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3288 adventures found
Cover of Deceitful Decent
Deceitful Decent
4th Edition
Level 9
6 pages

A newly constructed temple of Bahamut lies along a road outside a rural township. As the PCs approach the place, a scream for help erupts within it. Pgs. 60-65

Cover of Dark Sun: Fury of the Wastewalker
Dark Sun: Fury of the Wastewalker
4th Edition
Level 1
82 pages

On a trade road to the city-state of Tyr, a caravan is assaulted by a deadly obsidian shardstorm, forcing the survivors to band together and navigate the wastes to safety. But the force of nature that destroyed the caravan is under the malevolent control of the being known as the Wastewalker, who will stop at nothing to see the end of those that escaped his initial wrath. Can the heroes reach the Ringing Mountains before it’s too late?

Cover of Ssscaly Thingsss
Ssscaly Thingsss
Levels 3–6
14 pages

Second in the Mere of Dead Men series, your Patron, Sir Justin sends you to investigate Mornhaven Towers and the rumors that Lizard Men are plundering travelers on the High Road. Set in the Mere of Dead Men region of the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of Rank Amateurs
Rank Amateurs
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Somewhere ogre the rainbow.... You and your fellow humanoids are going to be diplomats! Can you say "disaster?" I knew you could. This module is made for humanoid monster PCs created with GAZ10 (The Orcs of Thar Gazetteer). That module is required to play through this adventure. The players start in the village of Flooshpragh, which acts as the horde center for the Rude Mongrel tribe of goblinoid races. Unknown to the players, the tribe has grown unmanagebly large, and the chief has marked the players as expendable individuals! Many subtle clues exist throughout the module to clue the players into this betrayal. The adventure proceeds through a town with roleplaying opportunities, a tower dungeon, and finishes by the players unknowingly pranking a human wizard. Pgs. 50-64

Cover of Shore Leave
Shore Leave
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

A 4 hour adventure on the high seas and in the Shadowfell optimised for 8th level characters A dangerous fugitive is on the run from the Lords Alliance and the Order of the Gauntlet. As the net closes in on the fugitive, the heroes are deputized by the order and boards a departing ship to flush out the target of the manhunt. Shore Leave is a product of the ENNIE 2020 Silver Winner RPG Writers Workshop. The first half of the adventure takes place on the high seas where the characters search for a dangerous fugitive hiding onboard a ship. When sahuagins board the ship and a kraken appears from a maelstrom, things get desperate. The second half of the adventure starts when the characters are shipwrecked in the Shadowfell where the manhunt continues through a dangerous bog. This adventure can be used as a: * Stand-alone one-shot adventure * Starting point for a Shadowfell campaign * Filler adventure to transport characters across vast distances via Shadowfell or dilate time

Cover of A12: When the Ship Goes Down
A12: When the Ship Goes Down
5th Edition
Levels 8–11
? pages

The PCs are asked by a friend, Captain Erfaran Honamatros, to find out what has caused the death of one of her fellow captains. After weeks of storms and bad weather, ships from Mohkba haven’t been arriving, but a body has floated in. Captain Honamatros is so concerned that she offers her ship, her crew and even to pay for the journey if the PCs come along, as well as everything they find unless it is a keepsake. The captains that sail the Serpent Lake are experienced women and men and the loss of a ship and its complement is a rare event outside of war. What starts out as a journey to discover what sank a ship quickly becomes more involved. Former companion creatures of a giant appear, telling of a floating island causing chaos, and when the PCs find this island, they discover it holds new occupants who have no wish to leave and a weather machine that has been damaged and is malfunctioning! The task is now to decommission the machine and make the sailing route safe once again. But where do you start when a violent storm is raging around the island and the giant’s former home is now upside down? Also included in ""When the Ship Goes Down”: Choice of crowd control rules to deal with a riot A minor artifact weather machine and its extreme weather table New Monster: the Elektrohydra New Monster variation: the Lightning Mephit (3.5E), Snow Roc and Incorporeal Giant 4 new Magical Items, including a Weather Machine in need of repair! 3 new Traps! Suggestions to adjust the encounters for parties of different levels and hooks to continue the adventure"

Cover of The Carver's Cave
The Carver's Cave
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
14 pages

While searching for a series of missing people in the Galago Hills, the party comes across a cave decorated with disturbingly life-like statues. What lurks in the cave isn’t anything as simple as a monstrous basilisk, however. After all, what evil could possibly be as dark and dangerous as that which lurks in the heart of mortal men?

Cover of THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔 Aumvor's Vault
THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔 Aumvor's Vault
5th Edition
12 pages

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ● Eight deadly encounters ● More deadly traps ● The water maze ● and Aumvor himself! Will your PCs escape with their lives or stand and face Aunvor and put an end to his deadly game?

Cover of Bastion of the Frost Lord
Bastion of the Frost Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
34 pages

It is Midwinter. The air is cold, the wine is warm, and all sensible adventurers have their feet up before a blazing fire. But a mysterious bard, a broken man, and a clockwork pig, lead our heroes into an extraordinary land full of strange magic and terrible danger. Before the adventure is over, they will be faced with a heartbreaking dilemma, one that can't be resolved through might alone. It features exploration, roleplaying, puzzle solving, and fanastical combat encounters! The adventure includes 10 new monsters, 8 new magic items, and an amazing map by Elven Towers!

Cover of The Arcanist Lock
The Arcanist Lock
5th Edition
Level 5
8 pages

You hear rumours of an unclaimed wizard's tower, a worthy prize for any practitioner of the arcane arts! Do you have what it takes to face its challenges and claim it as your own? This is the second in the Streets of Intrigue series: Downtime 1-1 adventures aimed at a player of a particular class, in this case the Wizard.

Cover of Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

"Can you solve the Labyrinth within 13 hours and get back what was stolen from you?" A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 characters optimized for APL 3 taking place in the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth, where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. This adventure takes place when the characters have been abruptly teleported into the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth. The Kobold King has given the characters thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth, or they will lose what he stole from them forever. "It's only forever, not long at all..." Pillars of Play: Skill challenges and exploration. Minimal/optional combat. Content warning: Non-consensual theft Adventure Inspiration: Jim Henson's Labyrinth (1986)

Cover of 30 Dead Men
30 Dead Men
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
12 pages

In this action packed scenario the players will be led down a violent path of vengeance. While traveling, the party encounters a beautiful foreign girl in danger. She only utters "help" before collapsing. After the quick and deadly skirmish the players learn that a poor girl is in fact a daughter of the eastern ambassador. She tells the players of all the terrible things that happened to her and begs them to act as her katharas, warriors who will return her honor. The bloody trail of revenge brings the players in a conflict with a vicious captain and his 30 warriors in several fully detailed combat encounters. They'll have to attack a bandit camp, defend a village against a raid and finally pick a champion for 1 on 1 duel to the death. 30 Dead Men features a short action adventure scenario. This adventure scenario is focused on combat encounters and strategic thinking.

Cover of Rivers Of Pollin
Rivers Of Pollin
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

The characters have been summoned to Pollin, a dwarven industrial city which prides itself on innovation and invention. When the Honey River which is source of all the power in the city runs dry they call for the aid of adventurers. The characters are brought before the Industrial Minister as he needs their help to solve the issue and fix the problem.

Cover of Moonless Market Festival
Moonless Market Festival
5th Edition
Level 1
10 pages

This guide describes how to run a one-session festival for your players. It combines a black market, costumes, and various activities suitable for different PC skills. The setting is a beach at night near a coastal town or city, but it can be easily adapted for other locations. It is suitable for players with little experience, and characters of any level. It makes a good first session for new players since they can try various skills without risk.

Cover of At the Heart of Corruption
At the Heart of Corruption
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

Bring a party of adventurers to a bustling city, where mysteries and dangers lurk around every turn. Just when you think you have the answers, a whole set of new questions arise. No matter which leads you follow, you will find yourselves... "At the Heart of Corruption" - one-shot murder mystery and fantasy horror adventure.

Cover of Frozen Whispers
Frozen Whispers
3.5 Edition
Level 3
9 pages

Despite the bitter cold that reigns here nine months of the year, the Timberway Forest has long been a source of prosperity for civilized folk who live nearby. Many trappers and hunters spend the better part of the year within its borders, stockpiling furs and meat to trade in the frontier towns to the south, where they spend their winters. Most feel that the value of these commodities makes braving the Timberway Forest worth the risk. Recently, though, a small group of trappers and hunters has awakened a terrible new menace in the forest. Based in a remote hunter's abode called the Bluerock Lodge, they hunted the animals of the woods more out of a deep-seated desire to be cruel than a need to feed themselves. In particular, they focused their hateful attention on the local Timberway lion population. Timberway lions are rather small (more like leopards), but they are known for being lithe and wary. Still, the trappers had the advantage of intelligence and tools, and before long they had slaughtered the entire pride save for its leader. As the winter worsened and game grew ever more scarce, this last surviving lion began to starve. At that point, the darker forces of nature took notice, and the Timberway Forest gained a predator like no other. Frozen Whispers is a short D&D adventure for four 3rd-level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set mostly in and near a remote hunter’s lodge in a snowy forest. The scenario can be placed in any cold area of your campaign world that features a remote tract of woodland—a copse of trees near the arctic circle, a swath of taiga near the treeline on a high mountainside, or even a normally temperate forest caught in the grip of an unnaturally snowy winter. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of Quelkin's Quandry
Quelkin's Quandry
Levels 3–5
11 pages

While visiting the small village of Carthington Cross, the PCs hear a tale about a wizard who unleashed an owlbear on Carthington Cross and its unsuspecting community. After a night of stories and gossip in the local inn, the heroes are approached in the morning by this same notorious wizard who needs their help. Includes an overland map and a map of Quelkin's manor.

Cover of Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
59 pages

Sometimes its better not to know... Citizens are turning up in the city in catatonic states, alive but devoid of personality. Are they the victims of an illness or disease, or is there something more sinister at work? Encountering one of these poor souls, the characters are drawn into an investigation of politics and treachery, seedy underworld dealings and rooftop chases, culminating in a fiery conclusion. Can they discover the cause of this epidemic before it’s too late?

Cover of Mordenkainen’s Mediocre Mansion
Mordenkainen’s Mediocre Mansion
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

Someone is killing the crops of the local villages. You must find who it is and stop them, but an early wizard experiment may make this harder than it first looks. A short adventure designed to be run in a single night for 3-5 characters between level 1 and level 3. The adventure includes graded encounters to cater for different group sizes and levels as well as summary creature blocks to aid the dungeon master.

Cover of DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
68 pages

A storm of unparalleled fury has been ravaging the peaks of the Earthspur Mountains for a tenday, and the Monastery of the Yellow Rose sits in its eye for now. Some monks have fled the monastery to the safety of Mulmaster and beseech you to convince their more obstinate brothers to retreat to the city before the eye of the storm shifts, and the monastery is in terrible danger. Can you brave the elements and convince the monks to escape? An eight-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.