A community for lazy dungeon masters
46 adventures found
Cover of Jammin'
Any Level
9 pages

From the magazine: "A rotting ship holds the secrets of all the universe, but its crew wants you only for the 'fuel' you carry." This scenario is useful for launching players into a Spelljammer campaign. The players are tasked with investigating a derelict ship that fell from the sky. The ship is captained by a spectre and crewed by a host of undead enemies. Clearing the ship gives the players the possibility of a Spelljammer ship as well as access to several wheel-lock pistols and ammunition (the biggest treasure from the adventure). The adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting, though it may be easily altered to fit any other campaign world. Module LC1 Gateway to Ravens Bluff, The Living City, would be helpful, as the city of Ravens Bluff is suggested as the PCs' starting point for this adventure. Any other city can be substituted without difficulty. Pgs. 29-37

Cover of X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
Levels 7–10
64 pages

Lots of stronghold assaults and shipboard travel/encounters in this one. This adventure's deep political basis might be seen as an introduction for the domain-focused adventures of Companion-level play. This adventure is for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic, Expert, and Companion Rules, and includes the intrigue of engaging with nobility's lands and agendas. Intro: All is not well in the kingdom of Vestland. Not only is the king dead and the holy Sonora Crown missing, but the heir to the kingdom was lost at birth and no on knows where to find him. As if this wasn't bad enough, the forces of the Ethengar Khanate, never on the best of terms with Vestland, are now massing on the borders, hoping to take advantage of Vestland's plight. To complete the rosy picture, traitors from within also threaten to speed the downfall of the High Kingdom. Sounds like a job for you. You must find the long-lost heir to the kingdom and recover the Sonora Crown, the mystical device without which a king cannot be crowned. Standing in your way are traitors and spies from within and invaders from without the kingdom of Vestland. Time is running out! Can you save Vestland from disaster? TSR 9218

Deadly Treasure
Levels 10–20
17 pages

No treasures here just lying around to be taken. This tomb's riches fight back! A new tomb has recently opened for business in your area! The wealth of a wizard's lifetime can be yours! Defeat his traps! Slay his guardians! Zathis the Insightful took a century to collect these marvelous treasures. Now they can be yours in a matter of hours!

Cover of The Harrowing (Web of the Spider Princess)
The Harrowing (Web of the Spider Princess)
3rd Edition
Level 15
35 pages

Laveth, Lolth's half drow daughter, is plotting to seize power from her chaotic evil mother.

Cover of M1 Into the Maelstrom
M1 Into the Maelstrom
Levels 25–30
32 pages

Alphatia, the most ancient empire, land of the arcane and obscure secrets. It has grown for centuries and its might now overshadows the cauldron of civilization. Some say the Alphatians come from elsewhere, but no one knows for sure. Beyond the scope of mortals broods an evil mastermind, still in darkness. Once a betrayed emperor of ancient Alphatia, now an entity of the Sphere of Entropy, he seeks revenge on the greatest empire and on the race of man. His plots brought a deathly fog on all of Norworld. Perhaps it will extend to the southern nations. The matter is grave, so much that lords of the spheres have now to show their might. For them, it is time for mortals to intervene. Man defends his cause for him to earn divine favor. A great armada has been raised and able commanders must be found. Prove your worth, and the eternal portals of the spheres may open for you. TSR 9159

Cover of Quadripartite
3.5 Edition
Level 14
28 pages

A minion of chaos has come to the Prime Material Plane from the void of the Far Realms to terrorize and conquer in the name of its masters. The PCs must act quickly to assemble a legendary artefact powerful enough to weaken the minion so it can be defeated. Pgs. 20-47

Cover of The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
24 pages

A one-shot adventure of dark fantasy, tragedy, and horror... - 4-6 hour adventure for 3rd - 5th level characters. - 24 pages of an elegant, easy to read PDF. - 4 custom handouts that pair with the adventure. - 2 custom monsters. - 10+ trinkets and magic items for handing out to your players. - 6 gorgeous free battle maps that can be found here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/434359/Map-Pack-01--The-Sorrows-of-Southsward-Keep

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #74: Sword of Valor (Wrath of the Righteous 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #74: Sword of Valor (Wrath of the Righteous 2 of 6)
Level 6
92 pages

The Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path continues with “Sword of Valor,” by RPG Superstar Neil Spicer. The PCs, now invested with righteous mythic power, are poised to become the greatest heroes of this seemingly endless war against the demons of the Worldwound… provided they can succeed at their first mission. The citadel city of Drezen was once a symbol of the First Crusade’s triumph against the Worldwound, yet when a larger horde of demons attacked, they shattered Drezen’s defenses and captured both the citadel and the crusaders’ symbol of power. Can the PCs help lead an army north to reclaim Drezen and recover this potent relic, or are they marching their comrades and followers to a gruesome demise?

Cover of DDAL07-06 Fester and Burn
DDAL07-06 Fester and Burn
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
10 pages

The denizens of the Old City have made some unusual sightings in the festering refuse pits on the outskirts of the city, and while such reports are seldom taken terribly seriously, the mysterious disappearance of a beloved figure in the poor part of Port Nyanzaru has folks on edge. Can you get to the bottom of this? Part One of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of ROS4 Secrets of the Wildlands
ROS4 Secrets of the Wildlands
Levels 6–9
36 pages

Chaos reigns outside Roslof Keep, and the spread of the violet corruption runs deep within Mithelvarn's Dungeon. Now, the Company of the Ivory Scimitar must not only face the challenges of the Roslof delve, but will also find the dangers of the Kelmalin Wildlands must be overcome as well if they are ever to get to the bottom of the deadly plague that ravages the land. Time is running out, and only those brave enough will be able to face the horrors of the Glade of the Burning Dead and the dark recesses of The Hill. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Hellgate Keep
Hellgate Keep
Levels 9–12
38 pages

Hellgate keep - a name that once made the boldest of heroes shudder in fear - was long ago known as the fair citadel of Ascalhorn, a haven for elves and humans. The the demonic horde of bateezu and tanar`ri destroyd all remnants of real cicilization and turnet it into a den of malevolence. Today, the citadel lies ruined. The mistmaster and the harpers destroyed the keep and ended its centuries-long reign of evil...or so they believed

Cover of Hushed Hills
Hushed Hills
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
10 pages

Hushed Hills is an adventure location set in a haunted town nestled in hilly woodlands. It doubles as a toolbox with encounters and NPCs to support DMs in running a gothic horror adventure. You can use it in three ways: 1. Run the Hushed Hills as a Tier 1 adventure that takes one, two, or three 5-hour sessions (based on the starting quest you select). 2. Select the best encounters and NPCs to add to your game. 3. Use the presented content as fuel to inspire your ideas. This toolbox is packed with assets and consists of: • 50 encounterswith 4 quests to tie them into an adventure. • 21 NPC outlines (including eldritch chimeras), • 3 multi-phased boss battle against the Godless Chimeras. Assets are grouped into 3 regions, including Crestfall Abbey, Town of Kletva, and Mirage Forest. Each region has a high-resolution map and each NPC a portrait.

Cover of Beyond the Veil
Beyond the Veil
3rd Edition
Level 9
40 pages

"The creatures are just too intelligent, too crafty, and too strategy-minded to "rampage." Rampaging brings the wrath of oath-bound knights, powerful mages, and divinely-protected priests. Why would a dragon want such attention, unless it had some special secret, or unless it was insane? Or both. The northern reaches of the Derideth Swamp were once plagued by a rampaging dragon. This black dragon, named Storamere, took a mad glee in attacking human villages, wiping out orc camps, driving off the lizardfolk, and decimating farmland. He met his untimely end, though, in an ambush devised by the monks of the Order of St. Chausle. Storamere died with a curse upon his draconic tongue: "you could not have defeated me in my lair," he told his slayers. "I am forever invincible in my lair." Now Storamere is back, with a horde of his misshapen half-dragon offspring, to have his vengeance. All that remains of the once-heroic monks are two old men driven mad by their last encounter with the black dragon, so it falls to a band of adventurers to again defeat the mighty dragon -- this time in his palace, where the boastful Storamere claims he is at his strongest." Includes maps and damage rules for navigating Storamere's lair, a semi-solid palace made of a dangerous, corrosive liquid five feet thick and located on the ethereal plane. Most of the monsters in the lair have the Half-Dragon template applied. Published by Atlas Games

Cover of Dire Omens
Dire Omens
3rd Edition
Level 8
41 pages

Few are the wizards that seek to prolong their lives with dark rituals and foul magic to become the powerful undead beings called liches. But far fewer are those that seek to undo what necromancy what done and take back their lives after initiation to lichdom. Balipur is one of those few. Turned to a vassalich by the darklord Azalin against his will for impersonating him, Balipur, after Azalin's departure at the destruction of Il Aluk, seeks to imitate his former master's Grim Harvest project, inverted, in a smaller scale to forge a soul from the lives of other men.

Cover of Shattered Souls
Shattered Souls
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

The Shades of Bodach Ridge Whitepeak has a dark history of black magic originating with the evil witch Skruul the Reaper. The dark rituals she conducted seemed sure to plague the region, until a plucky group of adventurers thwarted her plans sending her into a state of perpetual fractured undeath. Now souls scatter from her old haunt on Bodach Ridge. What could have set these souls free?

Cover of To Cure a Kingdom
To Cure a Kingdom
Levels 5–8
18 pages

A prescription for evil. The king's question is, "Do you make house calls?" To Cure a Kingdom is an adventure for ADnD, set in and around a small city state that is suffering from a deadly disease of magical origin. The party must set out into the swamps in search of a cure. Features monsters with psychic powers as well as extra-dimensional travel. Adventure may be connected to further Underdark adventures with relative ease. Pgs. 8-25

Cover of City of the Spider Queen
City of the Spider Queen
3rd Edition
Level 10
186 pages

The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.

Cover of Remains of the Empire
Remains of the Empire
4th Edition
Levels 3–4
26 pages

Long ago, when the Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia thrived, the flying citadel Ustraternes was undone by tiefling magic. Now, a dragonborn zealot with dreams of renewing the lost glory of his ancestors explores the ruins—and unleashes a plague of rampaging drakes on the terrified locals. The story offers PC's the chance to tame a Warwing Drake, disperse a mob, parley with undead, and battle within an alpine meadow that defies gravity.

Cover of M5 Talons of Night
M5 Talons of Night
Levels 20–25
48 pages

As the cream of your crop, your party has been selected to act as diplomats on the Isle of Dawn at a historic meeting between Thyatis and Alphatia, timeless rivals. This could herald the dawning of an age of peace, unknown in the area for years past. However, things are not progressing s smoothly as planned. The powers of Entropy, headed by Alphaks, are out to ensure that this peace treaty is not finalized. Two of the diplomats are kidnaped - and you are framed! It's up to you to prove your innocence. This involves traveling to other dimensions, meeting vampiric spirits, and playing deadly games with the Night Spider. Ultimately, you must find and restore the Peaceful Periapt of Pax to its rightful place. Let the games begin. The events of Talons of Night may be played as a sequel to module M3, The Vengeance of Alphaks, or separately. The D&D Master Set Rules are necessary to run this game. TSR 9214

Cover of The Lightless Depths
The Lightless Depths
3.5 Edition
Levels 11–13
39 pages

Deep beneath the Isle of Dread, in a place forgotten by the world of light, an ancient, unfathomable evil festers. Within the desiccated ruin known as Golsimorga, the debased kopru servants of Demogorgon work foul rites, steeping immature shadow pearls in pits of liquid insanity. None from the world above have yet fathomed what terrors lurk beneath the Isle of Dread, nor what mad scheme roils to profane life deep within the city's gangrenous corpse. "The Lightless Depths" is the sixth chapter of the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's monthly "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand upon the campaign. Issue #353 of Dragon features ways to improve the PCs' vessel, the Sea Wyvern, as they take their adventures back to the seas. When the PCs journey deep under the Isle of Dread to find the source of the shadow pearls, they discover horrors beyond imagining in a haunted underground city perched on sanity's razored edge. Pgs. 28-66