A community for lazy dungeon masters
49 adventures found
Cover of Night's Gambit
Night's Gambit
5th Edition
Level 4
27 pages

This heist adventure that takes place almost entirely at Fort Bones. It is split into five scenes: Karrnathi Opening. The characters meet Vedim ir’Durna, a noble from the region who is willing to help the player characters infiltrate the Fort. Guild Handler Lhara introduces their prize: a necromantic artifact called the Queen of Night, tied to the plane of Mabar. Valenar Gambit. Whether by wit or stealth, the characters find their way inside the walls of Fort Bones. They might use the incoming Valenar attack as a distraction, find a secret entrance, or plant themselves on a visiting dignitary’s staff. Castling. Safely inside, the characters must figure out when the artifact is unguarded, and find their way into the castle’s inner sanctum. Check. The characters must navigate their way past a magical vault door, then descend into the crypts. The Queen of Night is guarded by a terrifying construct. Endgame. With the artifact in their hands, will the characters be able to escape with their lives?

Cover of Rescue at Rivenroar
Rescue at Rivenroar
4th Edition
Level 1
42 pages

In “Rescue at Rivenroar,” the player characters must brave the depths of ancient catacombs in search of prisoners taken from the town of Brindol in a midnight raid. The hobgoblins, bandits that style themselves after an invading horde from long ago, have taken refuge in a dungeon under a ruined mountain fortress, and the PCs must clear them out to find the captive townsfolk and the treasures taken from Brindol. “Rescue at Rivenroar” also marks the first step in a great journey - the Scales of War Adventure Path, which spans 30 levels and put the PCs at the crux of events that shapes the world for centuries to come. While the scope of this adventure isn’t as grand, it represents the seed from which an epic tale will surely grow. Pgs. 4-45

Cover of Lost Mine of Phandelver
Lost Mine of Phandelver
5th Edition
Level 1
63 pages
19  0

"More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver’s Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path. A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked wave echo cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost. For centuries, rumours of buried riches have attracted treasure seekers and opportunists to the area around Phandalin, but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, people have resettled the area. Phandalin is now a rough-and-tumble frontier town. More important, the Rockseeker brothers - a trio of dwarves - have discovered the entrance to Wave Echo Cave, and they intend to reopen the mines. Unfortunately for the Rockseekers, they are not the only ones interested in Wave Echo Cave. A mysterious villain known as the Black Spider controls a network of bandit gangs and goblin tribes in the area, and his agents have followed the Rockseekers to their prize. Now the Black Spider wants Wave Echo Cave for himself, and he is taking steps to make sure no one else knows where it is." Extra Info from AL.com users: by @marcellarius. "There are a variety of locations in this adventure: the town of Phandalin, a gang hideout, a ruined keep in the forest, a destroyed village, and Wave Echo Cave (a dungeon crawl). The adventure is written in a sandbox style and relies on the players to choose their path. Phandalin offers several side-quests which could serve as hooks for continuing adventures. The premade characters have ties in their backgrounds to NPCs and locations. If you're not using these you'll need to consider other ways to introduce key NPCs."

Cover of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan 5e
The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan 5e
5th Edition
Level 5
33 pages

The ancient ruined city of Tamoacha is familiar to a select few scholars and fortune seekers, who know of it but not always exactly where it is. Even more secluded, lying somewhere within or beneath the ruins, is a hidden shrine said to be dedicated to Zotzilaha, the vampire god of the underworld. Adventurers who catch wind of the place are likely to find its lure irresistible. Remake of the AD&D module by the same name.

Cover of The Temple of Poseidon
The Temple of Poseidon
Levels 7–10
16 pages

For the past several days, dozens of strong earthquakes have rocked the coastal area surrounding the underground Temple of Poseidon. Since the first quake, there have been a growing number of reports of strange events and macabre occurrences throughout the area. Several families near the temple have abandoned their farms and refused to return. They claim to have been terrorized by inhuman specters who prowled about their farms late at night. One of the farmers says he found a farm animal crucified and eviscerated in a ritualistic fashion on his front porch. Following the first tremors, all communications with the Temple of Poseidon, seemingly the center of the troubled area, were cut off. Messengers dispatched to the temple to request guidance from the Holy Oracle located there have not returned. Now the darkness has spread to this town. Unnatural births have occurred. Strange cries can be heard in the night, and there is a cowl around the moon. Magical divining has proven useless in naming the dark forces that invade. Many of the townspeople have already abandoned their homes and those who remain have but one recourse left: They have sent out a cry for hardened adventurers, experienced in dispatching evil. They must travel to the temple to discover the fate of the men there, and, if possible, elicit their help in destroying the growing heinous power. Pgs. 31-46

Cover of Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon
Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
21 pages

Centuries ago, a beholder named Yeryl fled from the place of his birth and wandered the countryside in search for a place to call home. After many sleepless nights spent carving out a safe nook for himself in the wilderness, he at last slipped into slumber. In his dreams, he found an ideal place for his lair: long-abandoned ruins hidden amidst a dull and barren valley. Yeryl spent years transforming the place to suit his paranoid designs. Visitors were rare enough, and the few that made it to Yeryl’s lair were quickly destroyed or forced into the beholder’s service, building the lair ever deeper and more magnificent. As time went on, Yeryl finally completed his task. Safe at last, but with nothing to occupy his mind, Yeryl was struck by melancholy; was this lonely and empty life truly what he had chosen for himself? On that day, Yeryl made a decision: next time an adventurer came to his lair, he would welcome them in. With this resolution in mind, Yeryl began to dismantle his traps and replace them with ones he considered to be more fun. Unfortunately, for all his good intents, Yeryl has not yet realised that killing people is a bad way of getting them to like him. Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon is a highly obnoxious and mildly ridiculous collection of traps, combat and puzzles designed to test your players' wits and patience. It is optimised for a group of four to five 3rd level players, but the text also contains a guide for level adjustments for different sized groups.

Cover of Dragon Hunters
Dragon Hunters
3.5 Edition
Level 7
26 pages

Fort Akor has come under attack by a dragon, but when the PCs seek out the beast in the surrounding jungle they discover the dragon may be the least of the fort’s troubles. The Pcs travel to Fort Akor, where they learn that the fort has been under attack by a dragon (which is really a tyrannosaur). Prince Henri asks the PCs to slay the dragon attacking his fort before it causes further damage. If the PCs investigate the fort before setting out after the tyrannosaur, they may discover the hidden corpse of its hatchling. They may also discover the truth behind the fort's dark history. Tracking the "dragon" to its lair and slaying it for Prince Henri forces the characters into conflict with a faction of the centaurs living in the jungle, who disposed the hatchlings corpse at the fort. Discoveruing the truth of the prince's conflict with the jungle natives might lead to an alliance. Pgs. 16-41

Cover of Mark of Amber
Mark of Amber
Medium Level
64 pages

The PCs are singled out by happenstance as prophesied heroes who will find and return a great wizard to his family. Once brought back to the the family chateau, they are brought on as paid companions and free to explore the location as they wish. This is a large sandbox style adventure with several plots going on, including assassination, a wedding, false accusations of murder, and many machinations of the nobles to solidify or gain power. Whole this is going on the PCs are dropped into dream sequences where they learn more about the missing wizard and learn how and where to find and free him

Cover of Ra’s Evil Grin
Ra’s Evil Grin
5th Edition
Level 11
7 pages

Ra’s Evil Grin challenges adventurers of at least 11th level who are seeking a powerful magic item—the globe of Arden. If a different item suits your campaign better, another appropriate powerful item can be substituted as the final objective. This dungeon culminates in a battle with Dendorandra, a lesser marilith known as a dark daughter. As a lead-in to this adventure, the GM may use a map from another treasure hoard showing the location of the globe (detailed more fully in “The Legend of the Globe of Arden,” below) or a priestly tome describing Arden, the long-dead avatar of Ra, and the wondrous powers of an unknown artifact called the globe of Arden. Such a tome might mention that the globe emits rays as intense as those of the sun, destroying all they touch. In any event, characters should need to consult with sages and oracles to determine the location and history of the globe and dungeon. A sage could also provide a map to the dungeon’s location, referenced in the “The Legend of the Globe of Arden,” below. We set the dungeon on a small, remote island far across the sea, but you can relocate it to suit your campaign. This dungeon provides numerous puzzles, a few traps, and only two monsters. Those monsters, though few in number, should challenge and threaten even the most combat-hardened party—particularly after the party encounters all the vicious creatures that inhabit the Island of the Globe.

Cover of The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
5th Edition
Level 1
44 pages

Listen up! You're in my dungeon now, Morty! On Earth C-141, I'm a LEGENDARY D&D adventure writer! When people think of impossibly difficult dungeons or winding, labyrinthine maps, those things ain't Gygaxian - they're SANCHEZIAN! I do whatever I want over there, and they eat it up! I'm a celebrity Dungeon Master there, too! My livestreamed show, Cynical Troll, gets a billion views a day! It seemed a little selfish to contain all that GREATNESS to a single dimension, so I lifted one of the all-time favorite Sanchezian adventures and snuck it back here to dimension C-132. (Usually that kind of s**t is frowned upon, but it's just a D&D adventure. We're not exactly violating the Prime Directive or whatever.) This is a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl for a party of 1st-level adventurers, whose character sheets in this box should also contain. They'll probably reach 3rd level by the end of it. So here it is. This adventure brought peace to a warring galaxy. What did you ever do? Oh, you picked up this adventure? Good start. And awaaaay we go!

Cover of Encounters in the Radiant Citadel
Encounters in the Radiant Citadel
5th Edition
Levels 2–13
22 pages

Set in the Radiant Citadel, this is the perfect supplement to your "Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel" campaign, allowing adventurers to explore the ancient city and discover more about its people and places. From the Trade Discal to the Preserve of the Ancients, delve deeper into the secrets of this bastion of wonder and hope. Included in this supplement you’ll find: 10 one-session encounters for characters ranging from levels 2–13 A hand-drawn dungeon map for a new area in the Citadel 3 VTT maps 5 original stat blocks 2 new magic items A printer-friendly version with only essential graphics and text And a host of memorable NPCs! Easily drop an encounter into your existing campaign or build out a new adventure entirely. You’ll find a broad range of themes to help your table bring to life this ancient city in the heart of the Deep Ethereal Plane.

Cover of The Stink
The Stink
3.5 Edition
Level 4
24 pages

Folks have been vanishing from the Stink, a disease-filled rubbish quarter of Sunhill. City officials recruit the heroes to investigate the disappearances, putting the PCs on the trail of fiendish Locathahs, followers of Incabulos, with ill plans for the surface world. Dungeon adventure in a sewer.

Cover of D1 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth
D1 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth
Levels 9–14
16 pages

The final confrontation with the giant, King Snurre, and the entry of mighty adventurers into the caverns under his stronghold (DUNGEON MODULE G3, HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING) discovered the Dark Elves, the Drow, had instigated the giant alliance and its warfare upon mankind and its allied races. This module contains background information, a large-scale referee's map with a matching partial map for players, referee's notes, special exploration and encounter pieces, a large map detailing a cavern area, encounter and map matrix keys, and an additional section pertaining to a unique new creature for use with this module and the game as a whole. A complete setting for play of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is contained herein. This module can be played alone, as the first part of a series of three modules (with SHRINE OF THE KUO-TOA, D2, and VAULT OF THE DROW, D3), or as the fourth part of a continuing series of modules which form a special progressive campaign scenario (DUNGEON MODULES G1, G2, G3, D1, D2, D3, and Q1, (QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS). TSR 9019

Cover of Thornkeep
Levels 1–7
96 pages

Uncover a world of adventure and claim your fortune in Pathfinder Online: Thornkeep! This detailed sourcebook contains everything a GM needs to run adventures in and around the dastardly town of Thornkeep, as well as several deadly dungeon levels and a sneak peek at the upcoming massively multiplayer online game Pathfinder Online.

Cover of City of Broken Idols
City of Broken Idols
3.5 Edition
Levels 13–15
31 pages

A top the crown of the Isle of Dread, a hateful monster broods. Spawned by the Price of Demons, the architect of the shadow pearls dwells deep under the ruins of ancient Thanaclan. As long as this vile monster lives, the threat of the savage tide remains, looming dark on the horizon. "City of Broken Idols" is the seventh chapter of the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's monthly "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand upon the campaign. Issue #354 of Dragon magazine features the totemic demonslayer, a new prestige class that focuses on fighting and defeating demons, be they at the heart of the Isle of Dread or encountered in the depths of the Abyss itself. The central mesa of the Isle of Dread is taboo to the locals, a place shrouded in mystery and cloaked in rumor. The time has come to confront the evil that dwells atop the island’s savage crown. Pgs. 54-84

Cover of D2 Shrine of The Kuo-Toa
D2 Shrine of The Kuo-Toa
Levels 9–14
20 pages

Having put down a rising of giants, it was discovered that the motivating force behind their depredations was that of long-forgotten evil - the Dark Elves. Determined to seek out these creatures, a body of doughty adventurers mounted an expedition to learn the strength of the Drow and bring retribution to them (DUNGEON MODULE D1, DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH). This module contains background information, a large-scale referee's map with a matching partial map for players, referee's notes, special exploration and encounter pieces, a large map detailing a temple complex area, encounter and map matrix keys, and an additional section pertaining to a pair of unique new creatures for use with this module and the game as a whole. A complete setting for play of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is contained herein. This module can be played alone, as the second part of a series of three modules (with DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, D1, and VAULT OF THE DROW, D3), or as the fourth part of a continuing scenario (DUNGEON MODULES G1, G2, G3, D1, D2, D3, and Q1, QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS). TSR 9020, From 1978

Cover of ROS5 Deep Dive in the Flooded Halls!
ROS5 Deep Dive in the Flooded Halls!
Levels 8–10
32 pages

Time is running out for the members of the Ivory Scimitar as they strive to overcome the latest challenges of the Infernal Machine and Mithelvarn's Labyrinth. With the discovery of a secret entrance into the 5th level of the dungeon, the party must now enter uncharted waters with an entirely new type of environment and monstrous threats. Can they withstand these new creation of the Machine, and will they finally breach the 6th seal and gain entry into the last level of the legendary dungeon and save all of Roslof Keep? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

The Goatskull Helm
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
35 pages

The Demesne of Rangers is at war with the Horde of the Black Blood – an alliance of rampaging tribes of goblinkin. It is the heart of winter and the forest sleeps uneasily under a white veil. This is a time to huddle before the fire, not be out in the cold fighting a war but the heroes have no choice but to infiltrate the occupied territory in order to find and destroy the dreaded Goatskull Helm. Hope for victory hinges on the success of this quest and the call goes out for heroes to gather. The Goatskull Helm is an adventure module compatible with the Fifth Edition. This 35-page adventure is designed for a party of 1st level characters and will see them through to the 3rd level. This adventure is set in a fantasy medieval world with the mythological flavour of Ancient Greece. However, it can be easily adapted to any other medieval fantasy setting. This adventure includes entries for familiar monsters that are modified to better fit the setting as well as five new monsters and new equipment and magical items.

Cover of Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
5th Edition
Level 2
26 pages

The town of Oallhelm is small and remote – for years they’ve been prosperous, peaceful, and self-sufficient. That's why it was such a surprise when the hobgoblin Thetch Blindeye led a war band of goblins into town and started terrorizing Oallhelm’s citizens! The PCs are on the outskirts of Oallhelm when they learn town square is overrun with the invaders – the goblins are now feasting in the streets, starting fires, setting traps, and terrorizing anyone left behind. They must drive out these mischief makers to save the town!

Cover of Kill Bargle
Kill Bargle
3.5 Edition
Level 3
17 pages

The renegade magic-user Bargle is wanted, dead or alive. Rumor holds that he dwells in the bowels of a nearby abandoned keep, performing all sorts of foul sorcery. Only the truly brave, or perilously foolish, would dare to challenge Bargle in his own domain. Expanded dungeon of the BECMI red box sample dungeon.