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1673 adventures found
Cover of DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
34 pages

An escaped duergar slave stumbles into the village of Elventree. With her she brings a malady that grips the small settlement in a bout of madness that seems unshakable. Can you find the source of the madness and save yourself and the village’s inhabitants? A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Cover of CCC-GLIP-01-01 Glip Dak
CCC-GLIP-01-01 Glip Dak
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
37 pages

The Kroth Magg hobgoblins run the trade city of Glip Dak in the Troll Hills of Thar. From there they have taken control of the trade routes along the northern Moonsea. A young noble has been captured for refusing to pay their tariffs and his house looks to hire adventurers to rescue him.

Cover of A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
5th Edition
Level 6
26 pages

A quick-paced exploration of the magic tower, home to the great Solomon, the Master Conjurer, an expert in fiendology. Adventurers have to find Control Orbs to disable the tower's security system before it destroys them, and discover the secrets of the tower in the process. Their progress will be ushered by a seemingly helpful entity with nefarious intent - Zarloxar, the blue Abishai. The success of adventurers could also finally spell freedom to the fiend... or not if players, under stress, will realize the trickery in time. Part of "Detailed Encounter" series - each "Detailed Encounter" - features new monsters with unique stat blocks, new magic items, a custom battle map, and detailed NPCs. It also has story hooks and advice enough, to quickly turn it into a separate adventure!

Cover of Legend of the White Snake
Legend of the White Snake
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
5 pages

The Chinese legend of Lady White Snake, like a serpent shedding its skin, is a tale that’s been renewed many times. At its core, it is a tale of a water snake granted magic and human form when a mortal man drops a god’s gift of immortality into the river. It is a story of friendship in which the white snake saves a green snake’s life and shares her powers. It is a story of jealousy in which a turtle spirit covets their immortality and plots against them. It is a story of selflessness in which the white snake sacrifices all—trapped in a pagoda for eternity—to save, from the turtle spirit, the same mortal man she’s grown to love. But in some retellings, it is a story of evil and good, Lady White Snake, an evil demon, and the turtle, a well-intentioned monk. Or it is a story of treachery, the green snake betraying her closest friend. This adventure embodies the multi-faceted nature of the original legend transformed over centuries. The town’s healer, Lady White, has been captured, and everyone in the village has a different story to tell. It’s up to the characters to decide who they trust, what they believe, and what they’re going to do about it.

Cover of SB16 - Zagzon's Vault
SB16 - Zagzon's Vault
5th Edition
Levels 14–18
24 pages

SB16 – Zagzon’s Vault has an upper level (16th) group of PCs discovering an old tomb being discovered by a group of Halfling children. The remains of an evil necromancer lies within but he’s not quite “dead” and neither are his followers that were also entombed with him. Traps, tricks, and hurt lie within this adventure and it is not for the faint of heart!

Cover of AL3 - River Pirates
AL3 - River Pirates
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
19 pages

With a bit of experience under your belts, you roll into the small town of Windomere with the hopes of catching a ferry to the larger community of Sepopolis. Your initial greeting lacked a warm glow and you quickly discover why. Apparently a river pirate with the moniker of ‘Slippery Peat’ and his cronies have been causing quite a stir in the area. You have a bit of a layover…ready to do the region a favor?

Cover of Death in the Wood
Death in the Wood
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

The Bell Wood has always been rumored to be a dangerous place, full of strange creatures and odd happenings. Timber from the wood is highly sought after for its reputed magical properties, so brave foresters sometimes dare the wood to harvest trees to finance their futures. But this time, people are dying. Loggers are vanishing, their mutilated bodies recovered from the undergrowth hours or days later. What has changed in the wood? Can anyone solve the mystery? And can they survive the investigation? A Triple Kingdom Adventure.

Cover of Lurker Beneath Red Larch
Lurker Beneath Red Larch
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
13 pages

"Ribbons of blood dance through the air, tracing wide crimson arcs before fraying into thousands upon thousands of bright red droplets. The cheerful tavern atmosphere evaporates in a moment, rent apart by screams and cries. A woman with grey hair stands near the bar, grasping at the dagger in her throat with fingers made slippery by blood. She sways and collapses. More screams. A man stands before her. He is holding the hilt of the dagger, but lets it slip from a gory hand as the woman falls. He freezes for a moment, then spins and sprints away, knocking aside people as he goes. A young, flaxen-haired woman at the back of the tavern cries out, “Stop him! Stop him!” as he approaches the entrance – the entrance where you and your comrades are standing. What do you do?" A lonely outsider murders a popular village local before a room full of witnesses. But could he be innocent? The Lurker Beneath Red Larch is a 4-6 hour adventure for characters of 3rd-4th level. It is full of roleplaying, problem solving and challenging combat encounters.

Cover of Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
Ignorance is Bliss - Adventure 2: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
59 pages

Sometimes its better not to know... Citizens are turning up in the city in catatonic states, alive but devoid of personality. Are they the victims of an illness or disease, or is there something more sinister at work? Encountering one of these poor souls, the characters are drawn into an investigation of politics and treachery, seedy underworld dealings and rooftop chases, culminating in a fiery conclusion. Can they discover the cause of this epidemic before it’s too late?

Cover of The Demon in the Mirror
The Demon in the Mirror
5th Edition
Level 5
29 pages

The Iron King's daughter has been cursed by a demon who lurks inside a mirror locked deep in the palace dungeons. Can the characters win their freedom from those same dungeons by entering the mirror demon's horrifying, maze-like realm and finding a way to end the curse? The Demon in the Mirror is a creepy dungeon crawl adventure for 5th-level characters. It takes about 5-7 hours to complete and includes: -An otherworldly, reality-bending realm inside a magical mirror -Four new monsters: the mirror demon, ceiling creep, reflection demon, and librarian of Leng! -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous digital maps (with and without grid) for virtual table tops

Cover of PS7 - City of Harvick
PS7 - City of Harvick
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
21 pages

After a restful time in Queen’s Point you begin to hear rumors of some “lost city” being discovered. After speaking with some of the locals and visiting the library you become intrigued. Apparently Harvick was abandoned during the plague years and its riches were never recovered. Along with the regular valuables one would find in an abandoned city, it is rumored that an ancient artifact or two may also be present. Sounds like it’s time to strap on the adventuring gear and take a look around.

Cover of Cellar of Death
Cellar of Death
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Something evil is devouring the souls of the living in Chult, but before the characters take on the horrors in Tomb of Annihilation, they must first uncover the death curse’s origin by braving a lich’s tower in the Cloakwood. This introductory adventure is designed for a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 2nd level by the adventurer’s conclusion. It is a prelude to Tomb of Annihilation that should take about 2 to 3 hours. This product includes Fantasy Grounds files for the adventure. What Inspired Cellar of Death? The introduction of Tomb of Annihilation states Syndra Silvane learned about the Soulmonger from the Harpers, who “received their intelligence from a lich.” This adventure is the story of how the Harpers gathered that information. Cellar of Death has a second purpose: to give characters a greater stake in the outcome of Tomb of Annihilation by creating an NPC they love. The death curse kills this NPC, giving the characters a personal reason to go to Chult.

Cover of Madman at the Bridge
Madman at the Bridge
5th Edition
Level 4
8 pages

In the thriving city of Zobeck, a breakdown of the vital Puffing Bridge is throwing a wrench into the entire city. Workers can’t reach their jobs, merchants and goods can’t reach markets. In short, if this problem isn’t fixed quickly, there’ll be chaos in the Free City. Of course, this isn’t a simple mechanical breakdown but an act of sabotage, and the saboteurs are still at work when characters arrive to investigate.

Cover of Trouble at the Twin Temple
Trouble at the Twin Temple
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
17 pages

A short plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. The Twin Temple was once a place where the people of the city can come to and get help and guidance, but change has come to the Twin Temple now. The characters seek to find what poisons this well and how they can get to the bottom of it and who is responsible. This adventure is ideal for for 3-4 tier I and II characters. Playable as a one shot or the start of a larger campaign. The characters are sent to investigate the Twin Temple and see if they can find the root cause of trouble with various clues and encounters in most rooms this adventure is customizable and adaptable to fit into most campaigns as needed.

Cover of The Storm's Eye
The Storm's Eye
5th Edition
Medium Level
23 pages

Deep within a forgotten temple lies the Storm's Eye, a powerful sapphire coveted by the monstrous Behir, Krykzor. In The Storm's Eye, adventurers must navigate deadly traps, confront ghostly knights and phase spider minions, and solve a lightning-powered puzzle, all while racing against time to escape a collapsing temple. Designed for a party of levels 6-7, this one-shot adventure offers thrilling combat, intricate puzzles, and dynamic challenges as players face the storm and claim the treasure—or risk being lost forever.

Cover of Kobold Mountain
Kobold Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
10 pages

Kobolds. To some, that name means “a tiny creature that dies easily”. To others, that name invokes fear and dread of a relentless, diabolical nightmare. This adventure introduces you to the latter. If your party is unlucky enough to enter the kobold-infested mountain, they will wish they hadn’t after triggering traps around every corner. And if that doesn’t discourage them, the red dragon surely will.

Cover of It's Bigger on the Inside
It's Bigger on the Inside
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

“Come! Sit! Be my guests. You will find that dinner is up to the highest standards, and I’ve even provided a show.” When the adventurers entered the manor of the old mayor they did not expect to fall into another plane of existence. It seems Archmage Lonore was ready for their arrival, and had arranged the finest entertainment... for herself. Can the adventurers survive Lonore’s death trap and capture the mad mage once and for all? This one-shot adventure is designed for characters of 6th level, and contains plenty of traps, encounters and misdirection. Adventure Synopsis Chasing the bounty on a murderous archmage, the characters find themselves plunged into an arcane deathtrap. Their quarry was prepared for their arrival, and had devised entertaining challenges (for herself) in this magnificent mansion demiplane. The characters will fight through various arcane hazards on their path to the inner sanctum of Archmage Lonore. As they get deeper and near the sanctum, the characters will meet the mage and her mother, possibly learn a bit about the relationship between them. This encounter leads to the final showdown in the archmage’s sanctum, where the orb of reality is located. The adventure includes a map for every encounter! (Print & VTT versions) Published by Beyond the Screen

Cover of Encounters in the Savage Wilderness
Encounters in the Savage Wilderness
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
116 pages

Encounters in the Savage Wilderness contains 19 encounters / mini-adventures, a few new creatures and items, and downloadable maps. We've also added suggestions on how to use the encounters in Eberron.

The Pirates of Senag Island
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
13 pages

An unusual pirate outpost on a small island is causing big trouble for the residents of coastal towns in more ways than one. A Minotaur clan have recruited outlaws and formed an alliance with Sahuagin in order to establish a pirate outpost on a formerly abandoned island and have begun raiding up and down the coast...

Cover of Lost in Dreams
Lost in Dreams
5th Edition
Level 7
31 pages

Can you navigate fairy-tale intrigues among fey and living nightmares without getting trapped in the tale? Fight your dreams in the twelfth adventure of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path with this adventure for 7th level characters. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: Using his recently acquired Aethervane, Provost Faurious locates the only connection between the material plane and Dal Quor, a feyspire called Taer Lian Doresh that exists simultaneously in both planes. The player characters are sent to retrieve a powerful artifact, the Mind’s Eye, the petrified eye of a kalaraq quori. As the party enters the feyspire and negotiates with its eladrin lord, what are they willing to give up in return? Negotiations unveil a far deeper story, centered around the machinations of the Inspired of Riedra and the kalashtar they persecute. Can the characters navigate the shifting stories of nightmares and dream-touched fey for possession of the Mind’s Eye?