Something fell. A sickly gloaming lit up the night like mock daylight, just for a moment, and then the hills trembled. Now, an alien entity lies brooding in a crater gouged out of the moor. Local folk are enraptured with the toothsome jelly exuded by this being, but are blind to the true nature of the events unfolding in their rustic little backwater.
Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The adventure takes place in a buried temple crypt, which has been sealed for centuries. Dungeon Masters can adjust it for higher-level characters by widening the dead magic areas and increasing the number and power of constructs and undead that inhabit the complex. The PCs have entered the Forsaken Temple's crypt and started exploring a bit. They had the opportunity to work with some drow, who warn of some clay golems ahead. Now they face the very golems that killed a drow cleric.
'I walk between two worlds, the way of the gun and the way of the sorcerer, but now amid the falling starts of civilization and the swirling currents of time I make a stand. There are those who believe you live but one life, but I know that is not the case. In the multiverse there are infinite lifetimes to be had amid the swells of ware, peace, and the whims of fate...' Within the pages of this tome you will find eight incredible adventures that cover time periods from the 'powder and magic' Gun Kingdoms to the more traditional dungeons of standard fantasy. Three adventures follow the exploits of a post magical apocalypse crew as they look for lost magic and gold amid the ruins, while five other adventures staying within the confines of true fantasy. Delve into a frozen dungeon, sail on magical currents between planetary spheres, and fight against the undead and dark Templars of a dread temple. These are just a few of the adventures awaiting your characters in Artifacts of Adventure, a compiled work of six Folio: Digital Quarterly adventures and the True Level Adventures trilogy by Art of the Genre. Includes: DQ1: The Adventure Begins for levels 1-3 DQ2: The Druid Child for levels 3-5 DQ3: UN1 Frost Lords of the Frozen Hall for levels 3-5 DQ4: UN2 The Delve into the Stellar Mine for levels 3-5 DQ5: UN3 Dungeons and GK3 Descendants for levels 3-5 True Level Adventure 1 Stone and Silver for level 1 True Level Adventure 2 Gate of Web and War for level 2 Ture Level Adventure 3 Monastery of the Lost for level 3 New monsters, maps and backgrounds These adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Provost Faurious has procured an Aethervane, an astrolabe-like instrument tied to Kythri that's used to navigate manifest zones. Unfortunately for the Provost, the Riedran ship that was carrying the Aethervane across the Sea of Rage to deliver it to their agent in Regalport fell victim to piracy. The player characters are dispatched to Regalport to meet up with the Provost’s agent there and petition High Prince Rygar for more information about the stolen cargo. When the characters dock in Regalport, they meet the Provost’s contact and are ushered into a meeting with High Prince Rygar. Wishing to show his intolerance for piracy, Rygar charters one of his own ships for the party’s use as they investigate the stolen cargo. Upon arriving at the crash site of the stolen cargo, the party is set upon by a fleet of pirates known as the Wind Whisperers. When things turn sour, a new surprise reveals itself as an unnatural storm rolls in, a stolen airship at its heart. The Wind Whisperers have found a way to convert the Aethervane to serve their own purposes. Seeking aid from Rygar and House Lyrandar, the heroes chase after the pirates by sail and airship. As they do, they are bedeviled by the Chaos Fleet—strange ships sailed by an even stranger crew that are drawn to the Aethervane and the chaos it brings. In a final airborne confrontation, the party boards the rogue airship and retrieves the sought-after artifact, with a chance to salvage or sink the stolen vessel in the process…
Do you want your players to feel like they are in a zombie movie, struggling against a deadly horde that tries to surround them, overpower them, and bear them down to the ground to be devoured? This is an adventure that can threaten even the stoutest of characters, and is not recommended for parties of levels 12 or below unless they are larger than normal. This module is designed to take 4-8 hours of play and cover a single day, depending on the party’s speed of play and how thoroughly they decide to explore. It includes suggestions and some plot hooks that can be used to tie this easily into a variety of long-running campaigns, or it can be run as an indepdent adventure. The players will come upon a sacked town, figure out what happened, track an item whose theft has ominious implications for the region, and explore a partly-flooded old temple to end the threat. It's primarily combat-focused, but there are a few areas where exploration and route choice makes a difference, as well as traps if the party goes for the optional temple treasury. The antagonists in this module are mostly ghasts and ghouls, but the module title and cover page are deliberately selected to not spoil this. These are greater ghouls and ghasts that can challenge higher-level characters, backed up by mobs of lesser ghouls that can surround, paralyze, and devour the weak and unlucky, led by a Warlord whose aura can drive even the stout-hearted into forgetting their plans in a moment of madness.
A monster amonkst us... The monastery of Montelegro was once a major center of academia, but it fell out of favor when its library burned to the ground some 20 years ago. (The fire is rumored to have been started by the candle of a monk who fell asleep while reading.) Without books to attract scholars and patrons, the order of monks that run the monastery has dwindled. Now the monastery is a mere shell, its once-thriving halls empty. Only 21 monks remain. The order that runs Montelegro supports a number of scribes dedicated to copying and illuminating books of all kinds. The most talented of these illuminators was Brother Abel of Corbone, a young monk fresh out of the university. A few days prior to the adventure, Brother Abel witnessed a miraculous sight. While walking about on the outskirts of the monastery, he beheld a vision of his god. The vision instructed him to build a well upon the spot where he stood. If Abel did this, the god promised prosperity would return to Montelegro. Unfortunately Brother Abel was unable to fulfill his god's vision and appears to have taken his own life.... Or was there Murder in the Monastery? Pgs. 8-17 & 55
Floof went missing somewhere in the City of Towers. Can you help with his search? This short adventure for Level 1 characters familiarizes the players with some essential Eberron concepts: warforged, Sharn's architecture, Cannith arcanic gizmos, and the bitter legacy of the Last War. At the same time, a lighthearted tone of the adventure and a low-risk quest would totally fit novice adventurers.
It's strange that a shrine to a vanished god should still be taking sacrifices. Not everyone forgets a forgotten god. The party explores an old shrine to a demon lord, kept up by a superstitious local.
As the fledgling adventurers continue their movement throughout the area they begin to head towards the bustling Port City of Kak. To get to there from the Dy’oe Grasslands the party will need to navigate a river running along an overgrown section of the frontier. After obtaining the services of a strange riverboat captain the party heads down the river and into adventure! Between the wildlife, a mysterious old temple, and river pirates the party discovers getting to Kak is easier said than done!
The gates of Dwimmermount have opened. After years of rumors, it is time to discover the secrets of this vast mountain fortress for yourself… Dwimmermount™ is a classic megadungeon and old-school campaign setting presented use with Adventurer Conqueror King System™ and other d20-based fantasy role-playing games. The 400-page Dwimmermount hardcover includes: * 13 mapped, keyed, and stocked dungeon levels containing a total of 715 fully-described and detailed encounter areas for players and their characters to discover – with random tables to generate even more! * 86 monsters and 70 magic items to confound, challenge, and reward your players. * 6 pre-generated adventuring parties to serve as rivals for your player characters. And more! Published by Autarch LLC
The kuo-toa are a piscine race with a psychic affliction that makes them behave erratically and invent gods when feeling threatened. That same affliction gives them the power to bring those gods to life. Blibdoolpoolp is the most widely worshipped, and thus most powerful, of their gods. Blibdoolpoolp views the kuo-toa as her children despite having been born after them. Like all good mothers, she nurtures and protects. One of her chief concerns is understanding the kuo-toa’s psychic affliction, which causes them to undermine themselves whenever they strive for greatness. She discovers that a corrupted elder brain deep in the Underdark has a connection to the race; though the connection gives them psychic powers, it also turns them into powerless thralls, explaining their self destructive behaviors. Constrained by the same leash on her children, Blibdoolpoolp seeks adventurers to destroy the elder brain. Its death would free the kuo-toa, but potentially at great cost: if the kuo-toa lose their powers, will Blibdoolpoolp die?
Something vile has transformed a sleepy rural village -- the locals have become monsters, and the only survivors are insane. Can the PCs unravel the mystery before a troupe of sinister bards plunges the heart of an unsuspecting city into the Far Realm? A D&D adventure for 9th-level characters.
Crippled, wingless, old and a thousand times more dangerous. Surely, a crippled dragon is less dangerous than a healthy one. Pgs. 35-45
Infinite broken night. Milky alien moons. Wavering demons of gold. Held in this jail of immortal threats are three perfect sisters... Maze of the Blue Medusa is a dungeon. Maze of the Blue Medusa is art. Maze of the Blue Medusa works with your favorite fantasy tabletop RPGs. And Maze of the Blue Medusa is the madly innovative game book from the award-winning Zak Sabbath of A Red & Pleasant Land and Patrick Stuart of Deep Carbon Observatory. Lethal gardens, soul-rending art galleries, infernal machines—Maze of the Blue Medusa reads like the poetic nightmare of civilizations rotted to time, and plays like a puzzle-box built from risk and weird spectacle. Art by Zak Sabbath; text by Patrick Stuart and Zak Sabbath. Publisher is Satyr Press.
This strange fruit has an unusual aftertaste. That horrible blue, bug-eyed monster you just fought - was it really an orc? An alchemist hires the party to gather as many moonmelons as possible for his own experiements. This strange fruit causes random mutations in the offspring of those that eat it. Unfortunately, it can only be found in the domain of a strange and mutated orc tribe. Pgs. 24-31
The once-dwarven wizard Hehranna knows that her previous race, for all its pride and skill, is hampered and distracted by lesser concerns—family, friendship, emotion. Once they join the Hive, they won’t begrudge a few moments of pain in exchange for the industrious awakening she has to offer them. Pgs. 16-32
Famed hedonist Horatio Humbert, likewise possessed by an avarice for novelty, has offered a great bounty for any party-goers capable of convincing the moon elves to attend his next birthday. From his pleasure barge to the moon, this 4th level adventure mixes extended social and roleplay opportunities with a high-stakes, low-gravity boss fight your players will never forget! Long ago, in the golden age of the elves, a collection of master mages and elven demigods decided to leave our world to create a utopia of undying revelry, bacchanalia, and hedonism. By the grace of the divines and the strength of their magic, they ascended to the moon. Yet the pleasure-seeking life, even free of time and death, is driven by desperate hungers, novelty chief among them. To combat their eternal ennui, the moon elves have taken to the lowest form of carousing: destination party tourism.
The Heart of the Haunted Sea e adventurers are on a storm-wracked ship, seeking the island of a long-forgotten, abandoned temple to the Sea Demon. In the temple, an extinct people sacrificed their wealth, their criminals, and their kings to quell the demon’s wrath. Untold treasure is said to just be lying there. Are your heroes bold or ruthless enough to claim it? Written by Shane Ivey and illustrated by Kurt Komoda, “The Sea Demon’s Gold” is an adventure for the Fi h Edition of the world’s most popular fantasy role-playing game. It can be played in any fantasy world you choose. It also makes the perfect introduction to the Broken Empire, a world of ancient mysteries, perils, power, and corruption featured in the Swords & Sorceries adventure line by Arc Dream Publishing.
A short adventure of human greed meeting weird horror with a quite messy outcome. An encounter set in a church, with a Shoggoth like eldritch horror as the Boss.
Several days ago, a colony of myconids were born from the gloom and rot of a swamp near a small fishing town. They found a place to form their new colony, and settled on a crumbling mausoleum in a long-forgotten graveyard. Their rapport spores have been spreading unchecked, and have begun to infect the dead buried underneath the marsh. These dead have risen as spore servants, which the myconids are using as watchdogs to protect their new home from unwelcome intruders—like the adventurers. In this encounter, the characters stumble upon an old country graveyard in the middle of a swamp. When they investigate, they fall under attack by the living dead! Once they fend off their undead assailants, an investigation of the mausoleum reveals the true villain behind the attack: a group of mycanoids that infested the corpses with their spores, turning them into telepathically controlled puppets. From here, the characters can either negotiate with the mycanoids or kill them. This encounter’s three acts are: The Discovery: the characters find an abandoned graveyard. The Trial: the characters are attacked by undead. The Revelation: the characters learn that the zombies are really mycanoid spore servants, and can try to reason with the mushroom-people or destroy them. Either way, there’s treasure!