A community for lazy dungeon masters
298 adventures found
Knowledge is Power
3.5 Edition
Level 6
9 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. Harried by pursuing Shadow forces, the adventurers take refuge in the fissures of a vast glacier. In these icy caverns they battle the risen remains of an orc tribe and make contact with a powerful potential ally.

Cover of The Feystone Shards
The Feystone Shards
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
39 pages

The Feystone Shards is an adventure for characters from levels 5-8, optimized for 4-6 player characters. This moderate length campaign should have 20+ hours of gaming, all focused around the Forgotten realms area of Red Larch. The Heroes are tasked to find five fragments of a shattered Orb, once worshipped by a faction of Elves. The search will take the party to a haunted Citadel, as they seek the scattered remnants of the Feystone. From a city of Stone Golems, to an alchemist's underground lair - the players will face obstacles and enemies that will challenge their very resolve. The Heroes will need to discover the secrets of the bauble's fey magic, finding the lost Elvin city where the Orb was once worshiped as a God. Join in the hunt for the Feystone Shards, and see if your characters are ready to transcend common Heroes...and become Legends.

An Act of Betrayal
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–2
14 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. The adventurers must contact a recently-captured resistance fighter to uncover the identity of a traitor.

Cover of The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–6
128 pages

An ancient gate to the abyss lies undisturbed in the Valley of Obelisks. Sinister forces seek to reactivate the gate for their own ends, can the heroes stop them in time?

Cover of The Howling Caverns
The Howling Caverns
5th Edition
Level 1
58 pages

A horror fantasy adventure for 3-5 1st level characters The hunched beast prowls the forest, sniffing at the still air. The roiling sky flashes and thunder breaks the silence. The time is near and the beast senses it. The monstrous form bounds toward the darkened village, a demonic howl in its throat... Shipwrecked on a perilous shore, a group of adventurers stumble into a blighted land and come face to face with a great black beast with a terrible curse. Can they unravel the mystery and solve the Barghest's curse before it’s too late? - 58 pages, 10 locations, 10 dungeon rooms - 2 new spells and 5 new monsters - Over 20 original illustrations - Inspired by English folklore - Emphasis on exploration, interaction, and usability

Cover of A Kiss to Build a Dream On
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
6 pages

A Kiss to Build a Dream On is a 5e-compatible dream-delve for four level 7 characters. It plays for 3-4 hours. Queen Aisling, newly free of insomnia (see The Trouble with Dreams), has become an avid dreamer. A little too avid in the eyes of some. Under ducal questioning, her Majesty confessed there was something more going on; She’s fallen in love with a man she has seen in her dreams. The adventurers have been assembled to mount an expedition into the Realms of Slumber. With the aid of an uneasy Somnomancer, a magic spell, and an ice pick, a rift to the Realms of Slumber is opened! Warning: die in the Realms of Slumber and you’ll be damned to sleepwalk the rest of your life - a fate worse than death! The heroes are entrusted with an Interdimensional Valise. It functions as a Bag of Holding, except that it can also carry Dream Creatures into the real world. To appease the Queen, the adventurers must get the Man of Her Dreams into the Valise and then return with him to the Waking World. The adventurers will be rewarded with a Knighthood and an Estate in the Vinelands (10,000gp value) if they succeed.

Cover of The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
5th Edition
Level 1
44 pages

Listen up! You're in my dungeon now, Morty! On Earth C-141, I'm a LEGENDARY D&D adventure writer! When people think of impossibly difficult dungeons or winding, labyrinthine maps, those things ain't Gygaxian - they're SANCHEZIAN! I do whatever I want over there, and they eat it up! I'm a celebrity Dungeon Master there, too! My livestreamed show, Cynical Troll, gets a billion views a day! It seemed a little selfish to contain all that GREATNESS to a single dimension, so I lifted one of the all-time favorite Sanchezian adventures and snuck it back here to dimension C-132. (Usually that kind of s**t is frowned upon, but it's just a D&D adventure. We're not exactly violating the Prime Directive or whatever.) This is a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl for a party of 1st-level adventurers, whose character sheets in this box should also contain. They'll probably reach 3rd level by the end of it. So here it is. This adventure brought peace to a warring galaxy. What did you ever do? Oh, you picked up this adventure? Good start. And awaaaay we go!

Cover of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange)
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange)
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Years ago the valley was green, and animals ran free through golden fields of grain. The princess Argenta ruled over this peaceful land and the people were secure and happy. Then one day a warrior riding a red dragon appeared in the skies over the princess’ castle and almost overnight the tiny kingdom fell into ruin. Now only ruins and rumors remain, and what legends there are tell of a fabulous ruby still buried somewhere within the Palace of the Silver Princess TSR 9044

Cover of The Castle of Corellon
The Castle of Corellon
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
31 pages

This adventure is scaled for level 1 characters. The ruins of a flying castle teeming with goblins is heading to the peaceful village of Barrowmist. It is up to the heroes to get up there and stop it before the castle lands in the village and chaos ensues. The group will enter into the ancient struggle between elves and orcs. Not only can they claim the ruins as their home, but the heroes will be asked to go on a quest to repair the castle and use it to find the Misty Isle, a legendary elven realm stolen by Gruumsh, god of the orcs. This adventure is the beginning of the Litany of Arrows adventure path. It can be run on its own or as a linked part to the larger story.

Cover of Bloodmoon Goblins
Bloodmoon Goblins
Level 1
53 pages

Abridged description from DriveThruRPG.com: From award-winning RPG podcaster John Grana comes a new supplement for the Pathfinder RPG: a sprawling goblin warren and the tribe that inhabits it, fleshed out in full detail and turned into a campaign setting for goblin player characters. Within Bloodmoon Goblins is all the information a gamemaster needs to bring a goblin campaign, full of action and intrigue, to life.

Cover of The Sinister Spire
The Sinister Spire
3.5 Edition
Level 5
63 pages

The waters of a sunless sea meet a pebble-strewn shore, beyond which opens a wide Underdark vista shimmering with pale cave-light. Titanic columns as big as castles march miles into the misted distance. The wide, steeply sloping base of the nearest colossal column is carved with streets, walls, and elaborate structures, many with gaping, empty windows. A few glimmer with faint illumination. Are you brave enough to explore the spire-city and face the terrors that lurk within? Part 2 of the Barrow of the Forgotten King series. Followed by Fortress of the Yuan-ti.

Cover of Iridium Dagger
Iridium Dagger
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

An exploration one-shot adventure for fifth edition planned to be played by 4 to 6 level 2 characters. The group must explore the underground of a small tower to recover an artifact known as The Iridium Dagger, only to escape from there in a hurry. Content in english and spanish Published by Victory.RPG

Cover of Of Leaves & Stewed Hobbit
Of Leaves & Stewed Hobbit
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
17 pages

The company discovers the Easterly Inn, a piece of the Shire in the land of the Beornings. But the Wild is still the Wild, and it takes more than Hobbit cooking to keep adventures at bay; in no time, the companions find themselves involved in the search for a missing trade caravan. Their quest will put them on the road to the High Pass, and see them go over hills and under hills. Published by Cubicle7

Cover of CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
41 pages

What links an infamous Zhentarim mercenary with a brilliant but tormented artificer? To find out, the adventurers must break the goblinoid siege of the village of Westfir. After the bizarre goblins are defeated, the Cornflower Hive must be destroyed. Ultimately, what secrets are held in the grain mill by the Westfork river? A D&D Adventurers League four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of Retribution
Level 1
68 pages

In the frozen depths of winter, murderous winds mercilessly batter the crumbling Priory of Cymer. Within, trapped by their duty and the heaped snowdrifts that render travel near impossible, the few remaining faithful huddle together and tend the sacred places of their forbears. With the weather worsening, nerves fray and tempers snap as the wind howls its mournful dirge for the forgotten dead of a fallen time. But the worst is yet to come. One of those trapped within holds a murderous grudge that only blood can expunge and as the storm reaches its savage height terrible revenge is wrought amid the frigid halls and faded glories of a bygone age. A 1st level adventure that is so much more than a trip to stop goblins killing cows. Great NPCs and a great location gives this the feel of The Name Of The Rose.

Cover of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Levels 1–3
28 pages
17  0

"Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear. . . No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!" TSR 9063

Cover of H1 Keep on the Shadowfell
H1 Keep on the Shadowfell
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
62 pages

Darkness looms near Winterhaven! Kobold brigands have grown ever bolder in their attacks, marauding the once peaceful town, and a known explorer has been missing ever since their departure to the excavation site of a dragon burial site. When the party investigates, they will discover that the kobold's leader, Irontooth, bears a tattoo of a ram-headed demon. This is a troubling portent, for the townsfolk will report that this can only mean the dread god Orcus, master of death, has an active cult in that ruined keep! It is up to the party to enter the Keep on the Shadowfell and put a stop to the cult's fell machinations before it threatens all the realm. There they will fight the evil priest Kalarel, Scion of Orcus and seal off the vile portal to the dark realms he is master of. Should the heroes seize victory, glory and treasure are sure to be theirs. But first they must endure the challenges of that dreaded KEEP ON THE SHADOWFELL!

Cover of In the Shadows of Spinecastle
In the Shadows of Spinecastle
3.5 Edition
Levels 9–0
24 pages

The PCs must infiltrate a city ruled by monsters to search for the spymaster that holds the key to saving a besiged nation.

Cover of The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
Level 1
295 pages

The lost city of Archaia - an ancient ruin sunken into the earth - lies deep in the badlands. In recent years, caravans from Eastdale have come under attack from orcs, goblins, and worse. Some say these blood-thirsty warbands have made lairs in the deep caves and ruins. Sill others say the ancient halls are filled with magnificent treasures left by the Archaians. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to delve The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia? The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia (FCoA) is a 296-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing game. The pages of Forbidden Caverns are crammed full with new material, maps, amazing art (including special surprizes by former TSR artists), as well as an amazing colour cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus that matches Barrowmaze Complete as a sister-book. The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. FCoA is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).

Cover of U01: Dark Days in Stoneholme (Fantasy Grounds)
U01: Dark Days in Stoneholme (Fantasy Grounds)
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
28 pages

Waves of supernatural darkness sweep over the subterranean city of Stoneholme, quenching lights and bringing with it foul creatures of shadow. After heroically defending a group of dwarven children being ravaged by a group of these shadow beings, the PCs are approached by Shtawn Deppenkhut -one of the king's own advisers- and are offered the task of finding the source of the darkness that threatens the city. The PCs investigation takes them through the Underworld to hidden caverns, where demon worshiping priests offer living sacrifices in an attempt to plunge Stoneholme into everlasting darkness, a first step in destroying the hated city once and for all, but as it turns out the priests aren't the only ones behind this unfolding plan to destroy Stoneholme. Dark Days in Stoneholme is ideally suited for a group of dwarven adventurers. It is recommended that you have access to the Stoneholme section of the Rise of the Drow revised & expanded edition (2014) but it is not necessary to run the adventure. Also available for Pathfinder. Published by AAW Games.