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1432 adventures found
Cover of R5 The Great Bugbear Hunt
R5 The Great Bugbear Hunt
Levels 5–7
16 pages

Your magic user friend has had his spellbook taken by marauding bugbears. He, and by extension you, are tasked by his mentor to recover the tome. Now you must track the goblinoids across the maze like hill country to find his stolen book. Pgs. 9-24 of Polyhedron #28

Cover of GA3 Tales of Enchantment
GA3 Tales of Enchantment
Levels 5–8
32 pages

The mysteries and legends surrounding Whispering Widow Woods have always been enough to scare off the timid. The dense canopy shrouds the forest floor in darkness even at mid-day, and the tangled underbrush inhibits travel and can disorient even seasoned woodsmen. Lately, though, terrorized residents have described attacks by normally docile creatures, such as black bears. Respected citizens told wild tales of unprovoked attacks by treants, sprites, and brownies. The last two curious souls to venture into Whispering Widow Woods have not returned. Tales of Enchantment has no mechanism built- in to keep the players on track. That is part of the problem for them to solve. They can go as far afield as their bad judgment takes them, but the farther afield they go, the more trouble they find. TSR 9428

Cover of A Family Reunion
A Family Reunion
5th Edition
Level 7
7 pages

Monster hunting is a noble profession for only the bravest adventurers. But when a monster queen hires the party to reunite her family and restore her honor, the traditional methods of death and dismemberment are no longer on the table. Melusine is missing her children and the party must recover them all alive.

Cover of FT - Cappadocia
FT - Cappadocia
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Welcome to Cappadocia! This ruined ancient city is home to a group of shipwrecked Gnome adventurers. For the past several years they have tried to make the best of their situation and are starting to feel at home. This is also a side adventure to FP13 - Odie's Staff. Oh yea and two more words.....Gnome Airship!

Cover of Sandstone Catacombs
Sandstone Catacombs
4th Edition
Level 3
8 pages

On the outskirts of town lies an ancient temple to an unknown deity. Periodically, undead creatures issue from the catacombs beneath it. The party receives a commission from the city elders to venture into the catacombs and exterminate the undead. Pgs. 64-71

Cover of The Toxic Wood
The Toxic Wood
Low, Medium Level
32 pages

The Toxic Wood is a deadly wilderness adventure for Old School Essentials This hexcrawl adventure focuses on game-able content and being easy to use at the table. It is graphic and art heavy and utilizes a lot of random tables to make it easier for GMs to run with minimal prep. "You have been hired by a secretive council of wizards, who refuse to meet in person with you, to rescue the survivors of Mugwort - a town which was thought to have been destroyed and lies deep within The Toxic Wood. The Wood is corrosive and the air is not safe to breath there, so the wizards have given you a magical orb which will create a safe dome of air around you. The orb must be fed with fuel containing life force to continue operating properly. They have also gifted each of you a less effective necklace which will create a temporary small bubble of clean air around your head as an emergency measure. The Wood became noxious a couple of years ago after a dragon known as Ion moved in. You will have to navigate to Mugwort without Ion noticing if you are to conduct a successful evacuation." The toxic wood is home to many strange entities; spiteful mutated horrors, ancient insectoid witch sisters, bloodthirsty redcaps, a mushroom witch and a corrosive dragon cult. Noxious gases produced by alien plants slowly coil through the air creating an endless red haze. Anything that is not part of the woods lethal eco-system is rapidly corroded, with all evidence of its existence erased within days. Details: 32 pages Single column text 8.5 x 5.5 aspect Black & White Bookmarks Hyperlinks Random tables Hooks and rumors for your players Rules for surviving in the toxic wood using the orb and other means 16 keyed hex locations Backgrounds for characters to aid roleplay New monsters Key NPCs A timeline of events for the DM to structure their sessions around Flora of the wood Random treasure tables Prompts and resolutions for what happens if players take different actions Cursed Items and Powerful Artifacts: Scattered throughout the wood, offering potent abilities but often with dangerous drawbacks.

Cover of The Iron Orb of the Duergar
The Iron Orb of the Duergar
Levels 11–15
22 pages

The Northmen and their allies play hardball. The Northmen are on a rampage, and only the duergar know why. Discover the secret of the iron orb. In the lands of the Northmen, near the city of Tallborg a mysterious relic was uncovered in a mine: a perfect orb of black iron. The orb was taken to the temple. When Ulvmard, high priest of Odin lifted the orb it revealed its true nature. The orb levitated from his hands, floating before him. The orb had changed Ulvmard, bestowing him great powers. The orb spoke to him with flattery and advice. As he became reliant on the orb, its power over him extended, bending him to its will and taking control. It used him to further its agenda: destruction of the dwarven race and restoration of the duergar! Claiming to be acting on Odin's behalf, Ulvmard lead the Northmen to rise up against the dwarves, and ordered raids to pillage the southern kingdoms for the materials he would need to construct a colossal iron warrior to defeat the dwarves. This adventure has viking and norse mythology influences. Pgs. 50-71

Cover of A Boy and His Dog
A Boy and His Dog
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

An exceptionally smart ogre and its pet dire wolf have figured out the easy life. Why loot and pillage, when with a few words of common, you can threaten and intimidate your way to comforts?

Cover of LP-4 The Lost Places: Fortunes Well
LP-4 The Lost Places: Fortunes Well
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
46 pages

Missing relics and a mysterious well. These are the things that have drawn your party to this idyllic region of the land. Why would someone take sacred objects, what do they have to do with each other…and why does the trail lead to a well in the middle of a lake?

Cover of Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Levels 1–3
20 pages

In the deep, it has awoken. Hidden in the ruins of an old dwarven kingdom awaits a powerful relic, and an army kobolds are on the march to retrieve it. Dare the heroes enter this ancient place, and will they find the relic before the army arrives. In a race against time the adventures may unleash the greatest evil, while trying to save the world from a grim fate. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart is a low-level OSR adventure suited for Labyrinth Lord and other oldschool retro clones. The adventure was originally written for the Danish Living Campaign The Hinterlands, and it is for the first time presented in English. The adventure introduces the players to a different tradition of adventures, and it one with a focus on exploration and encountering the unknown. The adventure contains new magical items and relics and new monsters to challenge your players. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart also functions as a prequel to The Flooded Temple and to Grave of the Heartless. Published by Greis Games.

Cover of Ghostlight
5th Edition
Level 1
22 pages

A mysterious ship emerges from the dark ocean mist, its lantern-lit deck silent and empty. When invisible hands cast lines and ropes over to the characters, will they accept the invitation to board and enter the secret afterlife of departed sailors? Ghostlight is a nautical sword-and-sorcery adventure and includes: -A haunting foray into the afterlife for good and evil sailors -A mad witch, a dashing rat pirate, and a tavern full of departed souls -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Fez II : The Contract
Fez II : The Contract
Levels 3–8
40 pages

The wizard Fez has faith in the abilities of adventurers. But Mephistopheles isn't as confident. So a pact was made between the wizard and the demon. As each bargained madly to outdo the other's bet, Fez was trapped in a magical sleep. More than just a wizard's pact is at stake as you strive to accomplish the seven "impossible" tasks. FEZ II is a module which will challenge your ability to overcome dangers, solve problems, and adjust quickly to the unexpected. It was the wizard Fez that made the deal with the demon, but it is you who must make good on ...

Cover of SPA2: Goblins vs. Kobolds
SPA2: Goblins vs. Kobolds
5th Edition
Level 3
41 pages

The party is caught between warring goblin and kobold gangs, occupying an abandoned dwarven mine. Will the heroes ally with one of the sides in this quarrel, try to make peace between old enemies, attempt to eliminate both sides, or achieve their goal stealthily and unnoticed? The choice is completely theirs! Small Party Adventure: Though the party size of 3–5 characters is considered optimal in D&D, there are times when you can only gather one or two players at most. This adventure is designed exactly for such occasions.

Cover of Warpath of Gruumsh
Warpath of Gruumsh
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
48 pages

In this level 3 adventure, the heroes face off against a band of orcs who live on islands in a pool of their orc god's blood. Warpath of Gruumsh is part 2 of the Litany of Arrows adventure path, following up on the platinum-selling Castle of Corellon adventure. This can very easily be run as a standalone adventure. Warpath of Gruumsh contains three versions of each full-color map (untagged, player's map and DM's Map), original artwork, one page of new magic items, and full entries on 6 new monsters, including mithral dragons and blood moon harpies.

Cover of Them Apples
Them Apples
Levels 1–3
12 pages

The village of Wistil is known for only two things: amiable halflings and tasty red apples. Someone has spoiled this year's crops and the halflings are scrambling to figure out how to respond. A band of stout folk set out from the town searching for answers; but, they have gone missing. The heroes are called in to investigate. Includes a random encounter sidebar, an overland map, and a map of the hill giant's hovel.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor
1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor
Levels 6–8
22 pages

A terrible plague has swept through the city of Cairdus, and despite the local clergy’s best efforts, they have been unable to control the spread of the disease. Even those who seem cured often contract the disease again. The only thing that is making any headway are the special blessings given by the powerful Baron Velstaf, but he only grants these blessings for a price that few can afford. The Star of Olindor is an adventure designed for 7th-level rogue, or other character of similar abilities. The obstacles in the adventure are set up to encourage the use of stealth and trickery, and many rely on classic rogue skills. The adventure takes place in the city of Cairdus, the details of which have been intentionally left imprecise, so that it can be easily slipped into an existing campaign, or better yet the adventure can be altered to take place in any existing city. Part 1 of the Olindor Trilogy.

Cover of Unsettled Ground
Unsettled Ground
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
26 pages

The ruins of Castle Hermitage are shrouded in mystery after the disappearance of Lord Soulis Hermitage some 50 years ago. In the time since, the thriving village of Bellshall has grown a reputation for its market and specifically for the gemstones that can be bought there. Unfortunately for the people of Bellshall that supply of gemstones is at risk. Something is watching the Deep Gnomes who live and work in the mine. Soon it will need to feed. Are there any heroes who can help defeat this horrible menace, save the Deep Gnomes, and the village’s prosperity? Contains: A 4 to 6-hour adventure for four 4th level characters. With scaling information for other levels. A new CR3 monster, the Ettercap Host. Print friendly version. Accessible version. Separate GM & player map images for VTT use (Gridded and Gridless).

Cover of Galateya's Will
Galateya's Will
5th Edition
Levels 10–12
7 pages

For over a decade, the necromancer Malion has hidden in the wilderness, creating golems infused with spirits of the dead in his obsessive search for perfect beauty. At long last, he produced a doll that he knew it to be his final masterpiece, and, knowing there was no mortal soul pure enough to complete his work, Malion prayed to the goddess of love to bring his statue to life. Against all odds, his blasphemous prayer was heard, and the furious goddess sent her servant to bring Malion to justice.

Cover of First Adventure
First Adventure
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

Six kids, one heartfelt promise, one incredible exploration! First Adventure is a one-shot designed to be played as a long session of five hours or two shorter sessions of 2-3 hours each. Keep the promise you made to your dying mother! Journey to an old, abandoned mine to search for the gateway to the Faerie Realm! Fail in your first attempt and regroup again 17 years later to keep the promise! A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD newbies and veterans!

Cover of Spring Sickness
Spring Sickness
5th Edition
Level 3
1 pages

As the adventurers depart Honeyfest to go on their next adventure, one or more of the characters may suddenly come down with a terrible sickness. To make matters worse, as they make to leave town (or visit the local apothecary), the market square is suddenly thrown into chaos by a plague wizard and his pet otyugh spreading filth!