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551 adventures found
Cover of Their Master's Voice
Their Master's Voice
Levels 2–4
3 pages

Everybody's a fool for a lost kid. He wanted power but settled for scraps - for now. The outcast wizard Lertol has adopted two leucrotta, and their team is ambushing passing travelers and robbing them with no-one the wiser. The players first fall into this trap when the leucrottas mimic a lost child and a search party in the middle of a night at camp. If the players leave to investigate the voices, the wizard loots the camp while they are gone. The players can then follow the wizard back to his lair and get their treasure back. Pgs. 48-49 & 28

Cover of DS1 Freedom
DS1 Freedom
Level 3
120 pages

Enter the ancient and corrupt city of Tyr, whose tyrannical sorcerer king has ruled for a millennium. As you wander the city, from the wreck of the Elven warrens to the sanguine splendor of the arena, you realize that the citizens of Tyr thirst less for water than they do for freedom. Now, after a century of slave labor, sorcerer king Kalak's great ziggurat nears completion. He has promised the city a grand celebration when the monument is done, complete with the most brutal arena spectacle in Tyr's long history. Rumors abound as to the nature of the spectacle: some believe it will bring with it the longed for manumission of countless slaves: others fear the annihilation of Tyr and her people as a sacrifice to Kalak's hunger for power; and a secret few believe it will be a day of revolution - a day of freedom. The adventure that introduces the Dark Sun setting as well as part of its metaplot. The adventure starts with the PCs being enslaved and forced to work on Tyr's ziggurat, where they make various connections that can affect things both in this adventure and the next in the series (Road to Urik). The finale takes place simultaneously with the finale of the Verdant Passage novel, and has something of a disaster movie feel - major events are happening, and the PCs are trying to survive in their shadow and (hopefully) save some people as well. Like many other Dark Sun modules, this adventure comes with a flip-book full of handouts as well as a few pre-generated starting-level characters. TSR 2401

Cover of DSE1 - Dragon's Crown Box Set
DSE1 - Dragon's Crown Box Set
Levels 10–13
312 pages

Hail, heroes of Tyr! Bravely you have served your adopted city since the day of King Kalak's fall. As slaves and rebels you rose from Kalak's slave pits to claim your freedom from his ancient tyranny. Now that freedom is being threatened once again by an insidious new enemy, one who controls the use of psionics throughout the dying world of Athas! The Dragon's Crown adventure is the exciting climax of the Freedom module series in one final journey of epic proportions, the player characters must defend everything they have worked so hard to build. Seven adventures connected by one great plot take the PC's from the volcanic islands of the Sea of Silt to an ancient wonder hidden in the forests of the Dragon Crown Mountains. The grandest and most ambitious adventure of the Dark Sun game world, Dragon's Crown will provide many hours of exciting play! The previous flip-book modules (Freedom, Road to Urik, Arcane Shadows and Asticlian Gambit), are helpful, but they are not necessary to enjoy Dragon's Crown Dragon's Crown, the first epic adventure for the DARK SUN™ world, takes players to the four corners of Athas, a world without...psionics? Someone, or something, in Athas has seized control of psionics. The magical powers of the sorcerer-kings, the avangion Korgunard, and the Dragon are ebbing rapidly. A tide of evil is blanketing the land and it must be stopped! But first, players must learn the secrets of the Order. This "super module" can be played as one big adventure or as separate scenarios. Contains: Out of the Valley adventure The Road of Fire adventure Dragon's Crown Mountains adventure TSR 2416

Cover of Umbra
Levels 6–9
31 pages

"The adventure begins with the PCs lost in the streets of Sigil's Lower Ward." --from the module. The PCs are approached by a tiefling telling them about a job. The tiefling's employer wants the heroes to search for a child who is rumored to be some sort of chosen one from an ancient prophecy. Includes a map of Durkayle's Stronghold, a map of the Black Sail Tavern, a map of the Screaming Tower, and an isometric map of Zactar Cathedral.

Cover of Night of the Vampire
Night of the Vampire
Levels 1–6
32 pages

You are cordially invited to a masquerade celebrating the engagement of Lady Laina Vandevic to Lord Iajo Moubotka. Lord Gustav Vandevic welcomes you to his manor for an evening's entertainment. The servants are delighted to make your acquaintance - but watch out for the other guests! Intrigues within intrigues are afoot in Vandevicsny Manor. When a celebration becomes a night of terror, only the most cunning heroes will survive! TSR 2509

Cover of The Black Heart of Ulom
The Black Heart of Ulom
Levels 5–8
10 pages

The druids gave the forest a mind of its own; that their creation would turn evil was not part of the plan. Remember: Only you can prevent dire forests. The party must purify the sentient Black Oak at the heart of an evil forest.

Cover of Aesirhamar
Levels 9–16
12 pages

The characters are summoned by the Norse gods to track down two dwarves, one of whom has made a weapon for the giants to use against the gods. The mission takes the characters to Jotunheim, on the plane of Gladsheim, to take the god-slaying weapon from the giants.

Cover of The Sunken Shadow
The Sunken Shadow
Levels 1–3
18 pages

The sea has many perils. Are the treasures of a sunken pirate ship worth the risk? Arkos Seatamer, a privateer and the sole survivor of a shipwreck has gathered a new crew. He's returning to the wreck to recover the body of his closest friend, Devek Harpwind, for a proper burial. Arkos had rammed the pirate vessel 'Striking Shadow' in combat, shattering its hull. He leapt aboard the sinking ship to take the pirate queen as a prisoner. Shortly after, a sudden storm arose, so violent that it sunk his ship as well. This isn't the whole story. The pirate queen wore a cursed gold armband, shaped like a coiled eel. The sight of the band made Arkos mad with greed and he moved to slay her to take it. Devek tried to intervene but Arkos killed his friend in rage. With his dying breaths Devek laid a horrible curse upon Arkos to become a were-eel each night. The PCs are hired to accompany Arkos and his crew to the wreckage and recover Devek's body from the wreck, along with the armband he still lusts for. Pgs. 18-35

Cover of B2 Keep on the Borderlands
B2 Keep on the Borderlands
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The heroes arrive at the eponymous Keep on the Borderlands, a fortress on the edge of civilization built to stave off the chaos and evil of the wilderness. Using it as a home base, a party can make forays into the surrounding wilderness, encountering monster and marauder alike. The centerpiece of the adventure is certainly the CAVES OF CHAOS, a network of tunnels and caverns found in the walls of a nearby but isolated ravine. It is here that hordes of evil humanoids have made their home. Through combat and negotiation, the players can try to explore and map out these caves, perhaps with the aim of accumulating valuable treasure or even cleansing the land of evil creatures. However, even the Caves are not all they seem. Beyond the goblins and kobolds lurk dark horrors: cults dedicated to fiendish chaos and a Minotaur's enchanted labyrinth await the unprepared adventurer. But for the hero who is brave, clever, and fortunate in equal and sufficient measure, great treasures and glory await in the Caves of Chaos that lie beyond the Keep on the Borderlands! TSR 9034

Cover of The Sea of Sorrow
The Sea of Sorrow
Levels 7–9
30 pages

When the magic runs out, so does your luck. The wildspace monster is deadly, but its lair is the real killer. The Spelljammer ship, Sky Ranger, is lost in wildspace and the players are hired to find it. When investigating the Pirtel system where the ship was last seen, the players have a chance for exploration and roleplay in a city called Skyport. The adventure is mostly exploration of Pirtelspace and investigation to find the final resting place of the Sky Ranger. The adventure is full of random and planned encounters for this area. The story culminates in an encounter with an insane radiant dragon named Blacklight. Pgs. 40-69

Cover of Red Hand Trail
Red Hand Trail
Low Level
16 pages

Part of TSR 1076 The Goblin's Lair

Cover of DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Adventure Lies Ahead, Deep in the Heart of the Dymrak Forest Are you ready to meet the Lord Forester's challenge: to put an end to needless death and destruction by doing away with the goblin war chieftain, Kosivikh, and his evil band of raiders? Eager to prove yourselves as new adventurers and to collect a sizable bounty, you travel to the goblins' dungeon in the Dymrak Forest - a place that has captivated your interest for years, a place where few have dared to venture. Only you and your fellow adventurers can put an end to the rampant bloodshed and return peace to the territory. This module is recommended especially for beginner Dungeon Masters and players who are interested in dungeon exploration. Can be used as a follow-up to the DDA3, Eye of Traldar module or it can stand alone Features easy-to-follow rules on dungeon adventuring in the heart of the Dymrak Forest. TSR 9272

Cover of The Halls of Beoll-Dur
The Halls of Beoll-Dur
Level 8
17 pages

Built into what was thought to be an inactive volcano, the Halls of Beoll-Dur were created as an isolated training ground for dwarven clerics. However, upon their mountain shaking itself awake the dwarves discovered that they shared the mountain with something far more sinister. Few escaped to tell of the massacre as an horde of salamanders rising from the fiery depths, claiming the halls for their king. Now the temple sits desecrated, waiting for the day that hero's will purify it of the evils within. Pgs. M1-M16

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Visitors from Above
Levels 4–8
20 pages

"One night, a piece of the sky fell to earth..." "Visitors from Above" introduces the DM and players to the concept of flying ships, alien races, and space travel as described in the AD&D SPELLJAMMER boxed set. The adventure is compatible with AD&D 2nd Edition rules and the Monstrous Compendium, but can easily be played with only AD&D 1st Edition rules. "The adventure is designed for 4-9 characters of 4th-8th level (a maximum of 30 total levels). "The PCs begin in the city of Neverwinter and must venture upriver through the Neverwinter Woods to Mount Hotenow."

Cover of L2 The Assassin's Knot
L2 The Assassin's Knot
Levels 2–5
32 pages

The Assassin's Knot is a sequel to The Secret of Bone Hill, picking up on themes from that module and shifts them to a new locale. The player characters must solve the mystery of who killed the Baron of Restenford, with evidence pointing to somebody from the town of Garrotten. The scenario describes the town and its castle. The Assassin's Knot module is different from most of its contemporaries in that it contained no dungeon or dungeon-like area. The longer the players take to find the murderer, the more unfortunate events occur in the village. The village, Garrotten, is reputed to be the place to go to have someone killed. The entire village shuts down when the Baron of Restenford is found dead, mutilated beyond the possibility of magical restoration. Three small clues are all the player characters have to unravel the mystery. TSR 9057

Cover of Esmerelda's Bodyguard
Esmerelda's Bodyguard
Levels 6–9
8 pages

En garde! "Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!" A duchess recruits the party to deal with a monstrosity. Pgs, 60-67

Cover of Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Levels 1–4
16 pages

The town of Byr is in need of heroes. Residents of the town of Byr have been kidnapped. Some think it was marauding Hobgoblins, but a grizzled and crippled veteran who helped to drive the Chagmat (monstrous spider-people) back many years ago believes that the Chagmat are back. Their forgotten temple is believed to be up on Little Boy Mountain. He argues that the mountain is where answers, and the missing townsfolk, can be found. Pgs. 33-48

Cover of The Evil Eye
The Evil Eye
Levels 4–6
64 pages

Welcome to Invidia, where Vistani curses come to their terrible fruition. As a young girl, Gabrielle Aderre was warned by her mother never to have children: "A man, a babe, a home - these things can never be for you, for tragedy will be the only result." Now the witch Gabrielle has disobyed her mother and borne a child, an abomination that could spell doom for Vistani everywhere. Gabrielle has learned too late the truth of her mother's prophesy. The Evil Eye is a series of six scenarios involving the Vistani and their most hated nemesis, the legendary Dukkar. The adventurers uncover the hidden secrets of Karina, the largest town in Invidia and home to the most terrifying festival in Ravenloft. The heroes will arrive to see a town in the throes of Carnival - a time when ghosts and madmen, werewolves and gypsies all mingle under the waxing moon. TSR 9497

Cover of B1-9 In Search of Adventure
B1-9 In Search of Adventure
Levels 1–3
160 pages

THRESHOLD! The northernmost town in the Duchy - and your last stop before your adventures begin. Threshold, the gateway to mysterious castles, lost temples, deadly caves and caverns. You have heard the stories and legends, now you wish to see for yourself. This product provides a complete campaign adventure that will take beginning characters from 1st all the way to 3rd level and possibly beyond, drawn from the first nine modules of the B-series adventures. See individual adventure entries for Boss, Common Monster and Items lists. TSR 9190