A community for lazy dungeon masters
552 adventures found
Cover of Dragon's Delve
Dragon's Delve
Levels 3–6
24 pages

Chip off the old block. The dwarves of Underduin and Thunderdelve have made some new friends … and enemies. A stronghold of dwarfs has been takin hostage and its up to the part to save them and return the stronghold to its former glory. XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain may act as a prequel. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of Death of an Arch-Mage
Death of an Arch-Mage
Levels 7–9
21 pages

A murder mystery adventure for AD&D. The Arch Mage is dead. Murdered. The players must solve the mystery before time runs out.

Cover of GA1 The Murky Deep
GA1 The Murky Deep
Levels 5–8
32 pages

Stories of the ancint lost city of Carsail and its fabulous artifacts are legendary. Now, the clerics of a seaside town have proven that some unusual items are indeed from the long forgotten city, but two priests and a mysterious stranger are missing. Players must risk life and limb, breathing beneath the water, to find the lost cities of Carsail and Mylduscor, and unlock the mysteries of the murky deep! TSR 9422

Cover of MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
Levels 4–6
8 pages

As darkness presses into the narrow, muddy alleys of Goldstar, silent shadows slip out of hiding. Now is the hour for cutpurses and cutthroats to creep into the night to do their work. Would-be victims bar their doors and lie sleepless in their dingy hovels waiting for dawn. Your task sends you into this dismal, dangerous place after sundown. No moon lights your steps as you scurry past yowling cats in smoke, fog-filled alleys. Above you and beneath you lurk unseen encounters. Somewhere ahead in the despairing gloom lies your goal, if you can survive Midnight on Dagger Alley. TSR 9104

Cover of RQ2 Thoughts of Darkness
RQ2 Thoughts of Darkness
Levels 12–15
64 pages

Of all the inhospitable domains in the RAVENLOFT@ campaign world, Bluetspur is the cruelest and most gruesome. Nothing grows in the endless night, and lightning periodically falls like rain. The only place to escape those storms is inside the mind flayers' complex under Mt. Makab, but that is the last place where any sane person would want to go. The High Master Illithid has been hatching black plots by hatching vampiric mind flayers in his laboratories! His prodigies are horribly insane, but if he can complete his plans, he will achieve a new level of dark immortality. A pair of heroes has stolen the key to his success, but they have paid a heavy price for their bravery and are in desperate need of aid unlooked for. Meanwhile, the Lord of the Realm watches over the proceedings and plays havoc with the wits of both sides, sapping strength and will with all-powerful thoughts of darkness. A party of adventurers will need all of their skills to escape this black domain without the loss of life, power, or sanity! Enter now the perpetual twilight realm of Bluetspur, home to mind flayers, a land of relentless nightmares. There's no rest for the wicked or the good in this domain. Once caught within the borders of this desolate land, the characters must complete their mission without delay or lose their minds and become slaves of the Lord of Bluetspur. TSR 9264, from 1992

Cover of RM1 Roots of Evil
RM1 Roots of Evil
Levels 8–12
96 pages

Roots of Evil, the conclusion to the adventure begun in From the Shadows, delves into the horrific origins of Strahd von Zarovich, master vampire. This 96-page adventure module features Strahd in his final showdown with Azalin the lich, the two most powerful lords of evil in RAVENLOFT® realm. Player characters return to the popular Castle Ravenloft and discover never before known facts about the vampire's roots and origins. The outcome impacts the RAVENLOFT® realm for years to come! TSR 9413

Cover of I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
Levels 1–15
64 pages

Ravening armies sweep across the land! Vast hordes of foul monsters lay siege to mighty cities! Tremendous battles are fought to decide the fate of entire lands - and you are in command! Swords of the Iron Legion is an anthology of adventures set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting for large-scale battle using the BATTLESYSTEM rules for mass combat. The adventures, written by a group of talented designers, range from simple skirmishes to all-out wars! Flying creatures, war machines, fortifications, and plenty of other twists ensure that each scenario is more than a simple bash-'em-up. Some adventures also include role-playing oppurtunities for characters, who get a chance to perform individual heroics to lead their armies to victory! These adventures are suitable for one-time play, or they can be inserted with ease into an existing campaign. Complete descriptions of the armies, special characters, terrain, and other interesting features to guarantee you hours of fun on a grand scale are included in each adventure. TSR 9226

Cover of S1 Tomb of Horrors
S1 Tomb of Horrors
Levels 10–14
12 pages

Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. It is filled with terrible traps and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. It is filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, but in addition to the aforementioned guardians, there is said to be a demilich who still wards his final haunt (Be warned that tales told have it that this being possesses powers which make him nearly undefeatable). Accounts relate that it is quite unlikely that any adventurers will ever find the chamber where the demilich Acererak lingers, for the passages and rooms of the Tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demi-lich has so well hidden his lair, that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be likely to locale their true goal. In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister TOMB OF HORRORS. This Labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich. TSR 9022

Cover of The Chasm Bridge
The Chasm Bridge
Levels 4–6
8 pages

To travel further into the Underdark the party must cross a bridge spanning a deep chasm. But to cross, they must pay the toll, or risk another route.

Cover of B12 - Queen's Harvest
B12 - Queen's Harvest
Levels 1–2
36 pages

The wizard Kavorquian is dead. But certain items belonging to his adopted son were in the wizard's keeping at the time of his demise. Now someone must venture into the silent vaults of Kavorquian's stronghold and recover the missing property. Queen's Harvest picks up its story where B11, King's Festival, left off. It can be played as a sequel to that adventure or as a complete adventure in itself. It is tailored for beginning Dungeon Masters and players and contains helpful hints on adventuring and the land of Karameikos. The story develops simply, but ultimately leads the player characters into the nether reaches of Penhaligon's politics to confront Ilyana Penhaligon, mad pretender to the throne! TSR 9261

Cover of I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
Levels 8–10
48 pages

"I AM THE ANCIENT ... I AM THE LAND ..." Your screams still echo in your room. Cold sweat soaks the bedsheets and trickles down your back. It seemed so real! The great towers of a darksome place called Ravenloft ... it's misty vales and the terrible tragedy of a man who had sold his soul to unlife. Now the sunlight streams through the window with the promise of a new day. The dread nightmare at last is over. In the cold sunlight of a dying autumn, you step from your room at the inn and stroll along the friendly streets of Mordentshire. But, from the back of your mind the dream creeps forward to haunt you. Why do the faces of those who have befriended you now seem those of strangers? Why do those who called you here in terror, now seem to dismiss your task as a folly? More .. why are you advised so strongly, to forget about the House on Gryphon Hill ... the domain of the fair haired Count Von Zarovich, a name that cries out from your dark nightmare? You halt, as the swirl of events grow more confusing with every passing minute. Which is the dream ... and which the reality? TSR 9181

Cover of ALQ6 Cities of Bone
ALQ6 Cities of Bone
Levels 1–10
96 pages

On moonlit nights in the Land of Fate, many adventurers hear the call of long-forgotten cities rich with burial treasure. But is it bravery to breach the tombs of Zakhara's ancients and risk the ire of vengeful spirits, or is it greed? Fate knows the answer and will guide all to their destinies in the Cities of Bone! Shifting sands conceal much from the eyes of man. Winds howling across the rolling dunes peel back the veil of time to reveal aeonic ruins or crumbling tombs, long preserved by a shroud of sand. Wrecked and forbidding, monoliths command attention in many unpredictable locales. The remnants of antique civilizations litter the Land of Fate, where time-ravaged towers and decaying shrines hide in the arid wastes. I am but a humble efreeti, a creature of fire and spirit, but what little I know of theses places of danger and mystery I pass on to you, O' Master of Dungeons Unfathomable. Inside this enchanted box lies my gift to you: an Adventure Book holding six plots of deception and many creatures of intrigue with which to challenge and entertain the players under your care; six cards and a poster, all inscribed with carefully drawn maps; and a short booklet detailing new characters to encounter. This Campaign Guide lying open before you contains background needed to lead the adventures in the official Land of Fate. TSR 9467

Cover of Homecoming
Levels 7–12
64 pages

This adventure is set in the van Richten estate, a free-floating realm in the Mists of Ravenloft. While this scenario serves as the conclusion to the other adventure included in this boxed set, it can also stand alone with relatively minor modifications. Removing most of the monsters and emphasizing the intangible supernatural phenomena makes this adventure especially apt for a Masque of the Red Death campaign. Regardless of where it is set, you may play this adventure many times without it unfolding exactly the same way twice. Suitable for use with the Bleak House campaign or the Masque of the Red Death Setting. Included in Bleak House: The Death of Rudolph van Richten TSR 1141

Cover of Crypt of the Smoke Dragon
Crypt of the Smoke Dragon
16 pages

This self-contained game gives you and your friends the experience of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game in an easy-to-learn format. In this Fast-Play Game, you and your friends take on the imaginary roles in a fantastic tale of mighty heroes, mythical dragons, and powerful magic. This demo version of the game is designed to give you the feel of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game. The full game contains all sorts of options to help you create your own on-going sword and sorcery campaign. We'll tell you more about that at the end of this booklet.

Cover of Wards of Witching Ways
Wards of Witching Ways
Levels 3–5
19 pages

Surviving the shipwreck is easy; living through the wizardly bet afterward is not. Their game could mean your lives. A storm caused the PCs' vessel to sink and is now forcing them to seek shelter in the keep on the remote isle. Their goal is to locate a boat or some other means of transportation to return to the mainland after the storm has passed. But first, they must survive the tests and traps the island's inhabitants have set for them. Pgs. 45-64

Cover of Blood and Laurels
Blood and Laurels
Levels 5–7
10 pages

A little friendly competition can be fun now and then - unless, of course, the competition isn't friendly at all. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of The Lurkers in the Library
The Lurkers in the Library
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Some monsters don't have any class. The quest for knowledge can be as dangerous as any other. The heroes investigate a library after one of the locals claims to have seen a librarian be attacked by a tentacled creature. In reality, a group of orcs found a secret entrance into the library and the "tentacle" is merely the whip that the leader wields. The party must make their way through a labyrinth hidden underneath the library and rescue the hostages. Pgs. 4-9

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Cover of To Cure a Kingdom
To Cure a Kingdom
Levels 5–8
18 pages

A prescription for evil. The king's question is, "Do you make house calls?" To Cure a Kingdom is an adventure for ADnD, set in and around a small city state that is suffering from a deadly disease of magical origin. The party must set out into the swamps in search of a cure. Features monsters with psychic powers as well as extra-dimensional travel. Adventure may be connected to further Underdark adventures with relative ease. Pgs. 8-25

Cover of The Pit of the Oracle
The Pit of the Oracle
Levels 6–8
16 pages

The Pit of The Oracle is a game module designed for use with the rules of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It can be used by itself as a self-contained campaign (or as a springboard to a larger campaign), or it can be easily incorporated into an existing campaign. Comment: Level range is my best guess. Adventure includes a lot of unique short-hand