A community for lazy dungeon masters
3379 adventures found
Cover of What Stalks the Night? (DC-POA-PND-5)
What Stalks the Night? (DC-POA-PND-5)
5th Edition
Levels 5โ€“10
19 pages

DC-POA-PND-5 What Stalks the Night? (Fourth and Final Part of the Strange Case of Erland Forsk) Many residents of Easthaven were woken in the early morning by an explosion. One of the houses near the Wet Trout tavern exploded, and a trail of large, webbed footprints were left in the snow leading off into the wilderness. Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8 Using the DungeonCraft seed My, What Big Feet You Have Donโ€™t Go Outside! The Strange Case of Erland Forsk is a four part series of DungeonCraft adventures, each 2-hours long. DC-POA-PND-2 What Skitters Beneath? (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-3 The Watcher in the Attic (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-4 Eateat Go Home? (tier 2) DC-POA-PND-5 What Stalks the Night? (tier 2) ``` Now is not the time to go outside Crawl back into bed and close your eyes Now is not the time to go outside Lock the doors and find a place to hide โ€” Poppy - Don't Go Outside ```

Cover of GPH2: Coral Palace of the Marid (5e)
GPH2: Coral Palace of the Marid (5e)
5th Edition
Levels 12โ€“15
40 pages

๐‚๐จ๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐๐š๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ž๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ข๐ง ๐š ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‰๐ž๐ฐ๐ž๐ฅ ๐‡๐ž๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐„๐ง๐ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž Wherein our adventurers seek out the Emerald of Aquatic Perfection, reputed to be held within an extraplanar undersea genie basilica. ๐€ ๐ƒ&๐ƒ ๐Ÿ“๐„ ๐š๐๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐Ÿ’-๐Ÿ• ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก-๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“๐ญ๐ก ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ฅ. ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ ๐ฉ๐š๐ ๐ž๐ฌ.

Cover of Prisoners of the Drow
Prisoners of the Drow
5th Edition
Levels 9โ€“12
18 pages

In Prisoners of the Drow, a band of adventurers storm a drow outpost, confront the drow mage in charge of it, and rescue prisoners held within. The heroes must bypass traps and devious defenses to reach their goal and accomplish their mission. The adventure is designed for a party of five adventurers between levels nine and twelve. It features: Encounters by Level - Varying types and quantities of creatures are suggested based on the party's actual level, allowing each encounter to present the appropriate challenge to the party. Encounter Notes - Suggestions for how to run combats are provided for game masters who place an emphasis on engaging, tactical battles. Inciting Action - Suggestions for ways to present the adventure to players are provided. Ease of Use - The format and style of the document allows the game master to find information quickly while running the game at the table. Detailed Maps - What's an adventure without maps? Not much else to say here. This adventure is designed as the first in a two-part series. The second adventure Into the City of Spiders takes the adventurers into a drow compound far from the surface. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/247674/Into-the-City-of-Spiders

Cover of The Vault of Pallon the Pious
The Vault of Pallon the Pious
5th Edition
Level 2
2 pages

The Vault of Pallon the Pious is an adventure for four 2nd level PCs. A famous pirate captain came to worship a lawful god in his final years. After a lifetime of plundering, pillaging, scuttling, and murdering along the coastline, the fear-inspiring Pallon the Merciless rebranded himself as Pallon the Pious. But, a history of violence is a hard thing to reconcile, and the salty old dog slowly succumbed to madness. His most precious possession was a set of scales that reflected perfectly his own inner conflict. The Scales of Misjudgement are buried deep in the treasure room of his crazed rock-island vault.

Cover of Ten Strokes 'Til Midnight
Ten Strokes 'Til Midnight
5th Edition
Levels 6โ€“12
14 pages

Genius rogue artificer Ichabod Russet hired ten of his most brilliant colleagues to collaborate and build the greatest automaton yet invented: a clockwork beholder. He dreamed their invention would catapult him into stardom and wealth. In a secret mountain laboratory under Ichabod's direction, each scientist devoted themself to developing one ray for the creature's mechanical eyes -- but when the mysterious tenth ray was added to the automaton, it became too powerful. The clockwork beholder broke free during QA testing and destroyed half the lab. Only a few of the artificers escaped to tell the tale, and for the most part, they're keeping their mouths shut.

Cover of Home Under The Range
Home Under The Range
3.5 Edition
Levels 1โ€“5
16 pages

Tieflings are raiding a dwarven expedition under a shield of magical darkness, but if the PCs can supply the dwarves with giant scarab beetles capable of generating potent bursts of magical light, they might just survive. Unfortunately, they'll need to escort the herd of giant beetles through the Underdark first. A D&D adventure for 3rd-level characters.

Cover of Blood Throne of Maglubiyet
Blood Throne of Maglubiyet
5th Edition
Levels 3โ€“4
14 pages

Urban Uprising and Oldschool Dungeon Crawling. A hobgoblin horde has subjugated the city for Freystand, searching for a relic of their god. Will the heroes save the town from the tyrannical hobgoblins? Will they discover the true purpose of the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet? Work with the rebels of Freystand to sabotage the hobgoblin's by completing objectives in the city. Crawl the warrens to find and destroy the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet. Discover the true purpose of the throne and cosmic horror that threatens the world. Designed like an old-school dungeon crawl but with modern sensibilites.

Cover of FN11 โ€“ The Amulet of Dorian Beldor
FN11 โ€“ The Amulet of Dorian Beldor
Levels 6โ€“9
42 pages

FN11 โ€“ The Amulet of Dorian Beldor begins as a race to catch a fugitive from justice and quickly escalates into a much larger problem. With over 40 pages and 8 different maps this adventure has your party stumbling onto a former city covered by a rock slide now inhabited by a large group of humanoids. Buried deep within the complex is the ancient relic that controls elementals and will be quite useful as the Filbar North series winds down.

Cover of A Raw Reprisal
A Raw Reprisal
5th Edition
Levels 5โ€“10
9 pages

The party visits the village of Bellmare, where a hag has recently been slain, and which has since been plagued with deadly wintery weather during the Summer Solstice. The party meets the head of the village, who asks them to find the cause. When the party reaches a small hut in the mountains, they encounter a hag. Rather than attack them, she offers them information to help stop her sister from enacting revenge upon Bellmare. Pgs. 109-117

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #163: Ruins of Gauntlight (Abomination Vaults 1 of 3)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #163: Ruins of Gauntlight (Abomination Vaults 1 of 3)
Pathfinder 2e
Level 1
92 pages

When the mysterious Gauntlight, an eerie lighthouse located inland from Otari, glows with baleful light, the people of Otari suspect trouble. The townโ€™s newest heroes must venture into the ruins around the lighthouseโ€”and delve into the dungeon levels far beneath itโ€”to discover the evil that Gauntlight holds. Hideous monsters, deadly traps, and mysterious ghosts await the heroes who dare to enter the sprawling megadungeon called the Abomination Vaults! Content Warning: Does contain themes of suicide.

Cover of The Hag's Hexes
The Hag's Hexes
5th Edition
Levels 4โ€“18
66 pages

The Hag's Hexes is a 66 page guide designed by Dungeon Masters Guild luminaries like JVC Parry and Janek Sielicki alongside rising stars and old stalwarts like Matt Butler, Matthew Gravelyn, and Tim Bannock. It was created with one thing in mind: to make hags more than the sum of their (often meager) Challenge ratings, giving them the mechanics, roleplay potential, and weird magic that can inspire campaigns, lay low kings and warlords, and potentially ensnare unwary Player Characters into campaign-changing curses or long-term bargains that force them into terrible moral quandaries! Split into five chapters, the authors have provided everything a DM needs to terrify their players for years to come. The Bestiary features over a dozen monsters; some are new hags, some are their minions or even their mobile lairs, and one of them -- the Shaitan AKA Desert Hag -- was featured in Monsters of the Guild! Bargains & Curses is a chapter filled with ideas that can kick-start campaigns, threaten valued NPCs, or put Player Characters' very existence and morality at stake. Chapter 3 includes two dozen items of wonderment, weirdness, and dread, ranging from fairy tale-inspired items of whimsy to terribly cursed items of horror. Chapter 4 is titled "Filthy, Vile & Downright Dirty" and provides dozens of roleplaying tips to make hags come alive, new mechanics inspired by and expanding on Volo's Guide to Monsters (coven spell lists, aunties, grandmothers, alternative coven members), and ends with useful combat tactics for each of the hags from the Monster Manual and Volo's Guide, as well as tactics for covens. Finally, Chapter 5 presents five encounter groups (with sub-encounters) to give you quick story seeds and monster lists that you can put together in minutes to create a single encounter or to inspire a full campaign, and ends with three full-length adventures -- each with 3-5 encounters -- that showcase many of the new monsters, rules, magic items, and so on that appeared in earlier chapters. Each of these adventures comes with an encounter map meant to act as inspiration for hag lairs, and they include useful mechanical ideas for terrain effects and descriptive keywords listed directly on the map for added inspiration and easy customization! Designed by Tim Bannock. Written by Matt Butler, JVC Parry, Janek Sielicki, and Tim Bannock. Edited by Matthew Gravelyn and Tim Bannock. Cover Art by Elena Naylor. Cartography by Tim Bannock using Inkwell Ideas' Dungeonographer (Dungeonographer is copyright Inkwell Ideas). Layout & Graphic Elements by Elena Naylor with Tim Bannock. Interior Art by Arcana Games, Bruno Balixa, David Lewis Johnson, Dean Spencer, Earl Geier, Filip Gutowski, Jacob E. Blackmon, Joyce Maureira, Petr Kratochvil, Jayaraj Paul, Brian Brinlee, and Wizards of the Coast.

Cover of Trouble in Wealdham
Trouble in Wealdham
5th Edition
Levels 1โ€“4
24 pages

Save an unwitting hamlet from an undead threat! Wealdham is a sleepy, quiet town located in the Westwood. Nothing ever happens in Wealdham, until Waterdeep necromancer Faurius Besk decides to test his latest invention near the town... Trouble in Wealdham is a 4 hour adventure for Tier 1 Characters (optimized for APL 3). It can be run as a one-shot, as part of an existing campaign, or even to launch a new campaign to defeat Faurius. Chapter 5 includes a section on how to weave this adventure into a new or existing campaign. In addition to the full-color 24-page adventure you will also receive: * A printer-friendly version * High-Res Wealdham town map * High-Res Dungeon map * A PDF with pre-generated characters that fit perfectly into the adventure

Cover of Murder in Baldur's Gate
Murder in Baldur's Gate
5th Edition
Level 1
105 pages

Duke Adrian Abdel is a living legend in the city of Baldur's Gate, and much of the city has gathered to celebrate him and his accomplishments. On tis day of festivities, though, the dukes past will finally catch up with him, with dire consequences. Murder ha returned to Baldur's Gate, and brave heroes are the city's only hope to stop the violence. Wealth flows into the city of Baldur's Gate like water. As the rich luxuriate in their mansions atop the bluff and artisans ply their trades on the steep streets, masses of poor laborers swell the slums. Money and power beget political scandal, religious fervor, crime . . . and murder. No one feels save on the rain darkened streets. Strange, foreign gods are beseeched in secret shrines. The city is rife with corruption. And through it all, the body count keeps rising. Murder in Baldur's Gateโ„ข is a Dungeons & Dragonsยฎ Roleplaying Game adventure that can be played using the rules for 3rd Edition (v.3.5), 4th Edition, and the D&D Next playtest.

Cover of Forest in Twilight
Forest in Twilight
5th Edition
Levels 1โ€“2
22 pages

Forest in Twilight is a four- to six-hour adventure for 1st-2nd level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with a forest wilderness theme, blights, druids, and a trek through the woods to find the origin of the blights. The level of guidance is for newer DMs but without being training wheels. Set in the Neverwinter Woods north of Phandalin, blights are leaving the woods and attacking settlers and travelers along the roads in the area. A group of druids wants to keep the people and forest safe, but one druid in particular is only concerned about the forest. The PCs will have to determine which side to back, if any, in finding out more about the blights and stopping the threat. This adventure can also be used as a standalone adventure, or slotted into the early quests in the Dragon of Icespire Peak or Lost Mine of Phandelver campaigns. Included with this adventure are: + 4 combat encounters and multiple opportunities for exploration and social encounters + Multiple NPCs with stated personality traits and goals, including roleplaying tips for the major ones + Hazards and diseases the characters encounter in the woods + Madness effects + 4 maps of important locations + Some guidance on how you might continue the story

Cover of Lair of the Lava Queen - Pathfinder
Lair of the Lava Queen - Pathfinder
Levels 8โ€“10
11 pages

Rumours tell of a secluded cave where a powerful cleansing artifact resides, guarded by a mythical creature that no one has seen and lived to tell the tale. Heat boils forth from this cave, and tortured shrieks echo on the wind. Do you have what it takes to brave the Lair of the Lava Queen?

Cover of DDAL07-18 Turn Back the Endless Night
DDAL07-18 Turn Back the Endless Night
5th Edition
Levels 17โ€“20
41 pages

Your foe seeks to unlock the Iron Door beneath the Peaks of Flame and open the way for the Eater of the World. You must find your way through the maze of tunnels and stop them, or it will be the end of all things. Part Four of the Broken Chains Series.

Cover of Funeral Procession
Funeral Procession
3.5 Edition
Levels 1โ€“5
15 pages

For months, the brutal serial killer Crimson stalked the streets of Saltmarsh, preying on dozens of men and women. Now the murderer lies dead, but although justice has been done, the danger has not yet passed. A soul as wicked and deprived as Crimson's does not rest quietly, and the local cult of Graz'zt has plans for the coming monstrosity. A D&D adventure for 1st-level characters.

Cover of FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
Levels 7โ€“10
35 pages

At one time the City of Tygos was a bustling metropolis located in the southeastern portion of the Plains of Dorack. Sitting in the shadow of the Dorack Mountains this city flourished as a trading metropolis. Decades ago the leaders of the city, the Serpentine Cultists, began a racially charged campaign against certain factions of the Plainsmen tribes. The resulting response of the Plainsmen was devastating to Tygos and the city was levelled for the most part and the water supply was poisoned. The city was also home to a group of adventurers called JOHAN and their fortress was said to contain powerful ancient magic that was never recovered. If these items can be located the resulting power can bring continued success to your partyโ€™s wealth and fame.

Cover of Horror at Devil's Run
Horror at Devil's Run
5th Edition
Levels 3โ€“7
18 pages

"I canโ€™t stand to lose again..." The small farming village of Devilโ€™s Run is about to have its yearly pumpkin festival. Unbeknownst to many, Old Pete Barker, a pumpkin farmer of many years, was having difficulty growing his pumpkins. Pete doesnโ€™t have an ample water source, unlike Molly Simms, his primary rival for the festival's coveted largest pumpkin award, whose farm lays near a stream. Fixated on winning the grand prize, Old Pete made a deal with a dark force, the Feeder of Desires, but the deed cost him and the village dearly. โ€œPlant me in the ground and I will make you strong." Peter Barker's body transformed into a vine-like creature with a jack-o-lantern head, and he now โ€˜watersโ€™ his thriving pumpkin fields with the blood of kidnapped villagers, binding them below the earth while the pumpkin vines burrow into their flesh and feed. These vines have started to enter the town, creating pumpkin-vine creatures which snatch villagers and drag them to his underground lair. Will the adventurers save the village of Devil's Run and put a stop to Pete's pumpkin-patched plots? Let the Pumpkin Festival Commence! โ–บ2โ€“ to 4โ€“hour adventure for three to five characters โ–บScalable for 3rdโ€”7th level (optimized for 5th) โ–บ5 beautifully mapped areas for your adventurers to explore โ–บ7 new monster stat blocks, including the Pumpkin Terror, Vine Hound, and pumpkin-headed Pete Barker himself! โ–บRipe for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Fall adventuring! PDF Purchaser Bonuses โ–บHDR map files for each area (both gridded and gridless) โ–บVirtual Tabletop Tokens for the monsters Also for Roll20 and Foundry VTT

Cover of Doom Croaker's Branches
Doom Croaker's Branches
5th Edition
Level 4
4 pages

"Doom Croaker's Branches" is a lindwurm lair suitable for four or five 4th level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.