A community for lazy dungeon masters
1446 adventures found
Cover of Dreadful Ruins of Eastbarrow
Dreadful Ruins of Eastbarrow
5th Edition
Level 3
21 pages

A nearly-penniless merchant wants heroes to secure and return priceless heirlooms. But can they do it with goblins all around, raiding and pillaging? Can the heroes reach a peaceful settlement with the raiders, or will they wreak mayhem and slaughter? Find out in Eastbarrow! This package (adventure, maps, and handouts within) forms a complete module for use with DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® 5TH EDITION RULES. It is especially designed for Dungeon Masters to initiate play with a minimum of preparation. Also includes full-sized maps for the VTT of your choice! Old School Look and Feel!

Cover of SD1 - Bugbear Manor
SD1 - Bugbear Manor
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

As you begin your adventuring career you find that your stomach rules your initial steps. After finding the small community of Morgesh where word of a haunted/cursed/dangerous manor house is gained. As you find a few new associates, you opt to clear out this blight on the area. Hopefully the drunkards won’t cause you too much of a headache…

Cover of FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Picking up where the adventures left off in Sordack Valley, the PCs gain information on areas with potential treasure. Several ruins are just within reach and at least one may be the burial site known as the Ossuary of the Bear! A magical crozier was said to be buried there and has never been found. Are your players ready to make themselves legends?

Cover of AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
21 pages

This adventure picks up where AS1 – Artifact of Gegios left off. You return to the city of Gegios to divide treasure and determine what the strange wand is. Your return trip may have given you a clue in that travel to the east causes it to vibrate less while moving in a western direction causes it to shake more. What is the significance of this anomaly? Is your party ready to find out? Bring your water wings folks you’re probably going for a swim!

Cover of The Dreams of Ruin
The Dreams of Ruin
Levels 12–18
260 pages

Designed to remedy the lack of "end game" content for Old School-style gaming, The Dreams of Ruin is a setting-neutral adventure supplement aimed at characters of level 12 to 16. The material can be used with groups from level 8 to max level (and beyond, if the system supports ascent to divinity for high-level character). Capable of challenging even the most experienced players and most powerful characters, The Dreams of Ruin are an unforgettable addition to any high-level campaign. But beware! The dreams are mighty and can overwhelm even fearsome warlords and powerful wizard-kings. One touch of them, and your campaign world will never be the same.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier
1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier
Levels 9–11
30 pages

Hubrimort is a small, respectable town whose only claim to fame is a local governmental position bestowed by five of the king’s chosen officials, known as the Cavaliers. The position is given to the head of one of four noble families once each decade. While competition for the mysterious position is always fierce, this year there are rumors of underhanded deals with criminals, rigged tournaments, and a nasty case of blackmail. Which of the ancient families deserves ten years of power and privilege? Only the Sixth Cavalier can help the five officials make the right choice!

Cover of The Matchmakers
The Matchmakers
Levels 1–3
11 pages

All's fair in love and rivalry. Some matches are made in heaven, but not this one. Pgs. 26-36

Cover of Into the Belly of the Beast
Into the Belly of the Beast
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
25 pages

Take the adventuring party on a journey through a nasty, smelly swamp as they follow an exotic map which (they hope) leads to a grand treasure. Unknown hazards, NPCs, adventure, and creatures stand between them and the X that 'marks the spot' on the map. This adventure includes: •Custom art •8 hand-drawn maps (color and black & white included) •3 new creatures •1 new magic item •Includes a printer-friendly version of the adventure. Into the Belly of the Beast runs smoothly as-is, but an additional 8 encounters are included. These encounters can be used to lengthen the adventure, or they could used separately and added to your own campaign.

Cover of FC5 - Leptis Magna
FC5 - Leptis Magna
Levels 7–10
37 pages

The Adurite Empire once ruled a major portion of Filbar but when the culture lost the favor of the gods it spelled doom for the entire civilization. In the wake of the carnage that followed the major cities fell to fires, plagues, and other disasters both natural and magical. In the centuries that have passed the cities are now in ruins but rumored to still hold magic and wealth. The most famous of these cities was the port city of Leptis Magna. The city was once the crossroads of the empire and was known for trading, agriculture, and magic. What treasures remain in the ruins so fierce that even pirates avoid the area? This was also the adventure played at Gen Con 2014! "I step over his body and go inside..."

Cover of Sewer Losers
Sewer Losers
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
9 pages

Arnyn, a merfolk mercenary, has been hired to clean out the sewers below a thriving port city. Unfortunately, she jumped at the payday before truly understanding what she was being asked to do. Now she's looking for someone to take over her contract.

Cover of The Dark Conventicle
The Dark Conventicle
Levels 8–12
17 pages

Rescuing maidens is a dirty job, but - you know the rest. On the road, the PCs encounter the aftermath of an attack on a small merchant caravan. The PCs must find and return Zenobia, the merchant's daughter. To do this, they must track, locate, and confront the unknown raiders while keeping the Zenobia's safety in mind.

Cover of FC11 - Blight of Biel
FC11 - Blight of Biel
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
14 pages

Blight of Biel is a standard “fetch” mission with a twist. After finishing one adventure the PCs head to Biel for some rest. Sadly upon arrival at the thorp they discover the community has “the fever”. Only one person in town has not gotten ill and she needs some ingredients for a cure. This mission will require a quick resolution or the gravedigger will be busy! Oh yea…this game is called Dungeons & Dragons for a reason!

Cover of G3 Cult of the Green Orb
G3 Cult of the Green Orb
Levels 4–7
20 pages

“Do not try to escape. You are in my control. Look at me. I am the sum of all evils. Look carefully. My power infests all times, all galaxies, all dimensions...many seek me out...But see how I destroy their lives..." (from the film, Heavy Metal, 1981) For half a century, life in the mining outpost of Piktown has been peaceful and prosperous until a strange green glow in the nearby mountain range rekindled a frightening legend from the past. Does this recent luminous phenomenon signal the return of the dreaded Cult of the Green Orb? The Overlord has hired you and your fellow adventurers to stop the troubling green glow! This module is a classic-style dungeon crawl meant for a single night’s play, with plenty going on behind the scenes to keep players (and referees) interested. For use with Swords & Wizardry** or the Original Edition of the First Fantasy Roleplaying Game

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #79.5: Tower of the Black Pearl
Dungeon Crawl Classics #79.5: Tower of the Black Pearl
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
20 pages

Once every decade, the tides of the Empyrean Ocean recede far enough to reveal the highest eaves of a mysterious undersea tower. Long ago this was an eldritch fastness of Sezrekan the Elder, the most wicked wizard ever to plague the Known World, but now the tower is known simply as the final resting place of the fabled Black Pearl – an artifact rumored to bring doom upon all who dare to posses it. Tonight the moon nearly fills the sky, and the tides have already begun to recede. Adventurers have eight short hours to explore the tower before the dark waters return. The fabled Black Pearl will be theirs for the taking…if they can survive the Pearl’s curse.

Cover of Miss Teree's House of Tea...And Devil Summoning
Miss Teree's House of Tea...And Devil Summoning
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
13 pages

Please come right in. What can we get started for you? We’re so sorry about that noisy eyesore across the street. I assure you, steps are being taken to solve that little nuisance. Oh yes. Steps are being taken. We have some lovely new teas in from far-away lands. Very mild but oh so delicious. And our cook just took some gorgeous biscuits out of the oven. I’ll bring you some to nibble. Now I need to run down to the basement for some more linens. I won’t be gone long, but my girls will take care of you while I’m away. And I’ll get that racket across the street taken care of. Yes, I most certainly will. Miss Teree runs a elegant teahouse in the upscale part of the city. But when a kobold, Sug, buys the inn across the street, her sales plummet. But then Sug starts finding rats in his basement, and they somehow manage to kill his bouncer. Sug suspects Miss Teree has something to do with his bouncers death, but he needs help figuring out how.

Cover of Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
5th Edition
Level 4
13 pages

Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller After an experiment with a teapot goes wrong, a wizard's tower rolls through the forest, crushing all beneath it. Its owner, Manthrak the Meticulous wants it back. It's up to you and your companions to stop the tower's rampage before something even worse happens. Manthrak’s Malicious Steamroller is a short, high-octane one-shot adventure module for a party of four or five 4th level characters. With no setting specific details, it can be easily dropped into any campaign, or run on by itself for an action-packed escapade. Included: Full-color 13-page PDF Virtual tabletop maps - Gridded & Non-gridded Accessible & print-friendly PDF A fun, unforgettable experience

Cover of FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
Levels 2–5
11 pages

Decades ago a group of adventurers saved the town of Logan’s Bluff from a humanoid incursion. While the battle ended in a victory, the cost was high when the party lost a valued member of their group. In his honor his comrades and grateful citizens built a tomb over his final resting spot. In the decades since the battle peace has reigned but has recently waned with the advent of more humanoid sightings. Some have wondered if Forstal’s tomb is drawing the humanoids back for revenge.

Cover of Lest Darkness Rise
Lest Darkness Rise
3.5 Edition
Level 7
15 pages

Long ago, a local priest created a warded graveyard on a remote hillside. As the years passed, it gained a reputation as a spot whose defenses were powerful enough to keep undead in and tomb robbers out. Adventurers began to bring the remains of any creatures they suspected might become restless in death to the Tomb Steppe for interment, and in time they also sought aid against such creatures from the friendly priest. After his death, a brief spate of undead activity commenced, then died away once again. As the years passed, the tales of undead activity in the Tomb Steppe faded into legend, and colonists began to move into the lands nearby. The town of Night Falls was founded a short distance from the graveyard, and it grew quickly into a thriving trade center and farming community. Realizing that the Tomb Steppe was safe enough during the day, the citizens began burying their dead there rather than building new crypts on pristine farmland. Because this method of interment was cheap and easy, people from many surrounding communities brought their dead to the town as well. The business of burial brought new prosperity to Night Falls, and a guild called the Funerary House sprang up to control the trade. But it seems that the threat from the Tomb Steppe has not entirely been laid to rest. The Great Mausoleum -- the largest and finest tomb in the steppe, has been unsealed, and an apparition has been seen within. Who will go to the Tomb Steppe by night and reseal the tomb? Lest Darkness Rise is a short adventure for four 7th-level characters. In keeping with the season, it has a stronger horror theme than most D&D adventures. This scenario can be used as the climax of a series of adventures featuring its secondary characters, or it can simply be a site-based adventure that the PCs stumble across at the right moment. The scenario is set in a semi-civilized area in the far north, far from cities and churches, where winters are harsh and summers never get very hot. These inhospitable conditions have resulted in a low humanoid population. The scenario need not be set in such a wilderness; a rural farming community far from cities works just as well. The only real requirement is that the area have few settlements. The action takes place in the small town of Night Falls and a nearby necropolis of tombs, mausoleums, and graves known as the Tomb Steppe. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of Appalling Morass
Appalling Morass
5th Edition
Level 8
9 pages

Elmwood village has had its fair share of corruption and destruction, and the villagers won’t take anymore, not even from fearful hags. Manipulation, lies, and greed are at the heart of their woes, but what if the rumors about hags are wrong? What if the most untrustworthy person is the one the villagers trust the most? Can the party sift the truth from this appalling morass and put an end to the threat?

Cover of Svarog's Anvil (5e)
Svarog's Anvil (5e)
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
52 pages

Are you ready for some HACK 'N' SLASH action? Do you yearn to unveil the hidden mysteries of the DWARVES? Are you thirsty for some UNEXPECTED encounters? The long lost Dwarven Kindgom of Gleodemar holds a relic of the past, Svarogs's Anvil, a magical artifact that can boost weapon production. The Heroes are sent to reclaim it, but the ancient fort is not empty and the new denizens have settled for good and do not seem keen on sharing any treasures. Will the Heroes manage to overtake them in a direct (and bloody) confrontation, or will the try to slip through the shadows to reach their goal? Maybe they will be captured and the "cavalry" will have to save them? In this adventure anything goes and it takes only one mistake to unravel the Heroes' careful plans and make them prisoners of the Keep. In this slightly challenging 5e hack 'n' slash adventure for 4th level PCs you will find: - a detailed story behind the Dwarven Kingdom of Gleodemar - a powerful dwarven artifact - a back-up NPC party, in case the heroes require a "deus ex machina" intervention - an optional ethical dilemma, to spice things up - both DM and player-safe maps - 3 boss monsters that can be used as future antagonists - non-stop action and suspense until the last minute of this 3-act mad rash and if all of that still does not sound fun, there's ALSO a race against time before the curtain falls. Download away! (and don't forget to share your feedback, we'd love to hear it!)