A community for lazy dungeon masters
184 adventures found
Cover of A Bad Batch of Brownies
A Bad Batch of Brownies
Levels 1–3
10 pages

One bad apple. The brownies would have been fine, except for the addition of one unexpected ingredient. This is a starting adventure for one druid. They set off on a wacky adventure with teh help of their driud master. Pgs. 22-31

Cover of OP4 - Leprechaun's Luck
OP4 - Leprechaun's Luck
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

This single page, single player adventure introduces a new adventurer to the exploration life! Despite reservations by their family, the young PC opts to head to a nearby town to begin their career. The road to Remus is blocked thanks to a raging river but there was a shortcut that could be taken…

Cover of Second Glance
Second Glance
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
28 pages

Continue your duet campaign or add something new! Wake up in a druid colony and embark on a quest for trust and truth with plenty of political intrigue, hidden plots, and exciting combat along the way! Second Glance picks up where our first adventure, First Blush, left off and invites the PC to explore their world, test their growing abilities, and get to know their mysterious crystalline companion. However, this adventure can be inserted into any campaign setting and scaled accordingly. Second Glance is part of D&D Duet’s mission to bring you high-quality, ready-to-play material that supports adventuring parties of 1 Player and 1 DM. This adventure is written for a second-level character in a one-on-one 5th edition D&D campaign. It lets the PC explore a druid grove and observe its mysterious residents before traveling to a too-perfect town with twisted secrets. They’ll take on a calculating magistrate, addled cleric, and dark forest creatures but find that other, more ancient mysteries lie in wait just beneath the surface. Everything you need for your own two-person game is inside! This product includes: -A 2nd or 3rd-level adventure adaptable to any setting -Stat blocks for FOUR new creatures and three NPCs -A region map, two settlement maps, and two site maps to aid the PC’s investigations -A fully realized town complete with shops, fleshed out NPCs, and places to explore -Side-quests for curious adventurers or those fond of gold and magical items -Detailed backstory for the ancient warrior sheltered inside the PC’s treasured amulet -A custom magical item And helpful tips for DMing a one-on-one game This adventure is perfect for those looking to begin or continue their duet campaign. It could also serve as a story hook, session zero, or multiclassing narrative for a PC who wants to become a druid. Published by D&D Duet.

Cover of The Tortured Land
The Tortured Land
5th Edition
Level 4
132 pages

5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Tortured Land, the fourth in our series of solo adventures set in the Forgotten Realms. With this adventure, we take off the gloves and throw your PC into the thick of some serious danger in the frigid north of Faerun. Only the most hardened adventurers will make it through this adventure in one piece, and with several different paths available, replayability is assured. The Tortured Land will provide you with hours of enjoyable, challenging play time. Arriving in a lonely village in the middle of the northern plain known as The Ride, your hero is soon drawn into a quest to retrieve a precious artifact. From there they will journey even further north, towards the barren waste known as the Tortured Land, in search of an unknown enemy. There are items to collect, codewords to activate and perils to avoid. And of course, many combat encounters! As always, hyperlinks are included in the text to facilitate easy navigation, removing the need for scrolling between entries.

Cover of FT - East Crystal Shores
FT - East Crystal Shores
Levels 1–4
17 pages

The small town of East Crystal Shores sits opposite the lake where Zombie Curse occurred. If the party participated in that adventure and the Crypt of Kendal Furfoot they will be quite familiar with the area. In the Filbar campaign this area was used as a go between for different adventures. This offering allows a safe haven for the party while still being close enough to excitement. Several small encounters are available just outside of town.

Cover of Trouble in Waterdeep
Trouble in Waterdeep
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
21 pages

The plague-stricken Copper District of Waterdeep's Southern Ward needs your help. What is causing the plague? Can it be stopped? Are you the right person for the job? Published by Arcana Games.

Cover of O2 Blade of Vengeance
O2 Blade of Vengeance
Level 7
28 pages

You are Erystelle of Dorneryll, famed elfin champion and magic-user. After years of adventuring, you have come home to the Emerlas - the hauntingly beautiful elfin woodland at the tip of Canolbarth forest. A place of legends and of peace. The journey has been long, but soon the winding forest track will bring you to Dorneryll, the majestic oak tree home of your childhood. Ahead, you glimpse a plume of smoke curling lazily into the sky. Dorneyll is close, and your mind floods with thoughts of home. Suddenly, your reverie is shattered! The thin plume of smoke is gone, an in its place a column of red flame leaps high among the trees. Dorneryll is under attack! Gripping your lance, you urge your mount into a gallop. Starbow surges forward; your war dogs close on her heels... Blade of Vengeance is an adventure for one player and one dungeon master, featuring a lone elf against the forces of evil. Can you save the Emerlas from destruction? The answer waits inside. TSR 9108

Cover of The Tomb of the Daughter
The Tomb of the Daughter
Any Level
8 pages

The adventure text was written by a neural network (Talk to Transformer) and compiled by a human editor. It is surprisingly usable. The adventure is centered upon the dangerous and thoroughly weird Tomb of the Daughter, the burial place and temple of an ancient Goddess. Explore several rooms connected by teleport systems, fight strange creatures, and perhaps thwart a demon summoning.

Cover of FT - Kelick's Crossing
FT - Kelick's Crossing
Levels 1–7
12 pages

Kelick’s Crossing is a frontier town set on side of the mighty Saint Torgoth’s Causeway. The bridge expanse over the river allows adventurers and traders an easy above water crossing into the frontier. While it has a well-trained guard staff that controls passage across the bridge and protecting the citizens. This setting offers an excellent frontier town where PCs can replenish gear and sell their hard fought loot.

Cover of FT - Cedarwood
FT - Cedarwood
Level 1
46 pages

Let’s face after multiple dungeon delves and wilderness encounters you just want to spend some of that hard won loot. If your party has been out in the wilderness a little too long the high walls of a frontier city is a welcome sight. Such is the case with the large community of Cedarwood in the Plains of Dorack. At 46 pages of locales if the PCs can’t find something interesting, they need a cure blindness spell!

Cover of BSOLO Ghost of Lion Castle
BSOLO Ghost of Lion Castle
Levels 1–3
32 pages

"A great cat sits upon the northern grasslands, my friend, waiting to pounce on adventurers just like you." As you part the tall grass with your sword, the words of the tavernkeeper echo in your head. "He was the mightiest wizard we'd ever known, and that Lion Castle was his home." Your friends' voices mingle with the tavernkeeper's. "He's but a ghost now, haunting those halls, and waiting for an heir." The ground rises slightly. A strong wind rushes through the field. Suddenly, the grasses part, and Lion Castle rises majestically before you! "Magical riches await those who enter!" "Beware of man-beasts!" Voices flood your head again. Will you brave the haunted castle? Can you afford not to? It's all up to you in this D&D Solo Adventure. Ghost of Lion Castle is for one player only, but that one player makes all of the choices and enjoys all of the rewards. An entire castle and courtyard await your exploration. The adventure also includes a complete solo combat system. TSR 9097

Cover of Displacer Beast Maze
Displacer Beast Maze
3rd Edition
Levels 5–7
3 pages

Displace Beast Maze is an adventure that has one long encounter that is a combination of a puzzle (maze) and combat encounter (Displacer beast). The Displacer beast tentacle's ability to attack through the maze walls, knowledge of the layout, and hit-and-run tactics make the labyrinth both a useful and possibly deadly lair for the creature. Pgs. 27-29

Cover of Grammy's Country Apple Pie
Grammy's Country Apple Pie
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A kid-friendly adventure for heroes of all ages and experience levels! When the ancient wizard Tyndareus develops a craving for a special treat from his childhood, he will stop at nothing to get his hands on the best apple pie in the whole world. He hires a group of adventurers to seek out the bakery that once produced the wonderful dessert – unfortunately for them, the bakery has long since been overrun by goblins. But all is not as it seems at Grammy’s Bakery, and Tyndareus isn’t the only one who’d do anything for those pies.

Cover of Find the Lady
Find the Lady
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Finding missing people is a job any adventurers for hire get used to. But when the missing person turns out to be the recently deceased wife of a prominent merchant's son, and when there is the small matter of a major jewelry theft to deal with as well, then you've got an adventure that is nothing other than normal.... Find the Lady is an adventure for the D&D and AD&D game systems. It is designed for a party of 1st - 3rd level characters, with secondary skills generated according to the article in this issue. This scenario was not designed with any set number of characters or mix of professions and levels in mind, and could equally well be run as a group or solo adventure. It can be played as a one-off adventure or as part of the Pelinore or Zhalindor campaigns, and notes are included on placing the adventure in either world. GM2 Find the Lady Pgs. 15-46

Cover of Trouble Cubed
Trouble Cubed
3rd Edition
Levels 5–7
2 pages

Trouble Cubed is a is a pseudo-adventure with three interesting gelatinous cube encounters. These three encounters are structured in a way that they can be used together as one adventure, or each individually dropped into any adventure from EL5 to 7. The encounters vary the cube's encounter situation significantly, and the tactics needed to deal with them, such as by trapping a character with a portcullis between a cube and a pit trap, placing a cube half down a pit trap, and having the cube accidentally ingest a beneficial potion (such as spider climb). Pgs. 29-30

Cover of Rescue A Familiar Tale
Rescue A Familiar Tale
5th Edition
Level 0
49 pages

The Heartland Scouts – brave defenders of the Coast Way – have been captured! What their captors haven’t counted on is the adventurers’ feisty animal companions. Left behind, they are nevertheless bound to spell trouble! In this entirely unique adventure, players take on the roles of trusty animal companions and familiars on a quest to rescue their adventurer masters. Surely leaving behind a druid’s harmless badger friend is no threat to one of the great evil powers of the world – or is it? Rescue: A Familiar Tale features a story and challenges designed especially for the animal companions. Players choose and customize their animal companion from over 20 options, with illustrated character sheets included for each one. This adventure does not require existing player characters and can be enjoyed by players of any experience level with the game. While it makes for a perfect “something different” one shot, Rescue can also serve as a session zero for any new campaign and includes guidelines for a fun and surprising way to create inspired new characters at the adventure’s end!

Cover of To Hell and Back Again
To Hell and Back Again
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
81 pages

To Hell and Back Again is the perfect adventure for new players and veterans looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It's written as a solo adventure, where choices have gigantic consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master as well! This 80 page adventure features: - A heart-pounding origins story that fits perfectly as either a prequel to Descent Into Avernus, a stand-alone adventure, or into your ongoing fantasy campaign. - Beloved characters like Lulu the hollyphant, Mad Maggie and her redcap gang, the archdevil Zariel, and many others brand new to this adventure. - Infernal War Machines, and exciting encounters with unique stat blocks. - Innovative Destiny and Traits mechanics that make your choices really matter. - A ton of possible outcomes that will fuel your character's many adventures to come! - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story if you'd like. - A community survey when you finish so that you can see how your outcomes and choices compared to other players!

Cover of XSOLO Lathan's Gold
XSOLO Lathan's Gold
Levels 4–6
32 pages

Kidnapped! The cursed Baron von Hendriks has kidnapped your betrothed. Now the madman wants as a ransom your Alandah's weight in unrefined gold! How are you going to pay? The baron himself has been kind enough to provide you with that answer: streams of raw gold gush from a burning mountain somewhere in the Sea of Dread. All you have to do is find this mysterious mountain. Unfurl the sails! The open sea awaits you and your crew as you sail from the city harbor. But beware! The Sea of Dread has more than earned its title over the centuries. Can you survive the perils of the sea? Will your crew mutiny before you reach the Burning Mountain? Or will you have to throw crew-members overboard just to make room for the gold? Solo adventure. "Lathan's Gold" is a real innovation in solo adventure design, considerably more complex than any of the gamebooks then being produced. Though the adventures uses the typical trope of numbered paragraphs, its paragraphs are divided into six types: "S"pecularum, "U"rban", Island "E"xploration", "C"oastal", "T"rade Routes, and "V"oyages. Players can jump between the sections, then return, in slightly freeform ways. Players are also required to keep track of hit points, money, and treasure (which were typical for the more advanced gamebooks), and rations, days remaining, and hull points (which were not). Another freeform element, quite unusual for gamebooks, is the "wandering monsters" table, which introduces semi-random encounters. TSR 9082

Cover of Guilds' Town: The Cult War
Guilds' Town: The Cult War
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
20 pages

Guilds Town is in the middle of Dravens, a province of the realm of Shrave. 50 years ago, the neighboring dwarven province of Kiernard rebelled and tried to overthrow the green dragon Shrave who rules the realm. They failed and their province was dissolved. Dwarves who left the province mostly fled to Dravens, and are called Nards as both a racial slur and a stigma of their people’s dishonor. Guilds Town are the ones really in control of the province and are the current opposition of the Dravens nobility. In recent times, corruption and crime in the city have risen to new heights as 4 cults compete for control of the city and their citizens. Published by NaturalCrit

Cover of Penance For Sin
Penance For Sin
5th Edition
Any Level
11 pages

This horror mystery adventure scenario takes the players to a small village just behind the fog. In a last month, three people went missing from Dormay village and they still haven't been found. The concerned villagers want the players to find the missing folk or at least shed some light on their disappearance. Through investigative work the players will discover that the village has a 100 year old secret, a secret which punishes the wicked. While the villain died over a century ago, he left behind a dreadful design that torments the people to this day. Players' heart and soul will be put to the test as they are ultimately faced with the creature born of sin. Penance for Sin features a short horror mystery adventure scenario. It introduces a new fiendish monster. The adventure favors invastigation and roleplay over combat encounters. "The horror element" section in the adventure gives advice how to make your gaming sessions more frightening.