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21 adventures found
Cover of A18: Storm's Wake, Saatman's Empire 2 of 4
A18: Storm's Wake, Saatman's Empire 2 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

For centuries, the dragon Storm has ‘peacefully’ lived off the eastern coast of the Klavek Kingdom, sinking or collecting any ship that ventured into her territory and eating sailors and sea-creatures alike. Now, however, she has moved inland and invited a host of problems, devastating trade and nearly blasting the city of Cherr’s Landing from the map. The PCs have to save the city, and re-open trade along the Klavek Kingdom’s eastern coast, or the mysterious forces gathering in the background will only gain more of an upper hand! Also included in “Storm’s Wake”: A new template for Titanic creatures, larger and more powerful than any of their kind A new type of dragon, the Swampscale, whose dragon eggs can be captured in this adventure and trained Two new magic items, the fleetmaster’s compass, and the spade of excavation A new deity, Perenna, the god of spring and vanity Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble

Cover of A08: Search for the Tri-Stone
A08: Search for the Tri-Stone
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
? pages

When you are successful , your reputation will spread farther and more widely than you might imagine. And when that reputation reaches those who believe that “the enemy of my enemy is my firend,” you might just find yourself working with and for some interesting people. So when the village go-between for the mayor of Rybalka and local Vikmordere tribespeople asks the party to recover an item, you can’t be sure exactly who you are going to earn your coin from. The PCs find themselves having to tread a very thin line to be successful with this job; the Monachy’s agent in Rybalka is very interested in what they are doing, as are other, less friendly tribes; but the PCs don’t know this. In fact, there is much they don’t know and they will only become aware of some of the implications of their actions when potential problems become reality. Of course, if they’d know they were meant to find a ship buried in a cliff face, defeat its entire crew before finding great beauty in physical and material form, take what belongs to a king and then return unnoticed through territory claimed by old enemies and new allies, they would have prepared quite differently, wouldn’t they? Ah, hindsight is a wonderful thing… Also included in ""Search for the Tri-Stone"": Maps by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble New Runic Language introduced through a Runestick which PCs may use on their journey to decode puzzles and find clues in their search for the Tri-Stone High resolution map of the Thingallor Burial Shrine New Monster: Zombie Handmaidens Numerous New Maps and Illustrations! New Magical Items: Sword and Shield of King Rytan New Artifact!

Cover of A12: When the Ship Goes Down
A12: When the Ship Goes Down
5th Edition
Levels 8–11
? pages

The PCs are asked by a friend, Captain Erfaran Honamatros, to find out what has caused the death of one of her fellow captains. After weeks of storms and bad weather, ships from Mohkba haven’t been arriving, but a body has floated in. Captain Honamatros is so concerned that she offers her ship, her crew and even to pay for the journey if the PCs come along, as well as everything they find unless it is a keepsake. The captains that sail the Serpent Lake are experienced women and men and the loss of a ship and its complement is a rare event outside of war. What starts out as a journey to discover what sank a ship quickly becomes more involved. Former companion creatures of a giant appear, telling of a floating island causing chaos, and when the PCs find this island, they discover it holds new occupants who have no wish to leave and a weather machine that has been damaged and is malfunctioning! The task is now to decommission the machine and make the sailing route safe once again. But where do you start when a violent storm is raging around the island and the giant’s former home is now upside down? Also included in ""When the Ship Goes Down”: Choice of crowd control rules to deal with a riot A minor artifact weather machine and its extreme weather table New Monster: the Elektrohydra New Monster variation: the Lightning Mephit (3.5E), Snow Roc and Incorporeal Giant 4 new Magical Items, including a Weather Machine in need of repair! 3 new Traps! Suggestions to adjust the encounters for parties of different levels and hooks to continue the adventure"

Cover of A0-Crow's Rest Island
A0-Crow's Rest Island
5th Edition
Level 1
? pages

Shrouded in whispered rumors, Crow’s Rest Island has been avoided as long as any can remember. Nothing but death, and the memories of those long gone, greet any who take to land upon the isle’s shores. It is to this island that the PCs will find themselves driven as a storm threatens to drive their ship below the waves. Awaiting the PCs are far more than ghost stories upon this island, for there lives a very real threat, hiding here among the legends that keep sailors at bay. A classic ghost story that casts the PCs not as adversaries to the specters, but rather as their benefactors, Crow’s Rest Island challenges the PCs with a tribe of foul kobolds, a haunted village, and the forgotten servant of a long departed ice devil. An excellent introduction to the Aventyr Campaign Setting, this adventure gives the PCs their first glimpse into Vikmordere culture. A0 may also be easily ported to any setting containing a northern wilderness near a large body of water.

Cover of A09: Rogue Wizard
A09: Rogue Wizard
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
? pages

We all dream; sometimes we remember them, sometimes we even understand them, but always we’re fascinated by them. As to their worth, how many brave adventurers, skilled traders and successful leaders achieved because they were told by a mentor, “Follow your dreams!” But what happens when those dreams constantly play on your mind? When those dreams begin to take over all your waking hours as well as those dedicated to sleep? When those dreams begin to change your very being with their alternative take on the world around you? The party have a straightforward charge; bring in a rogue wizard! In a kingdom where unregulated and unobserved magic is frowned upon, this could mean anything and anyone, so how do you prepare for the unknown? And what do you do when you don’t like the sound of what you find out when what is known by others comes to the surface? Murder, theft and unstinting self-sacrifice make strange and unsettling bedfellows, and one mage is accused of them all. Yet the person in question seemed such a charming and intelligent child, one you’d want to protect as a parent if you met them as a youngster. Has all that charm gone, all that cleverness been wasted? Surely not? Perhaps the support and encouragement of a guardian is all that is needed. Also included in ""Rogue Wizard"": One of the most bizzare adventures you will ever run Maps by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble Illustrations by renowned graphic novel artist Tim Tyler High Resolution Maps of all Tower Levels and interior New Monster: Undead Ogre Guards New Monster: Grizzly Bear Rug New Monster: Sentinel New Monster: NITNAM New Monster: Tormented Flesh Golem (made of halfling corpses and fully illustrated) New Monster: Black Pudding Knight (fully illustrated) New Spells: Taxidermy Swarm (lesser and greater) Over 10 fully illustrated and in-depth puzzles for your players to solve! Multiple New Traps! New Machine: Bone Grinding Machine New Material: Bonedust

Cover of A16: Midwinter's Chill, Saatman's Empire 1 of 4
A16: Midwinter's Chill, Saatman's Empire 1 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

A snowstorm ravages the Klavek Kingdom, betraying the forces of nature and blanketing the land in snow and ice, leaving the skeletons of towns in its wake. The PCs delve into the snow, only to find omens of worse things to come – a powerful white dragon is manipulating events to bring her frozen fortress into the middle of the kingdom – can the PCs stop her and her minions before she arrives to dominate the kingdom? Also included in Midwinter's Chill: A dragon egg, as well as detailed rules for how to care for, hatch, and train the dragon within! A new monster, the Murashyk, a guilt-ridden undead sure to lead the PCs to their doom. Three new magic items!  Teleportation spires , and two types of dragon-slaying medallions for your PCs to prepare for the challenges ahead! A new spell,  splice location , which allows you to shift entire buildings or even cities from one place to another! A new deity, Arnut, the goddess of winter and the north wind! Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble

Cover of A1-Crypt of the Sunlord
A1-Crypt of the Sunlord
5th Edition
Level 1
? pages

The adventurers travel across Serpent Lake with a group of Rybalkan soldiers. The group camps for the night adjacent to the ruins of Ka’Teek. As they sleep a goblin steals a precious keepsake from one of the PCs and disappears into the ruins. The party pursues and finds themselves confronting undead guardians of the Sun Lord while avoiding dangerous traps. Will the PCs find the goblin and retrieve their precious keepsake or stumble upon something much more sinister?

Cover of A5-Winter Flower
A5-Winter Flower
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
? pages

The annual Winterflower Festival & Dance is just around the corner! What originally started as a festival to honor the rare Winterflower has grown into an annual gathering for families, soldiers, and hunters to eat, drink, and dance the night away. The festival is named after the rarest flower in the world. It thrives in a cold mountainous region and has a reputation for growing on sheer mountain peaks and cliffs. It is the only flower known to grow through layers of snow in order to reach the sunlight. When carefully transplanted near the village the Winterflower is considered a blessing which protects the village from harm. It is customary for the men of the village to ask the women to the dance by presenting them with rare, difficult to obtain gifts. A woman will usually select from the men based on the rarity of the gift with which she was presented. This year, a beautiful maiden by the name of Gwendolyn has come of age and many men vie for her attention. Three such men are Nicoli Vrodle, Alem Dulgra, and Vladimir Pelchonal- all of which are willing to go to great lengths to attend the Winterflower Festival & Dance with the maiden Gwendolyn on their arm. Each of the three men hire the PCs to retrieve the rarest gifts in the land. The catch? The Winterflower Festival starts in just 5 days so the PCs must hurry!

Cover of Rise of the Drow-5e
Rise of the Drow-5e
5th Edition
Levels 1–16
552 pages

Tonight, a ceremony of light is taking place on the surface. Meanwhile, a world away in the city of spiders, a drow matron solidifies a pact with soul-consuming entities who require great sacrifices in trade for unimaginable power. Drow eyes turn to the surface. This book contains a mega-adventure and setting, taking characters across the surface and into the depths of the world. Adventurers will meet unique denizens, battle horrors of the Underworld, explore epic locations, and fight to stop the rise of the drow.

Cover of A17: Haunting at Rybalka Lodge
A17: Haunting at Rybalka Lodge
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
? pages

With royalty coming to town, the reopening of the new Rybalka Lodge couldn’t be timelier. Although the place is warm and inviting during the day, it becomes a different place at night. Locals refuse to approach Rybalka Lodge and the owner is fire-fighting rumors of it being haunted. The original lodge burned down just one year ago, possibly by Vikmordere arsonists, and killed the visiting Ambassador Valdritch with his entire retinue. Now with the imminent arrival of a Klavekian Prince on the anniversary of the tragedy has stirred up both memories of the fire and the spirits of those consumed in the flames. Can the party get to the bottom of what is going on before the prince sets foot in town? Will the spirits of those who suffered from the arsonists attack get their revenge? Will the Vikmordere try to instigate another assassination attempt? And who is the mysterious woman occasionally seen in the shadows around the new lodge? Also included in “Haunting at Rybalka Lodge”: The Incorporeal Inquisitor, a new class for your players! Loads of New Magic Items: Capture Crystals, Release Crystal Orbs, Circlet of Destinations, Ring of Light Effects, Illusory Glass New Location: Rybalka Lodge Todd Gamble’s Maps of Awesomeness

Cover of A23: Twin Crossings
A23: Twin Crossings
5th Edition
Level 4
? pages

Embroiled in a struggle between two rival merchant houses, the party races to assemble and escort a valuable load of cargo to a commerce-starved city. The loss of the yearly supply ship to a late winter storm places an isolated town in peril. A lone survivor, clinging to a hatch cover and blown hundreds of miles by the tempest, brings the disastrous news. Two premier merchant houses make plans to attempt the overland route. The race is on to get word to the far side of the mountains and assemble a relief caravan to cross back over. The loss of the ship means that any goods that do make it over the hump will yield great profit. The survival of not only of the merchant houses but of the very town itself is dependent on those willing to brave the journey. Monsters, difficult trails, and unscrupulous behavior by the competition stand in the way of success—and profit. Also included in this adventure: A flexible encounter sequence that allows the PCs to chart their own course over the mountains. Rich roleplaying opportunities and skill challenges that impact the party’s final success. Three new magic items including magical engineering equipment from a hidden cache. A new monster—the Salt Worm—that leaves naught but the desiccated husks of its victims behind. Notes on scaling the encounters for parties of six or more.

Cover of A24: Return to Crypt of the Sun Lord
A24: Return to Crypt of the Sun Lord
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
? pages

The temple bells rang out, their crystal hollow-overtones calling gently to the dispersed worshipers dwelling within the underground sun temple. The Temple of the Sun was itself an enigma, a place dedicated to the sun but hidden far underground, shielded from the mighty rays of the light of life, forced to do so for both secrecy and protection. Internal holy radiance was the heart of the temple, bathing Flaesuros' children with the light of the holy orb of light, emanations from a Sliver of the Sun, an actual piece of the massive orb of life above; this was the logic behind the temple's secrecy, her many levels of protection and traps, the reason why priests who fervently revered light now clung to the shadows. This adventure includes: Puzzles to keep your players engaged and inspired New monsters including the Skeletal Ash Beast Ancient runes which can be used to solve puzzles and advance in the crypt A new magic item which may be donned by a single PC to great effect An artifact which has the potential to either change the world or destroy it

Cover of A6-Bear Trouble
A6-Bear Trouble
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
? pages

It’s said that “Two’s company, three’s a crowd”, but what happens to those who make their living from adventuring if work begins to dry up and their only rivals are doing a better job than they are? Even heroes have to eat, so when their source of income is taken by others, they have to make some tough decisions. But if those around you don’t much care for you any more, what then; surely those tough decisions are easier to make? From being the stars of the show to last on the bill, the PCs find themselves caught up in skulduggery at every turn and having to decide just who is on their side. Friend becomes foe and those the PCs have counted as rivals may suddenly be their best allies. And in all of this confusion an exiled dwarf challenges their true loyalties; which way will the PCs turn?

Cover of A11: Wild Thing
A11: Wild Thing
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
? pages

The PCs are hired by the Black Gold Consortium to track down passengers of the Wasp, a ship which has wrecked somewhere in the Vast Swamp. One passenger in particular interests the consortium more than any other: a woman named Sandalia. Sandalia is known by every citizen of Cherrian’s Rest as the most beautiful woman in the city, she was recently hired to train as a diplomat for the powerful Black Gold Consortium. Now Sandalia has gone missing and the consortium wants her back. What starts out as a simple rescue mission suddenly takes a turn for the worst when a love struck wild thing leads the PCs on an all out chase through the swamp. The would-be rescuers travel through haunted bogs and fields of fire to a final confrontation which may just be the oddest conclusion anyone has ever experienced. Also included in ""Wild Thing"": Choice of 3 vessels with special swamp navigation rules New swamp bugs and diseases Environmental/Meteorlogical/Bestial Randomization chart for swamp travel 1 new Monster: the Bog Troll! 2 new Magical Items! 7 new Traps! A new city: Cherrian's Rest and the powerful Black Gold Consortium which runs the region with financial influence Multiple ways to complete the primary quest

Cover of A4-Forest for the Trees
A4-Forest for the Trees
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

The loggers of the West Wood have been logging these lands for over five years without a problem. Now, an eerie entity demands that they cease their logging activities and evacuate the forest immediately. If they refuse, they will die. When the PCs arrive to help they find that things are not so black and white. The decisions which they make will have permanent and lasting implications for the entire region. Will the PCs choose to save the forest and lose the support of the village, or destroy a sacred elder tree in order to win the hearts of the loggers and their families?

Cover of A07: Alchemist's Errand
A07: Alchemist's Errand
5th Edition
Level 7
? pages

Sometimes it is the simplest of tasks which end up taking much more of time and energy than they should. When the party is asked by the local sage to collect some rare flora, it feels like relatively easy money; a journey into the woods they’ve traveled before, a conversation with someone they’ve met before and then on to gather the crop. The characters can hear the Thirsty Serpent tavern calling them after a brisk afternoon’s work. But the PCs’ plans go awry when it turns out nothing is quite that straightforward. Deals have to be struck, foes defeated, anger and scorn dealt with and then the whole process gone through again. When there is duplicity at every turn and double-crossing is done with relish, the PCs have to keep their wits and weapons equally sharp. Dealing with someone who is prepared to cross the line between humiliation and harm at a moment’s notice is a tough challenge; this quickly becomes about much more than mere mushrooms!

Cover of A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

Incandium’s youth was fairly typical, at least for a half-dragon raised amongst dragons, filled with years of endless physical and mental abuse. It was always clear he was different than his clutch-mates, though his mother only claimed it was because he was ‘special’, never explaining what latent power his elemental blood held. And so, after studying magic and drawing on untold power, he slew his mother and claimed control over the volcano he called home, which he has ruled with an iron fist ever since. Now, however, he sees the PCs as a threat to his plans, and he calls them to the field of battle! Even if he is defeated, can the party stop his machinations to unleash a wave of dragons on Klavek’s western border? Also included in “Incandium’s Erruption”: A new magic item, the  bracer of shields Two new alchemical solutions, azure powder and engraving solution A new spell,  redirect teleport A new deity, Hado, the god of summer and judgement Details on Elemental Princes, and the blessings and curses they can bestow on characters Details on the Serpins Sanguis cult, including their origins and goals Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble

Cover of A2 Devil of the Dark Wood
A2 Devil of the Dark Wood
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

Bakinqa is not your typical devil. Influenced by human society at a young age he took it upon himself to learn as much as he could about the “pink skins”. When his first meeting with humans results in the death of his father, Bakinqa swears to find and kill the boy responsible. Ten years later Bakinqa has prepared his plans for revenge. He begins experimentation on human werewolves, turning them into slaves and using them to work his way into human society searching for the boy that killed his father, now a man. When local hunters begin to disappear the mayor takes notice and hires the PCs to investigate. The PCs search will take them into the dreaded Dark Wood where they battle werewolves and hybrid devil spawn in search of the manipulative devil Bakinqa.

Cover of A22: Saatman's Throne, Saatman's Empire 4 of 4
A22: Saatman's Throne, Saatman's Empire 4 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

Nearly two thousand years ago, in the land which now holds the Klavek Kingdom, a different power ruled the land. The Saatman Empire was a land unlike any seen before or since: it was a place where dragons ruled as gods, each in their own kingdom keeping lesser races as cattle. And above all of these god kings stood and watched the Saatman, an emperor among god-kings. Eventually, the humans rose up, and great heroes struck down Saatman, bringing the empire to the ruins it was today, and scattering their servants. But not destroying them. Now, a cult still dedicated to the dragon-god-emperor has returned the ancient dragon to life. In revenge of his own empire, he has declared war on the Klavek Kingdom – and commanded the death of all humankind. Can the party stop the genocide, and turn his own allies against him? Also included in “Saatman’s Throne”: A detailed system for reputation and infamy amid a city warring houses – all of which lay claim to dozens of mad wizards! The city of Gustavin, where dragons are gods and feuding houses control every coin. The Scrollblade, a powerful weapon that can store any magic it chooses Radiant Elixir, and endless source of magical power, at a steep price A great and terrible spell, Genocide A stitched-together monstrosity, the Serpens Appendix: Gods and Kings detailing hidden secrets in the Klavek Kingdom Maps by ENnie award winning cartographer, Todd Gamble

Cover of A3-Champion's Rest
A3-Champion's Rest
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

The Loi’Tok burial mound of the Vikmordere was abandoned long ago. The party is hired by the mayor of the local town to locate some soldiers who went missing after entering Loi’Tok. Strangely enough no sign of the soldiers can be found within the burial site aside from a few scattered weapons and pools of blood. Before the party has time to investigate, Vikmordere barbarians show up searching for a group of their own missing kinsmen. Will the two groups blame each other or join forces to solve the mystery surrounding the recent disappearances?