In the ancient town of Cragwatch, the first harpy reveals that the legend of her origin is a malicious lie. The story goes that she pined for unrequited love, but in truth she was punished for refusing to submit to a god’s will. The harpy cannot reveal this truth alone. The party has been summoned to stop her tale from spreading. Will they discover the true story, or will they help to silence it?
A little beer, a little trouble, a little party on the rubble. Can't a half-ogre find a little peace in the riverside town full of adventurers, bigots, and thieves? "'Trouble at Grog’s' presented something no one ever expected to see: a sympathetic half-ogre. All Grog wanted to do was settle down as proprietor of the Happy Half-Ogre Inn and Tavern. Little did he know his success would rub the competition the wrong way, leading to some 'inn-fighting' with the owner of the rival Dagger Rock Tavern, Yuri Kineron." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 41-64
"Taking an iron grip on his nerves, he strode confidently into the dark portal, naked steel in hand, and vanished within." (The Castle of Terror) Conan of Cimmeria Thoth-Amon, the greatest living sorcerer of the Hyborian Age, threatens the peace of Aquilonia. His tragic mistake is that he threatens Conan also, for Conan is now King of this mighty land. Conan and his companions, Pelias, Prospero, and Nzinga journey across the plains of Shem and Stygia to test their will and power against this wicked sorcerer. Battle with them to conquer the evil forces that endanger their land! TSR 9124
Set in the world of Dragonlance (a popular setting that has appeared in numerous previous editions of DnD), this campaign book takes players from Levels 1 to 11 and finds them caught up in a devastating war between the forces of Krynn and an army lead by the ruthless dragon goddess Takhisis. The campaign book also includes new world info, subclasses, races and magic items.
Storms frequently blow from the Cloudscape Mountains, but never one like this: For weeks it has hung over the peaks, casting its dark shadow across the land. Its huge black clouds billow and writhe in an effort to smother the sun. Once so picturesque and enchanting, the Cloudscape Mountains have taken on a sinister appearance. Fear now stalks the land. A malignant entity is growing and festering high in the mountain peaks. With dark tendrils, it reaches out towards the lowlands. No one is safe. Caravans are not arriving at the village of Lurneslye. It is only a matter of time before the villagers fall prey to the dark clouds and the evil they conceal. TSR 9151
This area of adventure is a continuation from FV1 – Jeopardy Caverns and picks up where the party left off. If your party discovered the “back door” this is where it leads. It also offers an opening that flanks Jeopardy Caverns that has a perilous rope bridge to navigate! This area provides multiple smaller adventures and was utilized to get the party from different adventures. Portions of this adventure can be used as fillers in your own campaign. I hope you enjoy it as much as my players did!
Tales of Lady Sepha Lekore are known throughout the lands. Now she’s gone missing and her father Lord Lekore is offering a reward to anyone that can find her. With promises of a tidy sum, the adventuring party can investigate the last place she was seen to try and locate her. What they find will take them into the Underdark lair of a drow noblewoman with her eloped love, the young Lady Lekore.
As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion. — Antisthenes The destruction of Cyre and creation of the Mournland marked the end of The Last War. Since then, a towering wall of mystic fog has covered what used to be the nation of Cyre. Those who have ventured inside and made it out have spoken of unusual beasts, wild warforged, and other strange occurences. Most stay away. Others dedicate their lives to plundering the mysteries beyond the veil. House Cannith is the House of Making and, despite being split over the destruction of their homeland, they are still very adamant about keeping their monopoly over arcane creations and are very suspicious of anything coming out of the Mournland. Recently, rumours reached the heads of the Cannith South enclave that some scavengers working for the Daask organisation actually captured living spells from inside the Mournland and brought them back to Sharn for study, taming, and who knows what else. Now Cannith employs independent contractors to enter the secret lab, and destroy the research and its future. Another group will hunt down the actual scavengers and eliminate the spells themselves. This adventure takes place in Sharn, the City of Towers, some time before the formation of the independent adventurers organisation by 'The Twelve'. It is an infiltration mission in hostile territory which includes some investigation, maybe a bit of socialising, and some quick dungeon-crawl elements. It is designed for multiple possible endings. In my mind, this adventure is E for Everyone and doesn't contain anything dark, NSFW, or triggering beyond any other standard D&D adventure.
This adventure was not meant to be a serious campaign addition but could with some tweaking. Instead, we present this as more of a seasonal classic based on a popular movie. The scenario is a solo PC attempting to locate a runaway during the holidays. With a gypsy, a runaway, and an old “abandoned” house what could possibly go wrong?
Once a powerful proponent of Law, the Archmage Tazimack the Red was eventually driven mad by a fear of mortality. As he slipped into insanity his retirement home began to reflect the chaotic bent of his mind. Long after Tazimack’s unnaturally animated body has disintegrated, his manor house remains as a shadow cast by a twisted intellect. Can the characters bring order to this chaos?
Nobody complained when the raids by goblins stopped. Until word got around that the monsters had been slain by other monsters! Our heroes have been sent to investigate and remove any remaining threat. Published by Fortiter Games.
War brews beneath the emperor's notice, nature convulses as unholy demons bring woe to entire prefectures, and hobgoblin mercenaries wearing powerful machine armor march in greater numbers than ever before. Will you rise to save the empire or is Soburin destined for destruction? Soburin is beset upon by dark forces from its ancient past—not only the evil mists that transform men into monsters, but now too the return of a potent necromancer set to bring about a reign of agony, despair, and death! In the looming crisis the immortals that have treated the world as their gaming set are gathering their agents and pawns, deploying unique warriors across the continent with goals as mysterious as they are. It is within this epic game of intrigue that the adventurers become entangled as they undertake quests for the governmental bengoshi in the Sukochi, Yokuba, Ikari, Hakaisuru, Fuson, and Gekido prefectures as well as visit the enigmatic Tsukisasu, city of oni. Demons begat by the entities that consumed nature plague the party during their travels as do a very special gang of smugglers, the gun-toting Mubo Brothers, and the bloody hobgoblin mercenary erikotera warriors suddenly far more populous across the countryside than ever before. By the time all is said and done the PCs take part in a furious mass battle, nail-biting race through an undead dungeon, and finally an epic fight against an ancient evil atop the Hone-Noroi bone tower before it all comes crashing down! This extensive adventure path takes characters from 3rd to 12th level and includes all previous Mists of Akuma modules (Scourge of Róbai Shita Temple, Feud Primordial, Fangs of Revenge, Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai, Yai Sovereign of Storms, and Revenge of the Pale Master) paired together with connecting material that creates one intensive campaign sure to delight GMs and players for months on end! It would be exhausting to list everything that's inside of the 374 pages of Trade War—here are some quick highlights and if you think this book is for you, peruse the table of contents (below) and sample PDFs. Over 50 maps 90 different NPCs and monsters 6 highly-rated adventure modules ranging from straightforward dungeon crawls to sandboxes of intrigue and back (and 2 sidequests by Andrew Engelbrite and Dirk van de Rijt) 8 new class archetypes: survivalist barbarians, smuggler bards, acrobat monks, tumbler rogues, enigmatic eye warlocks, desperado warlocks, and wizards of the inside out 32 new martial arts stance feats including new weapons martial arts stances Hyperlinks throughout to make accessing statblocks from the core rules a breeze Rules for mass combat An epic 9-level bone dungeon inspired by Buddhist hells Mists of Akuma character sheets
A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters. The enemy is revealed, but time short and if you are not successful in your mission to Mount Baratok, love will never die. Part fourteen and the finale of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts. In an effort to locate the evil witch Esmae Amarantha, the party must work to enable a tarot card reading by Jeny Greenteeth, a quixotic hag. However, finding casters to aid Jeny in her ritual is its own ordeal, and even if they succeed, there is still the task of venturing to Esmae's ritual site and putting a stop to her plans.
Meet the Trollkin… And Drive Them Into the Sea! The trollkin and their shaman have come to a village by the sea, stormed its walls, and taken all the villagers as slaves and property. They have eaten their way through the saltfish, devoured the herd of sheep, and might be planning to eat the PCs next. Then, one escaped villager begs strangers on the road for help… And gives them the chance to shine as true heroes striking down raiders of pure evil. The Raven’s Call is an adventure for 3rd level characters that brings mythic power and a true rescue story for 5th Edition, and introduces locales and NPCs that players will never forget. It offers new monsters and new magic in the unique style of Wolfgang Baur, one of the leading RPG adventure designers.
A deadly curse known as the Feast of Dust spreads rapidly through the Meraz Desert, driving its victims mad with hunger and a burning desire to flee into the sands. To find the source of this strange affliction, the heroes must investigate the plagued city of Dimayen, challenging fearsome gnoll tribes, nihilistic daemons, and the walking dead to discover the secret of a long-forgotten evil—a powerful daemon harbinger called the Jackal Prince of Famine. Despite the efforts of an ancient secret society, this twisted, unholy monstrosity walks the world again, threatening to spread his apocalyptic curse across all of Golarion! To stop the demigod's return, the heroes must uncover his three vile siblings, now bound within malevolent artifacts, and use their combined powers to stop the Jackal Prince before the entire world feels his corrupting touch.
A boxful of trouble. Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of - but not this one! Think of this short adventure as 'Home Alone' meets AD&D. An apprentice to the town's wizard accidentally got into the cursed items while her teacher was away. Now she's acting strangely and playing a dangerous game of hide and seek with the party! Pgs. 44-47
Centuries ago, the priest-king Kyuss sacrificed his nation to fuel his lust for divinity. He left legions of the hungry dead in his wake, along with a ruined city that now hides the truth behind the coming apocalypse. A man became a god in this worm-eaten city, and the secrets hidden there may hold the key to his defeat. "The Spire of Long Shadows" is the seventh installment of the Age of Worms Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures, several "Backdrop" articles to help Dungeon masters run the series, and a handful of poster maps of key locations. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon's monthly "Worm Food" articles, a series that provides additional materials to help players survive this campaign. Issue #339 of Dragon presents a magical pool owned by Manzorian that can give the PCs just the edge they need to survive what awaits them in the "Spire of Long Shadows." Pgs. 59-89
As an ominous comet passes over Toril, a young researcher from Candlekeep goes missing. In darker corners of the Realms, eldritch horrors stir, answering the call of a dead god. Will the heroes be able to save the scholar before they succumb to an Elder Evil from beyond the reaches of sanity? This single session adventure is perfect if you are looking to introduce science-fiction themes into your game or just enjoy Lovecraftian horror. It has copious references to the Spelljammer setting and could be used as a springboard into that campaign setting. The Call of Atropus requires Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes to run effectively.
The adventure text was written by a neural network (Talk to Transformer) and compiled by a human editor. It is surprisingly usable. The adventure is centered upon the dangerous and thoroughly weird Tomb of the Daughter, the burial place and temple of an ancient Goddess. Explore several rooms connected by teleport systems, fight strange creatures, and perhaps thwart a demon summoning.
The village of Bad an Fithich is besieged by a monster and the villagers offer a reward for its head. Thus far none have succeeded, but the tales tell only of a large wolf, which seems like an easy bounty. The party’s first night in the village is marked by the cry of a banshee proclaiming their inevitable doom, but if they listen closely they may hear another story. Pgs. 119-127