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1673 adventures found
Cover of Grimalkin
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
32 pages

Lo! The corpse of poor, departed Scholar Zubayr, washed up on the shores of the River of Sand, lies in the charnel house…destined to become dinner for a cult of cannibals. Though distasteful in the extreme, this isn’t your concern—except that Princess Karima Gamila, the most beautiful gnoll in Per-Bastet, has begged you to rescue her friend’s body and help discover his fate. Still unmoved to action? Know then, adventurer, that the Scholar was hot on the trail of lost treasure! If you can claim his body from the cult and decipher the clues he left behind, long-buried riches and powerful magic might be yours. But nothing is simple in this city of dark wonders: others converge on the charnel house in pursuit of wealth, vengeance, or both. Can you out-fight and outwit vile cultists, undead catfolk, a cunning werecrocodile gnoll, and the deadly secrets that lie buried beneath the River of Sand? Set in the city of Per-Bastet in the Southlands Campaign Setting, it is meant for play either as the thrilling sequel to Cat and Mouse, or as a standalone treasure hunt! Also available in Pathfinder format.

Cover of FVC3 - Sinking of the Mercy
FVC3 - Sinking of the Mercy
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
23 pages

The Sinking of the Mercy is a sandbox style adventure with multiple side treks to give higher level characters a challenge. After recuperating from their last adventure the PCs find themselves at the port city of Covalush. A group of heavy storms have been battering the coastline for a while a few banged up ships have limped into port. The sailors have found the taverns and have been retelling the story of a sunken treasure ship they were travelling with. As the storms start to weaken the possibility of a treasure hunt has intrigued the PCs…

Cover of Just Add Water
Just Add Water
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
4 pages

Just Add Water is a sewer-based dungeon crawl that can be easily inserted into any adventure. All you need is a location with a sewer system and a reason for the party to explore it.

Cover of DDAL04-04 The Marionette
DDAL04-04 The Marionette
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
42 pages

A Vistani fortuneteller has called you out by name during the Burgomaster’s private reading. She raved of an army of the dead, a delicate powderbox, and a beautiful yet dangerous woman. Now the Burgomaster wants to know why you’re more important than he is... Part Four of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
59 pages

Sometimes its better not to know... Citizens are turning up in the city in catatonic states, alive but devoid of personality. Are they the victims of an illness or disease, or is there something more sinister at work? Encountering one of these poor souls, the characters are drawn into an investigation of politics and treachery, seedy underworld dealings and rooftop chases, culminating in a fiery conclusion. Can they discover the cause of this epidemic before it’s too late?

Cover of Wrath of the River King
Wrath of the River King
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
70 pages

In the small hamlet of Riverbend, the miller’s wife is missing, and the locals suspect the husband himself was involved. But all is far from what it seems. Ellessandra, the missing woman, is actually an elf from the Summer Lands. She came to live in the human settlement when the miller made a dangerous pact with the River King, the lands’ powerful sidhe ruler. Now, the player characters must unravel the truth behind Ellessandra’s disappearance, piece together the involvement of a young fey lord, and dive into the fey courts of the Summer Lands to stop a raid that would surely spell Riverbend’s doom. All the while, Arthurian intrigue and mischief runs high among the fey lords and ladies in this mercurial, open‑format adventure from acclaimed adventure designer Wolfgang Baur!

Cover of The Darkest Night
The Darkest Night
5th Edition
Level 1
8 pages

The Darkest Night is a Christmas / holiday themed adventure where players battle an ancient evil to save Kringlefest. This adventure can be used as an outline for any game system, but the specific details are for four 1st-level adventurers using the rules of the 5th edition rules of the world’s greatest roleplaying game. This adventure is designed to provide a short one-shot adventure for inexperienced players or anyone who wants to get into the holiday spirit. * An introduction poem written by Edward McCulloch to set up the adventure * 3 encounters featuring snow people, toy soldiers and a demonic Krampus finale * Various challenges along the way to Kringle's workshop * A fun gift giving conclusion with Kringle at his workshop

Cover of Trail of the Forgehammer
Trail of the Forgehammer
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
19 pages

In the peaceful village of Auchendale, the local blacksmiths have lost their enchanted forgehammer. Trickery is afoot and soon enough, the adventurers will have to embark on a chase, in a comedy of errors and misfortune. Follow the path of the Forgehammer from a rural village, through the summery farmlands and deep into the forest and its shadowy undergrowth – all in one gameplay session, in a generic setting easily adapted to all manner of worlds. Designed for introducing your group to D&D with a focused 3-4 hour questline. This adventure fits best with a level 3-4 party. Includes hand-drawn illustrations and maps.

Cover of DDEX01-05 The Courting of Fire
DDEX01-05 The Courting of Fire
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

An exiled cultist and his kobold minions are spotted searching for long-forgotten ruins in the Dragonspire Mountains. Rumors say he looks for a precious gift to give a fearsome dragon that dwells there. What he hopes to attain with his gift is unknown, but can't be good for the citizens of Phlan.

Cover of Tomb of Nyarlathotep
Tomb of Nyarlathotep
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
11 pages

Summoned from across the multiverse, a small group of heroes must enter an ancient pyramid and prevent the Elder God Nyarlathotep's return to power. A Lovecraft-themed oneshot.

Cover of City of Brass
City of Brass
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
? pages

Good folk have vanished. Those who were once disparaged and forgotten now wield power unlike anything seen before. Rulers and sages turn a blind eye to the disturbing events unfolding around them. In every corner of the Lost Lands, the Cult of the Veiled One spreads unchecked. Prophesizing a cleansing jihad of flames and the coming of the Burning One, the cult has erected its brazen spires in every land. What follows depends on the wit and courage of mighty heroes who must rise to the occasion and take the fight to the enemy in its very stronghold. Will they succeed, or will they succumb to the temptations of the Veiled One’s court and join in the conquest of their home world? A fabled city of wishes on the edge of an eternal flame. The City of Brass is a rich combination of sand-box style role playing adventure, planar exploration, and twisted dungeons designed to test even the most seasoned adventurers.

Cover of The Debt Owed
The Debt Owed
5th Edition
Level 2
22 pages

A small adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. A small urban adventure set in Waterdeep with various hooks to extend beyond this adventure. A character needs to repay the debts he accumulated in life, but now his family isn’t so keen to just let someone take what they are owed. This family may have more sinister secrets that they wish to keep hidden.

Cover of Plaguebearers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
16 pages

You are hired by the Greenskull orc clan as merceneries to assist in the eradication of a firblog settlement from the swamp the orcs need to conquer in order to survive. You are first sent in to retrieve the bodies of scouts that never returned, but you soon realize that something wicked is going on in the swamp. Will you escape with your lives, or will you also become a victim of the Druid's Curse?

Cover of Adubeus's Tower
Adubeus's Tower
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Explore an abandoned wizard’s tower in this short mini dungeon! This adventure is a Micro Dungeon. Preface Long ago a wise wizard named Adubeus lived deep within the forest. As he lived, he would pass out nuggets of wisdom to those in need, and aid the local townsfolk in times most dire. Long past are these happy days, however, and the kindly old wizard has not been seen in many decades. Some say he found a calling elsewhere in the world, while others whisper of his demise at the hands of a secret experiment gone awry. One thing is certain, however. His tower, long forgotten, still stands out there in the forest. Occasionally, some hapless person wanders upon it much to their personal peril. The specific details of Adubeus are left vague on purpose. This small adventure is intended to be played as part of a larger campaign, and the location can be modified to fit your setting. The reasons for your adventuring party to be heading towards the tower are entirely up to you, however, below are some good sample adventure hooks.

Cover of Into the Dragon's Maw
Into the Dragon's Maw
5th Edition
Level 12
20 pages

Your stalwart band treks through the trackless jungle seeking the Dragon's Maw Waterfall. At the base of the falls, behind a massive curtain of water, is rumored to be the cavern lair of a great wyrm. The local Xulmec tribesmen say the great dragon has not been seen in nearly 100 years, so perhaps its hoard lies unguarded and ready for plunder. But what role do the heroes play in a blind shaman's prophecy foretold a century ago?

Cover of Moonless Market Festival
Moonless Market Festival
5th Edition
Level 1
10 pages

This guide describes how to run a one-session festival for your players. It combines a black market, costumes, and various activities suitable for different PC skills. The setting is a beach at night near a coastal town or city, but it can be easily adapted for other locations. It is suitable for players with little experience, and characters of any level. It makes a good first session for new players since they can try various skills without risk.

Cover of The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II
The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II
5th Edition
Level 2
16 pages

Mykon Drift, genius inventor and entrepreneur, has disappeared on the eve of his greatest ever product launch, and nobody seems to know why or where he’s gone. Certain jaded onlookers might think this is for the best, for Drift is a disrupter in the truest sense, and the technomantic marvels he creates often wreak havoc on the guilds and economies of the Sword Coast. But titans of industry like Mykon Drift don’t just disappear for no reason, and his most loyal apprentice is willing to pay to find him. Unfortunately, that apprentice isn’t willing to pay very well, so what they get is the Grib-bits Detective Agency. "The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II" is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for four 2nd-level characters. It is designed to follow on from "The Gribbits Detective Agency", and should be played in a single sitting.

Cover of The Cult & The Tribe
The Cult & The Tribe
5th Edition
Level 7
29 pages

The Cult & the Tribe Lizards and Goblins and Demons, Oh My! DUNGEON MODULE T1: THE CULT & THE TRIBE Goblins weilding magical blue fire are attacking the peaceful lizardfolk in the swamps near Timbertown. They've come to the humans for help, and Baron Ferrand needs heroes to head into the swamp and find out what's happening. As if that wasn't enough, demons are roaming the countryside, summoned by cultists of the Fraternity of Tharos, one of whom is secretly an important person in the town. Can you help the lizardfolk and keep the town safe?

Cover of SQ7 - The Sable Mace
SQ7 - The Sable Mace
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
15 pages

You and your associates have been contacted by Janko Milosh, fourth Earl of Tambish. Apparently, he has come into possession of a cursed item and he requires it be delivered to someone he trusts to examine it. With no mounts and none for sale, you better hope your boots are in good shape!

Cover of TS4 - Unicorn's Mane
TS4 - Unicorn's Mane
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
25 pages

You've enhanced your experience and with that comes training. You found a suitable teacher and have been quite studious and are ready to move on. As the instructor gives you leave, bad new strikes in the form of his sickened wife. You quickly learn that a rare herb known as Unicorn's Mane is required. As repayment, you set out to gather the item to save your friend's spouse. This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign, but is easily adaptable to most any game and system. This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for notices and updates as well.