A community for lazy dungeon masters
330 adventures found
Cover of A1 The Goblins Lair
A1 The Goblins Lair
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Constant attacks have been carried out in the forest region near Holyrock. The small town of Taveiro Village was raided by a group of Goblins that are plundering the agricultural region near the city. There is suspicion that there is a lair of these beings near the village, but so far, no one has been able to find the place. The mayor of the city is hiring adventurers to discover and eliminate this band of Goblins. It offers a big reward, in addition to allowing the booty found with these beings to own the heroes. Are you ready for the challenge? ” Goblins Lair is a “One Shot” style adventure, one that you can play in an afternoon or fit into your larger campaign. This adventure is designed for up to 4 players from level 1 to 3. We recommend using the basic BX books or the old D&D books. Have Fun! Published by Voxelhouse

Cover of Ptolus: Queen of Lies
Ptolus: Queen of Lies
3.5 Edition
Level 11
48 pages

Written by the setting’s creator, incomparable RPG author Monte Cook, Ptolus: Queen of Lies is an action-packed fantasy adventure painstakingly re-designed for Ptolus: Monte Cook’s City by the Spire. Involving numerous challenging scenarios for characters of 11th level, Queen of Lies is filled with dozens of dark elf personalities, cunningly showcasing their alien culture—a world of merciless betrayal and sinister lusts. Deep below the surface, in the sunless lands of the Netherdeep, creatures of darkness build weapons and amass armies, dreaming of invasion. An attack on a peaceful elven shrine in Emerald Hill sends the heroes on a quest to retrieve stolen artifacts and kidnapped friends. All signs point to the actions of the dark elves of Ul-Drakkan, far below the city of Ptolus. However, even within that ancient fortress, there exists a deeper darkness.... Underground enemies lurk beyond every twisting passage, and strange creatures abound. The foul culture of the dark elves is both decadent and cruel, and the heroes may discover that they’ve stumbled into a web of deceit and treachery spun by the self-styled queen of the dark elves. Can the player characters complete their mission without being discovered, or will they find out, perhaps too late, that their actions been orchestrated all along by the wicked Queen of Lies? Published by Fiery Dragon Productions

Cover of Barrowmaze
Levels 1–5
? pages

Local villagers whisper of a mysterious place deep in the marsh - a place shrouded in mist and dotted with barrow mounds, ruined columns, and standing stones. The tomb-robbers who explore beneath the mounds - or rather the few who return - tell tales of labyrinthine passages, magnificent grave goods, and terrifying creatures waiting in the dark. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to enter Barrowmaze? Barrowmaze Complete (BMC) is a classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing game. BMC includes everything in Barrowmaze I and II in the same book in addition to new material, art, layout, and cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus. Barrowmaze Complete will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong. BMC is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole). This edition includes art by the aforementioned TSR artists Erol Otus, as well as Tim Truman, Jim Holloway. New old-school artists include Peter Pagano, Cory Hamel, Stefan Poag, Zhu Bajie, Stephan Thompson, and others.

Cover of Glaive of the Revenant King
Glaive of the Revenant King
5th Edition
Level 3
40 pages

Deep within the dark recesses of the Tomb of Nihalar, the final resting place of elven kings, the weapon of the wood elves of Imfe Aiqua stirs. Two individuals are drawn to the weapon—but only one can accept it. Who will take up the glaive of the revenant king and become the ruler of the forgotten elven city? Glaive of the Revenant King is a 3rd-level Fifth Edition adventure for 3-5 characters. Characters who survive the adventure should reach the 4th level by the adventure's conclusion. This is the major side quest in the Hand of Eight adventure path. It can be played as the kickoff for the larger adventure setting or as a one-shot adventure for your players. The campaign is intended to be set in the DMDave crowdsourced campaign world of Omeria. However, it can just as easily be inserted into any other mysterious, untamed wilderness. The adventure is written by renown Fifth Edition author, DMDave Hamrick. It's 40 pages of fast-paced fantasy adventure that includes zombie hordes, horrible monsters in dark forests, battles with orcs, and tombs filled with dangerous traps.

Cover of Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
95 pages

There have been disturbing signs over the last few months, signalling that something is wrong in Humblewood. The troubles appear to originate from activity in the Scorched Grove, an ashen plain that was ravaged many centuries ago by a destructive fire. Whatever caused the fire has scarred the land with elemental magic, making it inhospitable to all but strange fire-based creatures. Of late, the Grove has begun to expand. At first, it was hard to notice the slow expansion, but those in tune with nature (especially the Tenders) could see the imbalance in the elemental forces of Humblewood. For many common folk, this imbalance has been experienced as unseasonal dryness, which has led to crop failure and an increased frequency of forest fires. There have also been a number of unusually aggressive emberbat clouds reported far outside of their natural ranges. The true nature of the danger still remains hidden from the people of the Wood. A corvum necromancer named Odwald Ebonhart has stirred the elemental aspect of fire, which has lain dormant beneath the Scorched Grove since its first burning. The aspect’s energies have begun to empower fire-based creatures within the Wood. The increased range of emberbat swarms have brought fires that have expanded the Grove. Many forest-dwellers, who have been left without homes, have turned to banditry to survive. Soon the elemental incarnation will break free, and players must find a way to stop the aspect of fire before it reduces the Wood to ashes.

Trapped in the Toybox
5th Edition
Level 8
11 pages

This adventure has a lighter tone but isn’t completely out of place in a serious campaign. The challenges include combat, puzzles, traps and a legendary monster; Jack, in a Box. Does the party need to find something that an evil (and possibly mad) mage may have secluded away in an extra-dimensional space, and ordered an evil Jack-in-the-box and his toy army to protect it at all costs? Well that’s convenient because that is exactly the kind of situation that "Trapped in the Toybox" can help you with. Alternatively maybe that Dragon fight went a little too well for your party, maybe this “cursed chest” could help teach them a little humility. This adventure is designed for 4 (1d6 + 1) adventurers of 8th level who are in possession of a sense of humour. The toybox was created by a chaotic yet playful wizard, in order to hide an enchanted amulet under the protection of Jack. The adventurers should find themselves trapped inside the toybox, and they're in Jack's world now. Jack is the master of this domain and protector of both the amulet he has been entrusted with and the only exit of the toybox. There are a number of ways the adventurers may have come to be inside this toybox, e.g., the toybox may be found as part of the adventurer's loot in a dungeon or dragon's hoard, upon investigation it drags the adventurers inside. Note: This module commemorates our first themed week of Reddit's /r/Monsteraday and ties together this week's monsters in a dungeon designed for four 8th level adventurers. https://www.reddit.com/r/1d6Adventurers/comments/61axk3/trapped_in_the_toybox_adventure_module/ Published by 1d6Adventures

Cover of The Mystic Circle
The Mystic Circle
5th Edition
Level 1
11 pages

An offer of exploration and adventure leads to a chilling underground dungeon. A mystical object is being asked to be retrieved by the local Wizard. This is the second adventure in a miniseries with the following adventures being: A Chance Encounter An Urgent Rescue A Dark Veil Falls

Cover of Winter's Daughter
Winter's Daughter
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The tomb of an ancient hero, lost in the tangled depths of the woods. A ring of standing stones, warded by the sinister Drune cult. A fairy princess who watches with timeless patience from beyond the veil of the mortal. A forgotten treasure that holds the key to her heart. Winter's Daughter is a romantic fairy-tale dungeon adventure set in the creepy old forest of Dolmenwood. Published by Necrotic Gnome

Cover of Odyssey of the Dragonlords
Odyssey of the Dragonlords
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
460 pages

Odyssey of the Dragonlords is heavily inspired by stories from ancient Greek mythology. As we designed the campaign, we sought to include ideas from many different sources: The Odyssey, The Iliad, Jason and the Argonauts, The Oresteia, and others. However, Thylea is not ancient Greece. You will not find Zeus, Athena, or Apollo among the gods. As you explore Thylea, you will encounter familiar tropes, monsters, and treasures from Greek mythology—but the rules are different here. Mortals have only recently come to these lands. The world of Thylea blends high fantasy with the trappings of ancient history. Elves, dwarves, and halflings now live alongside minotaurs, centaurs, and satyrs. Our goal is to make your party feel like heroes from one of the greatest stories ever told—but the ultimate end of that story is entirely within your power. Your players will make choices that forever change the world of Thylea. As the gamemaster, we encourage you to embrace this idea and run with it. How will your players reshape history—and what does it mean to be a hero?

Cover of Wrath of the Orc God
Wrath of the Orc God
Levels 3–4
53 pages

In the town of Gafolweed, the market is in disarray: toppled barrows and collapsed tents spill their contents onto the muddy ground. Merchants and locals flee the scene as you arrive. In the midst of the destruction stands a muscular, green-skinned humanoid—an orc! Three bodies lie near his feet, the victims of his bloody axe. He turns to you, a vivid red tattoo of a bleeding eye prominent on his brow. The orcs are gathering in numbers unseen in many generations and make war upon the people of the Borderlands. The cause of this deadly conflict is entwined with the history of the unholy mark that all the orcs now bear. Will your fellowship of budding heroes be able to quell the Wrath of the Orc God?

The Golem Master's Workshop
Levels 1–3
1 pages

The Golem Master, creator of pricey artificial servants, hasn’t been seen around for some time. His house stands dark and silent. Dare you enter?

Cover of A Kiss to Build a Dream On
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
6 pages

A Kiss to Build a Dream On is a 5e-compatible dream-delve for four level 7 characters. It plays for 3-4 hours. Queen Aisling, newly free of insomnia (see The Trouble with Dreams), has become an avid dreamer. A little too avid in the eyes of some. Under ducal questioning, her Majesty confessed there was something more going on; She’s fallen in love with a man she has seen in her dreams. The adventurers have been assembled to mount an expedition into the Realms of Slumber. With the aid of an uneasy Somnomancer, a magic spell, and an ice pick, a rift to the Realms of Slumber is opened! Warning: die in the Realms of Slumber and you’ll be damned to sleepwalk the rest of your life - a fate worse than death! The heroes are entrusted with an Interdimensional Valise. It functions as a Bag of Holding, except that it can also carry Dream Creatures into the real world. To appease the Queen, the adventurers must get the Man of Her Dreams into the Valise and then return with him to the Waking World. The adventurers will be rewarded with a Knighthood and an Estate in the Vinelands (10,000gp value) if they succeed.

Cover of Halls of the Blood King
Halls of the Blood King
Levels 3–5
48 pages

With the rising of the Blood Moon, the accursed abode of the Blood King returns to this world. The lord of all vampires comes to claim the blood that is owed to him. His halls contain treasures and secrets that would make any ambitious adventurer abandon reason and caution to seek them out. Will you risk your soul for gold and glory in the Halls of the Blood King?

Cover of Moon Elves' Masquerade
Moon Elves' Masquerade
5th Edition
Level 4
17 pages

Famed hedonist Horatio Humbert, likewise possessed by an avarice for novelty, has offered a great bounty for any party-goers capable of convincing the moon elves to attend his next birthday. From his pleasure barge to the moon, this 4th level adventure mixes extended social and roleplay opportunities with a high-stakes, low-gravity boss fight your players will never forget! Long ago, in the golden age of the elves, a collection of master mages and elven demigods decided to leave our world to create a utopia of undying revelry, bacchanalia, and hedonism. By the grace of the divines and the strength of their magic, they ascended to the moon. Yet the pleasure-seeking life, even free of time and death, is driven by desperate hungers, novelty chief among them. To combat their eternal ennui, the moon elves have taken to the lowest form of carousing: destination party tourism.

Cover of The Bleeding Hollow Deluxe Adventure
The Bleeding Hollow Deluxe Adventure
Levels 4–6
133 pages

The Bleeding Hollow was written as a tribute to the golden era of adventures. Danger lurks around every turn, and a great over-arching storyline ties everything together. There is much to discover and learn, and solving the woes of the adventure is entirely up to the players. They will choose how to deal with the myriad challenges put forth, and will probably run down a red herring or two. They might choose a very dangerous path unknowingly and pay the consequences fortheir actions. That is intended. Let the story lead your party, and your players lead the game. You won’t regret it. Published by Total Party Kill Games

Cover of Thieves in the Forest
Thieves in the Forest
3rd Edition
Level 1
28 pages

Only True Heroes Can Find Honor Among Thieves … They lurk in the Ralferst Forest, striking out at all who pass through, robbing traders, assaulting farmers, even killing with impunity. Working from a secret base deep in the forest, a band of thieves has struck fear into the heart of Brandon's Bridge, the little village at the crossing of the Azure River. But now a band of heroes has come, seeking glory and adventure - heroes that might just be up to the challenge of driving away the Thieves in the Forest. Thieves in the Forest is a beginner-friendly, introductory OGL adventure. It features: A wilderness adventure segment featuring the Ralferst Forest, a dense wood crisscrossed with paths and fraught with perils. The nature of the forest and paths makes it easy for less experienced players and GMs to deal with this non-dungeon environment. A double-sided, fold-out poster map (17" x 22") of the thieves' hideout - an ancient ruined temple - suitable for tabletop use with miniatures or counters, for easier handling of tactical combat. Maps created in Profantasy Software's Campaign Cartographer 2, and available for download on the Atlas Games website. GMs can customize and manipulate these maps themelves, if they own CC2, and integrate them into their own game worlds. Published by Atlas Games & Truant Spiele

Cover of The Claws of Madness
The Claws of Madness
5th Edition
Level 1
37 pages

For centuries, Aelmor Monastery near the port town of Sestone was a safe haven for scholars, monks, and pilgrims seeking enlightenment, its renowned library home to an enormous collection of ancient manuscripts, tomes, and peculiar writings. After suffering a devastating attack at the hands of a possessed monastery elder, Aelmor fell into ruin, its troubled past forgotten. When villagers start disappearing and turn up horribly mutated days later, fear takes a grip of Sestone. What sinister forces are at work? And to what end? The Claws of Madness is a standalone adventure carefully designed for a group of 1st-level heroes, including new monsters, magic items, and a thrilling story arc. Edited by Michele Carter (co-editor of the 5th Edition Player’s Handbook), this dungeon crawl combines the best elements of classic adventures with fresh new exciting avenues. The story in this book also provides the perfect base for an epic, long-running campaign suitable for higher-level characters, in which the heroes unravel the dark mystery of the mythical Hand of Narkul . . . Published by LoreSmyth SmiteWorks.

Cover of Aldriv's Revenge
Aldriv's Revenge
3rd Edition
Level 1
48 pages

Duke Aldriv III has been brutally murdered. His brother, Prince Cardor, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Mordeln, the bastard son of the Prince, is under suspicion. But Mordeln claims to be innocent, and fears he will be the assassins' next target. Let your plater characters' personalities come alive as they join forces with Mordeln in his desperate race to find his missing father. Will the players find the Prince before the assassins do? Or will they too fall victim to the mysterious figure manipulating the events from behind the scenes?

Cover of Temple of 1000 Swords
Temple of 1000 Swords
Level 3
25 pages

"An ancient temple to the forgotten god of swords lies hidden behind a waterfall. Great piles of swords choke its halls and spill out into nearby streams and waterways. What strangeness still treads and what swords will you draw in the Temple of 1000 Swords? -A tarot-inspired fantasy RPG dungeon delve for 3rd level characters -Created for Old-School Essentials (B/X), compatible with RPGs with old-school sensibilities -A 19 room, keyed dungeon, easily insertable into a fantasy RPG campaign, sandbox, or “west marches” style table -d100 weird, magic, and cursed swords to discover. Roll to search the piles! -Anything is a sword--create weird sword creations through the temple's cursed magic -New monsters, factions, spirits, and curses -Includes a high-resolution unlabeled map for VTT use" "Temple of 1000 Swords" is set in a mystical temple filled with countless swords and intriguing magic. It offers a dense, exploration-heavy dungeon experience with unique mechanics and a rich backdrop of ongoing conflicts. Players can choose to ally with the Drukks (humanoid carnivorous ducks) or Merfolk (jocks) and manipulate both for their ends, or try to avoid conflict altogether. Gladio, the god of swords, issues quests that can alter the course of the adventure, demanding moral and strategic decisions from the players.

Cover of Owlbears & Farm Maids
Owlbears & Farm Maids
5th Edition
Level 1
21 pages

A missing wife, owlbears hooting in the night, and a band of mischievious underdwellers... What could be going on in the forests near Smalldale? A D&D 5th edition adventure for first-level characters, appropriate for beginner and adept DM's alike. - Perfect for introducing your friends to the wonders of D&D - A generic setting - easily integrated into almost any campaign setting. - 21 pages of classic monster hunting, agrarian wholesomeness and subterranean exploration, including two hand-drawn maps - Features the much underused Xvarts and the ever-popular owlbears - Customizable amount of combat - pleasing for roleplayers and villains alike. - A new magical item - Obar's Gauntlet of Light