A community for lazy dungeon masters
661 adventures found
Cover of ROS4 Secrets of the Wildlands
ROS4 Secrets of the Wildlands
Levels 6–9
36 pages

Chaos reigns outside Roslof Keep, and the spread of the violet corruption runs deep within Mithelvarn's Dungeon. Now, the Company of the Ivory Scimitar must not only face the challenges of the Roslof delve, but will also find the dangers of the Kelmalin Wildlands must be overcome as well if they are ever to get to the bottom of the deadly plague that ravages the land. Time is running out, and only those brave enough will be able to face the horrors of the Glade of the Burning Dead and the dark recesses of The Hill. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of F14 - Bog of Jelaneus
F14 - Bog of Jelaneus
Levels 8–12
38 pages

The world of Filbar was built upon the remnants of the Adurite Empire an ancient empire that extended among the continents. Centuries ago a curse befell the land and the empire causing its destruction. In the campaign the players were given the opportunity to discover a very difficult way to lift the curse. While this adventure can be used as individual fillers it also offers campaign players the opportunity to lift the centuries old curse. Can your players piece together what happened and solve the mystery?

Cover of The House of Long Knives
The House of Long Knives
Level 10
9 pages

Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of An Artist's Errand
An Artist's Errand
Levels 6–8
23 pages

To a reigar, art doesn't imitate life, it is life. "An Artist's Errand" is an AD&D Spelljammer adventure for 4-6 good-aligned characters of level 6-8 (about 35 levels total). The module assumes the party is familiar with spelljamming. The party should include at least one spell-caster, preferably a wizard, but a party of resourceful (and powerful) fighters and rogues should be able to complete the adventure. PCs with an understanding of navigation, elvish, and engineering will come in handy as well. The party need not own a spelljamming ship to complete this adventure. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of I11 Needle
I11 Needle
Levels 8–10
48 pages

The king's notice asked for adventurers to undertake a mission to a far land. It was marked with the rune for "high danger, high reward" so of course you volunteered. The king has heard of a great obelisk that towers over a ruined city in a far country. He wants to know more about the obelisk and its strange powers. Your job is to find the obelisk and bring back a report to the king. The mission seems absurdly easy...until you reach the jungle. Don't think the king is through with you if you get back to the capital city alive. You haven't seen the last of that jungle yet. Is a share in the spoils of an ancient civilization worth the risk? Don't forget to pack you bug repellent! TSR 9187

Cover of RC7 - Bulwark of Adolphus The Rogue
RC7 - Bulwark of Adolphus The Rogue
Levels 6–8
23 pages

The final installment of the three-part Rock Con ’17 convention is here! Can the heroes enter the stronghold of the brazen thief and recover the final tome? The challenge is high but the stakes are much higher for failure!

Cover of RQ3 From the Shadows
RQ3 From the Shadows
Levels 9–12
64 pages

TSR 9375, from 1992

Cover of SJA2 Skull & Crossbows
SJA2 Skull & Crossbows
Levels 6–10
64 pages

Different worlds have different laws. But everywhere you go, you're going to find people who bend and break those laws and turn a healthy profit doing it. Whether sailing the high seas or the Flow, they are called pirates. It's these pirates that you've been hired to hunt. With letters of marque in your mapcase, your job is to track down and capture, alive or dead, some of the most dangerous characters in the known( and unknown) spheres. Of course, not everyone in space is a pirate. You'll also meet Torgan Betz (a man famous for bending the laws, rarely breaking them), Tiktitik, the Thri-kreen crusader, " Thought Taker," the illithid, and the feared Drow commander Teela Darkcloud. Even so they all have their personal agendas, and it's often hard to tell enemies from friends. TSR 9286

Cover of Unchained!
Levels 6–10
14 pages

The gnomes built a dragon. Can you turn it off? We gnomes built this wonderful dragon but now the darn thing seems to be out of control. The party meets a hapless gnome tinkerer who's mechanical dragon has gone haywire! The construct is possessed by a spirit named Ahmoras. The party is led to a town called Gnomevale on the way to Mount Nevermind. Finding the town devastated by the automaton, the party follows in the wake into the mountains. The party has many ways to defeat the automaton, ranging from brute force to tricking the spirit of Ahmoras out of the construct. Pgs. 36-49

Cover of DQ1 The Shattered Statue
DQ1 The Shattered Statue
Levels 5–9
48 pages

"A mutual friend has praised your skills highly. If you seek rich reward and the opportunity to delve into mysteries ancient and lost, bring this bottle forthwith to my demesne in the village of Volkumburgh. Together we may seek to bring mankind the lost wonder of the awtawmatawn." A mysterious note, a disappearing 5-foot-long religious relic, and the ruins of two magical schools. What do these things have in common? How deeply are your party members involved in all this? "The Shattered Statue" is the first dual-game-system module of its kind. Players of both the AD&D game system and DRAGONQUEST game system can use this adventure. It is suitable for use with FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. TSR 9221

Cover of DSQ1 Road to Urik
DSQ1 Road to Urik
Levels 4–7
122 pages

"Tyr is free! Tyr is free!" Such is the heady cry that echoes from the darkest warrens to the gleaming chambers of the Council in that ancient city. Now is your chance to savor life released from the oppressive gloom of the sorcerer-kings-but for how long? New forces threaten the newly-born independence of Tyr, as outside forces march upon the city. King Tithian is determined to resist, but there are others on the Council of Advisors less eager to risk their wealth and lives for the cause of independence. It falls upon you to help mobilize and lead the citizen-army of Tyr on the road to Urik. In Road to Urik, the city-State of Tyr has thrown off the yoke of the sorcerer-king Kalak and declared all slaves free, but the neighboring city-state of Urik is amassing its own armies to conquer Tyr. In the first part of the adventure, the PCs must negotiate with various factions of the city in order to win their support for the war effort. In the second part the PCs leading a scouting force ahead of the main army, and the choices and successes in the first part will affect the troops they lead here. Finally, they will need to fight and lure away the Urik army's own scouting force, letting the army of Tyr ambush them. The second and third part make heavy use of the Battlesystem rules, which were pushed pretty heavily in the early Dark Sun books. Like many Dark Sun adventures, the module makes heavy use of handouts that come in a flip-book along with the main adventure. This adventure is a sequel to Freedom. It stands on its own, but the plot of the adventure is based on the events of Freedom and the novel the Verdant Passage, so you can't really run them in reverse order. Much like Freedom took place concurrently with The Verdant Passage, Road to Urik takes place just before the events of The Crimson Legion, the second novel in the Prism Pentad. TSR 2406

Cover of The Complete Roslof Keep Campaign
The Complete Roslof Keep Campaign
Levels 1–12
134 pages

"...Night fell again on the ancient keep, whatever had been relegated to life below the surface for so many years finally finding its way to the streets and only the Company of the Ivory Scimitar has a chance to stop it." Follow the exploits of the Company of the Ivory Scimitar as it starts from nothing to become the greatest Mithel company in history. Brave the dangers within the intelligent labyrinth of the mad fey Mithelvarn. Fight enemies both above and below ground, enter the wildlands, wage war against an insidious corruption, and finally take the plunge into a sunken dungeon. Can you and your players find a way to outwit your competition for the ultimate prize, immortality, or will the Infernal Machine win out and destroy the entirety of Roslof Keep? This fully compiled mega-adventure is compatible with 1E and 5# mechanics and will take characters from 1st level through the mid-teens. For beginners and experts, players and DMs, this book provides all a gaming group needs to run the complete Roslof Keep Campaign including new races, monsters, dungeons, side-adventures, and more. Will you be the first to conquer mad fey Mithelvarn's Labyrinth? Contains: ROS1 Beneath Roslof Keep ROS 1.5 Welcome to House Aldenmier ROS2 Tremors in the Machine ROS 2.5 Test of the Tower ROS 3 The Curse of the Violet Corruption! ROS 3.5 Dire Run to House Fleetwood! ROS 4 Glade of the Burning Dead ROS 4.5 Hammer's Fall in Anarchy ROS 5 Deep Dive in the Flooded Halls! ROS 5.5 The Mithel Company Champion ROS 6 Realms of Madness and Despair! ROS 6.5 The Final Banner Races of the Nameless Realms, 1E & 5E blank Character Sheets, Iconic Characters These adventures are formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Grakhirt's Lair
Grakhirt's Lair
Levels 1–3
10 pages

A tribe of evil norkers led by a human illusionist threaten the town of Nolivari. The heroes must brave the wilderness, find Grakhirt's lair, and defeat him to ensure the safety of the local villagers. A straightforward dungeon crawl against lots of norkers! When do you get to see those guys in an adventure? Lots of monsters from the AD&D Monster Manual II as well. This adventure features a little bait-and-switch; the titular bad guy Grakhirt is assumed to be a norker, or gnoll, or some other monstrous humanoid, but is in fact a human illusionist/assassin! Note: The adventure doesn't feature caves AND a dungeon, but since the caves are treated like a dungeon with doors and numbered rooms, this is listed as a dungeon adventure as well. Pgs. 28-37

Cover of SJS1 Goblin's Return
SJS1 Goblin's Return
Levels 7–10
96 pages

Hundreds of years ago, the elves and goblinkin fought for control of known space in the Unhuman War. The elves emerged victorious and the goblinkin were driven out to lick their wounds an plot revenge for another day. That day has come. After centuries of plotting and building, a new race of advanced orcs known as the scro have rallied the goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds. It is only a matter of time before they infiltrate known space to wreak destruction on the inhabited planets. The elves are looking for a few good adventurers to infiltrate a scro base and steal any information valuable to the war effort. Your PCs are offered the chance to become heroes?or die trying. Goblin's Return is a 64-page adventure set in the second Unhuman War. The first of a two-part module series, it can later be linked with Heart of the Enemy or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure. TSR 9347

Cover of FVS2 - Lands of Count Carmos
FVS2 - Lands of Count Carmos
Levels 2–4
14 pages

At times adventuring groups will hit a town after a successful foray and go their separate ways for a short time. This adventure centers on such a scenario with one member opting to chase down a thief that has burgled the merchant’s guild. When checking with their cohorts the adventurer discovers they are the only one interested and, since its only one thief, the challenge should be fairly easy….right?

Cover of FQ1 - Ruins of Heliopolis
FQ1 - Ruins of Heliopolis
Levels 1–3
21 pages

Your group of fledgling adventurers has come together from their respective backgrounds to seek out their fame and fortune in the wilderness. Upon their initial foray they uncover the lost ruins of a forgotten city. Little do these young adventurers realize that they may come into contact with a page and cover of the relic known as the Codex of Gamber Dauch!

Cover of Juggernaut
Levels 4–7
5 pages

"Several small wagon trains have recently been overrun by a force of goblins and wolves while the former were camped out at night. Among the attackers was a titanic black beast on which some of the goblins rode, a monster so huge that it crushed whole wagons beneath its feet and flung horses and riders aside with its arms." --from the adventure. Includes an extensive narrative opening to the adventure and a map of the cave system.

Grotto of The Queen
Levels 6–9
15 pages

A party of adventures has gone missing and the inhabitants of a local town have been acting strangely it is up to the party to figure out what is going on and stop what ever force are at work on the towns people

Cover of Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Levels 5–7
9 pages

A little friendly competition can be fun now and then - unless, of course, the competition isn't friendly at all. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
Levels 4–7
32 pages

Excitement and unrest grip the land of Pellham. Two hundred years ago, the royal line of kings was deposed and replaced by a High Council. The current council is well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent. Everyone agrees that a drastic change is needed for the kingdom to survive. The ancient Prophecy of Brie foretells that in Pellham's darkest hour, a king from the past will return to restore the kingdom. The time of the prophecy is now. All is in readiness: the symbols of the ancient kings have been recovered, the keys to the royal tomb are in hand, powerful magics to revive the long-dead king have been secured at great cost. Only one problem remains... no one knows where the king is buried! The Bane of Llywelyn concludes the epic adventure of the Prophecy of Brie -- can YOU insure that the quest will be a success? The adventure can be played as a separate adventure or as the second part of the Prophecy of Brie series. TSR 9109