Can you survive the Madhouse of Tasha’s Kiss? Or will you go mad trying? A small village, empty of villagers except for one boy found sitting and weeping next to a jester’s pageant wagon. The boy explains that the villagers, including his family, followed a jester into the wagon and never came out. A portal to a pocket dimension is found inside the wagon, leading to a brass door with the word Madhouse etched into it. What lays beyond the door? What madness could the adventurers face? Can they save the villagers, or will they go mad trying? Published by Jeff Stevens Games
Stars Over Stormwreck is a short adventure for four to five characters with an Average Character Level of 4. This product is designed to act as a bridge adventure between the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set adventure Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and the Spelljammer: Adventures in Space adventure Light of Xaryxis. Dragons of Stormwreck Isle takes characters from 1st level to 4th level, while Light of Xaryxis begins at 5th level. During Stars Over Stormwreck, the characters travel from Stormwreck Isle to the city of Luskan, with the challenges of that journey taking them from 4th to 5th level and preparing them to enter the adventure in Light of Xaryxis. This adventure assumes you already own both the D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and the Spelljammer: Adventures in Space boxed set. About the Adventure As a new group of heroes engages with the challenges and revelations of Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, the discovery of a mysterious relic from another world suggests that even greater adventures lie ahead. After their Stormwreck trials are done, the characters take sea passage to Luskan on the trade ship the Western Wind, hoping to learn more about the mysterious egg that’s come into their possession. The trip will not be easy, though, as an attack by sea-elf cultists, the threat of mutiny, and the escape of dangerous creatures from the ship’s hold all threaten to cut short the party’s journey. And all the while, strange storms of shooting stars appear across the night sky like some sort of prophecy—but of coming glory, or of imminent destruction? Stat blocks are included, as well as an Astral Sea Encounter Generator Appendix and a Wildspace Generator Appendix, supplying you with new DM tools for your Spelljammer campaigns.
What happens when you are invited to a dinner party at the Karnov Mansion during a full moon? Certainly nothing good. The wonderful dinner party, complete with excellent food, drink, and company, soon evolves into a 'cat & mouse' game that has the adventurers fighting for their lives. Will they survive? And will they uncover the secret of the Karnov Mansion? Although the adventure is set in a non-specific location and can be dropped into any campaign, it feels right at home as a Curse of Strahd or Ravenloft one-shot adventure.
Ever needed to spice up a stay in a city? Or, ever needed something to fill the gap between sessions when you are missing a player? Add a little flavor to the adventurers’ city visits with a rampaging mummy, a circus gone wild, a haunted inn, and much, much, more. This 80-page supplement contains 26 encounters written by best-selling Dungeon Masters Guild writers and new writers! Encounters in the Savage Cities includes: •26 unique encounters / mini-adventures ◦A mix of combat, roleplay, and investigation •Scaling Suggestions for CR 1-10 •New creatures •Custom Art •Downloadable Custom Maps (as a separate file) These encounters are location generic and are designed to be easily added to any campaign. Use them to introduce new players, as inspiration for a new campaign, as a one-shot, or whatever else you can think of.
It all begins with a simple request (doesn’t it always?) from an old farmer. The request – protect his cattle herd from vicious wolves. Simple enough for the brave adventurers, right? But it doesn’t stay that way. Not at all. Soon, the adventuring party will find themselves in the thick of it as they solve puzzles, avoid traps, fight for their lives, and endure witty taunting. And in the end, they discover an artifact that may, or may not, be useful to them. This adventure includes a cursed shield, a new undead creature, and a new artifact. Total party experience earned is approximately 14,500.
Beyond the western mountains, the orcs generally kept to themselves. Over the years they built their civilization. They enriched themselves through magic and music, and followed a doctrine of peace and acceptance that was empowered by the dangerous mountain range on one side and the swirling seas on the other. Their quiet society was shattered when a djinni named Hasteth was summoned by their elder mages. Hasteth was a creature of pure evil and perverted the wishes that it granted. In time, the orcs were able to trap the djinni within an enchanted ceramic jar called the Annihilation Hold, but not before their entire way of life was torn asunder. Many centuries have gone by and the orcs are scattered to the wind, with few recalling their proud nation. The hidden complex containing the Annihilation Hold has been discovered. Tales of wealth and magic fill the rumors the adventurers overhear. Will your adventurers brave the hazards inside to claim the riches?
What could happen while traveling the vast Savage Frontier? Just about anything! Encounters in the Savage Frontier includes 24 unique encounters of various difficulty that can be used while the adventuring party travels the Savage Frontier. It also includes several new creatures and magic items, digital hand-drawn maps (10 as downloadable .jpg files), and original artwork. Some of the encounters are short and brief, while others may take you a full gaming session to complete. Available for Fantasy Grounds
"For Blibdoolpoolp!!" "The power of the mind and belief are wonderous, often leading us to manifest things that aren’t real. For the kuo-toa, this power is heightened, allowing their collective belief to manifest gods." Two tendays ago, a paladin of Torm was kidnapped by kuo-toa. In a strange turn of events, she was mistaken for a kuo-toa god, and whisked off to their underground lair. Barria has managed to pose as the god and now shakily leads a small faction of kuo-toa while trapped underground. With her influence being increasingly scrutinized, and with the different kuo-toa sects on the brink of civil war, it’s a dangerous time, even for a ‘god’… The heroes’ mission — rescue the paladin from the kuo-toa oceanic lair before she’s transformed into a kuo-toa god. The kuo-toa are an Underdark-dwelling race of fishlike humanoids. Different sects worship different god-like beings, each god manifested through the strength of a sect’s collective zeal. Such “gods” feature prominently in this adventure. Product Overview ♦ 4 to 8 hours for four to five characters. ♦ Scalable for 3rd-6th level. ♦ High-resolution maps of the Kuo-Toa lair. ♦ 9 new statblocks, including Dire Barnacles and Hypno-Cuddlefish! ♦ Includes plot hooks, handouts, rules for faction combat, and more!
Blinsky's Toyshop is our take on what happens to Blinsky and Piccolo during, or after the Curse of Strahd campaign. Blinsky, the toymaker in Vallaki with the cute monkey wearing a pink tutu, received a large inheritance from a long-time client. The client, Obtavius Swat, a retired adventurer and avid collector of toys, left his entire estate to Blinsky. The estate included coin, precious gems, art, and his collection of toys, some made by Blinsky and others he acquired during his travels. Blinsky used the fortune to pay a wizard to create a small island in the middle of Lake Zarovich, located just outside of Vallaki. He then paid masons and workers to build a fantastic new toyshop, which he designed to be an experience for both the young and old alike. Though the number of children in Barovia was increasing, mostly imparted to the devil Strahd’s downfall, Blinsky wanted to touch the inner child of the adults in the city. He wanted happiness. He wanted smiles. He named the castle Blinsky’s Toyshop of Marvels. One of the toys, a small silver tiara kept in a black satin-lined ivory jewelry box, was such a lovely piece. Blinsky couldn’t stand the thought of leaving it in the box. He already had enough gold and losing the small tiara wouldn’t be a large loss, so he decided to give it to his monkey – Piccolo (see Creatures of the Toyshop). He smiled at the thought of her running around in her pretty, shiny tiara. Sadly, as Barovian luck would have it, trapped inside the tiara is the sole of an evil gnome wizard named Aribetha Strangge. In his old age, Obtavious Swat forgot that he and his fellow adventurers used the tiara to imprison the gnome’s soul. Yesterday, when Blinsky placed the tiara on Piccolo’s head, silver tendrils cascaded from the tiara and into poor Piccolo’s skull, allowing Aribetha to control the monkey. Now, Aribetha has incapacitated Blinsky in the toyshop’s tower, brought many of the toys to life, and imprisoned or killed many of the workers and customers. The adventure includes costumes (which the character may wear), Strahd Hand Puppets, and a possessed Piccolo.
Presenting The Mines of Chult! This Savage Encounters adventure supplement features nine mini adventures from three best-selling DMs Guild authors. Your PCs will challenge several new monsters, discover fascinating new magic items, and interact with some wickedly fun NPCs. Though designed with Tomb of Annihilation in mind, each of these adventures can be easily adapted to any campaign setting. Dig in to The Mines of Chult!
"What could happen if Santa became a vampire?" There’s Something Wrong with Santa is a 2- to 4-hour adventure for four to five characters of 5th level. Scaling Suggestions are included, allowing you to run the adventure for lower or higher-level characters. This adventure is designed to be neatly dropped into any campaign. It features a small village named Hollypocket, which is hosting a Christmas celebration, with Santa as the special guest. However, a nearby vampire learned of Santa’s plans to attend the festival, and intercepted the jolly, white-bearded man while he traveled to Hollypocket. Now, Santa is cursed with vampirism and is on a mission for the vampire: gather the tasty villagers and bring them to the devil’s lair. "Santa's a vampire?" Yes! While the characters may not know this at the start, there are several descriptive clues that should lead them to believe Santa is now a vampire. This fact becomes more evident the closer they get to vampire Santa. "What will they do?" Will your heroes kill vampire Santa, or will they find a way to cure him? Product Overview — ♦ 2 to 4 hour adventure for four to five characters. ♦ Designed for 5th level characters. ♦ Scalable for lower or higher level characters. ♦ Downloadable maps. ♦ VTT Tokens.
This 80-page supplement contains 38 encounters written by many of the Dungeon Masters Guild’s best-selling writers. Encounters in the Savage Jungles includes 23 encounters / mini-adventures of various difficulty that can be used while the adventuring party braves the uncharted and savage jungles. It also includes 15 Quick Encounters, and additional resources. Although inspired by the Tomb of Annihilation, these encounters can be used with any official D&D campaign, or in your own home campaign. Many could even be used in forest, wilderness, or swamp settings. These encounters are location generic and are designed to be easily added to any campaign. Use them to introduce new players, as inspiration for a new campaign, as a one-shot, or whatever else you can think of.
"I can’t stand to lose again..." The small farming village of Devil’s Run is about to have its yearly pumpkin festival. Unbeknownst to many, Old Pete Barker, a pumpkin farmer of many years, was having difficulty growing his pumpkins. Pete doesn’t have an ample water source, unlike Molly Simms, his primary rival for the festival's coveted largest pumpkin award, whose farm lays near a stream. Fixated on winning the grand prize, Old Pete made a deal with a dark force, the Feeder of Desires, but the deed cost him and the village dearly. “Plant me in the ground and I will make you strong." Peter Barker's body transformed into a vine-like creature with a jack-o-lantern head, and he now ‘waters’ his thriving pumpkin fields with the blood of kidnapped villagers, binding them below the earth while the pumpkin vines burrow into their flesh and feed. These vines have started to enter the town, creating pumpkin-vine creatures which snatch villagers and drag them to his underground lair. Will the adventurers save the village of Devil's Run and put a stop to Pete's pumpkin-patched plots? Let the Pumpkin Festival Commence! ►2– to 4–hour adventure for three to five characters ►Scalable for 3rd—7th level (optimized for 5th) ►5 beautifully mapped areas for your adventurers to explore ►7 new monster stat blocks, including the Pumpkin Terror, Vine Hound, and pumpkin-headed Pete Barker himself! ►Ripe for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Fall adventuring! PDF Purchaser Bonuses ►HDR map files for each area (both gridded and gridless) ►Virtual Tabletop Tokens for the monsters Also for Roll20 and Foundry VTT
Beware the Druid's Curse... — Once a popular hunting lodge nestled in the Neverwinter Wood catering to avid hunters, Owlbear Lodge has been a forgotten location that Lord Neverember wants to reclaim. Its owners can’t be located, and a recent expedition team sent to the lodge hasn’t returned. Lord Neverember asks the adventurers to find the lodge, locate the missing expedition members, and clear out the establishment of any unwanted riff raff or creatures so new proprietors can reopen it, increasing tourism to the Neverwinter Region. What no one knows is that the original proprietors broke a contract made with a druid who guards the forest. This broken contract led to the demise of one of the owners, and many of the guests. Now, the overgrown an unkempt lodge is infested with strange creatures. What’s worse is that the adventurers themselves may succumb to the druid’s curse as they investigate the lodge. Product Details — ♦ 2- to 4-hour adventure for three to five characters ♦ Scalable for 1st-6th level ♦ High-quality map of the Owlbear Lodge ♦ New undead owlbear and porcupine statblocks ♦ Set in Forgotten Realms, but easily adapted to other settings
The quest: find a woman's son who has been missing for 10 years. She's only just received a map that may lead to his last known whereabouts. An adventure for characters that features battles, environmental hazards, and roleplaying. The 38-page PDF includes hand-drawn maps, art, stat blocks, and a battle stat tracker. The overall adventure is 15 pages. This adventure has even been test played by four DM's from around the world.
Encounters in the Savage Wilderness contains 19 encounters / mini-adventures, a few new creatures and items, and downloadable maps. We've also added suggestions on how to use the encounters in Eberron.
Encounters in the Savage Underdark is a 150-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, locations, and magic items,from eighteen of the DMsGuild's best authors.This incredible 150 page supplement features 24 amazing new Underdark adventures. Visit Annarei's Garden Encounter an insane aboleth Interact with traveling merchants Attend the Fire Fest Perform an Underdark heist and so much more....
A Halfling girl battling a rare disease that no magic can cure. A fruit, which has the power to heal and the power to corrupt, now guarded by mad siblings. A journey through a hostile forest, a trapped tower, and a dungeon to retrieve the fruit to heal the young girl. Will your heroes be triumphant, or will they perish while attempting to retrieve the mysterious fruit?
A series of short encounters and story hooks that may cause your party to question the safety of their local tavern… Designed for characters of all levels
Take the adventuring party on a journey through a nasty, smelly swamp as they follow an exotic map which (they hope) leads to a grand treasure. Unknown hazards, NPCs, adventure, and creatures stand between them and the X that 'marks the spot' on the map. This adventure includes: •Custom art •8 hand-drawn maps (color and black & white included) •3 new creatures •1 new magic item •Includes a printer-friendly version of the adventure. Into the Belly of the Beast runs smoothly as-is, but an additional 8 encounters are included. These encounters can be used to lengthen the adventure, or they could used separately and added to your own campaign.