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42 adventures found
Cover of U01: Dark Days in Stoneholme (Fantasy Grounds)
U01: Dark Days in Stoneholme (Fantasy Grounds)
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
28 pages

Waves of supernatural darkness sweep over the subterranean city of Stoneholme, quenching lights and bringing with it foul creatures of shadow. After heroically defending a group of dwarven children being ravaged by a group of these shadow beings, the PCs are approached by Shtawn Deppenkhut -one of the king's own advisers- and are offered the task of finding the source of the darkness that threatens the city. The PCs investigation takes them through the Underworld to hidden caverns, where demon worshiping priests offer living sacrifices in an attempt to plunge Stoneholme into everlasting darkness, a first step in destroying the hated city once and for all, but as it turns out the priests aren't the only ones behind this unfolding plan to destroy Stoneholme. Dark Days in Stoneholme is ideally suited for a group of dwarven adventurers. It is recommended that you have access to the Stoneholme section of the Rise of the Drow revised & expanded edition (2014) but it is not necessary to run the adventure. Also available for Pathfinder. Published by AAW Games.

Cover of Worg Puppies
Worg Puppies
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

In a small town the adventurers were hired to retrieve some worg puppies out of a goblin village. The dog breeder will pay well for the puppies. But will the goblins give up their animals? Let’s find out together. I wish you a lot of fun with the cute little puppies

Cover of Ravenhome's Plight
Ravenhome's Plight
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
44 pages

Chapter 1 - Rodents of Unusual Size: The village of Ravenhome is plagued by an army of rats which feast on their supplies and threaten the survival of the village, as winter is approaching. Venture into the deep to stop an onslaught of vile rats on the ravaged village of Ravenhome. Dispose of the cranium rats which escaped from the Underdark or strike a deal with the devilish creatures. Chapter 2 - The Pied Piper: The village's children were abducted by the winged kobold Krubcek and brought to the former temple of Cyric. The kobolds use the children as additional workers to excavate the site in attempts to free their imprisoned god Kurtulmak. The kobolds are willing to bargain, but the terms are cruel!

Cover of The Great Cockatrice Race!
The Great Cockatrice Race!
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Your adventurers are in luck! They are stumbling into the town of Larksville just a day before the Annual Cockatrice Race! This event and the revelries surrounding make up a week of pure entertainment for anyone passing through the area. The town is of medium size with a population close to one thousand, but during their Fall Festival that number is nearly tripled as people from all around flood in. The air is constantly filled with music and the smell of delicious foods. There is a bard in every tavern and a drunk passed out in every street. Most buildings are hanging red, gold, and orange decorations (the official colors of the festival) and anyone wearing those colors receive discounts on goods!

Cover of Sword and Crown
Sword and Crown
Levels 3–5
64 pages

The Sword and Crown is an event unrivaled in Anuirean politics. Every five years, rulers come from across the land to renew friendships, cement alliances, and provoke their enemies with poisoned words and sharpened swords. Wheels turn within wheels, and plots abound. It's politics as usual in Anuire. Except this conclave is different. Not only is it taking place in your kingdom, but before the festivities can even commence, someone wages an attack on Prince Avan and kidnaps his daughter. And to whom do the regents turn to rescue the princess? The hosts, of course! The PCs must win their way past dangerous bandits and treacherous elves to discover a path through darkest caverns, where the slightest misstep mean death. And only then does the real threat become apparent! This adventure contains a 64-page book crammed with details about the setting, the situation, and the major characters, plus a full-color mapsheet. It is designed for use with the BIRTHRIGHT boxed set. TSR 3102

Cover of The Vault of the Devourer
The Vault of the Devourer
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

Amid the gales and snowy Earthspur Mountains, the tumbling ruins of the ancient Tempest Mage's tower brood over the village of Windy Valley. When a kidnapper flees into the ruins, it's up to a group of adventurers to apprehend the rogue and save his victim from the vault below. Published by Cold Iron Conventions and Draxtar Games.

Cover of The Keep at Koralgesh
The Keep at Koralgesh
Levels 1–3
22 pages

Buried in fire, but hardly dead. Only the Keep survived the destruction of Koralgesh, but few adventurers will survive the terrors that now stalk the lost Keep's halls. Players hear rumours of the Keep at Koralgesh and then traverse it to acquire the treasure within. Pgs. 45-64

Cover of A Dark and Stormy Knight
A Dark and Stormy Knight
3rd Edition
Level 1
8 pages

Long ago, a small but mighty humanoid kingdom existed in what is now the local wilderness. Bugbear and ogre warriors fought brutal wars of expansion, earning great fame and amassing considerable fortunes from their predations. Those who died in battle were buried in large tomb complexes dug into hillsides and honored as patrons of the living. Among these tombs was the large tor known as Hightower. Though it was neither the largest nor the most famous of the kingdom's tombs, Hightower did represent a typical example of this kind of structure. As happens to all such nations, the cruel humanoid kingdom eventually fell to a more powerful foe that razed all its cities and outlying fortifications. Of the tombs, only Hightower escaped destruction -- largely because it was an unimportant monument in a remote location. A few tribes of humanoids that survived the devastation tried to use it as a fortress, but the humans with whom they clashed defeated them soundly and sealed the entrance with a huge, round stone to ensure that the tor could no longer be used as a base. Since then, Hightower has served as a landmark for travellers in the know, but it has otherwise been largely forgotten. But the electrical storms that have plagued the area in recent days have been quite severe, and a few weeks ago, a stray lightning bolt broke open the stone seal. Tonight, yet another terrible storm is sweeping through the wilderness, driving all creatures to take shelter where they can find it. Hightower looms on the horizon, and its door is no longer blocked. Will the PCs dare to enter its silent halls?

Cover of When Black Roses Bloom
When Black Roses Bloom
Levels 4–6
64 pages

The nightbound realm of Sithicus is dying! The grey forested crags scarred by jagged rifts echo with the laments of the dying elven nation. But the lord of the land sits uncaring on his blackened throne in the charred castle of Negragaard, lost in ancient memories. Through his passion and hatred the nightmare haunted death knight, Lord Soth, permitted catastrophe to befall his native world of Krynn. Now trapped in the Realm of Terror, Soth has once more brough calamity to his home. Abandoning rule of his twisted realm of Sithicus, Lord Soth has retreated to a still more distorted domain: the mad fantasies of his own history. To save the land and themselves, the heroes must venture into banshee-haunted Nedragaard Keep, and there into the warped mindscapes of a tormented darklord. TSR 9476

Cover of The Riverfront Rat Gang
The Riverfront Rat Gang
5th Edition
Level 1
4 pages

"The Riverfront Rat Gang" is a ratfolk lair, also featuring wharflings and a doppelrat, designed for five 1st level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session. The old dockyards once served as the primary center of commerce in town. Years ago, political pressure from an influential merchant who wanted the docks to be loser to her business forced shipping concerns to move their docks upriver. The new facility accommodates larger ships, and the old docks fell into disuse. Talk of converting the property into a set of riverside shops died when a rat infestation proved to be an unsolvable problem. Thus, the old dockyards have been decaying for years. This situation suited a former thieves' guild member, a ratfolk rogue, named Matimer Creel. A botched robbery (for which Matimer blamed his accomplice) turned the guild against Matimer, who fled from certain death at the hands of the guild master. He hid out in the old dockyards, confident that not even guild members bothered to go there. From there he began to exact revenge against the guild by ruining its plans or stealing directly from it. He also befriended the rat population, thanks to a golden rat's tooth he acquired, and the vermin help with his schemes. A trio of rat-like wharflings and a doppelrat, washed up on the riverbank near the docks, have joined Matimer's retinue.

Cover of Glitterdust
4th Edition
Level 1
23 pages

A vast Feywild swamp slowly seethes into the mortal world, conjured by a malevolent hag. The Murkendraw's unstoppable progress widens Rotten Ethel's dominion by a few steps each day, and with it, the hag's ambition. When Rotten Ethel kidnaps the fairest pixie of all, the swamp's advance suddenly quickens. The fairy folk need brave heroes to turn back the tide and venture forth to rescue Glitterdust.

Cover of Beneath the Twisted Tower
Beneath the Twisted Tower
Levels 1–3
48 pages

An introductory adventure set in and under Shadowdale after the Time of Troubles. The subject of the adventure is the tunnels connecting to to Tower of Ashaba that are rumored to connect to the underdark.

Cover of Pit of the Fire Lord
Pit of the Fire Lord
3.5 Edition
Level 8
12 pages

A madman hidden deep below Sharn plans to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. Can a band of heroes reach him in time to save the city from conflagration? The city of Sharn bakes in the grip of an intense heat wave. For most citizens, the temperature is nothing more than an annoyance. The scholars of the city know the heat is a sign of something more -- Fernia, the plane of fire, has drawn near. For one insane sorcerer, the heat is a sign that his revenge is at hand as he prepares to drown the city in a lake of fire. "Pit of the Fire Lord" is part three of the three-part Shards of Eberron Campaign Arc. Pgs. 48-59

Cover of The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Where have the staff gone? Why do the doors not lead where they should? What dark experiments were performed here? And what has become of the asylum’s enigmatic owner? During a routine train ride, the characters are halted by a powerful force within Enfri Asylum. Haunted by murderous doctors, revolutionary patients, and creatures beyond description, the characters must venture into the old hospital and put an end to the madness to reach their destination. The Monsters of Enfri Asylum is a 8 to 12 hour horror adventure for 1st to 5th-level characters.

Cover of DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
Levels 3–4
32 pages

Revolt of the Gladiators! The corrupt Thyatian senator, Helenites Osteropolus, his latest scheme smashed by the adventurers and their gladiator allies, hatches a new plot to destroy the influence of the Order of the Sands (even, perhaps, to attack the Emperor himself!) Yet greater dangers lie ahead. If his plot succeeds, it will remove the guardians that protect the city from the creatures that lurk in the caverns and catacombs below. Can the players block his gambit? Will the wheel of justice grind small, or will the greasy palm of political corruption reach out and save the senator once again? You decide, in the chaotic swirl of the Thyatian capital's politics. This module is designed especially for the DM who wants to sharpen his interactive skills. Recommended for four to six characters, levels 3-4 Includes map of a realistic catacomb complex below Thyatis City Unique role playing climax tests players' integrity and skill New information on the military Legions of Thyatis This module is a stand-alone sequel to DDA1 Arena of Thyatis. TSR 9296

Cover of The Root of All Evil
The Root of All Evil
3rd Edition
Level 1
64 pages

This was supposed to be a simple job! In the small town of Haanex on Reanaaria Bay, the wizard Veoden assembles the PCs to do a simple job: find the remnants of a meteor said to be made of the rare substance mithral. First they must find a map that local rumor tells is guarded by the spirits of the dead. Upon recovering the map and locating the crater, they uncover a plot to create a powerful magical item called the Coin of Power. This artifact is a tool for wickedness and the players soon find themselves on a quest to learn the means to destroy this evil item and its insidious master before she destroys them. Complicating matters is the fact that the one man who can help them was lost during an expedition to the Reelio Jungle months ago and is yet to return. Will the PCs be able to survive the rigors of the jungle and solve the riddle of the tribesmen who live there? The lives of innocents might depend on it! This accessory provides characters with an elaborate storyline and a chance for many varied types of adventure. You will take your PCs from the quiet village of Haanex in northern Reanaaria Bay to the Vry Naasu Headlands, the City-State of Zoa and finally the forlorn Reelio Jungle. The Root of All Evil fantasy game supplement is set in the popular Kingdoms of Kalamar Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting but can be adapated for use in any setting! This module can be used by itself, or as Part One of the Coin of Power trilogy (see also Forging Darkness and Coin’s End).

Cover of The Burning Plague (3.5)
The Burning Plague (3.5)
3rd Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A sickness has come unto the simple mining community of Duvik’s Pass, poisoning their wells and blighting their crops. With the pestilence leaving the strongest men of the town’s guard a few short days away from death, the burden of descending into the mines and purging the wellspring of whatever evil has settled there falls to an intrepid band of adventurers. Can these noble heroes prevail within the depths of Duvik’s Pass, or will they too fall victim to the perils of The Burning Plague? The Burning Plague is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure designed for a party of four to six characters of 1st level. Dungeon Masters (DMs) should feel free to adjust the adventure as necessary to accommodate groups not falling within this range. However, given the fairly low power level of the inhabitants of the mines at Duvik’s Pass, it should be noted that parties consisting of 20 or more total levels are unlikely to find satisfactory challenge within The Burning Plague.

Cover of Madness of the Rat King
Madness of the Rat King
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
24 pages

A self-contained weird and wonderful adventure! Mutant rats, beautiful maps, and strange loot! Madness of the Rat King is an 5th edition adventure for a party of low-level characters. You can start a new adventure with Madness of the Rat King, insert it into an ongoing campaign, or run it alongside the Fiery Grog Tavern supplement! This romp through a mad alchemist’s lair can be run from start to finish in about one or two gaming sessions. The module requires little planning beforehand aside from reading it over. Everything you need to run the game, from maps to monster stats, is contained within these pages. The adventure has enough encounters and challenges to advance the party by one level by the end of it. This adventure package includes: A self-contained adventure that will entertain a group for one or two sessions Plenty of hooks to lead the party into the adventure and even more plot lines to continue the story after this adventure is complete Gorgeous high resolution maps of the entire dungeon for print or online play made by Ross McConnell from 2minutetabletop.com 11 brand new monsters 8 brand new magic items

Cover of Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
3.5 Edition
Level 3
12 pages

On Olarune 9th in the 918th year since the founding of the Kingdom, one of the city of Sharn's floating towers fell from the sky, crusing much of the Godsgate District. Now, a band of bestial savages searches Godsgate for the remnants of a broken statue, pulling the PCs into a plot that could destroy Sharn itself. The city of Sharn is one of the wonders of Khorvaire. Its towers seem to touch the sky, rising up more than a mile from the shores of the Dagger River. But it takes more than stone and steel to support the spires of Sharn: the area is suffused with mystical energy drawn from the plane of Syrania, which empowers all forms of flight. Yet with such wondrous inventions come wondrous tragedies, for when the magic of a flying tower fails, it has to land somewhere... Pgs. 18-29

Cover of ROS3.5 Dire Run to House Fleetwood!
ROS3.5 Dire Run to House Fleetwood!
Levels 3–6
12 pages

The Ivory Scimitar becomes convinced that some key of the Violet Corruption can be found in the old House Fleetwood within Daern Kelton. Braving the city, they journey to the house and discover several key pieces of informantion along the way may help them stop the corruption and defeat the dungeon once and for all. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.