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1673 adventures found
Cover of What Skitters Beneath? (DC-POA-PND-2)
What Skitters Beneath? (DC-POA-PND-2)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

DC-POA-PND-2 What Skitters Beneath? (Part 1 of the Strange Case of Erland Forsk) Strange things have been happening near the Wet Trout Tavern by the Easthaven docks. Mysterious lights, missing items, missing people, and now the bartender swears he saw a ghost! Can you help get to the bottom of this? Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3 Using the DungeonCraft seed Burrowing Borrowers Don't go into the Basement! The Strange Case of Erland Forsk is a four part series of DungeonCraft adventures, each 2-hours long. DC-POA-PND-2 What Skitters Beneath? (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-3 The Watcher in the Attic (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-4 Eateat Go Home? (tier 2) DC-POA-PND-5 What Stalks the Night? (tier 2) ``` Where the cockroaches dance You can wallow in romance But don't go in the basement! Oh! You may think that it's deluxe To ride the banister filled with rust Oh, don't, don’t, don’t, don't go! Don't go in the basement! —Danny Elfman, Don’t Go in the Basement ```

Cover of Manor of Dread
Manor of Dread
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
28 pages

This horror-based adventure takes the characters to a manor shrouded in mists to discover that it is inhabited by deceased victims, arcane experiments, and a ruthless woman looking for new victims. The characters become trapped in the mists and must unravel the history surrounding the dubious deeds that have taken place in the manor. To leave, they must either defeat evil or bargain with it.

Cover of The Princess Predicament
The Princess Predicament
5th Edition
Level 20
14 pages

An exiled queen threatens to kidnap her own daughter. A lonely king laments his lost heroic days. A troubled princess struggles with her awakening powers. The realm's most renowned heroes must find a way to fix the dysfunctional royal family in order to save reality. The Princess Predicament is a one-shot adventure for 20th-level characters. It includes: - adorable pink rooms and horrible shadow monsters - a battle for the fate of the world and a battle for a little girl's future - a doll castle - legendary statblocks - 20th-level pregens

Cover of Trollkin Hunt
Trollkin Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
4 pages

A venom maw hydra lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. The Red Craw Marsh, so called because of the delicious and plentiful red crayfish that live in the area, is a boon to the nearby village. More than a few intrepid souls brave the swamp each season to collect the crayfish. They either sell the crayfish to local establishments or ship them to nearby cities, where they earn a good price as the crayfish is a delicacy among the wealthy. The villagers have established a tentative peace with a clan of trollkin that inhabit the swamp. The crayfish collectors pay a small fee to the trollkin, who allow them to ply their trade in the marsh without (much) interference. It is a tense but profitable relationship for all involved. A powerful creature has moved into the marsh, however, threatening the delicate balance. When a venom maw hydra decided to move to the area of the marsh between the human and trollkin villages, it brought along a number of creatures that worship and serve it. This hydra and its allies have killed some of the crayfish hunters and some of the trollkin. Each side, unfortunately, believes that the other has broken the truce, thus stirring up animosity and putting both groups on the verge of war.

Cover of Temple of the Mad Dragon Priestess
Temple of the Mad Dragon Priestess
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Blackstone Cave was once a smugglers’ lair, but it was cleared out decades ago. Now there are strange noises coming from the cave, and local authorities are afraid smugglers and bandits have taken up operations again. What will the adventurers find? More importantly, will they be able to survive the machinations of the Mad Dragon Priestess? A straightforward dungeon crawl with combat and opportunities for role-playing. The party is tasked with investigating strange noises coming from Blackstone Cave, an abandoned smuggler's lair. They find kobold cultists have moved in, but they're not the average dragon cultists.

Cover of Quite the Pickle - A Saltmarsh Adventure
Quite the Pickle - A Saltmarsh Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
54 pages

Be Ready with the Snapping Line... Just about every community, big or small, civilized or seedy, has at least one popular tavern. Folks may go there to relax or to look for work, to celebrate or to mope, to learn the latest or to forget. And while some may be willing to travel far from the comfort of their favorite watering hole in search of adventure, in the seaside town of Saltmarsh, they may not have to. At the Snapping Line Inn and Tavern: * Enjoy food, drink, gossip, a darts competition, and maybe a rousing bar fight. * Participate in a gambling night. Watch out for pirates! * Stop a dark ritual to save an innocent—and yourselves. * Come to the rescue when there’s an accident by the pier—and the predators arrive. Four linked encounters around a pier-side tavern for characters of levels 5-10. Playable individually, scattered throughout another campaign, or together as a four-to-six-hour adventure.

Cover of Assault on Precinct Four
Assault on Precinct Four
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
17 pages

The activities of the party have caused enough chaos to warrant their arrest. With the Felicity Triskelion confiscated, the adventurers await trial at a remote Azorius Arrester Station 13 in Precinct Four. Unfortunately, they are not alone in the holding cells. When a prominent figure of a brutal Gruul clan is also incarcerated, the Gruul lay siege to the Arrester Station. Other parties, interested in the power of the Felicity Triskelion, join the fray in hopes of making off with the relic. When chaos rises in Precinct Four, will the party survive?

Secrets of the Greenwold: Caravan of Peril
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
22 pages

Caravan of Peril takes place on the unprotected roads and trails of the wilderness between cities. Merchants, pilgrims, and wanderers have long banded together in wagon caravans for safety when setting off into the wild -- yet a caravan is only as safe as its hired guards. There's plenty of coin to be had on the road for those with a swords (or spell book), a steady will, and a taste for adventure. This adventure begins assuming the characters have all signed on as caravan guards. Their motivation may be money, wanderlust, or a hasty need to get out of town. Whatever the case, payment is 25gp each, paid upon safe arrival in the next city. Along the way, the characters will brave the dangers of the wilds, make some unusual acquaintances, and be ambushed by crafty goblins.

Cover of The Cage
The Cage
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
29 pages

The Cage: A valuable trinket was stolen from the well-protected manor of the lady Morrigan Strange, and she enlists the help of some able-bodied adventurers to retrieve it. As it is the way of things, it turns out the problem is not as simple as it first seemed. A vile demon was trapped in the stolen orb and threatens to kill everyone in sight after its release! The package includes background information about the involved characters, a few details about the town of Beregost, several maps, and lots of adventure!

Cover of Last Christmas
Last Christmas
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
66 pages

This Christmas, Santa Claus must die! Adopt the role of one of history’s iconic Christmas villains and raid Santa’s North Pole base in order to destroy Santa’s corrupted form. Due to Grinch’s machinations, Santa’s jovial form has been corrupted and he’s called off his annual gift-giving journey. Now, the Spirit of Christmas gives Grinch an ultimatum: he must assemble a team of other famous villains, infiltrate the North Pole base and destroy the corrupted Santa Claus so he can be reborn and deliver presents. The team will have to navigate environmental hazards, deal with four factions of Santa’s elves and finally battle the Man in Red himself. However, each team member has their own secret agenda to complete … and time is running out!

Cover of C17 - 0 - Isle of Mage Moreau
C17 - 0 - Isle of Mage Moreau
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
44 pages

After having one adventure under your belts you set sail to deliver a package across the open seas. A problem with nature causes their vessel to make an unscheduled stop on a small island that was home to a spice dealer for water. Problems ensue on the island and the party quickly discovers they aren’t “feeling themselves”. This item was played at WhosYerCon convention this past year in Indianapolis!

Cover of AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
21 pages

This adventure picks up where AS1 – Artifact of Gegios left off. You return to the city of Gegios to divide treasure and determine what the strange wand is. Your return trip may have given you a clue in that travel to the east causes it to vibrate less while moving in a western direction causes it to shake more. What is the significance of this anomaly? Is your party ready to find out? Bring your water wings folks you’re probably going for a swim!

Cover of Seven Weddings
Seven Weddings
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

The community of Lukestown has been haunted by a vengeful spirit, Lilian. She is intent on keeping her widower Marcus from ever enjoying marriage without her.Today is Marcus' seventh wedding after his late lover passed. Will this ceremony end in celebration or death? The answer rests in the hands of a small group of adventurers. This urban one shot adventure involves some murder mystery and puzzle solving components.

5th Edition
Level 3
3 pages

Sometimes protecting the cargo is easy but getting the pay not so much. The caravan is already on its way, some disagreement with the guards makes them leave the cargo without protection midway. You are just in the right place to catch up fast and guard the wagons the last stretch home.

Cover of Svarog's Anvil (5e)
Svarog's Anvil (5e)
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
52 pages

Are you ready for some HACK 'N' SLASH action? Do you yearn to unveil the hidden mysteries of the DWARVES? Are you thirsty for some UNEXPECTED encounters? The long lost Dwarven Kindgom of Gleodemar holds a relic of the past, Svarogs's Anvil, a magical artifact that can boost weapon production. The Heroes are sent to reclaim it, but the ancient fort is not empty and the new denizens have settled for good and do not seem keen on sharing any treasures. Will the Heroes manage to overtake them in a direct (and bloody) confrontation, or will the try to slip through the shadows to reach their goal? Maybe they will be captured and the "cavalry" will have to save them? In this adventure anything goes and it takes only one mistake to unravel the Heroes' careful plans and make them prisoners of the Keep. In this slightly challenging 5e hack 'n' slash adventure for 4th level PCs you will find: - a detailed story behind the Dwarven Kingdom of Gleodemar - a powerful dwarven artifact - a back-up NPC party, in case the heroes require a "deus ex machina" intervention - an optional ethical dilemma, to spice things up - both DM and player-safe maps - 3 boss monsters that can be used as future antagonists - non-stop action and suspense until the last minute of this 3-act mad rash and if all of that still does not sound fun, there's ALSO a race against time before the curtain falls. Download away! (and don't forget to share your feedback, we'd love to hear it!)

Cover of The King's Evil
The King's Evil
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Delbert's friend Thordyn has been wrongfully arrested and placed in quarantine inside the Lazar's Walls, where all those who have contracted King's Evil are banished to. It is your missing to infiltrate the settlement, and free Thordyn. The task will not be simple, as a crime syndicate rules the Lazar's Walls with an iron fist.

Cover of Assault of the Steel Horde
Assault of the Steel Horde
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
3 pages

The earth churns in a city graveyard, revealing not the undead but an ancient war machine. A great iron transport bores its way up from depths below, disrupting funeral rites and sending the citizens into a panic. With an opportunity to investigate and reap the rewards of bravery, the party closes on the graveyard. There they discover that the pilots of the strange vehicle are soulless automatons who have spent an eternity burrowing toward the battlefront of a long-forgotten war. In this action-packed and gritty adventure, the party must battle automatons, breach the iron transport, and put down its mad and malfunctioning commander.

The Forge of Fury 5e
5th Edition
Level 3
27 pages

Two hundred years ago, the great dwarf smith Durgeddin the Black built Khundrukar, a hidden stronghold for his war of vengeance against all orckind. For years Durgeddin labored, until the orcs discovered Khundrukar and stormed the citadel, slaying all within. Legends say that Durgeddin's masterful blades and glittering treasures were never found.

Cover of Ebonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures
Ebonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
170 pages

Inside Ebonclad you'll find: 170 pages of setting lore and history, accompanied by lavish illustrations and short stories to bring the setting to life. 7 adventures for character levels 1 - 4 GMs can use to introduce new players to the setting, or customize for use in their own campaigns. Tons of character options including new backgrounds, subclasses, feats, equipment, poisons, and spells. Tools for GMs to generate random citizens, valuables they may possess, the contents of their pockets or purses, and ways of determining how connected they are and how they'd react to witnessing crimes. Dozens of new NPCs, from generic stat blocks for thieves in the Ebonclad guild or town guard, to specific characters living in the city. A primer on thievery, for characters who live the life of crime. Over 30 random street encounters with different customization options a GM can use. New urban chase complications specific to the setting. More than a dozen encounter area maps saved as PNG files to print or use online.

Cover of A25: Flute of the Four Winds
A25: Flute of the Four Winds
5th Edition
Level 4
? pages

The majestic tree of the Four Winds grew in the forest west of the village of Rybalka, revered by the Vikmordere druids of the Snoqua tribe for its power to control the weather and hold balance with nature. When the Klavek Kingdom invaded the area, a powerful druid named Manahzo transferred the essence of the tree into a magi­cal flute to keep its power safe from the threat of the militaristic Empire. Entrusted with the flute by the Snoqua, he and his wife sought to hide the flute from the reach of the invaders. As they fought the Klavek military they found themselves forced into an old cave system in the mountains of the Vikmordere Valley where they faced not only the Klavek soldiers, but ancient primal horrors. While Manahzo kept the flute out of the invaders hands, he lost his wife in the battle. Manahzo now seeks revenge on the Klavek Kingdom and its citizens located in the village of Rybalka. The PCs find themselves in the midst of an attack on Rybalka by Manahzo and a group of rogue Snoqua warriors. They must fight beside the citizens of Rybalka to repel the attack, and then seek out the Snoqua to find a means to deal with Manahzo and his rogue companions. In the forests outside Rybalka they will face a demonic wolf ally of Manahzo’s before finally engaging him in a direct battle as he executes a final attack on Rybalka. Even if the PCs succeed in defeating Manahzo, the threat does not end as his thirst for vengeance continues even after his passing in the form of haunt on the village. Directed by the Snoqua on how to end the haunt, the PCs must venture to the caves where Manahzo’s wife died to confront the ancient horrors that were responsible for her demise and recover her body in order to give her a proper burial to calm Manahzo’s vengeful spirit once and for all and bring peace to the village of Rybalka. Also included in “Flute of the Four Winds”: Roleplaying opportunities to interact with various NPCs in Rybalka, the heart of the Aventyr campaign setting Two new monsters – The hive-minded Tunnel Horrors and their carnivorous primal kin, the Anglers High resolution encounter maps in a new location, the coal mines north of Rybalka