When a retired Pathfinder's nephew goes missing after allegedly discovered the fabled city of Rachikan of the ancient Jistka Imperium, he turns to the Society for help. Now you've been sent to the coast of devil-tainted Cheliax to uncover the missing nephew's whereabouts and to, quite possibly, uncover one of the most sought-after legendary cities on Golarion. But you have to move quick! The Aspis Consortium is rumored to be racing to the site ahead of you and their involvement could spell disaster for the Pathfinder Society.
After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!
"Enter a garden of earthly delights. The sun has stopped setting over the king's favorite garden. It seemed like a harmless curiosity at first but the animals have turned violent and strange alien beings have appeared. The duke has placed a bounty for enterprising sell-swords to end the curse of endless daylight. Hideous Daylight is an adventure module for Old-School Essentials, Cairn, and compatible with other pen-and-paper RPGs with old-school sensibilities. Player characters will navigate a 20 point hex crawl to end the strange curse affecting the land. An adventure for low-level characters. 33 pages of non-linear, character driven adventure in the OSR tradition. Two keyed dungeons and a 20 point hex-crawl. A bucolic fantasy setting easily insertable into fantasy RPG campaigns. Dangerous new monsters, weird magic items, and an unpredictable random encounters table. Features two gazebos."
"The adventure begins with the PCs lost in the streets of Sigil's Lower Ward." --from the module. The PCs are approached by a tiefling telling them about a job. The tiefling's employer wants the heroes to search for a child who is rumored to be some sort of chosen one from an ancient prophecy. Includes a map of Durkayle's Stronghold, a map of the Black Sail Tavern, a map of the Screaming Tower, and an isometric map of Zactar Cathedral.
Ambushed on the road by goblinoids and then follow them to their lair in an old, abandoned hunting lodge in a forest. This is a short adventure that can be played in a session. The Goblins’ Gambit is perfect for situations where the party suddenly decides to go completely off the rails and the gamemaster does not have anything prepared for the destination. It is designed to be simple and the gamemaster is empowered to read and run it quickly. A 3rd level party is ideal for this adventure, but it can be easily tuned up to 5th level or down to 1st level by adding or removing a few simple enemies. This adventure can be used in three different ways - The starting adventure - This is a great adventure to start a new campaign with. A good option to use for a brand new group of players A random encounter - This is perfect for use for a random encounter along the road A retrieval mission - This adventure can also be used as a low level mission from a patron What is included? The adventure pdf DM's map of two different locations Two high resolution (8192x6144) maps for an abandoned hunting lodge and a roadside encounter (grid and gridless), which can be printed out as a tabletop map to play on.
Them Ogres Ain't Right... The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path continues! The notorious Hook Mountain ogres, known for their violent and savage ways, have slaughtered the soldiers of Fort Rannick. The few surviving rangers need heroes to help them retake this key fortification before the ogres use it as a staging ground for further assaults on the region. Yet why have the ogres chosen now to launch this sudden attack? What sinister force grows in the surrounding wilderness, and what ties to the mysterious Sihedron Rune do the ogres of Hook Mountain hide? Are the rumors of an army of giants massing for war true?
Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. It is filled with terrible traps and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. It is filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, but in addition to the aforementioned guardians, there is said to be a demilich who still wards his final haunt (Be warned that tales told have it that this being possesses powers which make him nearly undefeatable). Accounts relate that it is quite unlikely that any adventurers will ever find the chamber where the demilich Acererak lingers, for the passages and rooms of the Tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demi-lich has so well hidden his lair, that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be likely to locale their true goal. In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister TOMB OF HORRORS. This Labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich. TSR 9022
The peaks of a nearby mountain range have been home to Krikk, an old white dragon, for as long as anyone can remember. Aside from claiming ownership of a few villages and settlements near her range, she hasn’t posed much of a threat or even taken much notice of political events around her. Last week, a king’s prophet had a vision of golems made of ice that wouldn’t melt smashing through the royal castle walls, and of crops frozen under sheets of ice formed by the white dragon’s breath. Alarmed, the king has sent word that he desires someone brave enough to go to the dragon and find out whether she’s about to attack. If she is, the party must stop her before it’s too late. But, another prophet warns that the white dragon has an entirely different plot afoot, and that an icy grave awaits anyone who goes up the mountain. The player characters (PCs) have to figure out what’s going on—then decide on their own what they should do about it, while the fate of a king and his castle hangs in the balance.
Part 3 of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path takes the heroes to the infamous Shudderwood in Ustalav. They travel to Ascanor lodge, the only safe place in the woods, to find more information on the necromantic cult The Whispering Way and meet a colorful group of npcs that reside at the lodge. The werewolf packs that live in the woods are on the brink of war as their pack leader has disappeared and as the heroes get involved, strange things start happening within the lodge. Soon all three story lines will intertwine and the heroes are left to piece the puzzle together and follow the trail left by The Whispering Way. It's worth noting that this book does an excellent job at fleshing out the npcs (lodge residents and werewolves) both through stat blocks and background information including history and motivations. This book includes: - “Broken Moon,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 7th-level characters, by Tim Hitchcock - The secrets of the Whispering Way, a notorious cult sworn to the powers of death and undeath, revealed in blasphemous detail, by Adam Daigle - Insights into the savage lives of werewolves, wererats, and other lycanthropes, by Gareth Hanrahan - Laurel Cylphra comes face to face with an ancient mystery in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F. Wesley Schneider - Seven exciting and deadly new monsters, by Tim Hitchcock, Rob McCreary, and Patrick Renie
Unearthed Adventures Volume I is a collection of six professionally written one-page adventures for Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons. They are designed to be modular, they can be tossed into an ongoing RPG campaign or run as a single adventure. They're easily expanded upon to fit every DM's playstyle. Published by Crit Academy
A Place and Time for Death is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio Digital Quarterly #1, (GK1 The Adventure Begins). Far out in the uncharted territories, the Enlightened still cling to life, but the ever encroaching presence of the xenophobic Samaya threatens the last of their hidden enclaves. Now, a bounty hunter has been dispatched to deal with the supposed Enlightened sympathizers in the border town of Hogan's Hooch, but there is more to the story than meets the eye. Unbeknownst to the citizens of the town and old relic of the Final War is the price the bounty hunter seeks. Can the party find a way to thwart the bounty hunter and deal with the relic before it falls into the hands of Samaya willing to use it to sway the balance of power in the world? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
This adventure is an exploration in creativity for the GM as the players are invited by a stranger in the center of town to play a board game called Ij’Namuj. With a devilish smile he promises a grand reward if they can complete it successfully. Unfortunately, the game unleashes chaos onto the world around it, causing terrifying weather phenomena, death knights to appear and hunt players, or even causing all of the chickens in town to go rabid and attack. The only way to return things to as they were is to complete the game, so best get to rolling those dice!
An exceptionally smart ogre and its pet dire wolf have figured out the easy life. Why loot and pillage, when with a few words of common, you can threaten and intimidate your way to comforts?
Infiltration of a ruined archive; the players--beseeched by a mysterious psionic calling--work to uncover the machinations of the Nalar and hopefully free their captive held far below...
This module features 5 locations ready to be put in any D&D 5e game. It features these 5 locations: - An old warehouse (lvl 1) An old building occupied by a gang of Kenkus that are trying to build a mechanical way to fly. - Ruined Sanctum (lvl 2) A decayed temple lost to time, some decades ago it was breached by some blights and they still use it as a resting place and a trap for adventurers. - The Lunar dove (lvl 3) A small and secretive brothel used by the elites. Unbeknownst to them, however, the Owner spies and hoards secrets to use to their advantage. - Cave of Mending (lvl 4) A cave with a magical healing lake, protected by a Druid that uses it to heal the wildlife from the surrounding area. - The temple to Xotarr (lvl 4) A hidden temple to an evil God where the cultists partake in calculated sacrifices.
As the adventurers depart Honeyfest to go on their next adventure, one or more of the characters may suddenly come down with a terrible sickness. To make matters worse, as they make to leave town (or visit the local apothecary), the market square is suddenly thrown into chaos by a plague wizard and his pet otyugh spreading filth!
A bad heir day. The Land of Fate is known for its hot sands and fiery passions. You must survive both to restore order to the city. An evil order of wizards is terrorizing local towns. It is up to the party to find their secret lair and put an end to their nefarious plots. Pgs. 34-53 & 57
Bitter Feast is a 5e-compatible adventure for 20th-level characters. It focuses on role-playing and storytelling. The heroes are invited to the hall of King Kark to celebrate the Winter Solstice and, secretly, the winter of his own life. The journey there is set on a ship in a frigid ocean where the party can fill the space with tales of their past adventures, from times when their power was not so great. Suddenly they find themselves beset by a Kraken, smashing their boat and threatening their lives before skulking back into the deep. It is in this state that they meet the first guest of King Kark, Ardur Albain and his eleven knights.
A new megadungeon from Three Castles Award Winner (2018) and Barrowmaze author Dr. Greg Gillespie! HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon is a 246-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing games/clone. The pages of HighFell are crammed full with new material, maps, and art, including a colour cover by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus (that matches Barrowmaze Complete and The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia as sister-books). HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. HighFell is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).