A community for lazy dungeon masters
146 adventures found
Cover of NC10 - Submission of Rodo
NC10 - Submission of Rodo
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
26 pages

The Denali Monarchy has been toppled and the citizens have formed a new government. The new head of the government, called The Hona, has requested additional help from the party. For a long time an island to the east called Rodo has been a source of goods for the land. The Hona wants to make sure that local regent, Lord Karlock, is going to continue to be a part of Denali or if he has other “thoughts” on the matter. Is your party ready for a diplomatic relations mission?

Cover of PS5 - Yodel Bluff
PS5 - Yodel Bluff
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
23 pages

Your party has finally made it to Queen’s Point only to discover that the military was already aware of the approaching humanoid army and dealt with them. After a rest and training period in the large city you now have to decide what to do next. The large seaport has plenty of options but a curious problem has been brought to your attention. A large giant north and west of the city is harassing the shipping lanes with random boulder tossing. Word has it that a nice reward is available to anyone able to solve this problem. Did I mention a Medusa also has a proposition for the party?

Cover of SQ9 - Wizard of Gelga
SQ9 - Wizard of Gelga
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
26 pages

Barbarian forces are handing out trouble to the combined forces of the Inydo Federation and your assistance has been requested! You have been told that the aggressive forces are being bolstered by a rumored, powerful wizard. The general of the military has asked you to skirt around the major engagement areas and attempt to locate and capture/kill the troublesome wizard. A major windfall will be given to the PCs as Xalo Mendas, leader of Helvana is known to add treasure to agreements if handled “effectively”.

Cover of FP10 - Church of Scakla
FP10 - Church of Scakla
Levels 5–8
13 pages

The Holdfist Mountain range hosted many battles during the Troll Wars and during the dark years many villages, shrines, and castles were destroyed. When the fighting was over the villages were rebuilt so that farmers could resupply the duchy and the former strongholds were lost to the sands of time. One of these forgotten areas is the Church of Scakla and is said to be home to lost magical items...

Cover of FVC9 - Royal Recovery
FVC9 - Royal Recovery
5th Edition
High Level
18 pages

FVC9 – Royal Recovery is a short adventure involving a lost princess. A peace accord is in jeopardy when a royal wedding may be postponed due to a missing bride. She was secretly coming to Tol Borron, home to her future suitor, but her ship is now missing. The party has been asked by a gypsy, working on behalf of the king, to head towards the Horns of Barnack where some debris has been located. Will your party be able to solve the mystery of the missing princess?

Cover of AS3 - Peregrination
AS3 - Peregrination
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
26 pages

The exciting artifact series concludes with AS3 – Peregrination. With a pair of control rods in hand you are guided to an ultimate prize, a Gnomish flying vessel! The rods have directed you to a crashed ship buried in the sandy beach. A check of the debris sheds light on the mystery of the artifact and a description of how to repair the intricate machine. Apparently finding the vessel is just the start!

Cover of Far2 - Discord at the Docks
Far2 - Discord at the Docks
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Far2 – Discord at the Docks is a short adventure based in the city of Phoenix in Fartook. Similar to Far1, this adventure is for low/novice level players. The adventure begins as your ship docks in Phoenix and you and your group debark. The scenario was designed for five players and gives them a variety of small problems to tackle. The PCs were on a delivery mission but mistook a subject on the dock as the intended recipient. The true owner is not pleased at the foul up and demands the party fix it IMMEDIATELY. Part of the inspiration for GenCon 17’s adventure, this scenario gives a number of “inconsequential” encounters that bring depth to urban adventuring!

Cover of TS1 - Heart of Darkness
TS1 - Heart of Darkness
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
32 pages

With your last adventure complete you head to town to sell off loot, replenish supplies and to find a bard to tell your tale to so that your fame can increase. As the group goes their separate ways you are wandering through the muddy streets when a shriek is heard. You see a man stab a merchant and attempt to escape. With no time to gather your associates you call for your mount (or borrow one) and give pursuit! This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats.

Cover of FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
Levels 5–7
18 pages

Tucked away in a volcanic hideaway is the home of the feared and wanted mage known as Arcanous the Black. This evil man is feared only slightly less than his original master Sabu the Witch King. In this adventure the party has the opportunity to deal with this fugitive from justice and claim the 5000gp reward!

Cover of OP23 - Treehouse Troubles
OP23 - Treehouse Troubles
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

A message delivery? That's your first "adventure"? Oh well, a quick trip to the woods and drop off a missive to an Elven Bard and you can do real hero stuff! Upon your arrival problems present themselves because, well you are in Filbar afterall!

Cover of Far7 - Labors of King Homa
Far7 - Labors of King Homa
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
41 pages

A job has come up for your party straight from the leader of Phoenix! A trade deal is desired with the leader of an island chain known for Ioun Stones. The Zephyr has requested that your party go and use your skills to negotiate the deal. Upon arrival, your talents serve you well but King Homa requires that your talents serve him...

Cover of FT - Corsair Bay
FT - Corsair Bay
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Clover Island is home to one of the wildest towns in the world of Filbar. While the town of Corsair Bay is recognized as the home of the Pirate Kingdom it is a fully functional town. This location sits at the midway point for those crossing the Newmack Sea and is a resupply stop for most commercial traffic pirate and otherwise. The ruler of Corsair Bay is the legendary, and somewhat retired, pirate named Hannibal the Black. This fearsome pirate now enjoys ruling the community and most of the explored areas on the island but his ship still waits in port for him should he decide to set sail again

Cover of SD9 - Kingston's Trough
SD9 - Kingston's Trough
5th Edition
Levels 8–11
22 pages

In your last adventure you discovered a strange, and somewhat sinister looking, key. After a long wait it appears you have found an answer to what it opens. The good news is that it leads to great wealth, the bad news is that it opens a tomb. Oh yea, there may, also, be some…individuals that want the key too…

Cover of NQ4 - Reclamation of the Audacity
NQ4 - Reclamation of the Audacity
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
20 pages

After several successful adventures, you and your associates have found safe haven in the city of Acre in Dilad. While you enjoy a meal in “The Hole”, you learn of a recent theft of a merchant ship. A Captain Ibanez approaches your group and offers a job opportunity to get the missing ship back!

Cover of FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
Levels 6–9
28 pages

Nestled high in the mountains of the Holdfists is Karnack, known for a millennium as the ‘city of the gods’. Known for its multitude of shrines, one in particular has caught the attention of the party. Annwyn is the legendary Plane of Magic for Filbar and can be used to recharge magical weapons that ‘lose their edge’. This adventure was used to help the party recharge one of their weapons they had, but this setting can be used for a variety of different purposes including a visit with a rather nasty neighbor beyond the city borders….it ain’t easy being green!

Cover of NQ3 – Ta’ Hagrat
NQ3 – Ta’ Hagrat
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

The party has received word from the citizens (or in NQ2) of a troublesome cult hidden in Meglos Peaks. Apparently a stronghold exists near the mouth of the Tora River. Putting an end to this group of religious fanatics would certainly put another feather in your fledgling career caps!

Cover of OP9 - Phaegor's Manor
OP9 - Phaegor's Manor
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

Everyone starts out their career with big dreams ready to take on the world. As you head out towards your fame you discover an abandoned manor house. With hope your in your heart you wonder if anything of value is left in the ruined building. Cautiously you enter...

Cover of FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
Levels 2–4
24 pages

With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.

Cover of FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
Levels 7–9
18 pages

Half a century ago the legendary mage Delekin reached his zenith but began a fall of monumental disaster. After being betrayed by his party the mage changed alignment and began a cruel tirade against the residents. He was finally taken down by the Lords of Evil and imprisoned in a tomb created to lure good adventurers to their death. Many have entered the unholy locale and none have returned. Whatever evil is present in the tomb is powerful, and most likely very wealthy. This adventure is one of the Original series i.e. an early work!

Cover of CAF17 - Problems at Vanessa's Point
CAF17 - Problems at Vanessa's Point
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
28 pages

I know we told you that we closed out the convention scenarios for 2017 but we were wrong! One of our favorite conventions (CafCon) is named differently and therefore overlooked! Problems at Vanessa’s Point is a nice little urban adventure that was made for six, 4th level players. The party hits town during a big celebration and is presented with a business opportunity. The local militia is out seeking a group of problems and the celebration needs some extra security. This sandbox style scenario is filled with strange encounters for your own campaign or play it straight through! The scenario was at several 2017 Convention offerings and was always a big hit. The original characters are published under HOF4 (free).