A community for lazy dungeon masters
43 adventures found
Cover of Trouble in Wealdham
Trouble in Wealdham
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Save an unwitting hamlet from an undead threat! Wealdham is a sleepy, quiet town located in the Westwood. Nothing ever happens in Wealdham, until Waterdeep necromancer Faurius Besk decides to test his latest invention near the town... Trouble in Wealdham is a 4 hour adventure for Tier 1 Characters (optimized for APL 3). It can be run as a one-shot, as part of an existing campaign, or even to launch a new campaign to defeat Faurius. Chapter 5 includes a section on how to weave this adventure into a new or existing campaign. In addition to the full-color 24-page adventure you will also receive: * A printer-friendly version * High-Res Wealdham town map * High-Res Dungeon map * A PDF with pre-generated characters that fit perfectly into the adventure

Blood of the Gorgon
Levels 8–9
75 pages

Men always seek the blood of monsters. Some spill it to avenge their massacred families. Others swim through an ocean of gore to find treasures worth the envy of kings. A few know blood can be a priceless treasure in and of itself. Alchemy has long used the lifeblood of monstrosities as arcane fuel, and of all the legendary beasts, the blood of the gorgon holds the most secrets. Few know the blood's darkest lore, its ability to draw out the monster within every soul. Those who drink gorgon's blood are forever changed, and the darkest horrors of their mind unleashed. The heroes hunt a deadly murderer who stalks the streets of the Free City of Zobeck after nightfall, and cross blades with a guild of monsters who rule the city from below. Lucky heroes might risk no more than their lives. Unlucky heroes must wager their souls in a game where monsters and men dance close enough to share their blood and their fate.

The Trickster's Labyrinth
5th Edition
Level 3
38 pages

A 5th Edition Fantasy Adventure for 3rd Level Characters The PCs find themselves trapped in a strange labyrinth. They’ve arrived by magical means, and they can’t go back the way they came. They have no idea where this labyrinth is located. As they explore the labyrinth and try to find their way out, they may learn that everything is not as it seems, and the difference between an enemy and an ally can be difficult to discern. Escape is not easy, and a fate worse than death awaits those who fall. Published by Starwalker Studios

Cover of Witch of the Black Tree
Witch of the Black Tree
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
24 pages

A malicious and virulent force possesses the Vermyr Woods. The local wild-life has fled; known paths have mysteriously vanished or shifted; and locals have been found hanging dead from trees yet their eyes watch... they always watch. The hopes of the people are dwindling quickly. Believing that evil harpies have afflicted the woods, brave Captain Harkin set forth to serve them righteous justice! Even the mighty druid Algalor is nowhere to be found. Time passes and their worries compound. Why have the harpies attacked? What is the fate of Algalor and Captain Harkin? What is this mysterious evil that plagues the Vermyr woods? Who is Cartman's dad? The heroes will stumble into this mystery as they travel to Homid. They will discover the truth of the harpies as well as the fate of the heroes who safeguarded this region by delving deep into a forest labyrinth that feels alive! Will it consume them or will they be strong enough to defeat the evil at its core!

Cover of Things That Go Bump in the Night
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Levels 3–6
22 pages

Giants and ghost trees and foul undead beasties... What happens when elves, giants, and a mysterious witch all decide only you can settle their troubles. Strange new tree species! A hobgoblin fort! Unexplained noises during the day and different noises at night! Investigate and explore the Bretonwood to get to the bottom of its problems. The adventure provides an overland open-world style map of the Bretonwood which the players are encouraged to explore. Many set and random encounters are provided. There are opportunities for combat in this area, but players should be ready to handle some problems out of combat to get the most satisfying experience. Pgs. 22-43

Cover of To Cure a Kingdom
To Cure a Kingdom
Levels 5–8
18 pages

A prescription for evil. The king's question is, "Do you make house calls?" To Cure a Kingdom is an adventure for ADnD, set in and around a small city state that is suffering from a deadly disease of magical origin. The party must set out into the swamps in search of a cure. Features monsters with psychic powers as well as extra-dimensional travel. Adventure may be connected to further Underdark adventures with relative ease. Pgs. 8-25

Cover of DDAL04-10 The Artifact
DDAL04-10 The Artifact
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

An expedition to the Amber Temple reveals another major minion of the enemy and uncovers a secret weapon that may help defeat them. Part Ten of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Shore Leave
Shore Leave
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

A 4 hour adventure on the high seas and in the Shadowfell optimised for 8th level characters A dangerous fugitive is on the run from the Lords Alliance and the Order of the Gauntlet. As the net closes in on the fugitive, the heroes are deputized by the order and boards a departing ship to flush out the target of the manhunt. Shore Leave is a product of the ENNIE 2020 Silver Winner RPG Writers Workshop. The first half of the adventure takes place on the high seas where the characters search for a dangerous fugitive hiding onboard a ship. When sahuagins board the ship and a kraken appears from a maelstrom, things get desperate. The second half of the adventure starts when the characters are shipwrecked in the Shadowfell where the manhunt continues through a dangerous bog. This adventure can be used as a: * Stand-alone one-shot adventure * Starting point for a Shadowfell campaign * Filler adventure to transport characters across vast distances via Shadowfell or dilate time

Cover of The Star Cairns
The Star Cairns
Levels 5–8
48 pages

The Lost Tombs, Volume 1 Derro swarm in the Abbor-Alz. The Doomgrinder windmill's blades approach their zenith. Strange sightings in Hardby and rumors of a bandit empire in the mountains have commoners and nobles concerned. The Circle of Eight hopes that the key to averting this disaster can be found in the mysteries of a group of five ancient crypts, the Star Cairns. But first someone has to find the fifth cairn.... Five separate adventure sites playable individually or linked together, The Star Cairns can provide a diversion for treasure-hungry adventurers - or can be used as the seeds for an extensive campaign. Although the adventures are designed for four to eight characters of levels 5-8, each section can be adjusted for weaker or stronger groups. TSR 9579

Cover of DDEX01-14 Escape from Phlan
DDEX01-14 Escape from Phlan
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
27 pages

Three important citizens of Phlan, who stand against the tyrannical dragon that rules, seek to escape and find refuge across the Moonsea. Can you extricate those that are vital to the factions before it’s too late?

Cover of Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–7
159 pages

In Wheloon, a city known for its vibrant green slate roofs, a new temple to Mystra is in the final stages of construction. But something rings false among the heavenly spheres- or at least among those who mouth the pieties of Mystra while plotting magical mayhem behind closed temple doors.

Cover of Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Level 7
32 pages

Deep in the forest, something is stirring. An evil fey sorcerer, cast out of the First World millennia ago by her own kin, has found a way to break through the ancient walls of her prison, and carries with her a vengeance too deep to be sated. For the quiet Andoren town of Bellis, busy celebrating a long-awaited marriage, it's a time for joy and laughter. Yet the forest that's always sheltered it is growing dark, and things are moving in the heart of the woods...

Cover of Vampire Church
Vampire Church
5th Edition
Levels 5–14
? pages

Vampire Church is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 8, 11, or 14. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. A small church hides a dark secret: all of its priests are vampires. As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as drop-in material for game masters who wish to add a dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest. If you need a hook for this adventure or already have a similar hook, the Vampire Church Hooks table offers details for introducing this adventure to your players.

Cover of All's Fair
All's Fair
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
5 pages

The increasingly erratic behavior of Lady Selyse, Knight Captain of the small, but strongly held frontier outpost Fort Selsmire, is provoking unrest among her soldiers and fear from passing supply caravans. Many whisper of how the Captain now goes without sleep for days at a time, pacing the walls of the keep long into the night. Despite these rumors, the party has found employment at Fort Selsmire, conducting additional patrols of the nearby forests. While patrolling, they find evidence that may lead to the strange creature who seems to be provoking the Captain to madness. Pgs. 69-73

Cover of The Chapel on the Cliffs
The Chapel on the Cliffs
5th Edition
Levels 2–6
38 pages

The Chapel on the Cliffs is a 5th edition horror adventure optimized for a group of 4-5 characters of 3rd level. In this module, the characters will need to explore the ruined village of Kennmouth and its surroundings, find out why a small army of skeletons rises from their graves every night to drive out intruders, and search for a way to lift this unholy curse. The PDF comes with a companion PDF for scaling from levels 2-6. Produced by Goblin Stone

Cover of Sword of Air
Sword of Air
Level 1
522 pages

What is the Lost Lands? The Lost Lands is the home campaign world of Necromancer Game's and Frog God Game's own Bill Webb. This campaign has been continuously running since 1977. Many of the adventures published by Necromancer Games and Frog God Games are directly inspired by this campaign. They have evolved over the decades, and more material continues to flow from it as the dice keep rolling. Sages and wizards of legend speak of the Lost Lands—many of the players who have lived and died in Bill's campaign over the years now have a place in history (in the books). Frac Cher the dwarf, Flail the Great, Bannor the Paladin, Speigle the Mage, and Helman the Halfling are well known to the fans of Bill's work. This is the game world, and these are the adventures in which the players of these famous characters lived and died. Hundreds of players over the past 35 years have experienced the thrills and terrors of this world. The Sword of Air is the centerpiece of the Lost Lands. Currently, this epic tome consists of several parts: 1. The Hel’s Temple Dungeon—kind of like Tomb of Horrors on crack. This six-level, trap-and-puzzle infested dungeon formed the basis of Bill's game through his high school and college years. Clark Peterson’s very own Bannor the Paladin spent several real life months in the place, and, sadly, finished the objective. This is where the fragments of the fabled Sword of Air can be found…perhaps. 2. The Wilderness of the Lost Lands extending to the humanoid-infested Deepfells Mountains and providing detail about the nearby Wizard’s Wall. This so-called “wall” was raised by the archmages Margon and Alycthron harnessing the Spirit of the Stoneheart Mountains to raise the land itself, creating a massive escarpment to block invaders from the Haunted Steppes. These archmages are actual player characters from the early 1980s who live on in the legends of the Lost Lands. Over 70 unique encounter areas are detailed, and each one is a mini-adventure in itself. New wilderness areas may be added based on bonus goals described below! 3. The Ruined City of Tsen. Legend has it the city was destroyed by a falling meteor. This place forms an aboveground dungeon area the size of a city, with over 100 detailed encounter areas. It’s a very dark place…even at noon. 4. The Wizard’s Feud—This campaign-style adventure pits the players in a long-running series of intrigues and battles between two archmages. Which side will they take? Their actions all play into the overall quest, and could well determine which side wins. Law and Chaos are not always what they seem, and if the wrong decisions are made, the entire ordeal could fail. Remember, one of the wizards WANTS Tsathogga to win. 5. New monsters, new demons, new spells, and new rules for various aspects of play. 6. The Tower of Bells. This dungeon is the result of the workshop Bill ran at PaizoCon 2013, where the participants assisted him in building an old-school dungeon. Visit the tower and discover the secrets of the “artist” within. Beware: those entering may never come out!

Cover of Dragon of Icespire Peak
Dragon of Icespire Peak
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
64 pages

An adventure included in the Essentials Kit (2019). The party starts in Phandalin, the starting town for the Starter Set (2014) adventure, Lost Mine of Phandlever. Various jobs are posted by Harbin Wester, townmaster, which the PCs can pursue. These jobs culminate in a raid on Icespire Hold, where Cryovain, a young adult white dragon, has recently claimed as its lair.

Cover of DDEX01-12 Raiders of the Twilight Marsh
DDEX01-12 Raiders of the Twilight Marsh
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

A black dragon’s treasure hoard has been located in the Twilight Marsh, and within it are secrets that hold interest to the factions. With the dragon marauding over the countryside, the horde is left unguarded. Now is the time to plunder its lair!

Cover of DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
68 pages

A storm of unparalleled fury has been ravaging the peaks of the Earthspur Mountains for a tenday, and the Monastery of the Yellow Rose sits in its eye for now. Some monks have fled the monastery to the safety of Mulmaster and beseech you to convince their more obstinate brothers to retreat to the city before the eye of the storm shifts, and the monastery is in terrible danger. Can you brave the elements and convince the monks to escape? An eight-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Cover of H2 The Mines of Bloodstone
H2 The Mines of Bloodstone
Levels 15–18
48 pages

The most deadly dungeon ever devised! High-level characters brave the unexplored corridors of Deepearth to confront perhaps the most feared adversary in the AD&D game. The second chapter of the Bloodstone Pass saga follows the conclusion of the desperate war against the bandit army. A cold and bitter winter drives the villagers to the edge of starvation, and numerous horrors strike the town of Bloodstone Pass. Join the adventure as the heroes explore the depths of the ancient bloostone mines, now inhabited by fearsome demons. There they hope to uncover the fantastic treasures rumored to exist in the unknown darkness. But deep within the mines, all is not what it seems.... This module uses the new rules from the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide and Wilderness Survival Guide. The adventure also includes optional BATTLESYSTEM scenarios fought entirely underground. These supplementary products are not required to play the adventure, however. TSR 9168