A community for lazy dungeon masters
1429 adventures found
Cover of The Bleeding Hollow Deluxe Adventure
The Bleeding Hollow Deluxe Adventure
Levels 4–6
133 pages

The Bleeding Hollow was written as a tribute to the golden era of adventures. Danger lurks around every turn, and a great over-arching storyline ties everything together. There is much to discover and learn, and solving the woes of the adventure is entirely up to the players. They will choose how to deal with the myriad challenges put forth, and will probably run down a red herring or two. They might choose a very dangerous path unknowingly and pay the consequences fortheir actions. That is intended. Let the story lead your party, and your players lead the game. You won’t regret it. Published by Total Party Kill Games

Cover of Lair of the Frog King
Lair of the Frog King
5th Edition
Level 1
17 pages

Lair of the Frog King is a short adventure for five 1st-level characters that takes place in an ancient castle. The river—which used to flow around the castle and fill its moat—has diverted over the centuries, and now what used to be fertile farmland is marshy bog. What’s more, the swamp has claimed the castle itself. A tribe of bullywugs settled in the muddy former fortress, and use it as a base to raid nearby farms. Can the newly-minted heroes stop the bullywug menace? Find out in Lair of the Frog King!

Cover of Menagerie of Mysteries
Menagerie of Mysteries
5th Edition
Level 6
8 pages

In this level 6 adventure for 4-6 players the party comes across a man named Johann Dhomm who was transporting animals in cages to his private island where he has a menagerie (a kind of zoo) that he eventually wants to open to the public. But the animals have escaped and he asks the party to try and catch them alive for him. However, the animals are actually quite dangerous and range from Gazers to a Wyvern.

A Stolen Song
5th Edition
Level 4
1 pages

The astronomer monks of Farsky failed for decades to tell the future by the stars. Desperate, they found a promising seer, and passed off her predictions as their own… until deadly illness struck. Unable to give up their lucrative scam, they trapped her spirit, which became a thing of evil: a banshee, whose howls foretold their doom. The party have heard rumors of a ruin, where once sages could answer any question… Notes by @Demian: Winner of One Page Dungeon Contest (OPDC) 2015. The adventure consists of a single small dungeon with 13 rooms and an exploration/time-based random Silence spell mechanic. It is themed around music and sound. Designed as a one-shot to be played in one 4–7 hour session.

Cover of Encounters on the Savage Seas
Encounters on the Savage Seas
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
100 pages

Greetings! I've created a sea-themed supplement that you might find uuseful: Encounters on the Savage Seas is a 100-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, new ships, locations, and magic items. In all, the writers have produced 19 unique encounters, NPCs, and locations for you to add to any nautical campaign. We’ve even included scaling suggestions so they can be used with different party levels. •Visit the township of Badu - the village riding on the back of a gigantic dragon turtle •Encounter space pirates •Interact with goblin pirates commanding strange water vehicles •Roleplay with Loan Sharks •Endure the Fog of Horrors •and so much more.... You can view the 30-page preview by clicking this link:https://www.dmsguild.com/product/270757/Encounters-on-the-Savage-Seas Also, go grab my FREE playable race: Otterfolk: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/267692/Otterfolk I hope you enjoy the content if you pick it up!

Cover of Curse of the Rusty Walrus
Curse of the Rusty Walrus
3.5 Edition
Level 8
7 pages

A "web Enhancement" adventure for the D&D 3.5 Frostburn supplement. Arctic / Frostfell / Cold Several decades ago, a down-on-his-luck half-elf known as Captain Kerakes lost his ship after a run of bad luck in a game of dice. So when an investor approached him with an offer of a new ship and three-month mission, he jumped at the chance. His new employer was a rich but somewhat miserly nobleman named Jarren Skein. Having heard rumors of the glacier dwarves and their amazing weaponcraft, he had become obsessed with obtaining some of their weapons as trophies. Skein made Kerakes the captain of a ship called the Rusty Walrus and promised him a sizeable commission upon his return with the desired glacier dwarf weapons. The PCs must board the wreck of the Rusty Walrus and defeat the undead that infest it. Later, the ghost of Captain Kerakes begins to wreak vengeance on Jarren Skein s heirs. The PCs must determine the reason for the string of murders and track down the perpetrator.

Cover of FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
5th Edition
High Level
30 pages

FVC8 – Youngblood Keep has a seasoned party meeting with Lady Enorra, a noblewoman at the northern frontier. She has requested the party by name to help her recover a valuable artifact called the Eggstone. After accepting the job you find yourself at a locale known as the Chapel of Ancients and that is when things really get strange! Youngblood Keep used to be a fortress in the area but was ripped from this plane of existence to another. Who’s up for a quick trip to Hell and back?

Cover of The Great Trial
The Great Trial
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
37 pages

The Great Trial is a 5e adventure for characters starting at 7th-level and ending at 10th-level. It's a dungeon consisting in the 3 levels, where the first level is the lowermost one and the last is the uppermost one: First level is composed by mean traps, puzzles and combat; Second level is a labyrinth with a construct Minotaur - the Minotal - and an iron wyvern, brand new creatures; The last and uppermost level is actually a jungle-like demi-place filled with dinosaurs in an open world format. Aenor Gleenwith, a powerful elf wizard, wants to make history alongisde Acererak for his Tomb of Horror and Halaster for his Undermountain. So he created his own dungeon. To test its efficiency, he captures adventurers and puts them in the lowermost level, where they need to work together to survive and leave the dangerous place. At the end, Aenor himself greets the group offering them apologies for the harm caused, to fix all damage caused and also rewarding them for the forced help. This module can be run in any setting, campaign, or as a one-shot. It should take around 10 to 14 hours to complete it since it contains 3 Chapters.

Cover of Tessa's Gambit : A Thieves Guild's Civil War
Tessa's Gambit : A Thieves Guild's Civil War
5th Edition
Level 3
24 pages

Mystery, intrigue, infiltration. The inner politics of an active thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild Fence, Tessa, knows the head of her Guild is trying to kill her. But there is more at stake than their lives, the very soul of the Guild is in peril. Tessa turns to a party of adventurers to find evidence of the Guild Master's betrayal, uncover his shadowy benefactor, and support her in an All-Masks meeting to determine the fate of the Misbegot Thieves. As well as an adventure, this book can also be used to give you the framework of a Thieves Guild in an agnostic setting and offer quest seeds for follow up quests working to get the Misbegot Thieves Guild back on track. Sharpen your knives and prepare for war.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #8: Mysteries of the Drow
Dungeon Crawl Classics #8: Mysteries of the Drow
3.5 Edition
Levels 7–9
46 pages

Originally designed as a convention module, this adventure sends the heroes into the underdark to do battle against the mysterious denizens of the deep! A drow housemistress commissions the characters to acquire a mysterious weapon known to be in the hands of her dark elf enemies. Locating, identifying, and acquiring the magical weapon leads the heroes on a great trek across the underdeep, where they must battle svirfneblin, a powerful lich, and enemy drow. This adventure us specifically designed for play by drow characters, but can be used with any adventuring party. Pregenerated drow characters are included.

Cover of Warpath of Gruumsh
Warpath of Gruumsh
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
48 pages

In this level 3 adventure, the heroes face off against a band of orcs who live on islands in a pool of their orc god's blood. Warpath of Gruumsh is part 2 of the Litany of Arrows adventure path, following up on the platinum-selling Castle of Corellon adventure. This can very easily be run as a standalone adventure. Warpath of Gruumsh contains three versions of each full-color map (untagged, player's map and DM's Map), original artwork, one page of new magic items, and full entries on 6 new monsters, including mithral dragons and blood moon harpies.

Cover of MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
5th Edition
Level 7
14 pages

Who is ready for a murder mystery? This scenario is completely customizable for a variety of levels available. We won't kid you, this scenario is not something you just throw on the table and play as soon as it is downloaded. A spreadsheet for understanding clues vs. suspects will need to be studied for you (the DM) to understand how to run the mystery. That being said, everytime we (myself & playtesters) have run it, it has been a smash! Like all of our offerings, you SHOULD customize it to fit your needs.

Cover of DE1 - Dark Echoes
DE1 - Dark Echoes
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
92 pages

A centuries old evil has been cultivating an environmental disaster deep under the earth, waiting for the time when it will be unleashed on the world. A new mine has been created above and has broken the seal. The owner of the mine has lost contact with their foreman and shipments have stopped, and it’s up to an inexperienced but eager group of adventurers to investigate. This adventure is designed to present a challenge for a group of four veteran players using first level characters. While there are opportunities for roleplay scattered throughout, this adventure is heavy on the exploration and combat pillars of fifth edition. Death is a real and ever-present threat as they investigate the mine and the dangers below. Success and survival should bring them to the third level, and they may have found some treasure well worth the effort. So much so that they may become targets themselves from unscrupulous and more experienced NPCs. Written to be a seed for a larger campaign in any high fantasy setting, the outcome of this adventure could have world-changing consequences. It introduces a new and growing threat that, given enough encouragement, greed, time and apathy, could consume the world and beyond.

Cover of Beneath the Ruins of Firestone Keep
Beneath the Ruins of Firestone Keep
5th Edition
Level 1
24 pages

Lord Blackmoor's son has been kidnapped, and is being held in the crypts beneath an ancient fortress. Can our heroes rescue the boy before he is sacrificed in a diabolical ceremony? The party responds to a plea for assistance from Lord Blackmoor, whose son Willet has been kidnapped. Blackmoor desperately needs someone to mount a rescue mission. The party journeys along the old East Trail, facing bandits and dangerous obstacles before delving beneath the ruins of Firestone Keep, encountering fearsome enemies and ancient magic. Finally, the party must fight for their lives as the truth about Willet’s abduction is revealed.

Cover of The Goblin Bathwater Incident
The Goblin Bathwater Incident
5th Edition
Level 1
54 pages

Synopsis: Goblin Bathwater, a magical drug, has taken hold in a sleepy coastal town at the edge of the Empire. As the characters investigate the origin of the drug, they uncover an international criminal conspiracy, wild and ancient magic, and a threat to reality itself. Contents: This beautifully made, 54-page adventure offers: A fully fleshed out, setting-agnostic starter area, brimming with colourful NPCs and hooks for adventure. Balanced encounters to bring characters to level 2; then some more devious encounters on their way to level 3. Three mini-dungeons built on the design philosophy of the "5 room dungeon method" Multiple big, cinematic set-piece boss encounters what will make your players feel epic. A facetted intrigue, which does not immediately suggest a simple, ready-made solution but invites the players to come up with their own, personal approach. Why pick this adventure? Hey, my name is Marius. This is my first time publishing on the DMs Guild but I wouldn't call myself a newcomer. I started playing Pathfinder 1e back in 2014. When I took over as our group's DM in 2019, we swapped over to 5e. We have run many, many modules and adventures since. Currently I play three games a week. In short: You could say I'm hooked. I created The Goblin Bathwater Incident as the ideal adventure for in-between your big modules, but it isn't a simple little adventure. With a playtime of about 30 hours, it still manages to hit that sweet-spot, where it establishes context, makes you grow fond of NPCs, and makes those big bossfight wins so much sweeter, all without taking more than a few sessions. The Goblin Bathwater Incident is different from many of the 1st tier adventures in that it pits the characters against traps and monsters, but also asks difficult, open-ended ethical questions, where a simple strategy of "apply sword to head of bad guy" will not cut it.

Cover of Threshold of Evil
Threshold of Evil
Levels 14–18
22 pages

On a storm-blasted mountain lives an immortal Arch-Mage with a foul temper. The townspeople want you to talk to him - and kill him, if necessary. Is immortality worth the price? An Arch-Mage's magics threaten a small village. To protect it the party must brave a dangerous climb, and survive the Mage's warded lair.

Cover of FN5 - The Holdfist Caverns
FN5 - The Holdfist Caverns
Levels 4–6
16 pages

The humanoids of the north are preparing to attack! Reports of large gatherings of evil creatures are coming in near the Holdfist Mountains. With more and more verified reports coming in something needs to be done quickly. With your fame firmly intact the people have asked your group to once again save the day....are you ready for your next challenge? Ya know....wasn't there an old castle around here somewhere?

Cover of Bastion of Broken Souls
Bastion of Broken Souls
3rd Edition
Level 18
48 pages

The Blood of Ancient Battles Rises An eternal demonic war draws dangerously close to an end, threatening the balance of all existence. At the crux of this chaotic feud resides a legendary terror fixated upon immortality at any cost. Only the most powerful heroes can hope to defeat a force that lies beyond the influence of the gods. "Bastion of Broken Souls" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game. Designed to challenge 18th-level D&D heroes, it pits them against some of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. This adventure is the last element in a collection of adventures designed to take characters from beginner to advanced levels of play (although no previous adventure need be played to play this one). "Bastion of Broken Souls" features an additional 16 pages of content for the same price as most of the previous adventures in the series. WOTC 88167

Cover of The Banshee’s Tale
The Banshee’s Tale
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
5 pages

The residents of Castle Gealladh have been visited by an ominous banshee with a warning: “Leave or die”. Your adventuring company finds themselves drafted by a wizard named Milo Tenpenny and tasked with investigating the castle and ridding it of undead. In your investigation, you will find that there is more to this warning than it seems — and that something far worse than spirits haunt this castle.

Cover of AL19 - Junket to the Southlands
AL19 - Junket to the Southlands
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
26 pages

AL19 – Junket to the Southlands has the PCs enjoying a little R&R in southern Allatrama when a caravan comes into town. Scuttlebutt has it that some famous Bard came in with them and is giving a performance later. With nothing else to do you opt to take a listen. After hearing the tales recited by the incredible poet you opt to visit the location of her stories. Saddle up folks, you’re heading into the frozen land to the south!