Presenting The Mines of Chult! This Savage Encounters adventure supplement features nine mini adventures from three best-selling DMs Guild authors. Your PCs will challenge several new monsters, discover fascinating new magic items, and interact with some wickedly fun NPCs. Though designed with Tomb of Annihilation in mind, each of these adventures can be easily adapted to any campaign setting. Dig in to The Mines of Chult!
For the past 9 years the small town of Haren’s Watch has been plagued by a wicked fey spirit known only as Mr. Grin. Every year the creature and its fiendish little minions torment the town over the course of three nights, culminating in the kidnap and transmutation of one of the village children into a lifeless statue made entirely of coal. It is the tenth year of Haren’s Watch suffering this calamity and this year, amidst a raging blizzard, a weary party of adventurers seeks refuge in the small village... The adventure favours characters and players who enjoy roleplaying and exploration but contains additional optional encounters for players who enjoy more combat focused play.
Beyond the western mountains, the orcs generally kept to themselves. Over the years they built their civilization. They enriched themselves through magic and music, and followed a doctrine of peace and acceptance that was empowered by the dangerous mountain range on one side and the swirling seas on the other. Their quiet society was shattered when a djinni named Hasteth was summoned by their elder mages. Hasteth was a creature of pure evil and perverted the wishes that it granted. In time, the orcs were able to trap the djinni within an enchanted ceramic jar called the Annihilation Hold, but not before their entire way of life was torn asunder. Many centuries have gone by and the orcs are scattered to the wind, with few recalling their proud nation. The hidden complex containing the Annihilation Hold has been discovered. Tales of wealth and magic fill the rumors the adventurers overhear. Will your adventurers brave the hazards inside to claim the riches?
Slumber in the Sands – A Level 6 Adventure Beneath the shifting desert dunes lies an ancient ruin, home to a fanatical goblin tribe that worships a slumbering blue dragon as their god. Traps, puzzles, and hidden dangers fill the dungeon, all designed to protect the dragon’s hoard. Can your party navigate the treacherous ruins and escape with the treasure before they awaken the beast? This adventure includes: ✅ A sandbox-style dungeon crawl with multiple paths to success ✅ Dynamic encounters featuring goblin zealots, deadly traps, and a cunning Sand Druid ✅ A time-twisting magical artifact – the Hourglass of Stilled Time ✅ DM-friendly layout for easy reference and play Perfect for one-shots or as a drop-in adventure for your desert campaigns! Will your party slip away unseen, or will they awaken the dragon’s wrath?
Take the adventuring party on a journey through a nasty, smelly swamp as they follow an exotic map which (they hope) leads to a grand treasure. Unknown hazards, NPCs, adventure, and creatures stand between them and the X that 'marks the spot' on the map. This adventure includes: •Custom art •8 hand-drawn maps (color and black & white included) •3 new creatures •1 new magic item •Includes a printer-friendly version of the adventure. Into the Belly of the Beast runs smoothly as-is, but an additional 8 encounters are included. These encounters can be used to lengthen the adventure, or they could used separately and added to your own campaign.
Decades have passed since Sokol Keep was reclaimed, and a small garrison placed there along with a beacon to help guide ships. Now, that beacon has gone dark, and the garrison has disappeared. In Phlan, rumors circulate that something ancient was discovered in the grounds beneath the keep, dating to before the clerics of Tyr built the small fortress. Uncover the secrets of Sokol Keep! An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.
“Traversing the planes of existence is no easy task. Only extremely talented and knowledgeable people could manage it.” A mysterious thief stole a dangerous artifact, called the Tome of The Stilled Tongue from the tower of Lady Blackstaff of Waterdeep, Vajra Safahr herself, leaving the tower by opening a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The archmage immediately calls the band of adventurers who are staying in town to chase down the thief and return the dangerous book to its place. This adventure can be used to kick-off a planar campaign or as a standalone one-shot. A Chase Through The Planes features: - An exciting journey across the multiple planes of existence: Elemental Plane of Fire, Shadowfell, Feywild, and Ysgard - Exploration of morkoth island and lair in the Astral Sea full of weird creatures, strange phenomenons, and dangerous encounters - Heavy use of Supernatural Regions from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything - High-quality battle maps, available in printer-friendlier and universal vtt format
The promises of glory and the chance of riches draws you to Blasingdell, a small village near the infamous Stone Tooth. Within the rocky mountain lay the dwarven stronghold Khundrukar and the fabled Forge of Fury, to which a chance encounter provides you with the location of a hither-to unknown entrance. Are you brave enough to explore this mystery? Will it lead you to wealth or to your doom?
Valachan: Hunter’s Moon is a slasher/gothic horror adventure for 4-5 level characters of 8-9th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours and should roughly take one playing session, if the party is quick, or two if the party is progressing slowly. This is the fourth and final part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign, which can also be played as a standalone adventure. Valachan: Hunter’s Moon features: Fully fleshed out Trial of Hearts with dangerous encounters along the journey Rules for sabotaging rival parties before the Trial New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Check out the previous adventures in the series: Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts, Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil and Kalakeri: The Forbidden Temple! And look out for the special Campaign Guide, which will explain in detail how to best set up and play the campaign. However, if you want to start your campaign right now, don’t worry - we have included a short appendix at the end of each adventure that will explain the basics! Disclaimer: We are a team of writers from Ukraine, so the unprovoked war and senseless aggression of the terrorist state of russia influenced our initial timelines significantly. However, we are now as safe as we can ever be under the constant threat of missile strikes, and determined to finish the whole series! And after that - who knows, maybe even more cool adventures will follow ;)
The poor village of Bunting Freely, somewhat off the beaten track, is suffering from an oral health crisis. The villagers are plagued by overly aggressive Tooth Fairies due to a confluence of events in recent history.
It’s been a long, arduous trip, but you’re finally here—Baldur’s Gate. You’re not out of peril yet, however, even if you’re leaving the lawless wilds behind you, the streets of the Gate still run red with blood. But you quickly find that arriving at the city wasn’t the biggest challenge at all, now you must convince the city’s rulers to grant asylum to you and those in your charge. Part One of the Betrayal is in the Blood series of adventures. A Two-to-Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters (APL 3).
The citizens of Battledale seek aid against marauding bandits, while the neighboring forest looms menacingly over their homesteads. The adventurers stumble upon a much darker foe, while trying to help the peaceful community hunt down the brigands. A misguided druid, who’s on the verge of insanity, wields an artifact, born of sorrow and hate, that could change the world. An evil that might alter the face of Faerun, if left unchecked. Will the heroes be able to vanquish the otherworldly threat once and for all? The players must traverse into one of the most deadly forests of the Forgotten Realms, called the Tangled Trees. Should they survive long enough, they will enlist the help of a magical denizen of the forest, who will aid them to find the bandits, but also in stopping the tainted druid and her abominations.
We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. A cult of star spawn has popped up in Sigil, and the Hands of Havoc have asked the characters to destroy it.
This 4 to 6 hour module goes from Saltmarsh to Baldur's Gate in a race against time. A dark vision warns of a terribly cataclysmic event in Baldur's Gate and the characters are hired to deliver supplies before its too late. This adventure can be adjusted for any Tier 1, 2, or 3 party. It is intended to help usher characters from the Saltmarsh area to Baldur's Gate, just in time for Descent into Avernus. A challenging voyage they should give them a wild ride with new challenges at sea.
Mount Black. A mountain filled with a myriad of creatures’ lairs, a crippled dragon that wants to control it once again, and a friendly kobold who can guide you to glory - for a price. Pgs. 8-17
The Merfolk Queen asks adventurers to help retrieve merfolk roe (eggs) from a sahuagin raiding party lead by a sahuagin priestess, with custom water-based magic items as reward. The adventure is for three to four 5th level adventurers at a hard difficulty. Pgs. 137-145
Wildspace is rife with tension as various factions seek to gain the upperhand against their rivals. When a highly advanced spelljamming ship is uncovered within the Doomspace system, the player characters are asked to claim it before other groups can take it for themselves. However, the party may soon come to realize that their greatest adversary might be the ship itself. What's included: 1 high-octane adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 4 fully-colored reference maps with unlabeled battlemap versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 4+ ending variations based on the player characters' decisions Content Warnings: Death, entrapment, mental manipulation, violence may soon come to realize that their greatest adversary might be the ship itself.
The town of Canticle Bay has long been dependent on ocean fishing for its economy, and as demand has grown, the town has increased its efforts to supply the inland cities with the best seafood. Recently, however, the men who go out on the boats haven’t been coming back. A newly formed group of adventurers have been sent by the guild to investigate the missing men. Where are they? Those that are still alive can be found in the watery depths amongst the Sirens sworn to protect the ocean. Faced with the truth, whose side will the party take?
This adventure can be used in any setting that features landowning nobility as a social class. It focuses on the Firebird, a mythical creature from Slavic folklore similar to the phoenix. The characters begin inside a tailor’s shop where they’ve been gathered by Pero Toporov, the best tailor in the city of Krylo. The city is ruled by the confident and insensitive Baron Yuri, who commissioned Pero to create a beautiful cloak woven with the feathers of the Firebird, a creature known for its healing powers. Pero agreed on the condition that their work would be used to aid Yuri's citizens, who have been sick and ailing under Yuri's restrictive rule. Instead, the Baron took the cloak for himself. Pero is hiring the adventurers to help them break into the Baron’s fortress and steal the cloak back without being caught. The characters find a way inside the fortress and break into the dungeon, where the cloak is supposedly hidden away. Within the dungeon, the party finds the Firebird itself locked in a golden cage where Baron Yuri—wearing the magic cloak—is antagonizing it. Baron Yuri attacks them to protect his treasure and is not open to negotiation. However, the characters may try to befriend or capture the Firebird. If they sway the bird to their side it may help them fight the Baron. Once Baron Yuri is defeated, the characters can take the cloak for themselves or return it to Pero. Dethroning the Baron earns them the gratitude of the city’s people. If they return the cloak, Pero pays the adventurers and assures them that the cloak will be used for good from now on. Pgs. 173-179
"When three bodies were found with severe burn marks around thier necks, it was clear the city guard were out of their league. Inquisitives were called in to solve the case..." This is a one-shot noir adventure set in the world of Eberron. In it, the players take on the role of inquisitives investigating strange murders in one of the seedy backstreets of Korunda Gate, a city on the border of the Mror Holds. The adventure is for four level 5 players (though adjusting for 3-6 players would be minimal effort) and is expected to take around four hours. It is a great introduction to Eberron for DMs and players alike. It includes: * An exciting mystery to solve across four locations * Three vicious new monsters to fight: flaming zombie, flamelock, and face of flames * An optional bonus scene where the players pursue persons of interest in a high speed rooftop chase * A battle map for each encounter