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3288 adventures found
An Act of Betrayal
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–2
14 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. The adventurers must contact a recently-captured resistance fighter to uncover the identity of a traitor.

Cover of Lair of the Lava Queen - Pathfinder
Lair of the Lava Queen - Pathfinder
Levels 8–10
11 pages

Rumours tell of a secluded cave where a powerful cleansing artifact resides, guarded by a mythical creature that no one has seen and lived to tell the tale. Heat boils forth from this cave, and tortured shrieks echo on the wind. Do you have what it takes to brave the Lair of the Lava Queen?

Cover of Bandit's Nest
Bandit's Nest
5th Edition
Level 1
16 pages

A flock of kenku bandits have discovered the ruined remains of a temple site, and have used it as their hideout while they raid unsuspecting travelers on nearby roads. It's up to the PCs to clear their nest, recover stolen goods, and rescue their hostages. Will the players be bested by these dirty birds? Or will they have the bandits eating crow?

Cover of The Haunted Hamlet - and other hexes
The Haunted Hamlet - and other hexes
Low Level
40 pages

The Haunted Hamlet and other hexes details four unique modular locations for your game. Made for old school essentials, but can easily be used with other old-school systems or even 5E. The four locations detailed in the zine focus on gameable content and being easy to use at the table. The locations are not connected to one another and can be sprinkled onto your campaign map however you like, or run as one shots. The PDF is graphic and art heavy and utilizes random tables and other tools to make it easier for GMs to run in a pinch. Details: 40 pages Single column text 8.5 x 5.5 aspect Black & White Bookmarks Four hex locations Random tables A rival NPC party A sky merchant A one page town Two hirelings

Cover of HWQ1 The Milenian Scepter
HWQ1 The Milenian Scepter
Levels 6–8
64 pages

Civil War Unrest. Turmoil. Rebellion. As above, so below - the cataclysmic events of the Wrath of the Immortals echo throughout the Hollow World setting. The Milenian Empire, with its classical Greek culture, has not escaped. Already the streets are un-safe, and the omens are getting worse... The emperor is dead... long live the emperor! But is the new emperor a man of the people, or a tool in the hands of malevolent powers? Walk carefully, for no stranger is safe upon the streets these days, and adventurers least of all! The mood of the capital city is turning ugly. Minions of the new emperor look on uncaring, while citizens disappear and philosophers fall to heedless mobs. The old emperor's elite guards are disbanded and scattered. Disorder reigns, and restless citizens threaten open revolt. And yet... a whisper is heard. Civil war can be averted. An ancient artifact, the Milenian Scepter, can rally those who would serve the Empire best. But the Scepter has been lost for generations, and who can say where it might be? The trail leads into the depths of the city, and across a dangerous wilderness to a forgotten oracle. For the lucky and the bold, perhaps it will lead to... THE MILENIAN SCEPTER This stand-alone adventure is compatible with the Wrath of the Immortals boxed set and the accessory HWR3, The Milenian Empire. You will need the D&D Hollow World boxed set to play this adventure. Easily adaptable to the AD&D game. TSR 9378

Cover of FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
Levels 7–9
18 pages

Half a century ago the legendary mage Delekin reached his zenith but began a fall of monumental disaster. After being betrayed by his party the mage changed alignment and began a cruel tirade against the residents. He was finally taken down by the Lords of Evil and imprisoned in a tomb created to lure good adventurers to their death. Many have entered the unholy locale and none have returned. Whatever evil is present in the tomb is powerful, and most likely very wealthy. This adventure is one of the Original series i.e. an early work!

Cover of Stonefast
Low Level
11 pages

Introductory adventure included with the 1991 "Black Box" edition of D&D

Cover of Save His Bacon
Save His Bacon
Pathfinder 2e
Level 1
9 pages

It’s a beautiful autumn day. The sun is shining off of leaves that are turning gorgeous shades of red and orange and yellow. What could possibly spoil the Otari Fall Farm Faire and Festival on such a day? That’s exactly what farmer Bum Tuggles thought as his precious pig, Hamilton, won the blue ribbon for finest hog in the show. The answer was simple — goblins! Goblins rushed the faire, their cackles and roars filling the air as they slaughtered without mercy. They sowed chaos and fear while a small group went straight for Hamilton. For some reason, they didn’t kill him; they took him. Now farmer Tuggles is offering a handsome reward for anyone that can track down these goblins, and bring him back his pig. Can you…Save his bacon? Save His Bacon is a short Pathfinder Second Edition adventure designed for four to first-level adventurers. Save His Bacon contains: A custom map of the upper level of an abandoned dwarven mine Custom Hazards Unnumbered and ungridded maps for use in your favorite VTT

Cover of Love's Sorrow
Love's Sorrow
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
7 pages

The night mist hangs low around von Helter Manor. A man and woman share a tender moment on their balcony after the best night of their lives—a flash of red as they fall. Blood begins pooling around them, staining the earth crimson. A mysterious figure grins in the darkness. The Red Lady has taken her next victim. Pgs. 75-81

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge
Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
38 pages

A city of burgeoning technology beset upon by intrigue and insurrection, Samon has been a thorn in Emperor Hitoshi's side since suffering in the rebellion against the Kengen Occupation, its wounds still fresh on the minds of its citizens. It is not beneath the notice of Hakaisuru Bengoshi however, and the adventurers are ordered by one such official to make certain that the Tazuki Rail company's doings are not curtailed by its increasingly aggressive laborers and their shadowy union, the Fangs. Little do they know that the bite of the fangs carries a far deadlier poison than any worker's ire! What you’ll find in Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge: A complex cast of 20 NPCs beautifully illustrated by Nathanael Batchelor interwoven in an impressive tale of deceit, false trails, intrigue, and lethal adversaries The city of Samon, a settlement in the northern prefecture of Hakaisuru and home to Soburin’s most prosperous railroad company Four maps by cartographer Mike Myler: an isometric view of Samon, an isometric map of the Tazuki Rail Offices, a combat map of the Chujiang Gardens, and a combat map of the Tazuki Rail Basement The dangerous Mists of Akuma and the new misted condition The hengeyokai race and kitsune, nezumi, usagi, and (new!) hebi (snake) subraces The adeddo-oni and true hebi templates as well as a coterie of statblocks: adeddo-oni hunchling, adeddo-oni mage, adeddo-oni ninja, adeddo-oni samurai, factory worker, nuwa the brute (a true hebi), wajdet the charlatan (a true hebi), the many-faceted hengeyokai ninja, and the hebikontorora snake woman

Cover of Sea Reavers of the Shrouded Crags
Sea Reavers of the Shrouded Crags
4th Edition
Level 15
29 pages

A group of mysterious, sea raiders— capable of appearing from out of nowhere, striking, and disappearing— has terrorized a group of coastal states for some time. Now the leader of the states has asked the characters to infiltrate the raiders, find out how they operate, and put a stop to their activities. But once the heroes join the raiders, things aren’t as clear as they were led to believe. Will they succeed at their mission? Or join the raiders themselves? Pgs. 54-82

Cover of X5 Temple of Death
X5 Temple of Death
Levels 6–10
32 pages

Sent on a desperate mission into an unknown land, you must seek out the one called "the Master" and his Temple of Death. There is little time to waste, as you must act before the Master's armies destroy your homelands. But to complete your task, you must battle fearsome guardians, travel through a hostile kingdom, and discover the secret of the master. Can you survive his defenses and win? This module contains referee's notes, background, maps and detailed keys. It is the second adventure in the two-part Desert Nomads series begun in X4, Master of the Desert Nomads, but it can stand on its own as a seperate adventure. Wheter you play Temple of Death by itself or as part of a series, the adventure will offer you hours of excitement and fun! TSR 9069

Cover of FC4 – Valtarius's Retreat
FC4 – Valtarius's Retreat
Levels 9–12
19 pages

This adventure begins with the party chasing down a thief who has procured the crown of a local Marquis. The trail goes to a northern border community in the dead of winter and potentially ends at the ruins known as Valtarius's Retreat which secured the border in the “old days”. The ruins are currently home to a dreaded Dracolich who will most likely not care to be disturbed by a group of adventurers! Can the party recover the crown and remain alive?

Cover of Outfitted with Artifice
Outfitted with Artifice
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
7 pages

This adventure can be used in any setting that features landowning nobility as a social class. It focuses on the Firebird, a mythical creature from Slavic folklore similar to the phoenix. The characters begin inside a tailor’s shop where they’ve been gathered by Pero Toporov, the best tailor in the city of Krylo. The city is ruled by the confident and insensitive Baron Yuri, who commissioned Pero to create a beautiful cloak woven with the feathers of the Firebird, a creature known for its healing powers. Pero agreed on the condition that their work would be used to aid Yuri's citizens, who have been sick and ailing under Yuri's restrictive rule. Instead, the Baron took the cloak for himself. Pero is hiring the adventurers to help them break into the Baron’s fortress and steal the cloak back without being caught. The characters find a way inside the fortress and break into the dungeon, where the cloak is supposedly hidden away. Within the dungeon, the party finds the Firebird itself locked in a golden cage where Baron Yuri—wearing the magic cloak—is antagonizing it. Baron Yuri attacks them to protect his treasure and is not open to negotiation. However, the characters may try to befriend or capture the Firebird. If they sway the bird to their side it may help them fight the Baron. Once Baron Yuri is defeated, the characters can take the cloak for themselves or return it to Pero. Dethroning the Baron earns them the gratitude of the city’s people. If they return the cloak, Pero pays the adventurers and assures them that the cloak will be used for good from now on. Pgs. 173-179

Cover of The Silvered Edge of Twilight
The Silvered Edge of Twilight
5th Edition
Level 4
32 pages

The characters arrive in Thaliost, a city rife with unresolved tensions from the Last War. Through danger and discovery, the party will discover that the Lammanian artifact they were sent to escort back to Sharn has been stolen. They’ll have to track down the thief, who jumps onto the Five Nations Express, House Orien’s flagship lightning rail service, in a bid to escape to the Eldeen Reaches and open a gate to apocalypse.

Cover of Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire
3rd Edition
Level 2
12 pages

Don't Get Burned! Follow a half-forgotten legend to treasures untold and a fiery doom. Pgs. 30-41

Cover of An Artist's Errand
An Artist's Errand
Levels 6–8
23 pages

To a reigar, art doesn't imitate life, it is life. "An Artist's Errand" is an AD&D Spelljammer adventure for 4-6 good-aligned characters of level 6-8 (about 35 levels total). The module assumes the party is familiar with spelljamming. The party should include at least one spell-caster, preferably a wizard, but a party of resourceful (and powerful) fighters and rogues should be able to complete the adventure. PCs with an understanding of navigation, elvish, and engineering will come in handy as well. The party need not own a spelljamming ship to complete this adventure. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of The House under the Moondial
The House under the Moondial
Levels 3–4
100 pages

There is a witch in the wilds, a goddess unremembered, and a madman. There is a circle of stone - who knows what lies beneath? The villagers are distraught: their children! replaced by fae! The villagers are distraught: who heeded their plea? Ravenous inquisitors, that's who. Oh, and adventurers... This investigative folkcrawl adventure module contains: * an isolated village full of secrets, riddled with strange traditions, * adventure sites and dungeons populated by peculiar denizens, * a small Fae Realm to explore, weird and perilous, * a terrible fae threat and too many curses, * unlikely friends, and foes nobody expects! An OSR adventure module for character levels 3-4, designed for use with the Old-School Essentials ruleset, compatible with most old-school pen-and-paper RPGs. Includes a fully-linked interactive PDF, a fillable Referee's Toolkit, and player-friendly VTT maps.

Cover of Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
5th Edition
Levels 4–10
17 pages

In this small 20 page adventure module, discover an island infested with giant spiders and hope that you don't get caught too deep in their web... Spider Isle- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 4, 7 or 10. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign. Featuring 4 original statblocks, and a new playable race, find out what terrors await your players in Spider Isle. An Island Adventure Dungeon Short.

Cover of Getting Your Feet Wet
Getting Your Feet Wet
5th Edition
Level 1
7 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has welcomed its newest team to the fold, assigned to the Keeper Reese Kincaid for instruction. The recruits are green, but capable. Their Keeper has devised a job for them to assess their talents. If his new team is successful, he gets some insight as to how his new Scraps operate, in addition to scratching something off his to-do list. If they die trying, well, then Reese has one fewer thing to worry about. The party must track down the slum thief Dale E’ssio, and reclaim valuables marked for the guild. Should anything unfortunate happen to Dale, there must be no evidence tracing things back to Ebonclad. The mission will require the party to enter Kintalla’s sewers to ultimately confront Dale E’ssio in a ruined slum house. Characters may have to explore the city while trying to get a lead on him.