforward as it appears at first sight. A D&D 5e adventure for characters of levels 3 to 4. This 6 - 12 hours adventure features: • 15 pages full of intrigue and moral ambiguity • Rich narrative and captivating characters with developed backstories • Beautiful custom heist maps • Unique traps, puzzles, and monsters

Cover of Ring Out, Wild Bells
Ring Out, Wild Bells
5th Edition
Level 3
19 pages

For the past 9 years the small town of Haren’s Watch has been plagued by a wicked fey spirit known only as Mr. Grin. Every year the creature and its fiendish little minions torment the town over the course of three nights, culminating in the kidnap and transmutation of one of the village children into a lifeless statue made entirely of coal. It is the tenth year of Haren’s Watch suffering this calamity and this year, amidst a raging blizzard, a weary party of adventurers seeks refuge in the small village... The adventure favours characters and players who enjoy roleplaying and exploration but contains additional optional encounters for players who enjoy more combat focused play.

Cover of The Flying Misfortune
The Flying Misfortune
5th Edition
Level 6
9 pages

This adventure is designed for the D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King’s Thunder campaign, and is meant to enhance your party’s connection to important events and NPCs. While it is intended for a party of around 6th level, the nature of the quest is such that it fits easily with a higher level as well. It will put your players in contact with Felgolos, the bronze dragon that is encountered in Chapter 9 of D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King’s Thunder, as well as the ancient dragon Iymrith, who plays a prominent role in the main plot. Of course, you can also change names and locations to make this adventure fit into any other campaign world – as long as it has dragons and deserts. Enjoy!

Cover of Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
67 pages

Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood is an intricate, character-driven mystery set against the sins of the past. On a journey to Arythawn Keep at the edge of the Mournland, the adventurers stop for the evening in the Thranish village of Brightdawn where they discover that there are dark secrets hidden in the wilds nearby. . .

Cover of The Legacy of the White Dragon
The Legacy of the White Dragon
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
18 pages

The village of Silverwell lies at the foot of a mountain range in the icy north. Through most of its history it has enjoyed relative peace, save for its battles with the harsh elements. Recently however, a group of villagers were attacked by bandits while hunting in nearby Rothir’s Pass. The bandits left behind a grim message warning for none to follow. Frightened by the possibility of a larger attack on the village, the headman will happily reward any brave adventurers that can help. Unknown to the inhabitants of the remote village of Silverwell, this new terror pales in comparison to the troubles that have already begun to flood down from the distant Mount Neboria – troubles stemming from the dark wish of a dying dragon. This is an introductory adventure for a group of four or five 1st level characters, which should run for roughly 4 hours of gameplay (excluding preparation time), ending with a quest hook for groups that wish to continue into a full campaign. It includes extra tips and tricks both for new DMs and for interaction with new players.

Cover of CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
35 pages

An injured young fisherman stumbles into Elventree with a brightly colored egg in his arms. He claims it fell from the sky and broke his rowboat. When he swam to the shore an elf with skin of ash attacked him and tried to take the egg. Will you help him keep it safe, Adventurers? The Module This module is 35 pages of adventurer's league fun centered around a mysterious egg that has fallen from the sky, a journey into the Feywild, and a meeting with an Archfey. It rewards exploration, social bravery, and the combats are well tuned for the tier with interesting enemies. Also Included! There are 15 map files included with this document that cover Dungeon Master, Player, gridded, gridless (for use with your Virtual Tabletop of choice!), and greyscale! In addition, there's a high resolution artwork of the Archfey present in the module.