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1038 adventures found
Cover of The Ziggurat Beyond Time
The Ziggurat Beyond Time
4th Edition
Level 21
33 pages

Rising from the surface of a massive lake, an ancient ziggurat travels through time for purposes unknown. It’s up to the characters to enter this strange relic and discover what dark threat the structure poses. The Ziggurat Beyond Time contains advice for customizing the adventure for your own campaign. It also contains an artifact, the Deluvian Hourglass, that has time-related properties and wishes to witness the end of the world. Pgs. 23-55

Cover of The Black Tar Rises
The Black Tar Rises
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
8 pages

This is an adventure for a party of level 4-6 designed to showcase a number of newly created Oozes in the Beyond the Black Pudding compendium. The party is brought in to help figure out what to do about a giant ooze that is threatening to engulf a small town. They discover that it is being called by a magical beacon somewhere nearby, and by following a small ooze they are able to find where the signal is coming from. It turns out to have been set off by The Visionary, an intelligent Vitreous Humor (a kind of ooze beholder) with dreams of power who discovered it in an ancient temple to Juiblex. Unfortunately, having turned it on, The Visionary had no idea how to turn it off again and is now barricaded in the depths of the temple, assaulted by oozes on all sides.

Cover of Laeroth's Tear
Laeroth's Tear
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
10 pages

This short adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting; it may be run as a standalone adventure, or as a side trek for a larger module . Alternatively, this adventure could be inserted into any campaign setting. Trouble is brewing near the town of Red Larch; specifically, in the caves near Lance Rock. A few good adventurers are needed to investigate the increased orc and ogre sightings in the area.

Cover of City of the Spider Queen
City of the Spider Queen
3rd Edition
Level 10
186 pages

The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.

Cover of Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
5th Edition
Levels 5–15
122 pages

Rumors have been spreading in small towns and hamlets, regions isolated in the far reaches of the wilderness and cut off from major cities and trade routes. Rumors of strangeness in the forest, where the animals suddenly watch with intelligent eyes while the sound of a crone’s laughter pierces the veil of night. Rumors of young men and women disappearing without a trace in the wilderness. Rumors of a cottage that walks on enormous chicken legs. Rumors of Baba Yaga. Those rumors turn out to be true and the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga has come once again to haunt, confuse, befuddle, and terrorize the far corners of the land. The Grandmother of Witches cackles in her flying mortar as she sails over the trees, a shadow in the darkness, but what does she want? Why has she come? And what strangeness awaits in her fantastic hut on dancing chicken legs? Brave heroes are needed to head out and find the answers to these questions and more! Welcome to the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga, an adventure unlike any other. Baba Yaga, the Grandmother of Witches, has come to town, and her dangerous and mysterious Dancing Hut beckons adventurers to brave its wondrous depths. Open the doors, unlock the puzzles, and meet the famed witch, her adopted daughters, and a host of other strange characters. This module presents the Dancing Hut and its most famous owner, Baba Yaga, as an adventure site worthy of high-level exploration. You can use the module in many different ways, and the Adventures in the Hut section provides ways to entice characters to seek out Baba Yaga. In general, the adventure environments presented are designed to challenge a party of characters levels 11-16, but with some adjusting and focus on non-combat solutions, a party of lower-level characters could also explore the Dancing Hut.

Cover of Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
114 pages

Een gevallen ster inspireert moed! Samen met de jonge priesteres Volana zullen helden een spannende tocht ondergaan waarin kracht, kennis en geloof een hoofdrol spelen. Onderweg krijgen ze te maken met sluwe vijanden, unieke bondgenoten en een duistere macht welke de vonk der goddelijkheid maar moeilijk kan weerstaan. Word een groter deel van het avontuur dankzij deze mogelijkheden: - Begin jouw legende: drie nieuwe subclasses voor fighter, cleric en druid - Aspectgeborene: een nieuw speelbaar ras met een elementaire connectie - Maanzeiler en Zandklauw: twee aan Padkust unieke backgrounds voor spelers - De stad Padkust: gedetailleerde informatie over de stad en zijn leiders - Magische voorwerpen: bekende maar ook unieke schatten om te verkrijgen

Cover of Gate of the Lens Wizards
Gate of the Lens Wizards
5th Edition
Level 15
28 pages

A world unseen lies beyond a twisted, metal gate in a remote field of the Dhalpurna Mountains. Will the characters brave the alien monstrosities, technologies, and magic inside to learn the secrets that have been brooding in this strange place for millennia? Gate of the Lens Wizard is a science-fantasy exploration adventure and includes: -A gate that leads to the tunnels beneath a distant jungle moon -Intelligent spiders at war with glass-skulled astronomy wizards -An unfathomable artifact that can rewrite time itself -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of In League with Devils
In League with Devils
5th Edition
Level 6
27 pages

This adventure is a supplementary scenario for Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, which can be used while the party is fleeing Elturel and are heading towards Fort Knucklebone at level six. It entails a bargain with Bagrivyek, the goblin deity of cooperation. The God offers them a deal they can’t refuse, significant magical assistance for their quest, should they become its test subjects in a fight to the death with some of its elite troops. Devils that have been infected with a special substance, which is called soul-ichor and was created by a psychomancer, in search of his own power. The heroes will have a chance to interact with a god and bargain with it, a fight to the death at the Hellbent Fighting Pits, and also get a chance to learn of or even be introduced into a long-forgotten school of magic. Will the players reap all the benefits of this god-deal, or suffer the consequences of failing?

Cover of DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

An unexpected envoy arrives in Sporedome and offers to give aid against the fire giants of Maerimydra, if you are willing to help his people with a small problem. A two-hour adventure for 5th through 10th level characters. Optimized for five 8th level characters.

Cover of DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu
DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
34 pages

Baron Rajiram’s forces have secured the Nelanther Isles and have scoured the Sword Coast for treasures. Now they have begun to explore a mysterious island that recently just popped into existence nearby. SEER seems to believe that an aboleth artifact is their goal. It is up to the adventurers, in competition with the baron, as well as aboleths, the Kraken Society, and the mysterious caretaker of the island, to locate the Eye of Xxiphu and avert catastrophic disaster. A Four-Hour Adventure for 17th-20th Level Characters. Optimized for five 17th-level characters.

Cover of The Cage
The Cage
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
29 pages

The Cage: A valuable trinket was stolen from the well-protected manor of the lady Morrigan Strange, and she enlists the help of some able-bodied adventurers to retrieve it. As it is the way of things, it turns out the problem is not as simple as it first seemed. A vile demon was trapped in the stolen orb and threatens to kill everyone in sight after its release! The package includes background information about the involved characters, a few details about the town of Beregost, several maps, and lots of adventure!

Cover of A Wyvern's Return
A Wyvern's Return
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
12 pages

Whilst spending time in Doorstep, the settlement that has grown up around the gates of Gauntlgrym, the town is attacked by an overwhelming force of orcs and you are pushed back into the city. You and your companions are offered an opportunity to escape the mountain through the trap laden, kobold infested, Red Wing Warrens and get help for the besieged city.

Cover of Caverns of Draconis
Caverns of Draconis
Levels 3–6
20 pages

A small local area with ten locations and a big wizard dungeon with 19 rooms. The module is based around some rules lite system exclusive to the module, but for obvious reasons can be run in the system of your choice with little modification. (Some best guess approximations have been made for the creatures for search optimization.) Official description: "This adventure is a work of PARODY based on “Caverns of Draconis,” featured in Season 2, Episode 14 of NBC's TV series, “Community.” THIS IS NOT A TSR PRODUCT. This product was made in accordance with Wizards of the Coast's OGL Version 1.0a. The following game and adventure have been designed to reimagine what the fictional module featured in the episode might look like. This rules-lite RPG is meant to serve as an introduction for newcomers and fans of the show alike. The game can be played with 2-9 players and has everything you need to get started except for dice. "

Cover of The House of Deros Frist
The House of Deros Frist
3.5 Edition
5 pages

The isolated tower of the wizard Deros Frist is an example of a typical tsochari incursion into the human world. This short adventure site describes the lair of a tsochar noble that has successfully replaced Frist, a local wizard of some renown. The tsochar Yikk Tasst now pores through the wizard's libraries and spell books, eagerly absorbing all the arcane lore it can. Pgs. 130-134

Cover of Year of Rogue Dragons
Year of Rogue Dragons
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
100 pages

Year of Rogue Dragons is an adventure designed for four players who take the roles of newly hatched evil chromatic dragons. The story will introduce a specific section of the Forgotten Realms along with its prominent individuals, organizations and a segment of its history. The adventure will draw the players into a conflict between three local factions, and a mystery, which they must solve and use to their advantage in order to eliminate every menace that threatens their life from the onset.

Cover of Feast of Dust
Feast of Dust
Level 11
64 pages

A deadly curse known as the Feast of Dust spreads rapidly through the Meraz Desert, driving its victims mad with hunger and a burning desire to flee into the sands. To find the source of this strange affliction, the heroes must investigate the plagued city of Dimayen, challenging fearsome gnoll tribes, nihilistic daemons, and the walking dead to discover the secret of a long-forgotten evil—a powerful daemon harbinger called the Jackal Prince of Famine. Despite the efforts of an ancient secret society, this twisted, unholy monstrosity walks the world again, threatening to spread his apocalyptic curse across all of Golarion! To stop the demigod's return, the heroes must uncover his three vile siblings, now bound within malevolent artifacts, and use their combined powers to stop the Jackal Prince before the entire world feels his corrupting touch.

Cover of CCC-GLIP-01-03 Citadel of Vlaakith
CCC-GLIP-01-03 Citadel of Vlaakith
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The adventurers are tasked with rescuing a group of heroes who vanished in the pearlescent fortress that manifested on the border between the Kroth Magg kingdom and the Varkonin empire in the Steppes of Thar.

Cover of Faction War
Faction War
Levels 5–9
128 pages

SIGIL'S BEEN AT PEACE FOR OVER 600 YEARS. ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END. Six centuries ago, events surrounding the Great Upheaval imposed an uneasy peace in the City of Doors. Since that time, the 15 factions have quietly conducted their philosophical battle for the hearts and minds of all Cagers - and always stopped short of all-out war. But now tensions are flaring, tempers are rising, and the Cage is about to explode into conflict! Faction War is a 128-page adventure that tracks the war from its nefarious origins through its bitter battles to its ultimate resolution and beyond - and puts the future of Sigil in the hands of the player characters. This book reveals secrets, unravels musteries, brings long-simmering plots to ahead, and marks the beginning of a new era for the City of Doors. It also features the following: - New details on Sigil's wards, personalities, and politics - Adventures that draw the player characters into the heart of the struggle and toward the secrets surrounding the war's beginning and ultimate end - Extensive notes on the aftermath of the conflict - A detailed Timeline of the war, including additional events that the DM may use expand to the adventure Faction War builds on story elements first explored in the PLANESCAPE accessories In the Cage, Factol's Manifesto, and Uncaged: Faces of Sigil. Familiarity with those products is recommended but not required. TSR 2629

Cover of Bastion of the Frost Lord
Bastion of the Frost Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
34 pages

It is Midwinter. The air is cold, the wine is warm, and all sensible adventurers have their feet up before a blazing fire. But a mysterious bard, a broken man, and a clockwork pig, lead our heroes into an extraordinary land full of strange magic and terrible danger. Before the adventure is over, they will be faced with a heartbreaking dilemma, one that can't be resolved through might alone. It features exploration, roleplaying, puzzle solving, and fanastical combat encounters! The adventure includes 10 new monsters, 8 new magic items, and an amazing map by Elven Towers!

Cover of From the Ashes - Adventure 3: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path (Pathfinder)
From the Ashes - Adventure 3: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path (Pathfinder)
Levels 5–6
69 pages

What makes Heroes into Villains? Damien Anthilas has fallen from ally to adversary, but something desperate in him has struck a chord with you. Why would he risk everything to steal the memories of the citizens of Anduria? Left with only a cryptic clue, the characters seek answers from the burned out remnants of his former home. Anthilas Manor is a place of dark magic and even darker history, where the ghosts of the past hold sway and the influence of the mad god is still felt to this day