You and your associates dreamed of being big shot heroes but all you've managed to do was run afoul with a group of humanoids. Your speed has managed to distance yourself out of spear range and reached the river. The pounding waterfall matches the blood rushing in your ears and you try to move across the waterway only to find a cave system behind the water.Leaping in, you take a fortified position against the "horde"!
Your time at the Riverside Cafe is cut short as you witness the wanted criminal Jessy Jane tearing through the area. As the guards fumble the pursuit you recall a hefty reward for this nefarious woman. What the hell, the Etharia Tea was too hot anyway. Rising from your seat, you head off after the woman!
When you wander the wilderness you run into the strangest things. Nestled in the middle of a few mountains in a volcanic basin is a strange temple structure. This is the final resting place of the legendary warlord Khan Sing. A hero among the plainsmen, this ruler was believed to have grabbed power with the assistance of a magic weapon known as the “Blood Mace”. Will the party’s investigation find this mysterious artifact?
The Precept of a Paladin order has called upon your group to do a favor. Recent initiates have gone to their island pilgrimage where the greatest member of their order is buried. Their vessel is long overdue and the commander feels they may have experience vehicular issues and no cause for 'major' alarm. A vessel has been obtained for you to head that way. Currently the other Paladins are all busy on assignment.
Barbarian forces are handing out trouble to the combined forces of the Inydo Federation and your assistance has been requested! You have been told that the aggressive forces are being bolstered by a rumored, powerful wizard. The general of the military has asked you to skirt around the major engagement areas and attempt to locate and capture/kill the troublesome wizard. A major windfall will be given to the PCs as Xalo Mendas, leader of Helvana is known to add treasure to agreements if handled “effectively”.
As a future hero, your master has given you one last task to complete before releasing you from your training - delivering a message. Knowing that you are about to start your career on your own is exciting and this task should be a simple one. A two day trip to congratulate Lord Siklos on the wedding of his daughter and you will control your own destiny. Little do you realize that something has gone terribly wrong at the ceremony! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign for a solo/low level adventurer and DM.
Decades ago a small but influential cult controlled a small area around the Dwarven holdings of Agar. For unknown reasons this cult died out and the shrine was lost to the sands of time. Recently the local thane has received reports that there has been renewed activity in the area and a gathering of humanoids in the area. While the thane’s men have fought bravely they were no match for this group and the call has gone out for brave adventurers to assist with the problem. While your party is young you do have an adventure or two under your belts and this may be the challenge to make you famous….if you can handle it.
Sometimes only a hint of an adventure is given to players and more information is required. In FV12 - Monteleone Chariot this is just such a case. As the party reaches town they begin to hear of a mysterious relic from the past civilization and both information and backers must be investigated. Will your party be able to determine facts from fables? Whose interest will they serve in their investigation or will they just try and locate the item for themselves?
For years the Verbeeg clan on Clover Island has lived peacefully with the human settlement of Corsair Bay. A peace treaty has remained in effect that both groups attested to and have lived by. Recently the annual tribute that is to be paid to the giants has not come and now the giants are preparing for battle. Can your party go and act as an envoy to the giants or will they choose to go to war against them?
A lost island, a magical pillar, the promise of lost treasure...what more could intrigue adventurers? The history of Torusak is filled with interesting events but when a hurricane actually made it into the Grona Bay and destroyed cities, more questions than answers have presented themselves. Is your group ready to investigate this "magical pillar"?
SQ3 – Hatadage Cult takes a group of initial adventurers on their first challenge. This short adventure allows a group of new or low level PCs hear news of a kidnapping from a nearby thorp. Role playing will be key to learning more about the disappearance before heading into the hills near some old ruins. This is the site of a group of cultists that have kidnapped the young woman and mean to use her in a sacrifice!
Today's offering was our convention scenario for SkyCon 2018. The scenario was written for younger gamers with some combat challenges along with a lot of roleplaying opportunities. It is easy enough to drop into your own campaign for an entertaining little adventure.
Everyone starts out their career with big dreams ready to take on the world. As you head out towards your fame you discover an abandoned manor house. With hope your in your heart you wonder if anything of value is left in the ruined building. Cautiously you enter...
The Denali Monarchy has been toppled and the citizens have formed a new government. The new head of the government, called The Hona, has requested additional help from the party. For a long time an island to the east called Rodo has been a source of goods for the land. The Hona wants to make sure that local regent, Lord Karlock, is going to continue to be a part of Denali or if he has other “thoughts” on the matter. Is your party ready for a diplomatic relations mission?
Your fame has garnered you more attention than you can handle but a specific job opportunity is one that you cannot pass up on. Two nations have had a peaceful and lucrative trading agreement for years along with the city of Conifestatia. That has recently changed with the appearance of a Green Dragon taking up residence in the area. With your fame on the line, looks like you guys are going Dragon huntin'!
The party has received word from the citizens (or in NQ2) of a troublesome cult hidden in Meglos Peaks. Apparently a stronghold exists near the mouth of the Tora River. Putting an end to this group of religious fanatics would certainly put another feather in your fledgling career caps!
The jewel of the Duchy, the great city of Filbar can be utilized as a home base for adventurers or as a goal to go see. This city has over 130 points of interest and is the home to the Duke of Filbar. Rumor has it that if you can't find it in Filbar, it can't be found anywhere...short of artifacts that is! The walled city has decorative fountains and artisans of every kind. Mages can visit the towers of magic and multiple potion shops. The grand courtyard south of the castle is the home of festivals and carnivals every month. All in all, this city is large enough to provide residence or adventure to almost every adventurer. At 49 pages long there is plenty to explore!
Nestled high in the mountains of the Holdfists is Karnack, known for a millennium as the ‘city of the gods’. Known for its multitude of shrines, one in particular has caught the attention of the party. Annwyn is the legendary Plane of Magic for Filbar and can be used to recharge magical weapons that ‘lose their edge’. This adventure was used to help the party recharge one of their weapons they had, but this setting can be used for a variety of different purposes including a visit with a rather nasty neighbor beyond the city borders….it ain’t easy being green!
The final adventure (maybe) in the Provincia series is Dungeons of Harvick. Deep below the ruins of the once great city lie twisting tunnels and rooms filled with danger. While clearing the ruins above was no easy feat, clearing out the winding corridors below will challenge even the most courageous of delvers. Do your players have what it takes to eliminate the danger of the depths?
Welcome to the Port City of Kak! A jewel in the Duchy of Starryshade and near the disputed border of Pryston Realm. A mecca for traders and gamblers this city has something for everyone. While the city is under the control of the duke, Lord Fargo Mellathan is the sole voice of law in this city. The 8th Viscount yields to the duke on most issues but does not allow military units inside the city limits that are not controlled, or willing to be controlled by Fargo. Traders abound the city limits with items and goods from the corners of the known world. The city is nestled in an easily defensible harbor and the viscount’s men protect the port area with large war engines from the bluff. All adventurers of any experience can find items of interest within the borders of Kak and even locate multiple types of transportation here. Whether the party wants to gamble hard earned gold at Ohmar Mylo’s gambling hall or needs to do research in the Hole of Manuals library, your PCs are sure to find a variety of interesting spots ripe for exploration in Kak. Many rumors can be heard, verified, or quashed along the cobblestone streets of this bustling port city. Flesh out the businesses or better yet, have your players tell you what they expect! This adventure setting was designed for the 5th Edition rules and used in the Filbar Duchy of Starryshade campaign. It is easily adaptable to any campaign or setting. Save yourself some time and utilize it for your own!