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795 adventures found
Cover of The Secret of Karnov Mansion
The Secret of Karnov Mansion
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
24 pages

What happens when you are invited to a dinner party at the Karnov Mansion during a full moon? Certainly nothing good. The wonderful dinner party, complete with excellent food, drink, and company, soon evolves into a 'cat & mouse' game that has the adventurers fighting for their lives. Will they survive? And will they uncover the secret of the Karnov Mansion? Although the adventure is set in a non-specific location and can be dropped into any campaign, it feels right at home as a Curse of Strahd or Ravenloft one-shot adventure.

Cover of Seeds of Chaos
Seeds of Chaos
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
11 pages

The Horror of Horticulture Valentine Manor is beauty entrapped in architecture. The lavish stately home is renowned throughout the realms, and its gardens even more so. However, despite its famed beauty something has found its way into the garden and corrupted its allure. Could it be something to do with the new gardeners, or something even more sinister? Free adventure!

Cover of A Simple Story - adventure for beginners (Hebrew)
A Simple Story - adventure for beginners (Hebrew)
5th Edition
Level 1
17 pages

It's a simple story. A boy is missing in the woods. His father is heartbroken. Can you save him? Will this simple story have a happy ending? A simple introductory adventure for D&D 5th edition, for 3-4 beginner characters of level 1. Important Note: the adventure is entirely in Hebrew. This adventure includes material that was already published in the adventure Tower of Tragedy, which is in English.

Cover of Rites of Passage
Rites of Passage
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
7 pages

Every autumn the reclusive goliaths of the Silvertop Mountain Clan hold their Festival of the Hunt, inviting neighbors to join in the partaking of merriment and mead. Your adventuring company finds themselves drafted as monster hunters when a young huntress is slain. The culprit? A lamia, whose lair has discouraged all previous attempts to destroy her. What the party finds inside her cave triggers a different call to action. Pgs. 21-27

Cover of All's Fair
All's Fair
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
5 pages

The increasingly erratic behavior of Lady Selyse, Knight Captain of the small, but strongly held frontier outpost Fort Selsmire, is provoking unrest among her soldiers and fear from passing supply caravans. Many whisper of how the Captain now goes without sleep for days at a time, pacing the walls of the keep long into the night. Despite these rumors, the party has found employment at Fort Selsmire, conducting additional patrols of the nearby forests. While patrolling, they find evidence that may lead to the strange creature who seems to be provoking the Captain to madness. Pgs. 69-73

Cover of Not a Creature Was Stirring
Not a Creature Was Stirring
5th Edition
Level 1
19 pages

This Christmas themed adventure is a straightforward adventure for level one PCs. Players adventure from a town where they are attacked in their sleep by animated presents, travel up a nearby mountain and discover a hermit's house where they fight snow elementals, living trees and explore the hermit's home. Eventually they discover the evil hermit in a secret room below the home. This adventure contains a lot of help for newer DMs.

Cover of Assault on Precinct Four
Assault on Precinct Four
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
17 pages

The activities of the party have caused enough chaos to warrant their arrest. With the Felicity Triskelion confiscated, the adventurers await trial at a remote Azorius Arrester Station 13 in Precinct Four. Unfortunately, they are not alone in the holding cells. When a prominent figure of a brutal Gruul clan is also incarcerated, the Gruul lay siege to the Arrester Station. Other parties, interested in the power of the Felicity Triskelion, join the fray in hopes of making off with the relic. When chaos rises in Precinct Four, will the party survive?

Cover of Mystery at Cloudhost
Mystery at Cloudhost
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Solve the Mystery! A series of unfortunate events wreak havoc in the small village of Cloudhost. From strange noises at night to temporary madness, from painful nightmares to freak accidents in the local temple, everything is going wrong and the people believe the city is cursed. Who is behind these events? Are they natural or magical? Discover the secret of Cloudhost with your party! A 1st level mystery adventure for 5th edition. After being caught in a fight on the Winter Festival, the party must investigate what is happening at Cloudhost, with a big showdown with evil! Meet reclusive merchants, fierce priests, and undead! Written for the RPG Writer Workshop.

Cover of The Pie Fight
The Pie Fight
5th Edition
Level 6
10 pages

Welcome to The 5th Annual Memorial Pie Crafting Tournament and Festival Sponsored by Lord Komdor Shatterfury and the Dessert Council! This exciting gala right in the middle of town is an excellent opportunity to relax, enjoy some fun pie related events and games, and then watch the final round of the Pie Crafting Tournament to see which pie Lord Shatterfury chooses as the best one of the festival! Just ignore those sour faces over there, they would rather eat cake. But I’m sure those bakers won’t cause any problems! This one shot adventure can be stand alone or dropped into any campaign in any setting. The first half is an opportunity for players to explore, have some fun, win some fun prizes, and learn a bit about the festival. The second half is a dramatic fight with a deadly dessert turned legendary monster, a custom monster with a full 5e stat block and art! The adventure is easily adapted for PCs of almost any level just by changing some of the custom monters stats, and provide plenty of light hearted role playing opportunities!

Cover of To Hell and Back Again
To Hell and Back Again
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
81 pages

To Hell and Back Again is the perfect adventure for new players and veterans looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It's written as a solo adventure, where choices have gigantic consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master as well! This 80 page adventure features: - A heart-pounding origins story that fits perfectly as either a prequel to Descent Into Avernus, a stand-alone adventure, or into your ongoing fantasy campaign. - Beloved characters like Lulu the hollyphant, Mad Maggie and her redcap gang, the archdevil Zariel, and many others brand new to this adventure. - Infernal War Machines, and exciting encounters with unique stat blocks. - Innovative Destiny and Traits mechanics that make your choices really matter. - A ton of possible outcomes that will fuel your character's many adventures to come! - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story if you'd like. - A community survey when you finish so that you can see how your outcomes and choices compared to other players!

Cover of Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
5th Edition
Level 5
15 pages

"The trees bend, twist and rearrange themselves as the sun fades, replaced by a single massive moon hanging high in the sky. You find yourself somewhere altogether different with bigger more gnarled trees, everything more vibrant with color in the bright moonlight. The bold browns, purples and blues around you don't feel real, more like something from a beautiful painting. Yet here you stand..." This is a one-shot adventure through one of the twisted fairy tale baronies of Thelanis. In it, the players find themselves in a strange land seeking an item they know little about. They will encounter a village whose people have been turned to shrubs, be shrunk down to a 20th of their size in a garden of tiny trees, fight a tree which is also a beholder, and come face to face with the Lady in Shadow herself. The adventure is for four level 5 players (though adjusting for 3-6 players would be minimal effort) and is expected to take around five hours. It is a great introduction to the planes of Eberron for DMs and players alike. It includes: * An exciting mystery to unravel * Three vicious new monsters to fight: earth bear, topiary beast, and the treeholder * Simple rules for running a skill challenge * A series of detailed maps for each combat encounter and an image for the puzzle encounter

Cover of CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

A group of dwarves in the Hulburg region are in need of help. Strange lights have been seen at night and a deadly terror has struck their mining camp. Venture into the ancient ruins and discover the source of this terror before it's too late.

Cover of The Golden Apple
The Golden Apple
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
25 pages

A 3-4 hour adventure for 1st tier characters, which can be run as a 1-shot or as the beginning of a new campaign set in the Feywild. For tens of millennia, battles have raged across the Feywild, as the powerful and prideful archfey fought to divide the realms among themselves. Eventually the boundaries settled into four major territories: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. These domains, and the smaller pockets of unclaimed territory between, came to be known as the Land of the Four Courts. The bitter rivalries between Winter and Summer and between Autumn and Spring never truly subsided, but for the past fifteen hundred years, an era of relative peace has persevered. Even so, peace is a fragile thing, and in the everchanging landscape of the Feywild it is all too easily broken.

Cover of DC-PoA-CTH1 Roused by Raiders
DC-PoA-CTH1 Roused by Raiders
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
19 pages

A novice group of adventurers foolishly leads a remorhaz threat to the town of Lonelywood. The characters must protect the settlement from these monstrosities and discover why the adventurers were attacked in the first place.

Cover of Happy Jack's Funhouse
Happy Jack's Funhouse
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
60 pages

A prefectly creepy, horror-style one-shot adventure, excellent for Halloween sessions. The adventure takes place in Happy Jack’s Funhouse, where the adventurers encounter strange creatures, traps, and games. You can view a 20-page preview of the adventure on the product page. The painted man rode into town, tossing candy and small trinkets to the cheering children. The children, their mouths stuffed with gumdrops, laughed at his jet-black horse adorned with a white saddle festooned with jingle bells. He introduced himself to the town elders as Happy Jack and asked their permission to set up his attraction in the town square. The elders, seeing the happiness in the children, agreed. Happy Jack brought with him food vendors and a thrill ride – a large painted attraction which manifested from a leather green and red checkerboard satchel after he placed it on the ground. All was fun for two days… NOTE: This product also includes Happy Jack's Rare Subclasses - a supplement containg the Jester (Rogue) and College of the Clown (Bard) subclasses and four new magic items.

Cover of The Purification of Ras Calaq
The Purification of Ras Calaq
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
12 pages

In the kingdom of Minoxia, the dragon Oxitorus rules the people with a disease his breath causes. A rebel approaches you and implores you to investigate a lead he has on a cure. The travel through Minoxia's swamp will be difficult, and you can't trust anyone, as the tyrant's spy network has roots everywhere. What will become of you, even if you succeed?

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-03 Tiddy Mun and the Legends of Fennebog
WBW-DC-FEN-03 Tiddy Mun and the Legends of Fennebog
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

The Final Installment of the Tiddy Mun Trilogy Warning: This adventure is not for the most hardcore of grimdark enjoyers. Do NOT play this adventure if you do not like: Happiness, Joy, Fun, Dancing, Mischief, Maybe a little bit of mayhem, general naughtiness In the third and final installment of the Fennebog trilogy of adventures, the characters will have to brave the land of Fennebog once again. They must defeat violent darklings, negotiate with manipulative pixies and most importantly, meet the demands of a melodramatic archfey. The village of Berribury is in trouble. The characters must deliver an object called the Stranger Stone to the village so they archfey Tiddy Mun can perform a ritual to reverse the flood. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. CONTENT WARNING: Flooding, Manipulation, Deceit, Denial, Entrapment, Alcohol

Cover of Tomb of Nyarlathotep
Tomb of Nyarlathotep
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
11 pages

Summoned from across the multiverse, a small group of heroes must enter an ancient pyramid and prevent the Elder God Nyarlathotep's return to power. A Lovecraft-themed oneshot.

Cover of Tyrratizzi's Prison
Tyrratizzi's Prison
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
10 pages

Tyrrattizi's Prison is a D&D 5e adventure, written for a party of 2nd-level characters. A recently unearthed temple found in the swamp has attracted the attention of a local Bullywug Shaman who seeks to free an evil trapped within. This adventure may be dropped in any campaign, or run as a one-shot.

Cover of The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
27 pages

The corrupt town guard of the Styes refuse to help when a mysterious monster begins to slaughter the residents of Hopen'er Asylum, an old decrepit mental aslyum. A call is put out for any adventurers willing to defeat this mosnter and save Hopen'er before it falls any further into madness... From the author of Murder on the Primewater Pleasure comes The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum. If you enjoyed that adventure then you will love this! This horror adventure takes place in and below Hopen'er Asylum. Originally designed to serve as an introduction to the location known as The Styes frorm the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book, this adventure can be easily transferred to any setting (advice is given on how to do this). The characters will explore an abandoned underground wing of the mental asylum, before delving into a forgotten cave system to face an unknown enemy, a Dubh. The adventure is designed for 6th - 7th level characters and takes anywhere between 4 - 6 hours to finish. The adventure contains full colour maps, as well as VTT versions of the maps.