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251 adventures found
Cover of OA1 Swords of the Daimyo
OA1 Swords of the Daimyo
Levels 1–6
64 pages

From the log of the Leaping Dolphin: "110th Day: The gale nae stops for twa days. My ship is driven before it and the magus is as helpless as a wee babe. Akito names the winds tai-fun in his heathen tongue...." Drawn by the lure of aventure and riches, a crew of seamen sails valiantly into uncharted seas. In the squalid dens of the port districts, tales hint at a land of untold riches across the waves. But getting there is only the beginning. Across the waters lie Kozakura, a land of mystery and danger. There you will discover new cultures, strange values, secret powers, and fabulous terrors. For Kozakura is a land of Oriental Adventures. Swords of the Daimyo is the first module designed for use with the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. Swords of the Daimyo includes descriptions and maps of the island of Kozakura, detailed information and maps of Miyami Province of Kozakura, and a series of adventures to introduce old and new player characters to the intrigue of the Orient. This adventure book set contains three adventures: Over the Waves We Will Go Riders of the Black Temple Lord of the Black Temple TSR 9164

Cover of In the Lair of the Night Thing
In the Lair of the Night Thing
5th Edition
Level 1
38 pages

It is Autumn. Most of the clans of the Great Valley have departed south with the herd animals they depend on for survival. But one small clan lags behind. For seven nights they have been unable to travel, plagued by a terrible monster known as the Night Thing, which has killed their people and wounded more. Your party answers the call of dwarf chieftain Skarna Two-Axe, begging hunters from neighboring clans to pursue and kill the monster that’s been attacking her clan, and that slayed her son. Starting at the chieftain’s clanfire, the characters uncover mysteries about the creature that can only be fully solved by tracking the awful Night Thing to its lair, which is full of frightening apparitions. As the party ventures deeper into the Night Thing's lair, they'll discover an even deeper menace, and a plot to overthrow the chieftain. Only they can save Skarna and her people from the grim machinations of their powerful enemies! Published by Atlas Games

Cover of Saving Sujeira's Soul
Saving Sujeira's Soul
Levels 1–2
20 pages

In this adventure players are set first on a simple task, to solve the disappearance of the local witch before outside forces take an interest. But as the players get deeper, they will rapidly kind themselves on a quest for far more, as they range from an alchemist's lair on a crumbling tower down to a dark swamp full of mystery and danger, seeking a holy relic that might lead them to the outskirts of Hell itself. All in service of the sleepy Village Sujeira and the dusty souls within. 1452: Saving Sujeira’s Soul is an adventure set in northern Portugal on an alternate history Earth during the year 1452, in a world where history is much the same, but for the fact that the Rus are all hirsute dwarves, the hordes that poured out of central Asia were orcish (and half-orcs are mostly janissaries split among the Ottoman Empire’s demesnes), and elves are creatures of rumors and myth. Halflings live among the English and Portuguese in villages and farms, while goblins are pests best left for dead in the wilds between civilized countries. The Church arms its inquisitors with holy blessings, for witches are not mere milk-souring old women but vile devil-pacted souls, and wizards and sorcerers seek human and kine for sacrifices to fuel their darkling magics. There be dragons on the edges of the world, and ogres and sea serpents and giants, but the alchemists of this world know things beyond mortal ken and fight these horrors with science and canny concoctions. Published by Coldlight Press

Cover of The Candy Isle
The Candy Isle
5th Edition
10 pages

The Candy Isle - home to a confectionary shore, saccharine jungles, and a chocolate volcano, it epitomizes the phrase "sweet but deadly." The PCs must avoid gummy tribesmen and other weird, sugary dangers to retrieve the apotheosis of all sweets, the Confection Perfection!

Cover of Following the Tracks
Following the Tracks
Level 5
40 pages

A caravan was attacked, and their valuable magical beasts were stolen. The caravan owners hire the adventurers to find their stolen cargo and bring them back safely. But once the heroes find the bandits, they may discover that they are not really just "thieves". Depending on their decision, they may end up travelling to the fey world or battling the bandits for the creatures. A wilderness adventure compatible with the first edition of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Whether you want to run an adventure where druid and ranger characters feel at home, or challenge a party of city slickers, Following the Tracks will allow the party to explore the savannah in a wholesome adventure. The module provides a branching point, where the adventurers will have to make a decision which will lead them to widely different paths. It also includes alternative hooks to suit different play styles. Published by RPG Writer Workshop

Cover of The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
Levels 2–4
9 pages

What angers the spirits? You don't have long to find out. An angry spirit can even steal the rain. The characters must appease a spirit that has brought drought to the area. Before they can summon him, however, they'll need to collect magical water from three shrines.

Tower of the Ascendants
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
35 pages

A ten-part, fourthcore megadungeon designed to take a party of 4-6 players from level 1 to level 10. The Voice of All spoke three times before falling into silence. The first time to give shape to the Ancients. The second to give them the world as their domain. The third to build the TOWER for the war that was to come. And war did come. The Ancients, primordial warriors charged with protecting the world, were subverted by three great crusaders, vindictive and powerful. The Ancients were stripped of immortality and cast from the heavens to serve and suffer with the rest of humanity. The crusaders claimed new bodies for themselves, and became the Triumvirate, god-tyrants of all realms. The long line of descendants of the Ancients is dwindling, along with humanity’s last hope. What few remain have gathered to enter the TOWER OF THE ASCENDANTS. Crumbling stone tablets of ages forgotten say that a mortal who ascends the TOWER that pierces the heavens and slays the gods who dwell in its highest bower will reclaim lost immortality.

Cover of Wheel of Evil
Wheel of Evil
Levels 3–5
15 pages

It’s up to your brave heroes to fight off the invading kobolds and save… the cheese?? Well, a job’s a job, and things underground are seldom what they seem. Wheel of Evil is a 16-page adventure for old-school characters of levels 3 to 5, plus a full-color cover, classic maps, and handouts. Compatible with Labyrinth Lord™ and similar games, including the Advanced Edition Companion. "Wheel of Evil" is part of the Eastern Valnwall setting, based on the Known Lands in Labyrinth Lord™! This adventure blends traditional dungeon crawling with unique elements of horror and intrigue, set against the backdrop of a seemingly mundane task turned deadly by the influence of a hidden evil.

SM07 - Under Mirt's Folly
Levels 4–7
200 pages

Under Mirt’s Folly is a 200+ location mega-dungeon from Dunromin University Press Mirt the Long Flame was a mighty wizard a hundred years ago. He fell in love, so the story goes, with a beautiful Goddess. Using all his powers he built his true-love a temple and a pleasure palace with the intention of making her his wife. On midsummer’s eve he bent all his powers to calling her down from Olympus, luring her to our world with the sweetest compliments and tempting gifts. After several hours of calling she appeared and he proposed to her, explaining the wonderful life together he had planned for them. She was not amused. The blasted remains of the temple and the derelict palace, all made from the finest white marble, are all that remains of Mirt’s crazy ambitions. The abandoned ruins are now known by all as Mirt’s Folly. Of course, the anger of a mighty Goddess leaves deep scars in the landscape. A hundred years later the hill, despite being in civilised lands, remains an abandoned place of strange magic. It is the haunt of ghosts and monsters and all who go there return changed, fearful and anxious, if they return at all. No one knows the nature of the Curse of Mirt’s Folly and few desire to find out. But Mirt was a great mage! His powerful magic items and his many books of spells and research have never been found, not to mention the vast wealth he had accumulated. All this amazing loot must still be up there, in the ruins of the palace, or perhaps below it, in the catacombs he is said to have dug there. But who is brave enough, or foolish enough, to go and look? WormThe best-selling Under Mirt’s Folly is just one product from Dunromin University Press. As with all our supplements, Under Mirt’s Folly represents astonishing value, offering excellent quality and quantity at rock-bottom prices: A challenging scenario for a party of 4-8 characters of levels 5-8; Written for OSRIC, OSR, 1st and 2nd Edition D&D and compatible with pretty much ANY FRPG you fancy; More than 100 pages with over 250 encounter locations over 8 levels; Four wandering monster tables; A rumour table to inform and confuse; New and inventive uses of all kinds of Monsters; Inspiring new magic items; Tricks, traps and treasure enough to make any player salivate. And all this for less than FOUR BUCKS for the pdf and not much more for the softback or hardback print copy on Print-on-Demand: that's amazing value for such a quality product! But the best quality playing aids at the best possible prices is what we do at DunrominDunromin University Press...

C1: Crucible of The Gods
4th Edition
Level 1
35 pages

Centuries ago, the four deities worshipped by mortals – Kishar, Kotaresh, Lyth, and Asar-Segt – threatened to drown the world in a flood of saltwater to punish the living for their impiety. The oracles and witches of the realm struck a desperate bargain with the gods, however, and convinced them to spare the world. In exchange, the mortal kingdoms were bound to demonstrate their faith once every generation by sending their most courageous and adroit warriors to the Crucible, a ziggurat in the lowest valley of the land. Every quarter-century, on the first full moon of summer, an eclipse darkens the night and the sealed ziggurat opens. Many traps, tricks, and guardians lie within the Crucible to test those who enter. Few who heed the challenge of the gods survive – most find only quick death. If the races of the world are deserving of the gods’ affection, their champions will overcome the trials of the Crucible and light the Divine Brazier hidden in its uppermost chamber. If they are not, the flickering candle of civilization will be snuffed. Little of value will have been lost. Published by Defy Danger and Save Versus Death

Cover of G1: Siege of Durgam's Folly
G1: Siege of Durgam's Folly
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–8
42 pages

An embattled outpost at the edge of the wilderness has finally been overthrown. Strange creatures patrol the land. A local hamlet is in ruins. But just who-or what-has taken over this once mighty fortress?

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Tomb of Dust
Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Tomb of Dust
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 4
5 pages

On the Purple Planet, amid the frosted Ancestor Peaks, the adventurers have encountered a small pyramid thrusting skyward from the bottom of a ravine. This is the Tomb of Dust, one of the ancient cairns found throughout the area. Here, the PCs find deadly puzzles, encounter the Moth Mother and her hungry brood, and face the tests of Anh-Tho the Learned, a forgotten scholar of a bygone age. If they manage to thwart these dangers they gain access to Anh-Tho’s Archive, a perilous repository of potent lore!

Cover of The Felicity Triskelion
The Felicity Triskelion
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
20 pages

Peren, a guildless Devkarin collector of obscure relics has gone missing. The elf of shadow is in deep debt to the Orzhov as well as to the Rakdos performer, Ophyira. To discover Peren’s fate the party must descend into the Undercity of District Four, within the territory of the Golgari Swarm. Continuing the story which began with Off to a Weird Start, and picking up where The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures left off, this adventure is designed to be part of an ongoing campaign. For Dungeon Masters who wish to incorporate The Felicity Triskelion independently from the ongoing story, 10 Adventure Hooks (one for each guild) are included, giving The Felicity Triskelion flexibility for one-shot play or for inclusion in your own campaign!

Cover of DDIA-MORD Rrakkma
5th Edition
Level 9
44 pages

You stand before the Sha’sal Khou elders as the most diverse gith hunting party ever assembled. Are you powerful enough to keep the mind flayers from enslaving your people once again? You’ll have to race across the planes to find out. A six to eight‐hour adventure for six players. Pregenerated 9th level characters provided.

Cover of SM12 The Trials of a Young Wizard
SM12 The Trials of a Young Wizard
Levels 1–2
48 pages

Fresh-faced and more than a little hung-over our newly graduated mage of the great Dunromin College of Magic and his friends step into the tea-room next to the Porter’s Lodge and ask for something for a headache. Within minutes they find themselves accosted by the smiling figure of Malcolm Darkstar, Bursar of the College and owner of the tea-rooms, keen to ask them a favour… This is an introductory level set of scenarios designed to take a starting-level party on their first exciting adventures; The Lost Son; The Return of the Cauldron of Millent and the Murder at the Red Barn

Cover of The Wizard's Egg
The Wizard's Egg
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
34 pages

Break in. Do the job. Survive the fallout. In a city so vast as Pindus-on-Isles, if you want to get ahead, you need to cozy up with someone powerful. And do something dangerous. When Hope the Fixer shows up at your door with a job from an anonymous employer, the pay is good enough. Are you? Seems there’s a thief holed up in a Wizard’s Egg, a stone laboratory suspended high on a tower. The anonymous employer wants the stolen goods trashed. It’s in Lightmill though. Those glittering skyscrapers are no place for basegels like you. Get your disguise together. Hope’s got the hippogriffs. It’s destruction time.

Cover of Hunt for the Thessalhydra
Hunt for the Thessalhydra
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
24 pages

Hunt for the Thessalhydra is a short adventure published by Wizards of the Coast as a tie in to the "Stranger Things" franchise and part of the Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. The adventure features characters, locations, and monsters inspired by that series. The adventure is suitable for characters of level 3-5.

Cover of OA5 Mad Monkey vs The Dragon Claw
OA5 Mad Monkey vs The Dragon Claw
Levels 6–9
56 pages

The followers of the many gods of Kara-Tur have always fought, to prove the superiority of their martial discipline and the greater wisdom of their deities. The strict hierarchy of the gods is now threatened by the sudden prominence of the followers of the Dragon Claw, a new and deadly school of martial arts that threatens to destroy all other schools. The players, recruited by a mysterious old monk with a bizarre fighting style, must find out what's behind the emergence of the Dragon Claw and put a stop to it. Mad Money vs. The Dragon Claw will take players across the entire country of T'u Lung, from the mouth of the great river Fenghsintzu to its headquarters, where they must deal with the legendary Cult of the Black Leopard - all in the name of the Mad Monkey. Mad Monkey vs. The Dragon Claw is a scenario for the ORIENTAL ADVENTURES supplement to the AD&D game. It is set in KARA-TUR, the oriental world in the Forgotten Realms. Mad Monkey vs. The Dragon Claw is designed for five to eight characters of Levels 6-9. TSR 9242

Cover of The Halls of Runehammer
The Halls of Runehammer
5th Edition
Levels 0–4
95 pages

The Halls of Runehammer is a classic dwarven dungeon crawl for 5th edition dungeons and dragons. The core adventure module is desigend for characters who are second level and should take a party up to 4th level. 150 years ago a horrible plague called the Red Death swept the known world. When faced with the destruction of their entire clan some of the dwarves of Runehammer turned to a dark evil in an attempt to survive. Until recently that evil lay dormant, but now it threatens to engulf the entire region surrounding the Halls of Runehammer including the small town of Last Stop. Features over 8 episodes of encounters flled with action, excitement, and danger Blaze your own path or choose from two sets of pregenerated characters; one party of dwarves and one party of the canon characters for the Asnar: The Last Kingdom campaign (digital download) Contains 25 available digital maps for high quality printing or use with Online systems like Roll20 (digital download) Comes with Combat Encounter sheets for most combat encounters to help speed up your game play (digital download) Comes with a fully printable puzzle ring trap for Episode 7: The Pump Tower Contains 30 pieces of artwork created just for this adventure and 14 additional licensed pieces of artwork

Cover of XL-1 Quest for the Heartstone
XL-1 Quest for the Heartstone
Levels 5–10
32 pages

The King is dead! And the queen is in trouble. She has chosen you to find the fabled heartstone, which is buried somewhere deep in the Mountains of Ice. Is the gem I the hands of the corrupt Master Thief? Has he harnessed its powers for his own vile purposes? Or does it lie unguarded in the frozen ranges to the north, which teem with horrible creatures? This is your kind of quest! Quest for the Heartstone is a combined wilderness/dungeon adventure designed to be compatible with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Action Toys from LJN Toys, Ltd. and the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Adventure Figures from TSR, Inc. The adventure also includes complete maps, new monsters and players' illustrations. Will the heartstone be the key to peace in the kingdom? By her majesty's request... it's up to you to find out! TSR 9114