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1712 adventures found
Cover of Not a Creature Was Stirring
Not a Creature Was Stirring
5th Edition
Level 1
19 pages

This Christmas themed adventure is a straightforward adventure for level one PCs. Players adventure from a town where they are attacked in their sleep by animated presents, travel up a nearby mountain and discover a hermit's house where they fight snow elementals, living trees and explore the hermit's home. Eventually they discover the evil hermit in a secret room below the home. This adventure contains a lot of help for newer DMs.

Tomb of the Undead King
5th Edition
Level 3
22 pages

Launching the Unlock the Vault-series, this first installment sees the party search the royal crypt in the ruins of Wellsing for the fabled Shield of Ralfour - An artifact that, initially unknown to the party, also acts as one of the eight keys to break the seal on Aizendore's Vault of Tragic Treasure.

Cover of Grammy's Country Apple Pie
Grammy's Country Apple Pie
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A kid-friendly adventure for heroes of all ages and experience levels! When the ancient wizard Tyndareus develops a craving for a special treat from his childhood, he will stop at nothing to get his hands on the best apple pie in the whole world. He hires a group of adventurers to seek out the bakery that once produced the wonderful dessert – unfortunately for them, the bakery has long since been overrun by goblins. But all is not as it seems at Grammy’s Bakery, and Tyndareus isn’t the only one who’d do anything for those pies.

Cover of Serpent's Tooth
Serpent's Tooth
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
9 pages

Ten years ago, the local hunting lodge was shuttered after a series of tragic accidents. Now, a local lord has hired the adventurers to investigate the site. The catch: a medusa has been running an exotic creature smuggling ring out of the abandoned lodge—and was involved with the past tragedy. Pgs. 147-155

Cover of Blinsky's Toyshop
Blinsky's Toyshop
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
38 pages

Blinsky's Toyshop is our take on what happens to Blinsky and Piccolo during, or after the Curse of Strahd campaign. Blinsky, the toymaker in Vallaki with the cute monkey wearing a pink tutu, received a large inheritance from a long-time client. The client, Obtavius Swat, a retired adventurer and avid collector of toys, left his entire estate to Blinsky. The estate included coin, precious gems, art, and his collection of toys, some made by Blinsky and others he acquired during his travels. Blinsky used the fortune to pay a wizard to create a small island in the middle of Lake Zarovich, located just outside of Vallaki. He then paid masons and workers to build a fantastic new toyshop, which he designed to be an experience for both the young and old alike. Though the number of children in Barovia was increasing, mostly imparted to the devil Strahd’s downfall, Blinsky wanted to touch the inner child of the adults in the city. He wanted happiness. He wanted smiles. He named the castle Blinsky’s Toyshop of Marvels. One of the toys, a small silver tiara kept in a black satin-lined ivory jewelry box, was such a lovely piece. Blinsky couldn’t stand the thought of leaving it in the box. He already had enough gold and losing the small tiara wouldn’t be a large loss, so he decided to give it to his monkey – Piccolo (see Creatures of the Toyshop). He smiled at the thought of her running around in her pretty, shiny tiara. Sadly, as Barovian luck would have it, trapped inside the tiara is the sole of an evil gnome wizard named Aribetha Strangge. In his old age, Obtavious Swat forgot that he and his fellow adventurers used the tiara to imprison the gnome’s soul. Yesterday, when Blinsky placed the tiara on Piccolo’s head, silver tendrils cascaded from the tiara and into poor Piccolo’s skull, allowing Aribetha to control the monkey. Now, Aribetha has incapacitated Blinsky in the toyshop’s tower, brought many of the toys to life, and imprisoned or killed many of the workers and customers. The adventure includes costumes (which the character may wear), Strahd Hand Puppets, and a possessed Piccolo.

Cover of The Mystery of Knacker's Hill
The Mystery of Knacker's Hill
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
60 pages

A perfect side-quest adventure for a party based in Phandalin or after completion of Lost Mines of Phandelver. Unravel the malevolent mysteries of Knacker’s Knothole! A party of four to six 5th level characters meet Knacker, the ancient awakened grandfather oak, who was introduced in Volo’s Vetted Vendors. He has a request: one of his cherished death’s heads is missing and he implores the party to find out what happened to it. Although Knacker suspects the people of Phandalin, the party’s investigations ultimately reveal a much more sinister threat. The party must investigate the disappearance while an unseen foe attempts to thwart their efforts with ambushes and misdirection. It is not long before there are more disappearances, and the party must use its ingenuity to prevent open hostilities. This adventure is part of a new series based on Volo’s Vetted Vendors and Elminsters Excellent Establishments. It can be played as the final part in this series, and it is also ideally suited to a party that has just completed Lost Mines of Phandelver. This is a 5-7 hour adventure that will advance the party to 6th level. This full-color 60-page adventure includes: * 29 pages of adventure content. * 2 pages of convenient NPC summaries. * 8 beautiful maps suitable for use with any VTT (separate files are included for all maps, including both high- and low-resolution versions). * Many random tables including adventure hooks, customers at Knacker’s Knothole, rumors, random encounters, chase complications and battle events. These tables can provide inspiration for other adventures and campaigns as well! * 20 pages of monster and NPC stat blocks.

Cover of Lord of Gloomthrone
Lord of Gloomthrone
5th Edition
Level 12
27 pages

Agents of evil are attempting to complete a dark ritual in the icy depths of Gloomthrone Citadel, a ritual that would surely spell disaster for the kingdom if completed! Led by the priestess Z'ress Baenre, a coterie of drow have overtaken the abandoned tower and fortified it with their minions. It's a race against time for the PCs to make their way through Gloomthrone's defenses, and put an end to Z'ress and the foul magic she is using.

Cover of Shimmer of Possibilities
Shimmer of Possibilities
5th Edition
Level 3
16 pages

The Director of the precognitive mages puts out a call to the Guilds for assistance in investigating a new threat which would disrupt an upcoming annual celebration along the Transguild Promenade in Precinct Four and cause the deaths of many Ravnican citizens. The Adventurers must find the evidence pointing to the perpetrators and stop the oncoming riot during the celebration in 24hrs. This is a One shot adventure for a group of four, at 3rd level. It could possibly be the first of many other adventures you might run in Ravnica!

Cover of The Demon in the Mirror
The Demon in the Mirror
5th Edition
Level 5
29 pages

The Iron King's daughter has been cursed by a demon who lurks inside a mirror locked deep in the palace dungeons. Can the characters win their freedom from those same dungeons by entering the mirror demon's horrifying, maze-like realm and finding a way to end the curse? The Demon in the Mirror is a creepy dungeon crawl adventure for 5th-level characters. It takes about 5-7 hours to complete and includes: -An otherworldly, reality-bending realm inside a magical mirror -Four new monsters: the mirror demon, ceiling creep, reflection demon, and librarian of Leng! -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous digital maps (with and without grid) for virtual table tops

Cover of The Crypts of Kelemvor
The Crypts of Kelemvor
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
15 pages

This scenario sees the adventuring party given an important quest to collect a number of broken magical seals and to light a number of magical braziers, all of which once protected the crypts of Kelemvor. In so doing, they can help to quell a devastating uprising of undead — organized by a powerful lich named Idris bent on destroying the city of Neverwinter. “The Crypts of Kelemvor” is a one-shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 3 to 5, adapted from a quest in Neverwinter online.

Cover of C17- 4- Temples of Darkness & Light
C17- 4- Temples of Darkness & Light
5th Edition
Level 6
47 pages

You have been sent to watch over the destruction of an ancient artifact by your liege, but arrive to find the temple sacked and the item missing. You and the other abassadors must take the famed Pick of Zander across the Kamula Wastelands. There you must track down the agents of evil and, if possible, destroy the artifact...time to earn your hero status!

Cover of Blibdoolpoolp Rising
Blibdoolpoolp Rising
5th Edition
Levels 3–6
18 pages

"For Blibdoolpoolp!!" "The power of the mind and belief are wonderous, often leading us to manifest things that aren’t real. For the kuo-toa, this power is heightened, allowing their collective belief to manifest gods." Two tendays ago, a paladin of Torm was kidnapped by kuo-toa. In a strange turn of events, she was mistaken for a kuo-toa god, and whisked off to their underground lair. Barria has managed to pose as the god and now shakily leads a small faction of kuo-toa while trapped underground. With her influence being increasingly scrutinized, and with the different kuo-toa sects on the brink of civil war, it’s a dangerous time, even for a ‘god’… The heroes’ mission — rescue the paladin from the kuo-toa oceanic lair before she’s transformed into a kuo-toa god. The kuo-toa are an Underdark-dwelling race of fishlike humanoids. Different sects worship different god-like beings, each god manifested through the strength of a sect’s collective zeal. Such “gods” feature prominently in this adventure. Product Overview ♦ 4 to 8 hours for four to five characters. ♦ Scalable for 3rd-6th level. ♦ High-resolution maps of the Kuo-Toa lair. ♦ 9 new statblocks, including Dire Barnacles and Hypno-Cuddlefish! ♦ Includes plot hooks, handouts, rules for faction combat, and more!

Cover of The Battle of Emridy Meadows
The Battle of Emridy Meadows
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
26 pages

The party is enlisted to assist the Righteous Host, an army formed as a last resort to defend the world against the monsters of Elemental Evil. The host is greatly outnumbered. Its leaders send the party on a series of missions, each of which will give the Righteous Host an edge in the great battle to come. This epic adventure ends with the final push against the forces of Elemental Evil in the Meadows, and the outcome is informed by how effective the party is in their missions... and whether they are willing to risk putting themselves in the front lines. If the Righteous Host loses, players may decide to travel to Hommlet or other nearby towns to defend them. Whether the host is successful or not, players can decide to follow many different plot threads: exploring the Temple of Elemental Evil, finding the lich Kell the Eldest's lair and destroying his phylactory, or following the will of Bitbaern's Shield and discovering historical sites that were previously lost. Pgs. 44-69

Cover of GC16 - Legend of Pula Noa
GC16 - Legend of Pula Noa
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
51 pages

After resupplying equipment, health, and morale, you have heard of a job opportunity available at a nearby pub. After first missing out on the chance, your fortunes change and get the job. After boarding the Gnome airship, the “Marietta”, you head off across the sea to locate the captain’s missing brother. You find out you will be going into the jungles of the lost Pula Noa tribe. Rumor and legend surround these natives as having streets and buildings paved in gold, silver, and death! This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition rules D&D for the Filbar Campaign for mid-level adventurers and DM. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for a one shot adventure or a continuing campaign!

Cover of Lost in the Forest of Gloom
Lost in the Forest of Gloom
5th Edition
Level 4
10 pages

Lost in the Forest of Gloom is a short spooky quest

Cover of Starburn Academy
Starburn Academy
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
18 pages

Everyone who’s anyone has heard of Starburn Academy. The elite boarding school is famous for teaching students to excel in magic, history, fighting, and anything else a precocious child in the city of Seledor needs to know. But now, one instructor at the school is using his position to carry out a nefarious plot which is at best unethical and at worst deeply dangerous. The only people standing in his way are a mage with an unreliable reputation and the handful of talented children she picked off the street to infiltrate the school and get the evidence needed to take him down. That is, you.

Cover of Getting Your Feet Wet
Getting Your Feet Wet
5th Edition
Level 1
7 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has welcomed its newest team to the fold, assigned to the Keeper Reese Kincaid for instruction. The recruits are green, but capable. Their Keeper has devised a job for them to assess their talents. If his new team is successful, he gets some insight as to how his new Scraps operate, in addition to scratching something off his to-do list. If they die trying, well, then Reese has one fewer thing to worry about. The party must track down the slum thief Dale E’ssio, and reclaim valuables marked for the guild. Should anything unfortunate happen to Dale, there must be no evidence tracing things back to Ebonclad. The mission will require the party to enter Kintalla’s sewers to ultimately confront Dale E’ssio in a ruined slum house. Characters may have to explore the city while trying to get a lead on him.

Cover of Hags of Red Rocks
Hags of Red Rocks
5th Edition
Levels 4–9
8 pages

A short adventure meant to be inserted into Storm Kings Thunder set on the small island group known as Red Rocks along the Sword Coast. The adventure faces the players of against a coven of hag sisters who have been threatening the region for some time. Hags of the Red Rocks is a encounter and mini-dungeon meant to be dropped into the D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King's Thunder, but can easily be an evenings play for any group travelling along a treacherous coastline.

Cover of DDAL07-01 A City on the Edge
DDAL07-01 A City on the Edge
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
50 pages

Often called the “Gateway to Chult”, the exotic city of Port Nyanzaru is built upon a landscape both mystifying and marvelous. However, the city’s vibrant beauty is overshadowed by a mysterious scourge that plagues all within the land. Can the divergent forces within the city discover the truth before all are overcome by this growing threat? Five Four-Hour Mini-Adventures for 1st-4th Level Characters

Cover of The Siege of Sâlorium
The Siege of Sâlorium
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
66 pages

The Siegue of Sâlorium is a lvl 1-3 adventure in a fantasy world for 4-5 players with the characters have to find the origin of the tremendous attacks on Slorium. An adventure with pregenerated characters, suitable to any campaign in a fantasy setting.