A community for lazy dungeon masters
1673 adventures found
Cover of The Boneyard
The Boneyard
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
10 pages

The Boneyard is a 3- to 4-hour adventure for characters levels 1st to 4th. It features a flavorful setting, memorable roleplaying, oddball and depraved NPCs, interwoven storylines, and macabre combat encounters! The adventure also includes 3 new NPC stat blocks. When darkness falls and the iron gates close behind you, the dead come out to play!

Cover of DDAL-DRWEP-02 Wings of Death
DDAL-DRWEP-02 Wings of Death
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
74 pages

A Dreams of the Red Wizards Epic The treachery and master plan of Thay are at last revealed—and heroes are needed for a final assault to prevent the return of one of Faerûn’s greatest evils! Part Five of the Storm King’s Descent series of adventures. A Four-Hour Epic for 11th- through 16th-Level Characters and 17th- through 20th-Level Characters. Optimized For: APL 13 and 18 This adventure also includes rules for single-table play. Content warnings include: cold weather hazards, possession, and slavery

Cover of Rise of the Druid's Curse
Rise of the Druid's Curse
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
24 pages

Your investigations into weird occurrences in Waterdeep's Field Ward leads you to the source of a disease that suddenly breaks out. You are the only ones who know of the cure, but you won't be able to procure it if you remained quarantined like the rest of the ward. The clock is ticking for you and your allies.

Cover of Old Olga and Young Yvonne
Old Olga and Young Yvonne
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
65 pages

Old Olga and Young Yvonne is a four- to six-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with a village theme, hags and witches, an abducted child to save, some horror, and mysteries to solve! Willow Creek, a remote farming village, is in trouble: livestock is going missing and reappears gutted in the woods, crops fail and fields blight - and now the bastard child of young Yvonne has gone missing as well. What no one in the village knows: Yvonne is a budding witch secretly feuding with Old Olga, an evil hag in the woods - who now demands a human sacrifice from Yvonne in return for her child. Who can sort out this mess, bring back the innocent child, prevent a murder, and return peace and quiet to Willow Creek? This adventure can also be used as a mini-campaign sandbox. With the branching and inter-connecting scenes, locations, and NPCs it provides, combined with the guidance on how to run a "village adventure", the material provided here on more than 60 pages can easily cover up to eight hours of playtime. Included with this adventure are: + an original custom creature, the young witch + 12 original fleshed out NPCs, including personality traits and roleplaying tips + a toolset for creating villager NPCs quickly + 7 hand-drawn maps of important locations + 4 alternative story rewards (depending on how the adventure resolves)

Cover of Temple of the First Fire
Temple of the First Fire
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
19 pages

The Temple of the First Fire is a 5e adventure in which a group of heroes must stop an ancient, evil witch known as the Raven Mocker from stealing the eternal flame that lights the sun. If the witch succeeds, it would plunge all humanity into endless darkness. It features a corrupted guardian, a temple suspended from the heavens by divine chains, and a series of unusual encounters, as well as four third-level pregenerated characters! Also available for Savage Worlds. Published by Sigil Entertainment Group.

Unwelcome Spirits
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

An elder warlock from the goblinoid swamp village of Urzin has been kidnapped by soldiers of the Dwendallion Empire. Now the machinations of an evil imperial inquisitor might unleash an evil that could threaten the garrison at Fort Venture and the goblinoids of Urzin alike.

Cover of Death in the Dark - A Tome of Foes Adventure
Death in the Dark - A Tome of Foes Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 8–10
14 pages

A shadow hangs over the dark and dreary town of Squill. Townsfolk are being murdered in their beds without any explanation and the local graveyard has become a dangerous, haunted place. Consumed by fear, the men and women of Squill have begun casting evil glances at a young orphan boy. The victims, it seems, all had links to the lonely child, and none of them were good. A local priestess, however, wonders if the heart of the darkness consuming the town lies in a necromancer slain nearby only a few months ago...

Cover of DDEX02-14 The Sword of Selfaril
DDEX02-14 The Sword of Selfaril
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

The fabled sword of Selfaril is told to bestow wisdom and power upon whomever wields it, so naturally its discovery has caused quite a stir in Mulmaster. All of this is complicated when a masked benefactor claims to not only know the truth about the blade, but also how it can be used to benefit the oppressed people of Mulmaster. Can it truly change Mulmaster for the better?

Cover of NC7 - Giant Foothold
NC7 - Giant Foothold
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
25 pages

The bustling metropolis of Saydown City is the largest settlement in the Denali land and home to the current ruler King Pellet. As your party reaches the watery entrance a huge iron statue guards the docks. Upon closer inspection you notice that the item is actually a golem. After continued investigation you discover that the ‘heart’ of the creature has been stolen and you accept the job to uncover the loss!

Cover of The House of the Midnight Violet
The House of the Midnight Violet
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
23 pages

"A well-written adventure through a mansion filled with dark secrets." The party is recruited by an innkeeper to recover a flower from a nearby mansion. He is an alchemist and he is running short on his supply of the Midnight Violet. Town rumors warn the party to stay away. But, that's unlikely given that your heros are mighty and brave. While exploring the mansion, the adventurers will learn the story of the family that once lived there and what caused their demise. That is...if they live that long. Two new creatures and one new magic item are introduced in this adventure.

Cover of DDAL09-02 Stopped at the Gate
DDAL09-02 Stopped at the Gate
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

It’s been a long, arduous trip, but you’re finally here—Baldur’s Gate. You’re not out of peril yet, however, even if you’re leaving the lawless wilds behind you, the streets of the Gate still run red with blood. But you quickly find that arriving at the city wasn’t the biggest challenge at all, now you must convince the city’s rulers to grant asylum to you and those in your charge. Part One of the Betrayal is in the Blood series of adventures. A Two-to-Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters (APL 3).

Cover of Beneath the Keep
Beneath the Keep
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

During a brief stop-over at a wilderness stronghold, a simple trip to a local provisioner reveals foul play! The shop has been broken in, and the shopkeeper is missing. But the place has not been burglarized. The heroes are thrust into an investigation. Clues discovered by the heroes’ hint at larger corruption that festers among the border lands surounding the stronghold. What sinister forces lurk beneath the keep?

Cover of SQ4 - Dungeon of Otek
SQ4 - Dungeon of Otek
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Kind words and a scrap of paper are enough to lead you off on an adventure into the hills. You and your party have opted to follow the clues leading to a fabled Talisman of Otek lost years ago in an old dungeon. Your benefactor has warned you that some cultists are actively seeking the item and hope that the “heroes in the making” will obtain the item before the nasty fanatics get ahold of it and use it for nefarious purposes!

Cover of Lady of Loss
Lady of Loss
5th Edition
Level 3
20 pages

The village of Trunton is the focus of conflict between the ruling paladin of the God of Vengeance and secretive cultists. As the PCs become embroiled in the unrest, a series of supernatural events lead them to investigate a ruined tower outside the village. When they discover the grim secrets underlying the situation, whose side will they take?

Cover of Lurker Beneath Red Larch
Lurker Beneath Red Larch
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
13 pages

"Ribbons of blood dance through the air, tracing wide crimson arcs before fraying into thousands upon thousands of bright red droplets. The cheerful tavern atmosphere evaporates in a moment, rent apart by screams and cries. A woman with grey hair stands near the bar, grasping at the dagger in her throat with fingers made slippery by blood. She sways and collapses. More screams. A man stands before her. He is holding the hilt of the dagger, but lets it slip from a gory hand as the woman falls. He freezes for a moment, then spins and sprints away, knocking aside people as he goes. A young, flaxen-haired woman at the back of the tavern cries out, “Stop him! Stop him!” as he approaches the entrance – the entrance where you and your comrades are standing. What do you do?" A lonely outsider murders a popular village local before a room full of witnesses. But could he be innocent? The Lurker Beneath Red Larch is a 4-6 hour adventure for characters of 3rd-4th level. It is full of roleplaying, problem solving and challenging combat encounters.

Cover of SD4 - Safari on Dragon Isle
SD4 - Safari on Dragon Isle
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
31 pages

After enjoying a bit of free time in Cullifield while some members of your party finish their training, you hear word of a quick trip out to sea. Further investigation leads you to understand a certain list needs fulfilled and a drunken sea captain is willing to split the profits. Well, no need to sit around on your hands…let’s hit the waves!

Cover of The Claws of Madness
The Claws of Madness
5th Edition
Level 1
37 pages

For centuries, Aelmor Monastery near the port town of Sestone was a safe haven for scholars, monks, and pilgrims seeking enlightenment, its renowned library home to an enormous collection of ancient manuscripts, tomes, and peculiar writings. After suffering a devastating attack at the hands of a possessed monastery elder, Aelmor fell into ruin, its troubled past forgotten. When villagers start disappearing and turn up horribly mutated days later, fear takes a grip of Sestone. What sinister forces are at work? And to what end? The Claws of Madness is a standalone adventure carefully designed for a group of 1st-level heroes, including new monsters, magic items, and a thrilling story arc. Edited by Michele Carter (co-editor of the 5th Edition Player’s Handbook), this dungeon crawl combines the best elements of classic adventures with fresh new exciting avenues. The story in this book also provides the perfect base for an epic, long-running campaign suitable for higher-level characters, in which the heroes unravel the dark mystery of the mythical Hand of Narkul . . . Published by LoreSmyth SmiteWorks.

Cover of Pit of the Dust Goblins
Pit of the Dust Goblins
5th Edition
Level 4
6 pages

The people of Feycircle believed the fairy ring for which their town was named protected them from the encroaching sands of the Western Wastes. When the ring withered, they learned they were right. Feycircle’s dewflecked pastures and verdant forests succumbed to the Wastes in an instant. Feycircle sank deep into the sands and was soon occupied by a tribe of fanatical dust goblins, a herd of dogmoles, and the giant worms that caused the blight. The PCs may explore the keep—the only structure remaining in the dusty sinkhole now called the "Pit of the Dust Goblins." Inside the keep is an entrenched gatekeeper who can divulge that two children remain in town, imprisoned by the goblins. The dust goblins have summoned and imprisoned a selang—a shadow fey—inside the blighted fairy circle. The goblins fear open combat and have laced the sunken keep with traps, and would sooner parley than fight.

Cover of The Blossom of Oshadis
The Blossom of Oshadis
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

You wake up in a dark room with a group of friends. You don't know how you got here and your thoughts seem distant, echoing in your mind. The note you find reminds you your mission: retrieve the flower of oshadis and escape this temple alive. Culitsts and traps stand between you and freedom.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Scourge of Róbai-Shita Temple
Mists of Akuma: Scourge of Róbai-Shita Temple
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
42 pages

Heroes are needed in the mountainside town of Shibai—though thought to be spared from the horrors of the demonic Mists of Akuma, recently the supernatural haze has started to fall onto the settlement and a monster lurks through the evil fog. Despite the presence of the infamous Mubo Brothers, hired by the local mayor, a Sukochi bengoshi calls upon the party to get to the bottom of what ails Shibai. The truth of the matter lay within Robai Shita Temple, though what the adventurers find inside may see them undone!