A community for lazy dungeon masters
1429 adventures found
Cover of The Belly of Gargantuel
The Belly of Gargantuel
Levels 1–2
14 pages

The carcass of a gigantic sea monster is now a small dungeon... Gargantuel was a gigantic sea monster (a whale? a prehistoric serpent? the Kraken? Leviathan itself?). She used to roam the high seas, destroying ships and devouring everything. Some of the people she swallowed survived in her belly. One of them, the sailor Torsti Seppänen, actually managed to turn the place into a comfortable habitat. One day, Gargantuel passed away. Her body now lies out in the open, luring the carrion-eater, the curious, the foolish. Strange creatures and artifacts await in the mounds of decaying flesh, and the insane Torsti Seppänen will do everything to defend his “home” from intruders. Statted for Lamentations of the Flame Princess, usable with any OSR type game. Hosted by eldritchfields.blogspot.com

Cover of F8 - Grotto of Torla Mir
F8 - Grotto of Torla Mir
Levels 4–6
17 pages

Your group has been requested by Archbishop Telamor Constran from the Church of Koassak to go on a rescue mission for one of his missing brothers who was taken by pirates. You have been enlisted because of your growing fame to barter a release out of the Pirate Lord Hannibal the Black. After three days of storms you awake to a really bad sound....Abandon Ship!

Cover of The Shortest Night of the Year
The Shortest Night of the Year
5th Edition
Level 0
7 pages

There is no night for faeries and the fey like Midsummer’s Eve, and the green woods hide many wondrous and magical things on the shortest night of the year. On this night, a group of curious villagers would be adventurers, perhaps wander into the forest and encounter the lonely rusalka, who asks for their help retrieving her lost heart before the night is done. Pgs. 7-14

Cover of Greenhouse of Nightmares
Greenhouse of Nightmares
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
32 pages

The natural world is dying and Thymia Scarletscale has had enough. It's time to destroy civilization and pluck the humanoid parasites from the face of this world. And honestly, is she wrong? Will the players succeed in infiltrating Thymia's lair The Verdant Phronstistery and bring an end to her schemes? Or will Thymia & her team of yuan-ti research assistants create an army of monstrous insects to wipe humanoids from the face of the world? Greenhouse of Nightmares is the first installment in Pretty Little Liches: a trilogy of adventures centered around three unique liches and their lairs designed for high-level play. These three lairs and the surrounding regions can be run independently as individual adventures or tied together into a mini-campaign that centers on the destruction of the Green Hand, an organization of dangerous liches. A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 4 (level 17-20) characters. This adventure includes: 6 Random Encounters for a Deadly Swamp, Battle Tactics for a 3-Stage Boss Fight, a CR 26 Medusa Lich with New Legendary Actions, 7 New Monsters, & 2 New Magic Items!

Cover of The Mines of Madness
The Mines of Madness
5th Edition
Level 3
47 pages

The wizard Abracadamus hid the Forever Stone in the darkest depths of a failing mine, coerced monsters into serving as guardians, and rigged the dungeon with traps galore. Then he died, as all good wizards do. Many heroes have fallen prey to the Forever Stone’s lure of immortality. To date, only one stalwart band has plunged into the Mines of Madness and lived to tell the tale. You think you’re better than them? You think you got what it takes to grab life by the stones and conquer the dungeon that won the 2012 Gygaxian Award* for Bonecrushing Awesomeness? We seriously doubt it, but go ahead . . . prove us wrong! Mines of Madness is a Very Special D&D® Next Adventure written for PAX East 2013 and designed for four 3rd-level characters.

Cover of OP14 - Mission from Mars
OP14 - Mission from Mars
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

An older man named Mars Barz approaches you and your associate as you wander the small town of Senja. He is a local alchemist and purveyor of elixirs and has a delivery mission he needs fulfilled. You’ve got time to kill…why not!

Cover of FT - Free City of Landos
FT - Free City of Landos
Levels 1–7
18 pages

A medium sized city is perfect for adventurers who are adventuring in or near a large plains environment where natives/barbarians can be found. Landos is set in a vast plains where natives simliar to American Indians would be from. The city itself is seeking to "civilize" itself by giving more space to upscale businesses as the native population moves back out to the plains. Landos is run by the Caravan Masters who are responsible for trade throughout the civilized lands. See also F6 - Euriduis of Santos. Landos is also the setting for the murder mystery Butchery of the Geldamore.

Cover of Domain of the Emerald Queen
Domain of the Emerald Queen
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
8 pages

The only requirement for this dungeon is a heavily forested area, meaning it can be dropped into just about any world. It ties in heavily with Fey creatures so I suggest a hook regarded some ancient relic hidden away by the Fey that must now be retrieved. Perhaps the former ruler had an agreement with the ones who hid this relic away, but a new ruler has taken the seat of the Emerald Queen and all agreements have been terminated.

Cover of The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
24 pages

A one-shot adventure of dark fantasy, tragedy, and horror... - 4-6 hour adventure for 3rd - 5th level characters. - 24 pages of an elegant, easy to read PDF. - 4 custom handouts that pair with the adventure. - 2 custom monsters. - 10+ trinkets and magic items for handing out to your players. - 6 gorgeous free battle maps that can be found here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/434359/Map-Pack-01--The-Sorrows-of-Southsward-Keep

Cover of Tower of Tragedy
Tower of Tragedy
5th Edition
Level 4
20 pages

Life was quiet and simple in the village of Sandford before the curse; people reported hearing voices in the woods; others dreamt of a tower, white like bone. Then people started disappearing; seasoned loggers and trappers who knew the forest like a second home. Something is spreading its evil around Sandford; could it be that tower? And can your party help save the village? "Tower of Tragedy" is a stand-alone adventure designed for 4th level characters, that involves elements of forest exploration and a short dungeon crawl. "Tower of Tragedy" promises a compelling story, interesting mechanics, and engaging battles. Includes full description for the Village of Sandford, the adventure, a new monster, and two new magical items.

Cover of Descent Into Dreams
Descent Into Dreams
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
10 pages

The lord of a local realm is having his council members systematically killed or cast out for treason with little to no evidence to support the claims. This has been occurring for some time and a local shaman by the name of Borjah thinks he knows the cause. In his visions, he has seen a strange spirit shifting the shadows, a puppet master using the lord as its personal servant by warping his mind. This entity is slowly gaining power in the city and increasing its dominance over Lord Kestyl. Borjah attempted to warn the council of this corruption, but all those he informed ended up dead a few days later, so now he is taking matters into his own hands . . . with a bit of help from some willing adventurers of course. Borjah has a few strands of Lord Kestyl's hair, enough to create a strange potion for the party to consume. A potion that will link their minds to that of the lord and be able to fight back against the corruption that has taken hold. All they need to do is wait until his mind is at its most vulnerable . . . when he is asleep. Then, and only then, they can plunge into the mind of this once nobleman and drive back the forces of darkness that threaten to destabilize the entire political landscape of the area. The potion is powerful. Dying while in this dream state cause such severe mental trauma that it usually results in the death of that individual in the real world, so the party will need to be careful. The rules of the normal world don't necessarily apply in the realm of dreams, and as they close in on the entity things are sure to grow more and more chaotic and illogical. Find out if your players have what it takes to fight back against an invisible evil using nothing but their strength of will!

Cover of The Misfit Maggot Five
The Misfit Maggot Five
5th Edition
Level 2
23 pages

Warchief Grog Bloodloaf has sounded the horn of war. Elf scum have stolen orc lands and the tasty halfling herds. For generations the Maggotsmasher Clan has watched and waited from the icy caves of the frozen mountains but that wait is over. Warchief Bloodloaf needs only the totem of leadership, the Dragon Crown of Durge Maggotsmasher, to unite the clans and begin his war. Five misfits have answered the call to brave the Caves of Throllorat and return with the crown. With a little luck, these five maggots will kill a few of the beasts within Throllorat before dying, making it easier for real warriors to complete the quest. The Misfit Maggot Five is a comdedic adventure where five rejects from the Maggotsmasher Clan are called upon to retrieve the famed Dragon Crown of Durge Maggotsmasher from the dreaded caves of Throllorat. Each of the characters are fully developed with their own unique personality that will give any Dungeons and Dragons group hours of laughs! The Misfit Maggot Five is a 5th edition comedy adventure for 2nd level monstrous humanoid characters. Published by The Pickled Dragon Press

Cover of The Hunt in Great Allindel
The Hunt in Great Allindel
Levels 4–7
15 pages

While you search for treasure, others search for you. A treasure vault without guards or traps - can it be true? Pgs. 16-30

Cover of Thunder Under Needlespire
Thunder Under Needlespire
Levels 8–12
23 pages

From the magazine: "The monster you're sent out after is so dangerous that even mind flayers fear it. And the illithids want your help!" Earthquakes hit the area around Needlespire mountain, affecting both dwarven and deep gnome villages, and the local mining industry. Deep gnome expeditions discover an illithid outpost! This adventure includes roleplaying encounters with both deep gnomes and illithid in their quest for the true cause of the earthquakes. The creature causing the earthquakes is a draknor which has sent its huge tentacles into the earth seeking magma to fuel its growth. Pgs. 38-60

Cover of It Fell From The Sky
It Fell From The Sky
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
15 pages

It Fell From The Sky is a science-fantasy adventure for 7th-9th level characters in which the player characters investigate a meteor that turns out to actually be a crashed interplanar craft containing advanced technology and alien creatures.

Cover of The Hungering Temple
The Hungering Temple
4th Edition
Level 28
6 pages

The adventurers have delved into the Abyss to strike at the Demon Lord of Undeath, Orcus. On the layer of Thanatos, the Blood Lord has many outposts from which he spreads his corruption. One of his primary lieutenants is Doresain, the Ghoul King. If the PCs kill Doresain in his lair, they will strike a real blow against the foul demon lord. Pgs. 174-179

Cover of FV4 - Ziggurat of Narvi
FV4 - Ziggurat of Narvi
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
25 pages

As the fledgling adventurers continue their movement throughout the area they begin to head towards the bustling Port City of Kak. To get to there from the Dy’oe Grasslands the party will need to navigate a river running along an overgrown section of the frontier. After obtaining the services of a strange riverboat captain the party heads down the river and into adventure! Between the wildlife, a mysterious old temple, and river pirates the party discovers getting to Kak is easier said than done!

Cover of Unearthed Adventures: Volume I
Unearthed Adventures: Volume I
5th Edition
Levels 1–18
9 pages

Unearthed Adventures Volume I is a collection of six professionally written one-page adventures for Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons. They are designed to be modular, they can be tossed into an ongoing RPG campaign or run as a single adventure. They're easily expanded upon to fit every DM's playstyle. Published by Crit Academy

Cover of The Apocalypse Stone
The Apocalypse Stone
Level 15
96 pages

"The end times approach. To everything there is a season. Every campaign has to come to an end sometime, so why not go out with a bang? The Apocalypse Stone is an epic adventure to challenge high-level characters, but beware, it will destroy your world. This adventure has it all: gods and devils, plague and pestilence, rains of fire, and world-shattering conflicts. Here is an opportunity for PCs to display undreamt-of heroism. . . or fall to ultimate defeat. The Apocalypse Stone is a tool for Dungeon Masters to present extremely challenging encounters for high-level parties, to wrap up a long-running campaign. . .or both. This adventure is a literal universe-ender. Past a certain point in the campaign, there is nothing the players can do. The world *will* end.

Cover of FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
14 pages

The Jail of Gundavold is a scenario designed for a solo player but adjustable enough for a party size if needed. After a foray into the wilderness Ruins of Borgdell, you found yourself ambushed with a bag tossed over your head. After a grueling trek across uncertain terrain you find yourself in jail. Are you smart enough to get yourself out of this mess?