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552 adventures found
Cover of In the Phantom's Wake
In the Phantom's Wake
Levels 3–5
16 pages

Not long age, a magical vortex released into the lands of Thunder Rift a strange and haunted ship from another time and place. A cursed ship, bad luck for those who see it. The party never wanted to see the ship, much less board it. However, the mystical astrolabe they found must have had great power?at least enough to send them here. Too bad it's missing, now. Will the heroes find a way off the haunted ship, or are they doomed to sail strange seas forever? TSR 9436

Cover of RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
Levels 10–14
32 pages

If you but have the will Sonja, you may use your strength to make the world your home. You may become a wanderer, the equal of any man or woman you meet. (The Ring of Ikribu) Red Sonja #1 Steel met steel as Sonja slashed wildly before her. Sparks flew into the air; the mercenary's sword flew to the ground. Her arms vibrated with the contact and her hands grew numb as she tightened her grip on the mighty sword. Still they came - only four in all, but with deadly intent shining deep within theiir hungry eyes. What do these men seek? Why would they rather die than run? TSR 9183

Cover of Aesirhamar
Levels 9–16
12 pages

The characters are summoned by the Norse gods to track down two dwarves, one of whom has made a weapon for the giants to use against the gods. The mission takes the characters to Jotunheim, on the plane of Gladsheim, to take the god-slaying weapon from the giants.

Cover of I3 Pharaoh
I3 Pharaoh
Levels 5–7
32 pages

For 1000 years, the Pyramid of Amun-re has lain undisturbed. Now the ghost of the once-great Pharaoh pleads with adventurers to venture into his tomb, foil the devious traps within, and free his soul. A classic dungeon crawl, with mazes and quality lore. No one has ever returned from the tomb of Amun-re: his Star Gem must still lie unclaimed! You will need all your cunning, imagination, strength and magic -- just to survive! TSR 9052

Cover of Jigsaw
Levels 4–6
20 pages

The legacy of Dr. Frankenstein lives on as the handiwork of a rash young scientist responds in an unexpected manner. An angry lover and an evil monster. The party must stop this monster before he kills the young lovers.

Cover of The Sea of Sorrow
The Sea of Sorrow
Levels 7–9
30 pages

When the magic runs out, so does your luck. The wildspace monster is deadly, but its lair is the real killer. The Spelljammer ship, Sky Ranger, is lost in wildspace and the players are hired to find it. When investigating the Pirtel system where the ship was last seen, the players have a chance for exploration and roleplay in a city called Skyport. The adventure is mostly exploration of Pirtelspace and investigation to find the final resting place of the Sky Ranger. The adventure is full of random and planned encounters for this area. The story culminates in an encounter with an insane radiant dragon named Blacklight. Pgs. 40-69

Cover of Slave Vats of the Yuan-ti
Slave Vats of the Yuan-ti
Levels 3–5
18 pages

From the magazine: Edging along the eastern edge of the Mere is the High Road, a vital and well-traveled route linking Waterdeep to the northern town of Leilon and, north of that, the city of Luskan. Over the past several months, the trade toad between Waterdeep and Leilon has been plagued by monsters from the Mere of Dead Men. Caravans report brutal attacks by lizard men on catoblepas mounts, yuan-ti, gargantuan bullywugs and will o' wisps. Sir Justin Melenikus, a Waterdhavian knight and paladin of Helm, has grown weary of these attacks and offered his services to the city, offering to hire adventurers to deal with the problem. Set in the Mere of Dead Men region of the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade
A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade
Levels 4–7
44 pages

The battle against the slavers continues! You end your fellow adventurers have defeated the slavers of Highport, but you have learned of the existence of another slaver stronghold, and you have decided to continue the attack. But beware! Only the most fearless of adventurers could challenge the slavers on their own ground, and live to tell of It! Second part of Scourge of the Slavelords (A1-4) TSR 9040

Cover of Troll Bridge
Troll Bridge
Levels 2–4
3 pages

A very big problem from a very small source. Pay the toll or feed the troll' seems pretty obvious. Too bad that it isn't. A tricky gnome has used illusions to fleece anyone crossing a bridge, posing as a fearsome troll. To direct more traffic across his bridge, he has also set fire to the Great Bridge downstream. The players find the Great Bridge burned and follow this detour. At the bridge, the players will fight with the illusory troll. After a few rounds, it flees back to the gnome's lair under the bridge, and the players will need to deal with a combination of the gnome and his traps if they investigate. Pgs. 22,23 & 69

Cover of IM3 The Best of Intentions
IM3 The Best of Intentions
Immortal Level
48 pages

Prime Plane Immortals are dying like flies: nasty, violent deaths. The Hierarchs suspect Entropy, as usual, especially with all the rumors of demons' involvement. To top it all off, one of the Hierarchs is missing - Mazikeen. Your Mission as novice Temporals, should you choose to accept it, it to find Mazikeen, uncover his kidnaper, and bring him or her to a court of Immortal Justice. This entails much more than mere detective job - it also means taking part in the Immortal Olympics and going plane-hopping with the best (or worst?) of them. Should you not accept this mission, the fate of all Prime Plane Imoortals rests on your heads. (Well, it rests there anyway, but this is meant to make you more than a little guilty about not accepting - after all, you're supposed to be duty-bound and all that kind of thin, and I you don't do this, then who will? Huh? Did you ever think about that, Bucko?) TSR 9207

Cover of N4 Treasure Hunt
N4 Treasure Hunt
Levels 0–1
54 pages

The island of Viledel, the mighty Sea King, was sacked by a pirate army 60 years ago. Its destruction was so complete that even the location of the island was lost and forgotten. Despite the rumors of immense treasures still hidden in the ruined stronghold, no one ever found the Sea King's island again. Until now. Through a cruel twist of fate, a small band of unwilling adventurers is washed ashore on a small, barren island, and discovers what remains of Viledel's settlement. But they aren't alone; marauding ores and goblins have found the island, too, and are frantically searching for the lost hoard. In this desperate treasure hunt, the real payoff may be survival. TSR 9185

Cover of ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
Levels 2–10
64 pages

High Adventure is Your Companion Throughout the Land of Fate! There is no escaping Fate in the world of Zakhara, home of caliphs and favored land of the genies. And the Fate of brave adventurers is to travel the wide realms, vanquishing the urnrighteous and protecting the meek. A Dozen and One Adventures leads the characters from bustling Muluk, City of Kings, to the mysterious citadel fo flame, and many points between. They may meet the king who never died, the fish-people of the Great Sea, and other wonders too amazing to mention. This adventuresourcebox contains a 64-page booklet of 13 adventures, a 32-page campaign guide describing Muluk, the northern lands, and several new magical items, a poster map of Muluk and Krakal-Niraan, six map cards, and four MC instert pages featuring NPCs. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. Contains 13 adventures. TSR 9432

Cover of Siege of Kratys Freehold
Siege of Kratys Freehold
Levels 1–4
13 pages

The orcs remember Tarran Kratys. Today he wishes they had not.

Cover of The Lauros Road Bandits
The Lauros Road Bandits
Levels 5–6
4 pages

Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of The Sunken Shadow
The Sunken Shadow
Levels 1–3
18 pages

The sea has many perils. Are the treasures of a sunken pirate ship worth the risk? Arkos Seatamer, a privateer and the sole survivor of a shipwreck has gathered a new crew. He's returning to the wreck to recover the body of his closest friend, Devek Harpwind, for a proper burial. Arkos had rammed the pirate vessel 'Striking Shadow' in combat, shattering its hull. He leapt aboard the sinking ship to take the pirate queen as a prisoner. Shortly after, a sudden storm arose, so violent that it sunk his ship as well. This isn't the whole story. The pirate queen wore a cursed gold armband, shaped like a coiled eel. The sight of the band made Arkos mad with greed and he moved to slay her to take it. Devek tried to intervene but Arkos killed his friend in rage. With his dying breaths Devek laid a horrible curse upon Arkos to become a were-eel each night. The PCs are hired to accompany Arkos and his crew to the wreckage and recover Devek's body from the wreck, along with the armband he still lusts for. Pgs. 18-35

Cover of The Kappa of Pachee Bridge
The Kappa of Pachee Bridge
Levels 2–5
5 pages

A little village with a turtle-shelled problem. An unusual visitor who likes villagers - medium rare. The Kappa ofPachee Bridge is an AD&D® game Oriental Adventures module. Whether a group of religious pilgrims or a samurai with, bushi attendants, any strangers passing through Pachee are stopped by the frantic rice farmers, pleading for aid. This encounter is designed to fit into any Oriental campaign and draws upon Japanese folk legends about the nature of lake kappa, considered here to be a subspecies of common kappa (Oriental Adventures, page 124). The village of Pachee is a remote and usually quiet spot where travelers rarely pause, a collection of 35 rice farmers and their extended families, with fishermen, hunters, and herdsmen, a smith, two carpenters, and a potter. It is named for Pachee-ko, a deep, stream-fed lake west of the village. The waters of Pachee-ko irrigate all the rice paddies and yield the fish that feed the townspeople. Pgs. 28-32

Cover of RQ3 From the Shadows
RQ3 From the Shadows
Levels 9–12
64 pages

TSR 9375, from 1992

Cover of H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
Levels 18–100
96 pages

The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated! As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the sources of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed. The Throne of Bloodstone is the fourth and final installment in a series of modules specially designed for high-level characters. While it is not necessary to have played any of the three previous modules, The Throne of Bloodstone is the climax of an epic struggle for a kingdom against the forces of darkest evil. Recommended for characters of levels 18-100, The Throne of Bloodstone is the highest-level adventure ever published by TSR! TSR 9228

Cover of RA3 Touch of Death
RA3 Touch of Death
Levels 3–5
32 pages

You find yourself in the burning wastelands of Har'Akir - where nothing is as it seems. The desert is a powerful foe, but in Har'Akir an ancient evil is awakening and the desert will be the least of your worries. As withered hands cast off ancient shrouds, little can save you from their touch of death. TSR 9338

Cover of Death Unchained
Death Unchained
Levels 5–7
64 pages

You have no friends here What can you do when the Mists deposit you in the city of Lekar? The militia is no better than a gang of sadistic bullies, the citizens are more contagious than a fleet of plague ships, and every foot of public space is covered with corpses of criminals who committed no crime greater than struggling to survive in the oppressive domain of Falkovnia. Danger haunts your every move A secret society of assassins, known only as the Ebon Fold, has been hunting down visitors to Lekar and killing them in a most grisly fashion; all that remains of the victims are desiccated husks that crumble to ash when touched... and you are their next targets. There is no escape When everyone who has befriended you is either dead or hunted by the authorities, you have no choice but to fight back. But the Ebon Fold is a numberless horde whose leader holds sway over death. How can you defeat enemies that won't stay in the grave? They strike from the depths of darkness and steal your life... one dagger stroke at a time. This 64-page adventure can be played independently, or as the opening challenge in the Grim Harvest series that continues with Death Ascendant and concludes with Requiem. Inside the package is a poster map that fully details asll 10 levels of the chilling complex known as the Well of Bones. TSR 9523