A community for lazy dungeon masters
1447 adventures found
Cover of Temple of Blood
Temple of Blood
3.5 Edition
Level 1
16 pages

Over the top low level dungeon takes you through the sewers to stop a blood worshiping madman his Kobold minions.

Cover of PS4 - Jaunt through the Woods
PS4 - Jaunt through the Woods
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

The Provincia series continues with the fourth adventure in the series “Jaunt through the Woods” After successfully exploring the Ruins of Tobrick your intrepid adventurers continue their path north to warn the residents of Queen’s Point of the humanoid gathering. While attempting to circumvent the evil army they will have to continue through the forest using old trails. Along the way a collection of encounters gives the party multiple opportunities to enhance their skills!

Cover of GA3 Tales of Enchantment
GA3 Tales of Enchantment
Levels 5–8
32 pages

The mysteries and legends surrounding Whispering Widow Woods have always been enough to scare off the timid. The dense canopy shrouds the forest floor in darkness even at mid-day, and the tangled underbrush inhibits travel and can disorient even seasoned woodsmen. Lately, though, terrorized residents have described attacks by normally docile creatures, such as black bears. Respected citizens told wild tales of unprovoked attacks by treants, sprites, and brownies. The last two curious souls to venture into Whispering Widow Woods have not returned. Tales of Enchantment has no mechanism built- in to keep the players on track. That is part of the problem for them to solve. They can go as far afield as their bad judgment takes them, but the farther afield they go, the more trouble they find. TSR 9428

Cover of Intrigue in the Depths
Intrigue in the Depths
Levels 4–7
14 pages

Stopping an undersea war wasn't in your contract. The seas will boil with war, and you're going to be right in the middle of it. Pgs. 34-47

Cover of The Wayward Daughter
The Wayward Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
4 pages

Mary Seagrain is looking for her daughter who went missing during the last big storm. She is distraught and losing hope

Cover of In the Dwarven King's Court
In the Dwarven King's Court
Levels 3–5
17 pages

The game is afoot in the royal palace. A thief prowls the dwarven palace, but even more goes on than meets the eye. Set in in a dwarven kingdom, a peace treaty with an aggressive rival kingdom is to be signed with ceremonial gifts exchanged to mark the occasion. However the treaty is put in jeopardy when the ceremonial sword that was gifted to the kingdom is stolen before the signing. The adventure begins when the characters receive a vision that directs them to help the kingdom. They must investigate the mystery of the missing sword, navigating a diverse cast of palace dwarves in order to preserve peace in the kingdom. A tale of intrigue, can the heroes find the sword before it is too late? Pgs. 16-32

Cover of A Queen's Revenge
A Queen's Revenge
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
7 pages

Anea, the Amazon queen, and her warriors have helped neighboring king Eriklius defeat the usurper Todeuclis. When king Eriklius ascends the throne he covets the hand of Anea, but she refuses. In a fit of rage he sends his warrior Euclatis to destroy her palace and the surrounding town of Gythaclea. Anea—gravely wounded—pleads with Nyx, Greek goddess of the night. She asks for the power to take revenge. Her plea is granted, at the cost of being turned into a medusa. As rumors spread that Anea is still alive, the heroes are sent by King Eriklius to retrieve her. It seems an easy mission, but they soon discover all is not as it seems... Pgs. 157-163

Cover of SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A religious festival in the nearby town of Saratoga is the spot your introductory level PCs have opted to begin their careers. With so many people coming to the festival the group anticipates finding information on adventures they can start their budding careers with. Action begins sooner than expected as the celebration is interrupted by a group of Stirges bothering some of the revelers and it quickly gets worse…

Cover of Mind Prison
Mind Prison
5th Edition
Level 10
19 pages

Infiltration of a ruined archive; the players--beseeched by a mysterious psionic calling--work to uncover the machinations of the Nalar and hopefully free their captive held far below...

Cover of The Nerastrim Manor
The Nerastrim Manor
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

The Nerastrim Manor on the hill once belonged to a wealthy family with great influence in the region; that is until Nathaniel Nerastrim's wife, Helen, decided she was through with the oppression of her rich husband, made a deal with a demon, and took a butcher's cleaver to everyone in the house. In the years since the massacre, the house has remained untouched. The spirit of Helen is still trapped within the house and repels the attempts of any who would cast her out. In this horror-themed adventure, your players have but a single candle to safeguard them against Helen's persisting wrath . . . will it burn long enough for the party to explore the manor and finally send the malevolent spirit of Helen on her way?

Cover of FS3 - Monastery of the White Rose
FS3 - Monastery of the White Rose
Levels 1–2
10 pages

Two days ago while in the Village of Balis you heard a rumor of an abandoned monastery. With such a deserted location already so close at hand one could not refuse the temptation of checking on its possible gains-whether it is treasure or knowledge that is to say. Yet the gains must surely be worthy of someone as adventurous and brave as yourself. Through further investigation of the rumors of the townspeople you have discovered that the old monastery is said to be haunted with the dead walking the grounds. Directions were located and after a final day’s praying you set out to locate the Monastery of the White Rose.

Cover of The Secrets of Shadow Grove
The Secrets of Shadow Grove
5th Edition
Level 4
10 pages

Anamdael is a small town remarkable only for its peacefulness. However, the town harbors a dark secret: Long ago, a resident entered into a pact with a Night Hag, whose services come at a price. Travelers who once gave little thought to Anamdael now hear rumors of a strange cult in its woods. Your party is hired to locate and return a missing person, last known to be traveling to Anamdael. Before you may enter “Mother’s” land, you face your first test. Your responses determine more than you know and set the stage for an eerie adventure.

Cover of Tegel Manor
Tegel Manor
Levels 1–20
44 pages

Haunted House Fun House Dungeon. Tegel Manor, a great manor-fortress on the seacoast, is rumored to be left over from ancient days when a charm was placed over it protecting it from most of the ravages of time and human occupation. The hereditary owners, whos family name is Rump, have been amiss in their traditional duty of providing protection for the market village to the west. Some have said tha this failing and their bizarre eccentricities have led to their corruption. Many have found the manor and area to be a dangerous place to visit! A huge haunted house with a 17"x22" Judges map and a 11"x17 Players map, printed on both sides, brown on high-quality tan stock. Each map has the manor printed on one side and the surrounding wildernes on the other. Enclosed in the product is a 32-page booklet with room and monster descriptions. Over 240 rooms and chambers include a hall of magic portraits and four secret dungeon levels beneatht the manor. The booklet also has tables to create magic statues, ghostly encounters, resurrection results, and more. Tegal Manor has always been one of our more popular playing aids, and has been a lot of fun for Judges and players all over the country. This is an officially approved playing aid for use with D&D. This edition was published by Gamescience.

Cover of Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell
Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell
168 pages

Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell is the long-awaited sequel to Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls. This book contains the final levels of the megadungeon, revealing its most terrifying secrets. It contains almost 600 dungeon rooms for the players to explore, more than 70 unique monsters to challenge them, and 13 new magical items to mystify them. Stonehell Dungeon is a classic-style megadungeon intended for use with the Labyrinth Lord™ role-playing game, but adaptable to early versions of the original fantasy role-playing game and its retro-clones. It gives the game master the necessary information to run the dungeon, while offering enormous opportunities to customize the site. Published by Three-Headed Monster Games.

Cover of The Hive (BoL)
The Hive (BoL)
5th Edition
Level 6
4 pages

"The Hive" is a spawn of Arbeyach lair, also featuring giant termites and termite swarms, for five 6th-level characters. This adventure can be finished in one session. Several mounds in the Forsaken Hills are the dens of voracious termites that have added flesh to their diet to supplement dwindling wood supplies. At night, swarms of termites hunt and devour prey. They swarm over victims in wooden carts and wagons, and bring the dismantled wood back to their mounds. Three spawn of Arbeyach, searching for a location to summon Ia'Affrat, Arbeyach's herald, discovered a mound filled with particularity nasty termites and used their vermin empathy to gain acceptance. They dug out a cavern beneath the mound, and now use the termites to protect themselves and gather food while they complete a difficult ritual involving dozens of sacrifices. The final sacrifice is prepared and the spawn are finishing their ritual when the party arrives.

Cover of G3 Cult of the Green Orb
G3 Cult of the Green Orb
Levels 4–7
20 pages

“Do not try to escape. You are in my control. Look at me. I am the sum of all evils. Look carefully. My power infests all times, all galaxies, all dimensions...many seek me out...But see how I destroy their lives..." (from the film, Heavy Metal, 1981) For half a century, life in the mining outpost of Piktown has been peaceful and prosperous until a strange green glow in the nearby mountain range rekindled a frightening legend from the past. Does this recent luminous phenomenon signal the return of the dreaded Cult of the Green Orb? The Overlord has hired you and your fellow adventurers to stop the troubling green glow! This module is a classic-style dungeon crawl meant for a single night’s play, with plenty going on behind the scenes to keep players (and referees) interested. For use with Swords & Wizardry** or the Original Edition of the First Fantasy Roleplaying Game

Cover of Temple of the Deep Ones
Temple of the Deep Ones
5th Edition
Level 7
2 pages

"Temple of the Deep Ones" is the lair of a group of deep ones and their god, suitable for four or five 7th-level characters. This adventure can be finished in one session. Ship captains report that a mysterious island has surfaced in the middle of a heavily trafficked trade route. Worse, ships that venture too close to the island are assaulted by a terrible creature and its servants. The island is disrupting trade throughout this part of the world, and several ships have already been lost. Unbeknownst to those that know of the place, the island rises at the will of Shar-Ngolyeth, a long-lost deity also known as That Which Lurks Beneath the Waves. The island is populated by a cult of deep ones and the beasts they have subjugated in the name of their dark god. The creature responsible for sinking ships is an aspect of Shar-Ngolyeth, a kraken. It is not meant for combat encounters; it's largely a plot device in this encounter.

Cover of Goblin Defense
Goblin Defense
5th Edition
Level 1
47 pages

Player characters attacking the lair of monsters that have been menacing the local village is a common D&D trope. This adventure turns the trope on its head. In Goblin Defense, the players create goblin PCs, and have to fight off repeated attacks by adventurers who are stronger and better equipped than they are. Starting at level 1 and running until level 7, this module encompasses 16 battles against unique and typically themed groups of adventurers built using player character classes and rules. The module is designed for 3 players, each of whom takes on an individual role within the tribe, granting unique bonuses or options for actions outside of combat. Goblin Defense can also be played with 4 players, but is not recommended for 5 or more players without substantial revision. The players aren't alone. Each commands a squad of goblin minions who can help in combat... but goblins are fragile, and adventurers hit hard. Life as a goblin is often brief and violent. Many will die, but as long as some survive, the tribe will carry on. A simple ruleset is provided for managing actions during the downtime between each attack. During this time, players can work to train their minions to use better gear, hunt for food for their tribe, recruit replacement warriors, brew potions, and - most importantly - improve their lair and its defenses by adding walls, traps, tunnels, doors, alarms, and anything else their creative minds can come up with. As the exact layout and placement of defensive features is critical, this is designed to be played on a grid. A PDF is included with the map scaled to print on 24"x36" (Arch D) size paper, available at most print shops. DMs may enjoy the chance to briefly try out many different character class and subclass combinations as they attack and eventually fall to the goblin pests they're trying to eliminate. Page count: Information for the DM only 6 Information for the players 4 Adventurer statblocks 37

Cover of Watchers in the Dark
Watchers in the Dark
5th Edition
Level 4
17 pages

A meteorite has crashed into the countryside, and now vicious enemies prowl the night. Can the characters put a stop to the sinister force that is causing savage animal attacks and a growing list of missing people? Watchers in the Dark is a cosmic horror one-shot adventure for 4th-level characters. It takes about 3-4 hour to complete and includes: - A horrifying discovery beneath a meteorite crater - Three new monsters: two variant ankhegs and an alien being, the mind-shard - Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure - Gorgeous, hand-drawn maps by Jake from Beware the Wizard

5th Edition
Level 3
3 pages

Sometimes protecting the cargo is easy but getting the pay not so much. The caravan is already on its way, some disagreement with the guards makes them leave the cargo without protection midway. You are just in the right place to catch up fast and guard the wagons the last stretch home.