Everyone comes to Taux for a reason, and yet they come. A few will brave the Ebon Swamp, but most come via ship, which is the method the party now employs. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strom is brewing, one with untold magical energy that can bend the very fabric of space and time. If they are lucky they will have a story to be told beyond imagination. If they aren't, they will become the fodder of sea-faring legend, just another lost ship that never made it into the sheltered bay of Taux. This mini-adventure sets up the events of Folio #11 (AT1 The Subtle Revenant) This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Step right up ... You too can be a contestant on … Adventuring Gladiators? A set of challenges meant to test the resolve of the party. Pgs. 32-45
The Drunderry River runs narrow and fast through much of its course, before tumbling into the lowlands beneath the Fallow Hills, in the shadows of the Blacktooth Ridge. From there, the river spreads out across fertile plains, laboring slowly to the south before emptying into the Elmarsh Lake. Until recently this area was unsettled, but a writ of the King's has brought many people to the area. The village of Malforten, nesteld along the banks fo the Drunderry River, near the Fallow Hills, is just such a place. A quiet village with simple people, they learned the hard way the Blacktooth Ridge casts a deep and dark shadow. Seeing rich prizes in cattle and grain, people and other movables, Gritznak the Gnoll has come down from the Blacktooth with loot on his mind. All they've done to drive him off have failed, at their wits end the villagers turn to others, more experienced in combatting evil. They look to a rising knight to save them . . . . Also available for 5E: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/160855/A0-The-Rising-Knight--Adventures-for-5th-Edition-Rules
Save Sharn from planar catastrophe in the epic thirteenth and final episode of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path. This three-part adventure is designed for five 7th-level characters. Your party does not need to have played past episodes to enjoy Skyfall, though previous adventures (see below) with the Clifftop Guild will deepen their experience. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: In this climactic conclusion to Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto, the adventurers are charged with saving the magical metropolis of Sharn before a vengeful academic can destroy its manifest zone using the convergence of Eberron’s 13 planes. Characters must race across the city’s diverse districts in a battle of wits and weapons, locating artifacts linking the 13 planes and disabling the Convergence Engine before it is too late.
There was no greater scholar, explorer, or collector of antiquities in the area than Hallomak Stromm. The enigmatic Stromm recently passed away, and the PCs have received personal invitations to appear at the public reading of his will. Pgs. 72-77
Shrouded in whispered rumors, Crow’s Rest Island has been avoided as long as any can remember. Nothing but death, and the memories of those long gone, greet any who take to land upon the isle’s shores. It is to this island that the PCs will find themselves driven as a storm threatens to drive their ship below the waves. Awaiting the PCs are far more than ghost stories upon this island, for there lives a very real threat, hiding here among the legends that keep sailors at bay. A classic ghost story that casts the PCs not as adversaries to the specters, but rather as their benefactors, Crow’s Rest Island challenges the PCs with a tribe of foul kobolds, a haunted village, and the forgotten servant of a long departed ice devil. An excellent introduction to the Aventyr Campaign Setting, this adventure gives the PCs their first glimpse into Vikmordere culture. A0 may also be easily ported to any setting containing a northern wilderness near a large body of water.
The Underdark holds many secrets. A series of earthquakes and eruptions have rocked a normally placid land. Strange creatures sighted in the dark of night raise fears across the already disturbed countryside. As tales of a lost race that once warred with the drow begin to surface, only the boldest adventurers dare to descend into the shadowy darkness.
The Chapel on the Cliffs is a 5th edition horror adventure optimized for a group of 4-5 characters of 3rd level. In this module, the characters will need to explore the ruined village of Kennmouth and its surroundings, find out why a small army of skeletons rises from their graves every night to drive out intruders, and search for a way to lift this unholy curse. The PDF comes with a companion PDF for scaling from levels 2-6. Produced by Goblin Stone
A little friendly competition can be fun now and then - unless, of course, the competition isn't friendly at all. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202
At the end of the Hateful Wars, Lord Sandor led his army into the Barrier Peaks in pursuit of a host of goblins and orcs. He and his army vanished, and now a group of adventurers follows his footsteps to discover what doom fell upon him and his men. Pgs. 30-46
Elven Tower presents a compilation document of all the content for DMs running Out of the Abyss module. This guide has been very well received by the DMs community. I have gotten great response during the creation of this content. The guide is over 60 pages long and contains hoards of information, guides, suggestions, and general information for DMs running this module. It now has clickable table of contents and bookmarks for all the different chapters for easy navigation. There are maps for Gauntlgrym, Sorcere Tower, Vizeran's Tower, Karazikar's Maw as well as some very needed flowcharts and infographics to better understand the adventure. The guide also features some maps drawn by me (Elven Tower) to supplement the missing illustrations for important locations.
Today's offering is a one-page adventure built for a solo 3rd level character. While in between normal adventures you have been tracking an escapee known as Johan Cupid and believe to have picked up a lead in Jakestown. With the bandit hiding out in an old manor house you see a payday coming. Not a traditional "Valentine's" theme this adventure reminds you that sometimes Cupid's arrows sting!
Built into what was thought to be an inactive volcano, the Halls of Beoll-Dur were created as an isolated training ground for dwarven clerics. However, upon their mountain shaking itself awake the dwarves discovered that they shared the mountain with something far more sinister. Few escaped to tell of the massacre as an horde of salamanders rising from the fiery depths, claiming the halls for their king. Now the temple sits desecrated, waiting for the day that hero's will purify it of the evils within. Pgs. M1-M16
Welcome to the seat of power in the Duchy of Starryshade! This large city is where the Archduke Meldor Gantrius IV rules his land. A walled city on the bay, Vandosia is bustling with activity. A busy seaport sits down the road from the fortified city with regional farmers coming into town every day. Many former adventurers call the city home and training guilds are available for those levelling up. While “mostly” safe this city is not without adventure, especially with the massive sewer system below the streets.
From the magazine: "Brave are the mortals who take on the tasks of the gods - and dreadful their fate if they fail." This adventure is heavily themed on Greek mythology, using Greek gods as NPCs and even sending the PCs back to ancient Greece to obtain the main object of the quest. Eventually the PCs find the chest that they seek, which actually holds the god Hermes inside. He was being held by the Aloeids, two brother cyclops. After rescuing him, the PCs may gain his favor and perhaps the favor of more Greek gods.
Haunted Hill is a special, Halloween release for Adventures in Filbar™! It was created to give a single, first level player an opportunity to prove themselves to their mentor. After years of study you decide you are ready to get on with your adventuring career but your trainer wants you to prove yourself. After a courier goes missing, you have been tasked to go to the region of Haunted Hill. This area is well known as an old cemetery and haven for miscreants. Your task – go to the area and search for the missing courier and recover the package he was set to deliver!
A short plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for Tier I or II characters. A well known alchemist who is famous for being able to make what ever is needed. Whoever a small mystery begins when his shop is robbed and the proprietor now goes missing can they save him. This adventure is ideal for for tier I and II characters. Playable as a one shot or as part of a larger campaign. The adventure comes with maps, encounters and enemies. The adventure comes complete with the following: - Full 5 page PDF adventure file. - 2 Parchment style DM and Player maps ready for VTT use. - 2 Printer friendly DM and Player maps ready for VTT well as printer friendly DM and Player maps that are VTT ready. - 1” diameter tokens ready to be cut out for use in person as well as files for use in a VTT - Comes with sample alchemy crafting rules
The Pit of The Oracle is a game module designed for use with the rules of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It can be used by itself as a self-contained campaign (or as a springboard to a larger campaign), or it can be easily incorporated into an existing campaign. Comment: Level range is my best guess. Adventure includes a lot of unique short-hand
‘The Secrets of the Twisting Colossus’ is a tale of alchemy and transformation. The heroes are the material components in the creation of an addictive potion. The heroes are lured into the experiment by the alchemist Paricalus, and once the heroes understand the true purpose it will be too late. The only escape is to understand the subtle clues around them and to keep moving forward. At the end of the experiment lies salvation but also the grand finale. If the heroes escape the experiment, they can confront their tormentor. In this 5E module (suitable for level 4-6 & adaptable to any setting), you will find: • 40-page module. • 3 colored maps and downloadable options for FG, Roll20. • 3 Appendices covering NPCs, magic items, and alternative chambers. • Handouts containing visual depiction to entice players. • 2-3 sessions of gameplay. • A dynamic dungeon where chambers change position. • Rules for miniaturized game play. • Old-school play-style suggestions. • Possibilities to use the module as a springboard to planar adventures. If you enjoy this module please let me know. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Have fun!
Atop a distant mountain peak, a monstrous entity plots dark deeds. The final chapter of the Seeds of Sehan campaign arc. "To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Chuang-Tzu. Pgs. 30-47