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126 adventures found
Cover of The Hateful Legacy
The Hateful Legacy
3.5 Edition
Level 12
17 pages

At the end of the Hateful Wars, Lord Sandor led his army into the Barrier Peaks in pursuit of a host of goblins and orcs. He and his army vanished, and now a group of adventurers follows his footsteps to discover what doom fell upon him and his men. Pgs. 30-46

Cover of D3 Vault of the Drow
D3 Vault of the Drow
Levels 10–14
28 pages

As a member of a bold party of adventurers, you and your associates have trekked far into what seems to be a whole underworld of subterranean tunnels -- arteries connecting endless caves and caverns which honeycomb the foundations of the lands beneath the sun. Your expedition has dogged the heels of the Dark Elves who caused great woe and then fled underground. This module can be played alone, as the conclusion to module D1 & D2: "Descent into the Depths of the Earth," or as the third module in a series that forms a special extended adventure (G1-G3: "Against the Giants"; D1-D2: "Descent into the Depths"; and Q1: "Queen of the Demonweb Pits"). TSR 9021

Cover of WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
Levels 8–14
32 pages

Four great and powerful heroes travel in search of adventure. Led by Mordenkainen, wizard without peer, they have come to mysterious Maure Castle, a forlorn and foreboding place, source of wonderment and awesome adventure, following a strange and terrible story. For, somewhere deep beneath Maure Castle, from whence no person has returned alive, there stands two massive iron doors - doors without latch, lock, or handle - the Unopenable Doors. And if the doors are opened, what then? Such potent evil, such terror lies beyond, that even the bravest adventurers may quail before the ultimate test! Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure is a challenging adventure for high-level play. Four original characters from Gary Gygax' famous Greyhawk campaign are included for your use. Can you meet the challenge? Can you survive what lies beyond... the Unopenable Doors? TSR 9112

Cover of L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
Levels 2–4
28 pages

Danger Lurks in the Lendore Isles. Bands of evil creatures prowl the hills overlooking the town of Restenford. Now you have come to this sleepy little village looking for adventure and excitement. You seek to fathom the unexplored reaches of Bone Hill and unlock the mysteries of Restenford. TSR 9045

Cover of L2 The Assassin's Knot
L2 The Assassin's Knot
Levels 2–5
32 pages

The Assassin's Knot is a sequel to The Secret of Bone Hill, picking up on themes from that module and shifts them to a new locale. The player characters must solve the mystery of who killed the Baron of Restenford, with evidence pointing to somebody from the town of Garrotten. The scenario describes the town and its castle. The Assassin's Knot module is different from most of its contemporaries in that it contained no dungeon or dungeon-like area. The longer the players take to find the murderer, the more unfortunate events occur in the village. The village, Garrotten, is reputed to be the place to go to have someone killed. The entire village shuts down when the Baron of Restenford is found dead, mutilated beyond the possibility of magical restoration. Three small clues are all the player characters have to unravel the mystery. TSR 9057

Cover of Lowdown in Highport
Lowdown in Highport
Levels 3–5
26 pages

Important: The adventure is 1e but it has monster conversion notes for D&D 4th edition The town of Highport, once a human community overlooking Wooly Bay from its perch on the northern coast of the Pomarj, fell prey to hordes of humanoids swarming out of the jungle-covered hills surrounding the settlement. Though the orcs, goblins, kobolds, ogres, and gnolls razed much of the place in their ferocious rampages, the smoldering ruins they left behind soon became a new kind of community, a place of trade between the humanoid “locals” and the unsavory human traders who have no compunction about doing business with them. Slaves are a commodity in ready supply in Highport’s market, since many pirates raid up and down the coast of the bay, putting fishing villages to the torch and filling their holds with captured refugees. Slavery has become a thriving business in the town, and rumors abound of a cartel of Slave Lords who run things from behind the scenes, filling their coffers in secret from the buying and selling of human chattel. The trade has become so prolific that the good folk to the north have grown tired of these depredations and decided to fight back. Forces of righteousness and honor have recently descended upon Highport, some openly and others in secret, in various attempts to destroy the machinations of the Slave Lords and abolish the abominable enterprise that has taken far too many loved ones from home and hearth. One such doughty servant of goodness is Mikaro Valasteen, a cleric of Trithereon. Mikaro slipped unnoticed past the crumbling walls of Highport with a single mission: to rescue and transport as many slaves to their freedom as possible. Mikaro and a handful of faithful assistants located a number of escaped slaves—as well as rescued a few more not sufficiently restrained and guarded—and shepherded them through the gates and beyond the reach of their humanoid tormentors, returning them to their lands and homes. This covert freedom brigade enjoyed remarkable success early on, since the servants of the Slave Lords were often lax in their vigilance and sloppy in their efforts to prevent loss of the “merchandise.” After one too many shipments never made its destination, the humanoids stepped up their security and the normal channels of escape from Highport closed to Mikaro and his team. He cannot risk exposure by smuggling the freed slaves through the gates as merchandise any longer, since shipments of goods are now regularly stopped and checked. No longer able to free the slaves in that manner, Mikaro began hiding his charges in an abandoned villa in a particularly rundown part of the town. Although they are safe for the moment, their numbers have grown unmanageable, and the priest fears it is only a matter of time before someone slips up and brings slavers to their doorstep. Ever more desperate to find a new means of escape from Highport, Mikaro has started work on a plan that is both daring and dangerous. He intends to use a series of old sewers coupled with natural caverns running beneath the town as an escape route to the sea beyond the walls. But he needs someone to clear out the creatures and pitfalls he knows lie within. Pgs. 2-27

Cover of The Doomgrinder
The Doomgrinder
Levels 4–8
48 pages

The Lost Tombs, Volume 3 The Doomgrinder, a mysterious stone windmill many leagues east of the City of Greyhawk, has for centuries been a source of rumors, frustration and fear. The rumors say that vast treasures are stored inside-all cursed. The frustration belongs to hundreds of adventurers who over the years have attempted to enter the windmill and failed. The fear is felt by those who believe the world will end when the stone sails of the Doomgrinder turn again. In the City of Greyhawk, powerful spellcasters read bad omens for the future, and the Doomgrinder is part of them. Some see no future at all, good or bad. TSR 9581

Cover of Prince of Demons
Prince of Demons
3.5 Edition
Level 20
40 pages

Ruling uncontested in his Abyssal layer of the Gaping Maw for eons, Demogorgon's reign as first among demon lords may be coming to an end. The storm clouds gather as his inviolate sanctum is about to be breached by an unlikely alliance from across the planes. Despite its combined strength, this invasion offers no guarantees of success. For the alliance faces no house of straw, but rather the entrenched hordes and reinforced ramparts of the home of the Prince of Demons. "Prince of Demons" is the final chapter in the Savage Tide Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's monthly "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand upon the campaign. The time has come to challenge the Prince of Demons! An army of demons and eladrins stands ready to mount an assault on his Abyssal realm of Gaping Maw, which should give your players the distraction they need to prevent Demogorgon from activating the savage tide and driving a world insane. Pgs. 60-99

Cover of Thirteen Cages
Thirteen Cages
3.5 Edition
Levels 16–18
18 pages

This adventure is the ninth part of the Shackled City Adventure Path that began with "Life's Bazaar" (Dungeon #97) Wherein a group of diverse and talented allies learns the folly of not working together against a common foe.

Cover of Kings of the Rift
Kings of the Rift
3.5 Edition
Level 18
35 pages

Dragotha's phylactery lies hidden somewhere in the ruined city of Kongen-Thulnir, a ruin now inhabited by tribes of giants and besieged by an army of dragons desperate to claim the phylactery for their undead master. "Kings of the Rift" is the tenth installment of the Age of Worms Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures, several "Backdrop" articles to help Dungeon masters run the series, and a handful of poster maps of key locations. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon's monthly "Worm Food" articles, a series that provides additional materials to help players survive this campaign. Issue #342 of Dragon presents several magical items that the PCs can construct using Item Creation feats that fit into the mythos of the Age of Worms Campaign. Pgs. 52-86

Cover of The Spire of Long Shadows
The Spire of Long Shadows
3.5 Edition
Level 13
30 pages

Centuries ago, the priest-king Kyuss sacrificed his nation to fuel his lust for divinity. He left legions of the hungry dead in his wake, along with a ruined city that now hides the truth behind the coming apocalypse. A man became a god in this worm-eaten city, and the secrets hidden there may hold the key to his defeat. "The Spire of Long Shadows" is the seventh installment of the Age of Worms Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures, several "Backdrop" articles to help Dungeon masters run the series, and a handful of poster maps of key locations. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon's monthly "Worm Food" articles, a series that provides additional materials to help players survive this campaign. Issue #339 of Dragon presents a magical pool owned by Manzorian that can give the PCs just the edge they need to survive what awaits them in the "Spire of Long Shadows." Pgs. 59-89

Cover of Priestly Secrets
Priestly Secrets
Levels 2–4
20 pages

Something's rotten in Restenford! A plague of giant rats is the least of Restenford's worries. The adventure is set in the town of Restenford but with a little work can be adapted to fit almost any setting that features pirates (or once did). Pgs. 10-29

Cover of S2 White Plume Mountain
S2 White Plume Mountain
Levels 5–10
16 pages

A traditional "funhouse" dungeon, White Plume Mountain begins with the archmage Keraptis stealing three artifacts and leaving cryptic poems with their former owners. The players are hired to recover the items, and find a bizarre dungeon in the side of the eponymous volcano. TSR 9027

Cover of Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Level 8
96 pages

A Ravaged Land... Villains that really are larger than life... A time for heroes... A decade ago, the land of Geoff was overrun by a horde of giants, ogres, and evil humanoids, its people either slain, enslaved, or driven into exile. Now at last the tide has turned. The time to free the people of Geoff from their servitude to the giantish tyrants has come! But don't forget to watch your step when you confront the true masters behind the giant Clans! Contains the full text of three classic adventures by Gary Gygax: G1, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief; G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl; and G3, Hall of the Fire GIant King. Details Eighteen new encounter sites in the war-torn land of Geoff, linked together to form a grand campaign. Provides dozens of hours of gameplay as the heroes struggle to free an entire country from the grasp of giant overlords. TSR 11413

Cover of WGS1 Five Shall Be One
WGS1 Five Shall Be One
Levels 7–10
71 pages

Adventure in the world of Greyhawk! Powerful forces are set in motion as your party searches for the legendary Blades of Corusk. Take them on the perilous journey from Rookroost to the Lair of the Shadow Dragon in the frozen northlands. Will they survive the ramifications of events that they have initiated? Those who hold the magical blades will not easily give them up. Plucking them from the grasp of a jealous dragon or stealing them from the center of the subterranean City of the Ore Horde will strain your adventurers to their limits! TSR 9317

Cover of Zenith Trajectory
Zenith Trajectory
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–10
34 pages

Part 3 of the Shackled City Adventure Path "Wherein a tribe of the Sea Mother's children suffer for sparing the life of a mad prisoner they probably should have eaten." Synopsis: The adventure begins with an Umber Hulk attack in the middle of the city. The fame gained by assisting during the attack allows them to gain the notice of a representative of Davked Splintershield. The group is asked to rescue Zenith Splintershield from a Kuo-Toan temple in the Underdark. But to find it, they have to visit Crazy Jared to locate an entrance to it. Upon journeying to Crazy Jared's, they fight Hookface's offspring. After more travelling, they are able to descend into the Underdark. Once they find the Kuo-Toan temple, they must fight through many hard challenges, only to realize that Zenith is not a prisoner, but instead is a prophet. Zenith does not go willingly, and so must be captured. Pgs. 28-61

Cover of T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
Levels 1–8
128 pages

"...the Ultimate Campaign Adventure..." A sinister force, long thought destroyed, stirs from the black hole that spawned it. Like an ebony darkness it prowls the land and safety is but an illusion, for it watches from every shadow and ponders possibilities. What began years ago with the introduction of the players to the quiet village of Hommlet and the amazing lands of Greyhawk, at last is complete. Here is the long awaited campaign adventure featuring the ruins of the Temple of Elemental Evil! Evil broods and grows beneath those blasted stones. This is your chance to drive it back and scatter its forces again. This product includes the village of Hommlet, the filthy shire of Nulb, and reveals the ruins of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the labyrinths that lie beneath, a warren of darkness. And beyond these ruins, even more is revealed. For the first time this product provides a complete campaign adventure which will take beginning characters from 1st all the way to 8th level and possibly beyond! Hours of adventure await you! TSR 9147

Cover of Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
61 pages

Lost Laboratory of Kwalish explores an alternate expedition into the Barrier Peaks. The legendary inventor disappeared in the peaks eons ago… as it turns out, finding a crashed planar ship and studying its technology to fuel his own experiments—only now, Kwalish’s lost research is desperately needed! This adventure explores two locations within the Barrier Peaks, and includes new monsters, magic items, and spells, plus sci-fi trinkets, random encounters, and even rumors of the area submitted by the player community! Further featuring new art, maps (from Claudio Pozas), and even a cartoon (from Jason Thompson)—as well as the famed suit of powered armor, as edited by Jeremy Crawford on the Dragon+ livestream! Best of all, all monies that Wizards of the Coast receives from sales of this PDF are donated to Extra Life. Your purchase of this adventure goes to a truly great cause!

Cover of Slavers
Levels 4–5
128 pages

No description available.

Cover of Wells of Darkness
Wells of Darkness
3.5 Edition
Levels 18–19
33 pages

The Wells of Darkness is the seventy-third layer of the Infinite Planes of the Abyss, a prison used by demon lords and a graveyard for creatures the multiverse would rather forget. Imprisoned in one of these wells is Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights. This minor demon lord and former consort of Demogorgon is one of the few beings who knows the true secrets of Demogorgon's twin personalities and his plot to reconcile them, thereby growing immeasurably in power. "Wells of Darkness" is the tenth chapter in the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand on the campaign. Issue #357 of Dragon magazine features rules for three new binder vestiges connected to the imprisoned demons within the Wells of Darkness. The Prince of Demons hides a secret, one that could well be the key to stopping the savage tide. Yet the only one who knows this secret is imprisoned on one of the most notorious realms in the Abyss. Will the price for rescuing her be too high? Pgs. 52-84