A Secret Buried for an Aeon is About to Sprout! From beyond our dimension, a living seed has festered here for an aeon. Within it lurks the nascent form of Akavala, the Ravenous Tree, dread ruler of a shattered world and its carefully gathered and subjugated protectors. Two of these powerful creatures escaped into the underworld drawing champions and enemies from the complex societies found there. As the god-seed grows, the world creeps closer to its doom. Includes: Full adventure, a new patron, new spells, new magic items, the Living Weapons of the Empire of the Thal, and many many new monsters. Published by Mystic Bull Games
In a cavern lying beneath the surface of the ocean is a series of trials awaiting any heroes who think they are worthy. Come meet the ancient tortoise who wants nothing other than to try out his riddles, partake in the bullywug tournament with such exciting events as Wig-Wag-Woe, and face down the wrath of a mindflayer. Contains multiple uniques puzzles and riddles to give your players a challenge beyond combat.
A Slumbering Serpent Hidden in the thick rainforest of Serpent Isle is a crumbled yuan-ti citadel. These foul snakefolk have been dormant for decades, but have been awoken in order to fill out some foul prophecy. Delving deep into their most sacred temple; Oss’Ithek, is the only way to uncover the dark secret which they hold so dear. Do you have the nerve to face the serpent?
One bad apple. The brownies would have been fine, except for the addition of one unexpected ingredient. This is a starting adventure for one druid. They set off on a wacky adventure with teh help of their driud master. Pgs. 22-31
Haunted House Fun House Dungeon. Tegel Manor, a great manor-fortress on the seacoast, is rumored to be left over from ancient days when a charm was placed over it protecting it from most of the ravages of time and human occupation. The hereditary owners, whos family name is Rump, have been amiss in their traditional duty of providing protection for the market village to the west. Some have said tha this failing and their bizarre eccentricities have led to their corruption. Many have found the manor and area to be a dangerous place to visit! A huge haunted house with a 17"x22" Judges map and a 11"x17 Players map, printed on both sides, brown on high-quality tan stock. Each map has the manor printed on one side and the surrounding wildernes on the other. Enclosed in the product is a 32-page booklet with room and monster descriptions. Over 240 rooms and chambers include a hall of magic portraits and four secret dungeon levels beneatht the manor. The booklet also has tables to create magic statues, ghostly encounters, resurrection results, and more. Tegal Manor has always been one of our more popular playing aids, and has been a lot of fun for Judges and players all over the country. This is an officially approved playing aid for use with D&D. This edition was published by Gamescience.
In this level 6 adventure for 4-6 players the party comes across a man named Johann Dhomm who was transporting animals in cages to his private island where he has a menagerie (a kind of zoo) that he eventually wants to open to the public. But the animals have escaped and he asks the party to try and catch them alive for him. However, the animals are actually quite dangerous and range from Gazers to a Wyvern.
The giants are only a half-mile away - straight up. Giants and humanoids that sail down from the heavens? Where could they be coming from? No base town or general area map has been provided, as this adventure can take place anywhere and can be easily integrated into any existing campaign.The DM should make sure that the town in which the PCs start is large enough to provide most anticipated supplies, spells, and services. This module is not a simple hack·and slay expedition. It also involves diplomacy and wit; if the PCs attack everything in sight, they may be destroyed. But the adventure is not entirely negotiation, for it has a good share of hearty dungeon exploration as well. Pgs. 4-23
Agents of evil are attempting to complete a dark ritual in the icy depths of Gloomthrone Citadel, a ritual that would surely spell disaster for the kingdom if completed! Led by the priestess Z'ress Baenre, a coterie of drow have overtaken the abandoned tower and fortified it with their minions. It's a race against time for the PCs to make their way through Gloomthrone's defenses, and put an end to Z'ress and the foul magic she is using.
Igor's Challenge is a 3-4 hour, non-lethal, funhouse style dungeon. It is a self-contained adventure that should fit into any campaign or serve as a one-shot adventure for any group. The adventure can fit a party of any level and size with only minor adjustments. Igor is an eccentric gnome inventor and retired adventurer renowned around the world. He has sent out invitations to adventuring groups to come compete for his latest, greatest invention. The competition will take place a few days hence in the village of Penthill and consist of a race through his specially created challenge-dungeon. Igor's Challenge includes a unique magic item, a small village with locations and NPCs, an encounter and story with a legendary NPC (stat bloc provided), and a 33 room dungeon of traps, tricks, and puzzles.
A moderate sized town perfect for adventurers to relax in and pick up extra supplies and lift a pint or two. This particuliar town is a focal point in several adventures in Filbar including FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu and F3 - Adventure in Skull Pass. A larger settlement than Xer, Feastelburg offers a variety of different shops for the well-heeled and 'healed' adventurer. As the Mayor of Feastelburg says "Oy, pull out a stool and drop a coin or two for something that suits your fancy"
Driven off course by a devastating storm, you crash land on an island where sailors are lured beyond the foreboding treeline. While searching for your comrades, you find yourselves trapped between two warring cultures. Can you unlock the mysteries of Locria before it kills you? Pgs. 51-59
Jelendra, a tulani of summer, has gathered a small following of dark fey creatures to help her get revenge against the Highridge Arcane eladrin elders. When they had the nerve to question her interest (they called it “obsession”) in the destructive power of the Wild Hunt, Jelendra flew into a rage and stormed out of the Highridge Arcane. Now, she controls a fane to an ancient spirit of the Wild Hunt. Not knowing what became of her, the elders ask the adventurers to find Jelendra. “Let her know that she is missed, and we want her to return home,” one elder says. Pgs. 114-119
Your group of fledgling adventurers has come together from their respective backgrounds to seek out their fame and fortune in the wilderness. Upon their initial foray they uncover the lost ruins of a forgotten city. Little do these young adventurers realize that they may come into contact with a page and cover of the relic known as the Codex of Gamber Dauch!
Remember Fluffy? The cute little dog? Well... Fluffy Goes to Heck is a shamelessly absurd AD&D® game adventure for the six silly characters provided on pages 39-40, or 4-6 characters of 3rd-5th level, played by those with senses of humor. A good mix of classes and races is helpful but hardly necessary.
The Tower of Zoramadria is hidden away in the Feywild. The tower is an arcane academy under the tutelage of the lich Parthal. Parthal and his students lead serene lives of study and contemplation, except when they engage in a bout of bloody necromantic research that requires innocent souls as vital components. Parthal has a score to settle, and the Feywild itself might shudder and scream before the lich has had his revenge on those who killed his love. Pgs. 104-111
A medium sized city is situated between Challenge of the Minotaur and Hall of the Dwarf Lords and is centered on the edge of frontier near the Border Hills. The town is walled and populated my mostly Mountain Dwarves although most races are present and welcome. This area provides an excellent respite for those fresh off the trail of adventure!
Inside the woods near Burke's Crossing lurks a very real danger. It began as a sense of unease, a feeling of being watched, but now people are disappearing. The lumberjacks who have stayed in the little village talk of ghosts and other superstitions. Or at least they did - until a mysterious statue appeared in a clearing near the logging camp. As if matters weren't strange enough, two mages have arrived and begun hiring armed guards to escort them into these very same woods. Is there a connection, or is it just coincidence? Either way, be prepared! You never know what's out there waiting... and watching. "Eye of Pain" is the first of three Monstrous Arcana adventures featuring the cunning and deadly beholder. If can be played as an individual adventure or as part of the series which continue in "Eye of Doom" and concludes in "Eye to Eye." For four to six characters of levels 4-8.
PL1 – Encounters at Gormell is the initial adventure for the campaign in the Principality of Lockerbie. This series of adventures are set in the land known for the large city of Kettlespit and the capital of Xado Keep. The land resides to the south of the mountain range called the Spines, home to a devastating series of magic wars years ago. This land was the site of many battles and skirmishes and the western reaches are still very dangerous. This offering provides information on the village of Gormell and a variety of different scenarios to get your first level players up to second level and beyond!
An older man named Mars Barz approaches you and your associate as you wander the small town of Senja. He is a local alchemist and purveyor of elixirs and has a delivery mission he needs fulfilled. You’ve got time to kill…why not!
En garde! "Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!" A duchess recruits the party to deal with a monstrosity. Pgs, 60-67