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551 adventures found
Cover of The Book With No End
The Book With No End
Levels 8–12
24 pages

A vanished tome, a faded legend, and the end of the world. Out of the eons, the deadliest artifact. At least one magic-user is required, and fighters and thieves would be very helpful. Magic-users may have a special interest in this quest due to the nature of the item for which they search. Traps and puzzles are a dominant theme, and problem solving is necessary. Pgs. 41-64

Cover of The Titan's Dream
The Titan's Dream
Levels 5–9
11 pages

A bizarre journey into the realm of sleep. A casual visit to a living, nightmare theater. The King sends the party to speak to the Oracle, a Titan named Andromicus and ask about the fate of the kingdom. But the titan is asleep and sleeping he draws the heroes into his dream! This very weird adventure imagines the titan is dreaming three different five act plays whose stories intertwine and intermix randomly. The heroes find themselves in a random act of a random play and must "solve" the central tension of the act to put the Titan's mind at ease and move on to the next Act. Once they solved five different acts (which may happen out of order and each be from different stories) they exit the dream and the Titan wakes, allowing the players to ask the Titan Oracle a question. Some acts are short roleplaying encounters, some are full on combat scenarios. While the players can earn experience, and might get some cash, any magic items they find are illusory! A unique adventure with a lot of promise for an open-minded DM. Seems very like a classic Star Trek episode and in fact follows many of the same rules about Gods and Dreams. Pgs. 5-15

Cover of The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
Levels 2–4
9 pages

What angers the spirits? You don't have long to find out. An angry spirit can even steal the rain. The characters must appease a spirit that has brought drought to the area. Before they can summon him, however, they'll need to collect magical water from three shrines.

Cover of X9 The Savage Coast
X9 The Savage Coast
Levels 4–10
32 pages

What sends you adventuring deep into unknown lands, across dark waters, around The Savage Coast? Adventure? The sincere desire to help others? Or greed? Cartographers Guild members tell of lost cities and hidden treasures. Sailors tell of menacing beasts and cannibals to the west. They tell of savages along the shores who use gold nuggets for fishing weights. They also tell of great mounds of gold that collect at river mouths. You must decide the grater lure; the safety of Slagovich or the glimmer of gold along The Savage Coast. This adventure includes a map which expands the D&D game world, and a special expanded monsters section. TSR 9129

Cover of The Twofold Talisman Adventure One: The Heart of Light
The Twofold Talisman Adventure One: The Heart of Light
Levels 6–7
11 pages

The players are tasked by a mysterious Wizard's servant quest to recover the two gems of the Twofold Talisman: the Heart of Light and the Ebon Stone. The quest for the Heart of Light takes the adventurers to the Wizard's own mansion. Pgs. 43-54

Cover of Monsterquest
Levels 1–3
10 pages

This AD&D scenario is designed to be a humorous departure from regular adventuring. The "heroes" are a fellowship of monsters on a quest to recover a magical item for an orc chieftain whom they have displeased. Having lost the map given to them, they must gain entry to a frontier outpost - probably by sneaking through sewers - and recover the map from a locked safe in the commanders quarters. Once they again have the map, the monsters must travel overland to an abandoned elven witches' temple on the shore of a mountain lake, where they will find the object of their quest. Pgs. 23-32

Cover of Wild in the Street
Wild in the Street
Levels 1–3
4 pages

Don't feed the animals. Be kind to animals or else. The party is shown a rare set of baby monsters that they must face. Pgs. 56-59

Cover of The Temple of Poseidon
The Temple of Poseidon
Levels 7–10
16 pages

For the past several days, dozens of strong earthquakes have rocked the coastal area surrounding the underground Temple of Poseidon. Since the first quake, there have been a growing number of reports of strange events and macabre occurrences throughout the area. Several families near the temple have abandoned their farms and refused to return. They claim to have been terrorized by inhuman specters who prowled about their farms late at night. One of the farmers says he found a farm animal crucified and eviscerated in a ritualistic fashion on his front porch. Following the first tremors, all communications with the Temple of Poseidon, seemingly the center of the troubled area, were cut off. Messengers dispatched to the temple to request guidance from the Holy Oracle located there have not returned. Now the darkness has spread to this town. Unnatural births have occurred. Strange cries can be heard in the night, and there is a cowl around the moon. Magical divining has proven useless in naming the dark forces that invade. Many of the townspeople have already abandoned their homes and those who remain have but one recourse left: They have sent out a cry for hardened adventurers, experienced in dispatching evil. They must travel to the temple to discover the fate of the men there, and, if possible, elicit their help in destroying the growing heinous power. Pgs. 31-46

Cover of Wildspawn
Levels 6–8
16 pages

A strange breed, indeed. No one returns from Revular's Island, and for good reason. The story starts in a fantasy kingdom called Lungardy, but the DM may choose any setting that borders a large body of water. Pgs. 30-45

Cover of DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
Levels 7–10
121 pages

The palace of the Forest Queen contains treasures unimaginable. To the sons and daughters of Athas's harsher climes, Gulg and the Crescent Forest seem almost perversely lush, a jumble of green and growing things hording precious water for the benefit of the few. But while basking in the glow of Lalali-Puy6's gratitude, your characters have the richness of the forest at your beck and call. Of course, the Oba's sensibilities are easily bruised, and her nature is notoriously unforgiving. Gulg's dank dungeons are only a staging area to a deadly ceremony, where the young nobles of the city chase prisoners through the forest to earn their places as lords of their city - the Red Moon Hunt. Play this as a stand-alone adventure or as the sequel to Freedom, Road to Urik, and Arcane Shadows. TSR 2412

Cover of The Heart of the Jungle
The Heart of the Jungle
Levels 5–8
34 pages

This adventure is part of TSR 9386 FRM1 - The Jungles of Chult Introduction: Lord Onovan of the Dales stumbled through the underbrush, his clothes in tatters, his body aching from a tenday in the jungle. The food was gone; the water, too. The last of the bearers had fled hours ago, leaving him nothing but the tunic on his hack and the sword in his hand. Through the lush curtain of vines and broad-leafed plants surrounding Onovan came the ominous sound of Batiri war drums. He glanced up at the thick canopy high overhead. The sun was going down. The goblins would be after him soon. The howling packs would trail him like bloodhounds through the jungle until the sun drove them into hiding again. Panic closed around his heart like a stone giants fist, crushing his dreams of escape. The goblins had killed Kadir Silveraxe and Ryn the Bold as if they'd been stripling warriors, not experienced sellswords. And if stout warriors like them were no match for the Batiri, what hope did a gentleman explorer like Onovan have? That grim thought flew from the explorers mind as he pushed through a tangle of saw-leafed vines. The creature lurking there in wait for him was huge, at least as tall as a two-story building. Splashes of browns and greens covered the beasts scaly hide, perfectly masking its bulk against the jungle. A dinosaur! Onovan noted in fearnumbed awe, just before the allosaurus snapped him in two with its powerful jaws and row after row of daggerlike teeth.

Cover of The Black Heart of Ulom
The Black Heart of Ulom
Levels 5–8
10 pages

The druids gave the forest a mind of its own; that their creation would turn evil was not part of the plan. Remember: Only you can prevent dire forests. The party must purify the sentient Black Oak at the heart of an evil forest.

Cover of RQ1 Night of the Walking Dead
RQ1 Night of the Walking Dead
Levels 1–3
32 pages

In a rain-soaked graveyard, a small group of men stands round a coffin bound with heavy chains. "We are here to mourn the passing of Jean de Cardeau," intones the village priest. " Let us pray that his rest is eternal, and that he never returns." As the pallbearers lift the coffin, something scrapes on the wood from inside. Quickly and without emotion, the attendants slide the casket into a crypt. Then they seal the door and flee. Behind them, unheard, a dull thudding begins, growing louder with the onset of twilight. There can be no peace for those who linger in the earthly realm after death. And there can be no sanctuary on the Night of the Walking Dead! Set in a zombie-infested swampland, "Night of the Walking Dead" is an ideal first-time Ravenloft adventure. Players must unravel the mystery behind a string of murders and disappearances in a village plagued by ambulant undead—and all is not as simple as it seems! The hour of fear is upon us. Are you ready to face the Demiplane of Dread? TSR 9352

Cover of A Little Knowledge
A Little Knowledge
Level 3
24 pages

Introductory adventure for Dark Sun, included in the original box set. PCs start on a slave caravan but are freed when it is attacked. With limited equipment and water, they must cross the desert to an oasis then save a druid. As with many Dark Sun adventures, uses a flip book providing 24 maps and illustrations for players. Combines combat encounters with survival encounters, where the treasure may just be food or enough water for another day.

Cover of Wild Dragon Den
Wild Dragon Den
Levels 1–3
16 pages

A young black dragon and two hatchling dragons live in an excavated sandstone burrow in the swamp west of Knacker Knob. Connected to the dragon lair is a complex of sandstone tunnels and chambers inhabited by lizard men. Some sandstone tunnels and chambers are partially flooded, and others are filled with nasty things such as slimes, oozes and gelatinous cubes. The lizard men revere the dragons as magical spirit guardians. In small groups the lizard men are easily defeated, but if allowed to prepare a common defense, the lizard men tribe with its spellcasters may present serious threat to the player characters (PCs). Wild Dragon Den is the first dragon's lair to conquer. Part of TSR 1073 The Dragon's Den

Cover of Dreams Within Dreams
Dreams Within Dreams
Any Level
6 pages

"Dreams Within Dreams" provides a group of heroes with the first hints that ther eis something more to dreams and nightmares than images caused by eating a big meal right before bedtime. It brings them into contact with the first level of reality. One here who experiences a nightmare also catches the interest of Hypnos, a member of the Nightmare Court. This leads to another revelation - dreams can have profound and even dangerous affect on the waking world. Adventure I: Dreams Within Dreams From Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124

Cover of DSE1 - Dragon's Crown Box Set
DSE1 - Dragon's Crown Box Set
Levels 10–13
312 pages

Hail, heroes of Tyr! Bravely you have served your adopted city since the day of King Kalak's fall. As slaves and rebels you rose from Kalak's slave pits to claim your freedom from his ancient tyranny. Now that freedom is being threatened once again by an insidious new enemy, one who controls the use of psionics throughout the dying world of Athas! The Dragon's Crown adventure is the exciting climax of the Freedom module series in one final journey of epic proportions, the player characters must defend everything they have worked so hard to build. Seven adventures connected by one great plot take the PC's from the volcanic islands of the Sea of Silt to an ancient wonder hidden in the forests of the Dragon Crown Mountains. The grandest and most ambitious adventure of the Dark Sun game world, Dragon's Crown will provide many hours of exciting play! The previous flip-book modules (Freedom, Road to Urik, Arcane Shadows and Asticlian Gambit), are helpful, but they are not necessary to enjoy Dragon's Crown Dragon's Crown, the first epic adventure for the DARK SUN™ world, takes players to the four corners of Athas, a world without...psionics? Someone, or something, in Athas has seized control of psionics. The magical powers of the sorcerer-kings, the avangion Korgunard, and the Dragon are ebbing rapidly. A tide of evil is blanketing the land and it must be stopped! But first, players must learn the secrets of the Order. This "super module" can be played as one big adventure or as separate scenarios. Contains: Out of the Valley adventure The Road of Fire adventure Dragon's Crown Mountains adventure TSR 2416

Cover of Dead Gods
Dead Gods
Levels 6–9
190 pages

Silently, ponderously, they float through the Astral Plane, mammoth isles of rock adrift in an endless sea of silver. Once they were gods. Now they're little more than debris, petrified husks of fading belief and forgotten prayer. Yet for many, their memories linger, their dreams live on - and for some, those dreams are terrifying nightmares of vengeance, and conquest, and death. n the first, the heroes are drawn into an epic quest to uncover the secrest behind the retuns of an infamous AD&D villain long thought dead. In the second, the city of Sigil threatens to explode in a faction war for control of an old church and a mysterious force lurking within it. Dead Gods also features a Monstrous Compendium entry for a brand new fiend, full color illustrations to bring scenes alive for players, and a poster sheet of maps for the Dungeon Master. Dead Gods builds on story elements first explored in the Planescape adventure anthology The Great Modron March, though that product is not required to use this one.

Cover of The 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb
The 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb
Levels 15–25
10 pages

You possess a map to the tomb of the cursed archmage Bigby. Legend has it that the dungeon itself changes, altered by a powerful artifact and changed each time the tomb is entered. Some tales say that Bigby is trapped in magical stasis seeking something to prolong his life. All agree that great treasure and magic lie within if you are brave enough to face the hazards.

Cover of Old Sea-Dog
Old Sea-Dog
Levels 2–5
7 pages

A barque with a bark; or, You can't be Sirius! Another day, another kidnap victim to rescue - but this victim has four feet and likes old soup bones. An adventure with some bite. Sir Veneti of Chardon's prize mastiff was stolen just before the city's mastiff duel. He knows that it was his biggest rival, Sir Machi. Sir Veneti needs the party to seize Sirius, the mastiff, from a ship called Gale's Teeth. What the party doesn't know is that a pirate stranged in town is also planning a heist on this ship the very same night that they plan to steal back the mastiff! This adventure has opportunities for both combat and roleplaying, and allows for multiple ways for the players to finish the adventure. Pgs. 32-38