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1034 adventures found
Cover of DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants
DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
30 pages

A magical storm builds over the Anauroch desert bringing portents of death and destruction to Faerûn. Giants imbued with the power of death itself threaten to permanently destroy the giant Ordning and small folk in their wake. Can you stop these unnatural giants and those that seek to control them? A 2 Hour Adventure for 17th-20th Level Characters. Optimized for five 18th-level characters.

Cover of Base of Operations
Base of Operations
3rd Edition
Level 5
7 pages

Base of Operations is a short adventure intended for four 5th-level characters. DMs can easily modify the adventure to suit higher- or lower-level adventurers, or larger or smaller parties of adventurers. Simply adding a few monsters to every encounter area makes the adventure more challenging for larger parties, and adding levels to any of the humanoids can make them more of a threat to high-level groups. For low-level adventurers, make the relationship between the two factions within Brightstone Keep more strained, and take away a few monsters from each group. You can remove levels from some of the humanoids in the adventure to make it a lower-level challenge, but it is important that the orc cleric (described in encounter area 8) still have the ability to animate the dead. Still, he can have fewer minions around him when encountered, and that makes him less of a challenge for a lowlevel party.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: The Yai Sovereign of Storms
Mists of Akuma: The Yai Sovereign of Storms
5th Edition
Levels 7–8
28 pages

Soburin’s human nobility are not the only rulers that are in need of outside agents since the corrupting fogs reappeared; even oni warlords have found the Mists of Akuma to bring challenges, obstacles, and threats beyond their ken. Yona, the undisputed master of the secret city of Tsukisasu, lost control of her throne only a few weeks ago to a strange creature that capered out of a storm intermingled with the supernatural haze, and her agent Xiqzoxix is keen to remove the usurper as soon as possible. The PCs are the group ze has chosen for this momentous task and should they accept the oni bengoshi’s offer, a deadly set of trials await them on top of the mountain—though the longer they dally, the more powerful their adversary grows. To defeat Obiemashita the party will have to first find Tsukisasu, covertly investigate the town, and then disrupt the yai sovereign of storm’s rituals and slay it before all hell breaks loose, spilling untold violence down onto the already embattled lands of the prefectures below! Will you conquer Tsukisasu or be subsumed by the storm? In The Yai Sovereign of Storms you’ll find… A monstrous adventure set in Mists of Akuma, an eastern fantasy noir steampunk campaign setting for the latest edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game The secret monstrous city of Tsukisasu and a collection of its oni citizens 2 maps by cartographer Mike Myler: the hidden settlement of Tsukisasu as well as Yona’s Fortress The Mists of Akuma themselves and the new misted condition 2 new attributes to posit the unique aspects of the campaign setting in the minds of your players: Dignity and Haitoku The adeddo-oni template and 10 new monsters: adeddo-oni hunchlings, adeddo-oni samurai, adeddo-oni ninja, gaki, hebikontorra, monsuthant, tikbalang, Xiqzoxix the oni bengoshi, the Katana of Rizushi Kantaro, and the Yai Sovereign of Storms Obiemashita

Cover of BASIC01: A Learning Time
BASIC01: A Learning Time
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
? pages

CALLING ALL BEGINNER GMS AND PLAYERS! Prepare to be schooled! Exallizar Preparatory Academy is a place that, for generations, has trained the best and brightest heroes in the land. All of the students are the children of famous heroes, and as one of the fortunate attendees, it is your job to uphold the legacy of excellence attached to your family name. As a student in Exallizar, you will be put through the paces like never before. This first year will see you and three strangers attempting the Gauntlet – a mysterious crucible that will put all of your studies to the test! Also included in “A Learning Time”: The first look at an exciting new miniature campaign setting specifically intended for the basic version of Pathfinder Four new iconic pre-generated PCs for quick and immersive play A classic monster never before seen in the basic version of Pathfinder A grading system to let you know how well you’ve done at the end of the adventure The first chapter of a series of seasonally thematic modules that can be run to completion in 3-6 hours HERO LAB files available for all encounters within the adventure as well as the BASIC Iconics, all playable as PCs!

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #79: The Half-Dead City (Mummy’s Mask 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #79: The Half-Dead City (Mummy’s Mask 1 of 6)
Level 1
91 pages

The Mummy's Mask Adventure Path begins with "The Half-Dead City," an exciting new adventure in the pyramid-laden realm of Osirion, Land of Pharaohs! In the city of Wati, the church of Pharasma holds a lottery allowing explorers to delve the tombs of the city's vast necropolis in search of the nation's lost glories. In the course of investigating dusty tombs and fighting their ancient guardians and devious traps, the heroes encounter a group of rival adventurers intent on keeping one tomb's treasures for themselves. At the same time, the heroes learn that a dangerous artifact has been stolen from the tomb. Can the adventurers defeat their rivals, or will they fall to the undead defenders of the city's necropolis?

Cover of Defense of First Tower
Defense of First Tower
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
35 pages

In this adventure for the Eberron Campaign Setting a group of adventurers travels to the well known but seldom explored thorp of First Tower, 27 miles north of Sharn, the City of Towers. The adventurers must solve a terrible event that happens on the House Orien lightning rail, but then will have some time to relax and have fun in the many events and fun things that happen in the festive town of First tower. In the third act, the adventurers must find a way to fight or negotiate with an orc tribe that claims a section of the land as theirs.

Cover of FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
17 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 5 takes a single PC and DM back to a popular ‘haunt’. With the normal group taking a little time off your PC hears of a gambling tourney in Penchant which coincides with the annual Reaping Festival. Give your player a chance to “howl at the moon” in this quick but dangerous adventure! Remember, Penchant is not for the faint of heart…but have no fear, the adventure is free so no risk in that regard.

How to Scare a Crow
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
5 pages

This adventure sees the party tumbling between two mad goblin inventors. This is the first time the characters will meet Professor Passifou and his inventions. Also available in French

Cover of Beyond the Vale of Madness
Beyond the Vale of Madness
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
? pages

"It was already a freezing morning when you set out for the legendary Castle of Madness – the mysterious castle that is said to emerge from blizzards once every seven winters. " In this short treasure hunt for one 2nd level player, you'll brave an frigid mountain, an icy cave, and a haunted castle to bring home a pile of loot. Written as a digital gamebook, you will keep track of your character's hit points, spells, and inventory on your character sheet, and keep track of enemies using your own scratch paper. The game will play GM and all enemies.

Cover of DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets
DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
19 pages

The yuan-ti have a long, storied past in the history of Chult. So, if they are to be defeated, we must look back into history. Within the jungles, a number of cities fell into ruin during the Year of Blue Fire. Both the merchant princes and factions believe that if discovered, they likely contain knowledge that’ll prove invaluable in the battles to come. Get looking! A Four-Hour Adventure for 11th – 16th Level Characters

Cover of A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn
A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
23 pages

A haunted house, a missing person, and a hint of wild fey magic. In the kingdom of Norland in the Moonshae Isles, King Keethan rules by the will of Torm the True, though in Glen Dourn folk still hold true to the old ways—a dense and layered folklore of monsters and tales to frighten children. It is to this remote valley that Keethan bids you make haste to seek out signs of his beloved cousin, Lady Sorcha Hannigard. Sorcha vanished on her wedding day three years ago, sending her groom and neighbours alike into mourning. But where can she have gone? The only remaining clues to this mystery lie in her abandoned mansion home, where powers less wholesome have now taken up residence. The Dread Coven will not give up what they know so easily, although they will strike a bargain if you’re willing to pay the price in pain.

Cover of Blinsky's Toyshop
Blinsky's Toyshop
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
38 pages

Blinsky's Toyshop is our take on what happens to Blinsky and Piccolo during, or after the Curse of Strahd campaign. Blinsky, the toymaker in Vallaki with the cute monkey wearing a pink tutu, received a large inheritance from a long-time client. The client, Obtavius Swat, a retired adventurer and avid collector of toys, left his entire estate to Blinsky. The estate included coin, precious gems, art, and his collection of toys, some made by Blinsky and others he acquired during his travels. Blinsky used the fortune to pay a wizard to create a small island in the middle of Lake Zarovich, located just outside of Vallaki. He then paid masons and workers to build a fantastic new toyshop, which he designed to be an experience for both the young and old alike. Though the number of children in Barovia was increasing, mostly imparted to the devil Strahd’s downfall, Blinsky wanted to touch the inner child of the adults in the city. He wanted happiness. He wanted smiles. He named the castle Blinsky’s Toyshop of Marvels. One of the toys, a small silver tiara kept in a black satin-lined ivory jewelry box, was such a lovely piece. Blinsky couldn’t stand the thought of leaving it in the box. He already had enough gold and losing the small tiara wouldn’t be a large loss, so he decided to give it to his monkey – Piccolo (see Creatures of the Toyshop). He smiled at the thought of her running around in her pretty, shiny tiara. Sadly, as Barovian luck would have it, trapped inside the tiara is the sole of an evil gnome wizard named Aribetha Strangge. In his old age, Obtavious Swat forgot that he and his fellow adventurers used the tiara to imprison the gnome’s soul. Yesterday, when Blinsky placed the tiara on Piccolo’s head, silver tendrils cascaded from the tiara and into poor Piccolo’s skull, allowing Aribetha to control the monkey. Now, Aribetha has incapacitated Blinsky in the toyshop’s tower, brought many of the toys to life, and imprisoned or killed many of the workers and customers. The adventure includes costumes (which the character may wear), Strahd Hand Puppets, and a possessed Piccolo.

Cover of Back To The Sea
Back To The Sea
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Uncover the curious tale... When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering the mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 3-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Contains 3 beautiful original digitally illustrated Maps. Unique Monsters and interesting combat scenario. Encourages player creativity and problem solving. Screen reader version.

Cover of Upsetting the Balance - A Tome of Foes Adventure
Upsetting the Balance - A Tome of Foes Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
12 pages

When the adventurers are tasked with destroying a symbol of Demogorgon, they end up falling foul of the great mage Mordenkainen himself – or at least a simulacrum of him. Will they agree to help maintain the great Balance of the Blood War, even if means sacrificing innocent lives in the process?

Cover of The Slaying Stone
The Slaying Stone
4th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

In the ruins of Kiris Dahn, a human town, lies a 'Slaying Stone'. The stone is said to have the power to kill any foe, though the stone is consumed in the process. The party will venture into the ruins which are the home to an assortment of goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds. However, a mercenary band of orcs have been hired (by a benefactor who is not met in the module) to search the ruins for the Stone, and the party must find it first. The party must use caution and stealth to move through the town without alerting the denizens or the mercenaries while searching strategic points around the abandoned town to find the Stone. Eventually, the party should find the stone under the protection of an indifferent Brass Dragon.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills
1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills
Levels 5–7
24 pages

Starvation looms for the people of the Wolf tribe! The elk have all but disappeared and the risky move of the tribe near the Bear clan territory has proved fruitless. An emergency council of the elders has declared that a single hearty warrior must make the dangerous journey deeper into Bear territory to find a source of food. The council has chosen you for this mission of great importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have gone and bring back food for the winter or at least enact Wolf people retribution against the source of the oncoming famine! Into The Forbidden Hills you must travel, heart full of hope and anger…

Cover of Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
4th Edition
Levels 8–22
160 pages

In the aftermath of AD&D Second Edition's "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," the demilich Acererak was thought destroyed. In truth, his spirit lingered and now after eons he schemes once more to achieve divinity. The characters must travel to three extraplanar dungeons, in addition to the remains of the original Tomb, in order to stop this from coming to pass.

Cover of KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
5th Edition
Medium Level
23 pages

The Triad Series comes to a head with the party be called upon to again save the land. While successes against both the Goat and Lion branches of the triad have been successful, the toughest group, the Dragons, has formed the army and is moving against the forces of good. Can your party meet the force that General Barsoon has assembled?

Cover of H1 Bloodstone Pass
H1 Bloodstone Pass
Level 15
56 pages

This adventure is designed for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game and the AD&D Battlesystem Fantasy Combat supplement. It cannot be played without these games This is the first Battlesystem supermodule. The tiny village of bloodstone pass s menaced by an army of thousands of brigands - orcs, goblins, giants, and human renegades led by a powerful assassin. Outnumbered and helpless, the villagers must pay tribute in gold, food...slaves. Two villagers have traveled far to find aid for their people. They have turned to you, brave and powerful adventurers, as their only hope they cannot afford to pay more than a few silver pieces a day, but their need is great. You are invited to save the people of Bloodstone Pass. Can you organize a defense, train and equip the peasants, recruit allies, gather intelligence?and win the war? Bloodstone Pass is an exciting good aligned, high-level (15+) adventure that combines role-playing with the thrill of mass combat. TSR 9122

Cover of TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
Level 1
20 pages

A barroom brawl at a country inn causes the destruction of a priceless relic and the heroes are responsible. Now they must chase down a host of ancient artifacts, lost in a haunted wood, to repay their debt. While the heroes search for the items to clear their name, another group of scoundrels plots their downfall from the depths of the mysterious forest. Only one group will emerge victorious. The Forest King is long dead and no one has seen his priceless regalia in many years, lost as it is to the depths of his haunted domain. Now the objects must be found if justice is to be served, but an eternal guardian stands watch, ready to deal with all intruders.